Dolby Laboratories CP650 User Manual

Model CP650
Digital Cinema Sound Processor
Installation Manual
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
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Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
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Telephone 415-558-0200 Fax 415-863-1373
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Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Auditorium Assist, EQ Assist, and Surround EX are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
© 2002 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.
Part No. 91569
Software Version 2.1.x.x
Issue 4
List of Figures........................................................................................................vii
List of Tables..........................................................................................................ix
CP650 Operating System Software History............................................................x
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About the Dolby CP650 Digital Cinema Processor .................................1-1
1.2 Hardware Configurations Available.........................................................1-2
1.3 Accessories...............................................................................................1-3
1.4 Dolby Catalog Number Listing ................................................................1-3
1.5 Specifications ...........................................................................................1-3
1.6 About Dolby Digital Surround EX...........................................................1-6
1.7 List of Formats Available.........................................................................1-8
1.8 How to Identify Types of Soundtracks.....................................................1-9
1.9 Regulatory Notices.................................................................................1-10
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 Installation
2.1 Replacing an Existing Sound System.......................................................2-1
2.1.1 Before Playing the Film:.............................................................2-1
2.1.2 While Playing the Film:..............................................................2-1
2.1.3 Disconnect the Old System.........................................................2-2
2.2 Check Fuse and Bypass Mains Voltage Selector.....................................2-2
2.3 Mount the CP650......................................................................................2-3
2.4 Mount the Auditorium Assist Microphone...............................................2-4
2.5 Connect the CP650...................................................................................2-4
2.5.1 Motor-Start Relays......................................................................2-4
2.5.2 Remote Controls .........................................................................2-5
2.5.3 Solar Cell Reader Boards............................................................2-5
2.5.4 Analog Nonsync Sources............................................................2-8
2.5.5 Digital Audio Sources.................................................................2-8
2.6 Exploded View and Board Locations.....................................................2-12
Wiring Diagram- Input and Control...................................................................2-13
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs........................................................................2-14
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs forBiamplified Screen Speakers....................2-15
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs for Triamplified Screen Speakers..................2-16
System Signal Flow Chart..................................................................................2-17
Chapter 3 Front Panel and Alignment Overview
3.1 The CP650 Front Panel ............................................................................3-1
3.2 The Setup Control Panel...........................................................................3-6
3.3 Power Supply Voltage Test Points...........................................................3-8
3.4 Aligning the B-Chain and A-Chain..........................................................3-8
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Chapter 4 B-Chain Alignment
4.1 Check Theatre Equipment........................................................................4-1
4.2 Microphone Placement.............................................................................4-2
4.3 Initial Setup ..............................................................................................4-3
4.4 SPL (Sound Pressure Level) Calibration..................................................4-4
4.4.1 Initial Setup (CP650s with Cat. No. 791 Crossover)..................4-4
4.4.2 Calibration Procedure (All CP650s)...........................................4-4
4.5 Initial Output-Level Calibration...............................................................4-6
4.5.1 Main Channels ............................................................................4-6
4.5.2 Subwoofer Channel.....................................................................4-8
4.6 Crossover Setup (CP650 with Cat. No. 791)............................................4-9
4.7 Room Equalization.................................................................................4-17
4.7.1 Crossover Level Adjustment (for CP650s with Cat. No. 791) .4-17
4.7.2 Setting Coarse (Bulk) EQ .........................................................4-19
4.7.3 Setting Fine EQ (1/3 Octave)....................................................4-20
4.7.4 The EQ Assist Feature ..............................................................4-22
4.7.5 Setting Subwoofer Channel EQ................................................4-23
4.7.6 Final Output-Level Calibration.................................................4-25
4.8 Final Sound Check: Rotating Pink Noise...............................................4-28
Chapter 5 A-Chain Alignment
5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Reverse-Scan Checkup: Projector ............................................................5-2
