declare under our sole responsibility that the products,
Domino A300 and Pinpoint, A200 & A100 Printers
to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the following
EN50081--2 1992 Class B : Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN50082--2 1992 : Electromagnetic Compatibility, General
Immunity Standard
EN55022--1 1987 Class A : Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN60204 Part 1 : Safety of Machinery -- Electrical Equipment of
Industrial Machines
EN60950 : Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including
Electrical Business Machines
following the provisions of:
73/23/EEC : Low Voltage Directive
89/336/EEC : EMC Directive.
Bar Hill,
17th July 1998D.W. Reed
(2)27080 Issue 1 Sept 98
This manual, Domino Part No. 27080, is for use in the maintenance of
Domino A300 and Pinpoint, A200 and A100 printers.
For instructions on how to operate the printer, refer to the DominoA--Series Operator’s Pocketbook, Domino Part No. 27090.
Users of this ink jet printer are warned that is is essential to read,
andSafety. Thispartofthemanualalsospecifiesasetofsymbolswhich
are used elsewhere in the manual to convey special warnings or
requirements. It is,therefore,essentialthat users arealso familiarwith
these symbols and act accordingly.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of Domino UK Ltd.
Domino UK Ltd has a policy of continuous product improvement,the
Company therefore reserves the right to modify the specification
contained in this manual without notice.
a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communication.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmfulinterference,in whichcase,the userwillbe requiredtocorrect
the interference at his own expense.
Ifthis equipmentdoes causeharmful interferencetoradioortelevision
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
D Re--orientate or relocate the receiving antenna
D Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
D Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected
D Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
(4)27080 Issue 1 Sept 98
CHAPTER 1Part 1Health and Safety
Basic requirements and symbol
Part 2Introduction
Including printer specification, menu map
and use of the front panel.
CHAPTER 2Part 3Operation
Start up, shut down, cartridge and
reservoir replacement and how to create a
Part 4Display Messages and Fault Finding
Message interpretation and basic
Part 5Reference
Glossary of terms and screen descriptions
with details of the options.
CHAPTER 3Part 6Printer Description
Print head, cabinet, electronics and ink
Part 7Maintenance
General and periodic maintenance, jet
alignment and ink changes.
Part 8Repair
Print head, electronics system and ink
Part 9Spares and Accessories
Accessories, consumables, tools and
Part 10Options
Additional parts for the printer.
Appendix AInstallation
Installation and preparation for use.
IndexTo locate a subject in the manual.
Appendix BCompressor Driven Airdryer
Instructions and maintenance.
Appendix BAir Driven Airdryer
Instructions and maintenance.
27080 Issue 1 Sept 98(5)
(6)27080 Issue 1 Sept 98
All Parts at Issue 1September 98
Appendix B : Compressor Driven AirdryerApril 98
Appendix B : Air Driven AirdryerApril 98
27080 Issue 1 Sept 98(7)
(8)27080 Issue 1 Sept 98
In order that the machine continues to comply with the standards
required by the certification, the following components must not be
altered in any way or replaced by other types.
Domino supplies Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s)giving specific safety
information with each of its ink, make--up and wash fluids. There are
also warnings on each container. The following notes are for general
guidance only.
Basic Requ irements
When used correctly, printing inks do not cause problems. However,
everybody using them should be familiar with the appropriate safety
standards and be aware of the precautions that should be taken. The
following are basic requirements.
D Proper standards of industrial practice relating to cleanliness and
tidiness must be maintained
D Inks and their containers must be stored and handled with care
D All who come into contact with inks must be properly instructed
in their use.
Directionsforsafeworkingpracticesvary accordingtothe
environment. The following are broad principles so that necessary
precautions may be taken.
D Contact with the mouth must be avoided.Therefore eating,
drinkingorsmoking, or any personal habits oractionswhichmay
transfer ink to the mouth, must be avoided
D Contact with the eyes must be avoided. Suitable eye protection
must always be worn whenever there is any risk of splashing or
misting. If ink does get into theeyes,firstaid treatment is toflood
to run into an unaffected eye.Medical aid must be obtained
D Most inks contain solvents which may injure the skin. Warning of
this is given on the SDSs.Barrier creams should be used and
protective clothing worn
27080 Issue 1 August 981--3
D Many inks contain materials which vaporise easily and can be
inhaled. Good ventilation is necessary
D Any usedcleaning materials,e.g.rags, paperwipes,are apotential
fire hazard. They must be collected for safe disposal after use
D After exposure to ink, all possible traces must be washed off as
soon as possible at the nearest washing facility.
Certain inks are allowed for use where they can be in indirect contact
with food. In these cases, the following precautions must be observed
in addition to those appropriate to hygiene:
D The inks must only be used in printers supplied from new for use
with these inks. Any repairsand replacementsmust use genuine,
new and unused spare parts
D The inks must not be used in printers which have previously been
used, at any time, for any other purpose.
In other words, a printer using ”food grade” ink can be converted for
use with other inks, but a printer which has used other inks must not
be converted for use with food grade ink.