5.3 Analog Optical Alignment: Projector.......................................................5-2
5.4 Dolby Level Set........................................................................................5-4
5.5 Film-Path Alignment Check.....................................................................5-6
5.6 Cell Alignment Check..............................................................................5-7
5.7 Cell Wiring Check....................................................................................5-8
5.8 Azimuth Check.........................................................................................5-8
5.9 Focus Check .............................................................................................5-9
5.10 Optical HF Equalization (Slit-Loss EQ).................................................5-10
Chapter 6 Digital Soundheads
6.1 Mechanical Alignment .............................................................................6-1
6.2 Adjustment with Oscilloscope..................................................................6-2
6.3 Focus Adjustment.....................................................................................6-2
6.4 LED Brightness Confirmation and Adjustment .......................................6-3
6.4.1 Inboard Digital Readers ..............................................................6-3
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Chapter 7 Final Adjustments
7.1 Setting Bypass Level................................................................................7-1
7.2 Setting Optical Surround Delay................................................................7-2
7.3 Setting Digital Surround Delay ................................................................7-3
7.4 Setting Dolby Digital Reader Delay.........................................................7-5
7.5 Nonsync Level Adjustment......................................................................7-7
7.6 Mono Level Trim and EQ Adjustment.....................................................7-8
7.7 Assigning Preset Fader Levels .................................................................7-9
7.8 Assigning User Button Formats .............................................................7-10
7.9 Assigning NS Button Format .................................................................7-11
7.10 Format 80/81 PCM Options ...................................................................7-11
7.11 Reversion Mode......................................................................................7-12
7.12 Auto Surround EX Disable.....................................................................7-12
7.13 Noise Gating...........................................................................................7-13
7.14 Running Auditorium Assist....................................................................7-14
7.14.1 Operation...................................................................................7-14
7.14.2 Establish Reference Measurements ..........................................7-15
7.14.3 Auditorium Sound Check..........................................................7-16
7.14.4 “FAIL” Parameters ...................................................................7-17
7.15 Noise Floor Optimization.......................................................................7-18
7.16 Clock Set ................................................................................................7-19
7.17 Date Set ..................................................................................................7-20
7.18 Mute Fade Time Adjustment..................................................................7-20
Chapter 8 Accessories
8.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................8-1
8.2 Cat. No. 779 Remote Control Installation................................................8-2
8.2.1 Remove the Housing...................................................................8-2
8.2.2 Make a Hole for the Interface Cable...........................................8-2
8.2.3 Connect to the Circuit Board ......................................................8-3
8.2.4 Set the Address Switch ...............................................................8-4
8.2.5 Assemble the Unit.......................................................................8-4
8.2.6 Connect to the CP650 .................................................................8-5
8.3 Cat. No. 771 Remote Fader Installation...................................................8-6
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Chapter 9 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
9.1 Print Cleanliness.......................................................................................9-1
9.2 Digital Soundhead Maintenance...............................................................9-1
9.2.1 Replacing the Cat. No. 701 LED Assembly ...............................9-2
9.2.2 Replacing the Cat. No. 700 Exciter Lamp ..................................9-5
9.3 CP650 Troubleshooting............................................................................9-6
9.3.1 Power Supply Voltage Ranges....................................................9-6
9.3.2 Exploded View and Board Locations .........................................9-7
9.3.3 The Event Log.............................................................................9-8
9.3.4 Troubleshooting Chart ................................................................9-8
Wiring Diagram- Power Supply, Black Cover...................................................9-18
Wiring Diagram- Power Supply, Gold Cover....................................................9-18
Exploded Views- Digital Readers ......................................................................9-19
Appendix A Software Operations
A.1 Display Information About This CP650 Unit .........................................A-1
A.2 Updating CP650 Software.......................................................................A-2
A.3 Transferring Settings Between Two CP650s ..........................................A-3
Appendix B Back Panel Connectors
Appendix C Optical Surround Level Trim
Appendix D Format Descriptions
D.1 Channel Definitions.................................................................................D-1
D.2 Format Definitions...................................................................................D-2
Appendix E External Control of CP650
E.1 Control via RS-232 Serial Data Port ....................................................... E-1
E.2 Control via Remotes Connector ..............................................................E-4
Appendix F Setup and User Menus
F.1 CP650 Setup Menu.................................................................................. F-1
F.2 CP650 User Menu ................................................................................... F-4
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1–1 Surround Speaker/Amplifier Switching for 5.1 and Surround EX Modes ................1-7
Figure 1–2 Photograph of Film Soundtracks................................................................................1-9
Figure 1–3 Film Soundtrack Identification ..................................................................................1-9
Figure 2–1 Main Fuse Assembly..................................................................................................2-2
Figure 2–2 Star Washers and Rack-Mounting Screws.................................................................2-3
Figure 2–3 Cell Preamp Wiring Using Two 3-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cables ..............2-6
Figure 2–4 Cell Preamp Wiring Using One 5- or 6-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cable........2-6
Figure 2–5 Cell Preamp Wiring Using Two 2-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cable................2-7
Figure 2–6 Cell Preamp Wiring Using One 4-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cable ................2-7
Figure 2–7 Cat. No. 790 S/PDIF Connections.............................................................................2-9
Figure 2–8 Cat. Nos. 794/778 AES/EBU and S/PDIF Jumper Selections and Connections.......2-9
Figure 2–8 Model CP650 Exploded View .................................................................................2-12
Wiring Diagram- Input and Control...........................................................................................2-13
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs................................................................................................2-14
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs forBiamplified Screen Speakers............................................2-15
Wiring Diagram- Audio Outputs for Triamplified Screen Speakers..........................................2-16
System Signal Flow Chart..........................................................................................................2-17
Figure 3–1 Front-Panel Controls..................................................................................................3-1
Figure 3-2 Front-Panel Display Showing All Possible Channels Active.....................................3-2
Figure 3-3 Front-Panel Display Showing a Dolby Digital Film Playing.....................................3-3
Figure 3-4 Front-Panel Display Showing Dolby Digital Surround EX Film Playing..................3-3
Figure 3-5 Front-Panel Display When Running Earlier Software ...............................................3-3
Figure 3–3 Fader Characteristic ...................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3–4 CP650 Operation and Setup Menu Control Buttons..................................................3-5
Figure 3–5 Setup Control Panel ...................................................................................................3-6
Figure 3–6 Power Supply Voltage Test Points.............................................................................3-8
Figure 4–1 EQ Microphone Placement ........................................................................................4-2
Figure 4–2 Cat. No. 772A Board Jumpers for Cat. No. 791 Crossover.......................................4-9
Figure 4–3 Cat. No. 791 Board Jumpers for Screen Loss HF Boost............................................4-9
Figure 4–4 EQ Assist Operating Range .....................................................................................4-22
Figure 6–1 Digital Soundhead Adjustments.................................................................................6-1
Figure 6–2 Digital Video Oscilloscope Image—Focus Adjustment............................................6-3
Figure 6–3 Cat. No. 701 LED Brightness Adjustment.................................................................6-3
Figure 8–1 Cat. No. 779 Remote Control Functions....................................................................8-2
Figure 8–2 Location to Drill Wiring Hole....................................................................................8-3
Figure 8–3 Remote-Control Circuit-Board Connector.................................................................8-3
Figure 8–4 SW1 Address Switch Location ..................................................................................8-4
Figure 8–5 Connection of Remotes to the CP650........................................................................8-5
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Figure 9–1 Digital/Analog Track Wear........................................................................................9-1
Figure 9–2 LED Assembly Mounting Screws..............................................................................9-2
Figure 9–3 LED Assembly Wiring...............................................................................................9-2
Figure 9–4 LED Assembly Initial Gap Setting ............................................................................9-2
Figure 9–5 Scope Display of CP650 Video Test Point Signal.....................................................9-4
Figure 9–6 Adjust LED Assembly for Optimum Video Signal ...................................................9-4
Figure 9–7 LED Drive-Current Setting........................................................................................9-4
Figure 9–8 Digital Soundhead Exciter Lamp Replacement.........................................................9-5