Printing inks must be stored in well--ventilated buildings, or in areas
set aside for the purpose, chosen for safety in case of fire. Materials
based on volatile, flammable solvents must be stored in accordance
with local regulations.
Fire Risk
For an electrical fire, do not use water. If water must be used, such as
inthe caseof aNitro--cellulose inkfire (seebelow) thepowerMUST BE
REMOVED first.
Manyinks usedin inkjetprintingcontainNitro--celluloseas thebinder
and remain highly flammable when dry. Observe all warnings given
on the machine and the following safety instructions:
D If there has been an accumulation of dried ink, do not use ferrous
metal (iron or steel) scrapers to remove it, as they can produce
1--427080 Issue 1 August 98
D If dry Nitro--cellulose based ink ignites, it will generate its own
oxygenand canonly beextinguished bylowering thetemperature
with water
D IfaNitro--cellulosefireoccurs,ENSURETHATTHE
THE PRINTER BEFORE water is used to extinguish the fire.
Fire risk is a most important consideration where printing inks are
storedandused. Thedegreeoffirehazardwillvaryconsiderablyfrom
one type of ink or wash to another.
Water--based inkswillnot burn, althoughinksbased on water--alcohol
mixtures may burn if there is sufficient alcohol present. Prolonged
exposureof water--based systemstohigh temperatures mayevaporate
the water to give a flammable residue.
Solvent--based inks offer a greater degree of hazard depending on the
particular solvent or solvent combination. When there is a particular
hazard the appropriate information is given on the SDS.
Ink jet printers place small electrostatic charges on the ink drops used
for printing. In most circumstances, such as when they arrive at the
print surface, these electrostatic charges are either conducted away or
cannotaccumulate. However,duringmaintenance,printdropsmaybe
collected in a container, such as a beaker.It is essential that this
container is made of conducting material and is securely connected to
ground/earth. The electrostatic chargeswill then be safely conducted
to ground/earth.
If there is a fire, there is a likelihood that dangerous fumes will arise
from printing inks. For this reason ink must be stored where it can be
reached quickly by the fire fighting service, and where it will not
spread beyond the store.
27080 Issue 1 August 981--5
Spillages and Disposal
WARNING:Some dried inks are highly flammable. Clean up
allink spillagesimmediately. Do notallow theink
to dry or allow any build--up of dried ink spills.
Spillages must be cleaned up as soon as possible with the appropriate
solventmaterials andwith regardtothesafetyofpersonnel. Caremust
be taken to prevent spillages or residue from cleaning up entering
drains or sewage systems.
Inks and associated fluids are materials which conduct electricity.
Therefore, power to the printer must be switched off while spillages
inside the printer cabinet are being cleaned up.
Printing inks and associated fluids must not be treated as ordinary
waste. They must be disposed of using approved methods according
to local regulations.
1--627080 Issue 1 August 98
The following symbols are used in this manual. Where they appear
next to a procedure or instruction, they have the significance and
importance of written warnings and cautions.
Eye protection must be worn.
Protective clothing must be worn.
The equipment must be switched off and power removed.
Only trained personnel should carry out this procedure.
Beware of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).Electrostatic precautions
must be used.
D Switch off machine first
D Wear a wristband connected to ground
D Avoid wearing clothing which can build up electrostatic voltages
D Use ESD protective bags to transport PCBs
D Only place PCBs on a mat made from a material which will
dissipate electrostatic voltages and which is connected to ground.
D A basic introduction to the printer and how to use the front panel,
with procedures that demonstrate how to manage the printer
D Referencesections describingthefunctions andmessages
presented through the front panel
D A full description of the ink and electronics systems
D Maintenance and repair procedures.
Theprinterconsistsofaprinthead connectedtoastainlesssteelcabinet
by way of a flexible conduit. The cabinet contains an ink system and a
controlling electronic system operated through a panel on the cabinet
upper door. The printers are shown on pages 2--2, 2--3 and 2--4, with
internal views of thecabinetupper(electronic) and lower (inksystem)
compartments shown on pages 6--7 and 6--8.
27080 Issue 1 August 982--5
Print Head
Standard Finish:Aluminium alloy, Tufram coated
Dimensions:Width: 40mm (1.575”)
Depth: 42.5mm (1.673”)
Height: 280.5mm (11.05”)
Weight: 1.0kg (2.2lbs)
Nozzle size:
Pinpoint only:
Spacing from print surface:
Pinpoint only:
Working height relative to
cabinet base:
Conduit Length:3 or 6 metres (10ft and 20ft)
60 or 75 micron
40 micron
12mm (0.47”) nominal
4mm (+/-- 1mm)
3m conduit: +/--2m (8ft 2ins)
6m conduit: +/--3m (10ft) (A300/A200
A300 Pinpoint and A100: 3m only
Cab inet
Standard Finish:Brushed 316 stainless steel (A300)
Humidity:10 -- 90% RH (non--condensing)
Electrical Supply:90--132V/180--264V 50/60Hz single phase
+5° to +45°C (42°F to 112°F)
--20° to +60°C (--4°F to +140°F) (machine dry
storage, wet dependent upon fluids)
Auto ranging, 200VA, internal fuse rating 4A
Acoustic Noise Level:Not more than 70 dBA
Positive Air Pressure (print
Product detector/Shaft
encoder connectors:
Shaft Encoder Input:Open collector or TTL encoder
Beacon Connector (option):Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 7 way socket
Alarms Connector (option):Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 9 way plug
User Port Connector (option):Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 25 way socket
Communications Port
connector (option):
Power connector:Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 3 way plug,
Internal or external supply. Max
external supply pressure to cabinet
1 bar. (A100 is internal only)
Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 6 way socket.