Figure 9–9 Power Supply Voltage Test Points.............................................................................9-6
Figure 9–10 Model CP650 Exploded View .................................................................................9-7
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
List of Tables
Table 1–1 Formats Supported by the CP650................................................................................1-8
Table 2–1 Solar Cell Preamp Board Connectors..........................................................................2-6
Table 2–2 Examples of Available Balanced ↔↔ Unbalanced Adapters......................................2-11
Table 7–1 Surround Delays Based on Theatre Dimensions (in Feet) ..........................................7-4
Table 7–2 Surround Delays Based on Theatre Dimensions (in Meters)......................................7-5
Table 7–3 Typical Delay Settings for Dolby Digital Readers......................................................7-6
Table 7–4 Typical Delay Settings for Built-in Digital Readers ...................................................7-6
Table 9–1 Main Power Supply Voltage Ranges...........................................................................9-6
Table 9–2 Bypass Power Supply Voltage Ranges........................................................................9-6
Table B–1 Main Audio Output Connector Pinout.......................................................................B-1
Table B–2 Option Card I/O Connector Pinout with Cat. Nos. 790, 791, or 794 Installed..........B-2
Table B–3 Option Card I/O Connector Pinout with Cat. No. 778 Installed................................B-3
Table B–4 Dolby Digital Reader Input Connector Pinout ..........................................................B-4
Table B–5 Motor-Start Connector Pinout ...................................................................................B-5
Table B–6 Optical Input Connector Pinout.................................................................................B-5
Table B–7 Mic Input Connector Pinout ......................................................................................B-5
Table B–8 MIC MUX Connector................................................................................................B-6
Table B–9 Remote Unit and Remote Fader Connector Pinout ...................................................B-6
Table B–10 Six-Channel Analog Input Connector Pinout..........................................................B-7
Table B–11 Automation I/O Connector Pinout...........................................................................B-8
Table B–12 Automation I/O Connector Pins Used for Noise Gating .........................................B-9
Table B–13 Serial Data (RS-232) Connector Pinout ..................................................................B-9
Table D–1 Channel Definitions...................................................................................................D-1
Table D–2 Format Characteristics Chart...................................................................................D-10
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
CP650 Operating System Software History
First product shipments.
Covered in Installation Manual, Issue 1.
Added support for Cat. No. 790 or 794 card: Dolby
decoder and AES/EBU input for stereo pulse-code modulated (PCM) or Dolby Digital bitstreams from consumer products.
Covered in Installation Manual Addendum, Part No. 91743.
Added support for Cat. No. 779 remote control unit and Cat. No. 771 remote
fader unit. Covered in Remotes Installation Manual, Part No. 91733.
Digital Surround EXTM
Added support for formats 92 and 93, Dolby SR input selections.
V1.2.x.y (where x and y may be any numbers)
Added support for Auto Dolby Digital Surround EX switching, external
control via the RS-232 serial data port, and the rotating pink-noise feature.
The EQ Assist
feature description was added to the installation manual.
These features, along with all of the above updates, are covered in Installation
Manual, Issue 2.
V2.0.x.y (where x and y may be any numbers)
Added the Auditorium Assist
characterization of the audio environment in a theatre, and allows periodic checks and comparisons to qualify the sound system.
feature, which measures and stores a
Added support for the Cat. No. 778 Eight-Channel Digital I/O Card for use in
mixing studios.
Added a noise floor optimization feature, which provides automatic gain
adjustments in the equalizers for improved noise performance.
These features, plus all of the above updates, are covered in this installation
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
V2.1.x.y (where x and y may be any numbers)
Added support for the Cat. No. 790 Dolby Digital Surround EX
Decoder Card with four S/PDIF digital inputs. This card replaces the Cat. No. 794, adding three additional S/PDIF digital inputs.
Added support for the Cat. No. 791 Digital Crossover Card. This card plugs
into the Cat. No. 790, providing two- and three-way screen channel crossover capability along with support for Left Extra/Right Extra screen channels.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Chapter 1
1.1 About the Dolby CP650 Digital Cinema Processor
The Dolby CP650 Digital Cinema Processor is a self-contained, all-digital cinema processor capable of supporting Dolby® Digital, Dolby Digital Surround EXTM, Dolby SR, Dolby A-type, and Academy mono film sound playback.
The CP650 provides inputs for two projector soundheads (both analog and digital), an external six-channel processor, two nonsync sources, and a PA microphone. Its audio outputs are balanced, with a multipin connector configured to the THX standard. The CP650 is the first cinema processor to incorporate an Ethernet connection, enabling theatre personnel to monitor the unit’s functions remotely from a PC.
For decoding analog soundtracks, the CP650’s state-of-the art design incorporates the only digital implementations of Dolby A-type and Dolby SR decoding that meet Dolby Laboratories’ own rigorous standards. Reductions in the cost of powerful digital signal processing (DSP) circuitry have made it possible for the first time to replace the analog circuitry previously necessary for the accurate reproduction of A-type and SR soundtracks.