12V 100mA for photocell or
proximity detector
Bulgin ”Buccaneer” 9 way socket
cable supplied
27080 Issue 1 August 982--7
The printer is switched on by pressing the black button--switch on the
side of the cabinet. This supplies power to the whole printer and after
a short period control of the printer is transfered to the front panel.
Control Panel
Theprinter iscontrolledexclusivelythroughthefrontpanel. Thereare
two types of keys:
D Permanent keys with fixed functions (these form the majority of
D Function keys with functions which can change under software
The main areas of the front panel are identified in the diagram below.
Topic Keys
Set Keys
Displa y
Front Panel Keyboard Layout
Cursor Keys
Data Entry Keys
The display presentation has the following basic structure.
Alertbar shows amessagewhen a printeralertis raised. Themessage
flashes until acknowledged bypressingany character key or thespace
key,after whichthe messageis displayedcontinuously. Whenthealert
condition is cleared,themessageis cleared. If two or more alerts exist
2--827080 Issue 1 August 98
Alert Bar
Status Bar
Working Area
Information Bar
Key Option Bar
Screen Number
Print Symbol
Scroll Arrow
unacknowledged alert is always at a higher priority than any other
acknowledged alert. Screen messages are detailed in Part 4.
Status bar shows status and other non--alert information.
Working area provides a general presentation area for the function in
Informationbar usually showswhich levelis currentlyselected, but is
also used for general information.
Key option bar shows up to four key options at any one time,
presentingthemaslabelsforthefour functionkeysimmediatelybelow
the screen. The options are scrolled left and right in groupsof four by
the keys on each side of the function keys, which appear when thereis
morethanfourkeyoptions. Scrollingresultsinthekeylabelschanging,
with the functions of the keys also changing to correspond with the
Screen n umber provides a numerical identity for each screen.
Scroll arrow shows that the screen detail extends off the display. The
up-- and down--cursor keys must be used to show the hidden detail.
Print symbol shows printing as each Print Go signal is received. At
very slow print rates the symbol will appear to flash, but typical print
rates will give the appearance of a continuous symbol.
Jet On/Off Switching
TheJetOn/Off switchispressed toswitchon the jetandpressedagain
to switch off the jet. It is necessary to press the switch for two seconds
as a precaution against accidental use.The switch also carries the
following indicators:
Power On Indicator shows when the power is switched on at the
switch on the side of the cabinet.
Red Alert Indicator shows the printer has a fault which prevents
printing. The indicatorflasheswhilethe alert is unacknowledged and
27080 Issue 1 August 982--9
Power On
Jet On/Off
Red Alert
Amber Alert
displays steadily when the alert is acknowledged. It is extinguished
when the fault is cleared.
Amber Alert Indicator shows the printer has a fault that requires
attention. Theindicatorflasheswhilethealertisunacknowledgedand
displays steadily when the alert is acknowledged. It is extinguished
when the fault is cleared.
Green Indicator flashes while the printer is starting up or shutting
down and displays steadily when the printer is printing or ready to
print. It is extinguished by a fault or when the jet is not running.
2--1027080 Issue 1 August 98
Topic Keys
Thetopic keyseach opensets ofscreenoptions. These areshown inthe
diagram on pg. 2--8 and described in detail in Part 5 : Reference.
Message EditorProvides access to the message
creation utilities.
Message StoreProvides access to the stored
Print SetupProvides access to the utilities
controlling the message being
printed, e.g. message
Machine SetupProvides access to adjustments
in setting up the printer.
ServiceProvides access to the printer for
the Service engineer.
Memory CardProvides access to the PCMCIA
Shows the message currently
being printed.
Lock--outSwitches on password
protection, where used.
27080 Issue 1 August 982--11
General Purpose Keys
Cursor KeysFour permanent keys used to
Increment Keys Two permanent keys used to
move the cursor around the
increment and decrement values
shown on the screen and
marked with the highlight bar.
The effect of these keys on
settings and values is
Option Key Bar
Scroll Keys
Two keys used to scroll the
functions in the keybar.
Function KeysKeys with functions identified
by the names in the keybar
immediately above.
Delete KeyDeletes entries marked by the
highlight bar.
Character Set -Left (Blue)
Press this key to select the top
left blue character on each
character key. Also (used with
the + and -- keys) controls screen
Character Set -Right (Green)
Press this key to select the top
right green character on each
character key.
Shift Lock KeyChanges characters to lower case
until pressed again to return to
upper case characters.
Shift KeyHold down to change characters
to lower case.
Enter KeyPress this key to put data into
the system to complete an
2--1227080 Issue 1 August 98
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