An easy-to-read LCD screen, plus simple front-panel format selection and control buttons, makes it easy to install, operate, and maintain the CP650. Installation is further simplified by built-in test instrumentation that includes a real-time analyzer. Third-octave equalization, plus bass and treble trim controls, are provided for up to seven channels (Left, Center, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround, Back Surround Left, and Back Surround Right). A digital parametric equalizer is provided for subwoofer equalization.
Easily programmed internal software manages most existing or likely future formats. While an external PC is not required for setup, a full-featured software package is available in several languages to facilitate the setup process. A serial connector for a PC, an input for a calibration microphone multiplexer, and a variety of test points are all accessible behind an access door on the front-panel. Built-in diagnostic software runs automatically whenever the CP650 is turned on.
Calibration settings for a given theatre can be stored on a PC, and, if necessary, transferred directly to another CP650, or other modules, minimizing the need for additional calibration after repairs. As improvements to the CP650 digital control and processing software are developed, the latest revisions will be downloadable from a PC to the CP650. Updates to the digital processing used for Dolby Digital soundtracks are included from time to time on Dolby Digital release prints, and
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
download automatically into the CP650 the first time such a print is played in the cinema.
The standard Model CP650 includes a Cat. No. 790 (Cat. No. 794 in earlier units) plug-in module featuring Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding, plus four-input AES/EBU digital inputs accommodating PCM audio and Dolby Digital (consumer) bitstreams.
Options available for the CP650 include a remote fader (Cat. No. 771), a remote unit (Cat. No. 779) that duplicates many of the CP650’s front-panel controls, and an eight­channel digital I/O card for use in mixing studios (Cat. No. 778).
1.2 Hardware Configurations Available
The CP650 is available in these versions:
Model CP650
Dolby Digital soundtrack decoding
Dolby A-type and SR analog soundtrack decoding
Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding
Four AES/EBU digital inputs
Up to five AES/EBU digital outputs
Six-channel analog input
Model CP650D
Dolby Digital soundtrack decoding
Dolby A-type and SR analog soundtrack decoding
Six-channel analog input
Upgradable to Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding and 4x AES/EBU digital
inputs by installing upgrade kit UEX/650, which includes a Cat. No. 790 plug-in circuit board.
Model CP650SR
Dolby A-type and SR analog soundtrack decoding capability
Six-channel analog input
Upgradable to Dolby Digital soundtrack decoding by adding upgrade kit
UD/650, which includes a Cat. No. 773 plug-in circuit board
Upgradable to Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding and 4x AES/EBU digital
inputs by installing upgrade kits UD/650 and UEX/650 (which includes a Cat. No. 790 plug-in circuit board)
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.3 Accessories
Upgrade kit UD/650, which includes the Cat. No. 773 circuit board
Upgrade kit UEX/650, which includes the Cat. No. 790 circuit board
Upgrade kit Cat. No. 735 Auditorium Assist
, which includes a microphone
Cat. No. 771 Remote Fader
Cat. No. 778 Digital I/O Board, which provides up to eight channels of digital I/O
Cat. No. 779 Remote Control Unit
Upgrade Kit Cat. No. 791 Digital Crossover, which provides two-way or three-
way screen-channel crossover capability
1.4 Dolby Catalog Number Listing
Cat. No. 771 Remote Fader Cat. No. 772A Analog I/O and Bypass Circuit Board Cat. No. 773 Dolby Digital Film Decoder Circuit Board Cat. No. 774A System Controller Circuit Board Cat. No. 775 Backplane Board Cat. No. 776 Power Supply Assembly Cat. No. 777 Front-Panel Circuit Board Cat. No. 778 Digital I/O Board Cat. No. 779 Remote Control Unit Cat. No. 790 Dolby Digital Surround EXTM Decoder with Four Digital Inputs
(this board replaces the earlier Cat. No. 794) Cat. No. 791 Crossover Board (Cat. Nos. 773, 790, 772A, and 774A required) Cat. No. 792 Bypass Power Regulator Circuit Board Cat. No. 794 Dolby Digital Surround EX Decoder with Digital AES/EBU Input
Board (used in earlier CP650s; replaced by Cat. No. 790) Cat. No. 797 Flash memory module (part of the Cat. No. 774A board)
1.5 Specifications
Signal Inputs
Optical: Balanced inputs for two projectors with stereo solar cells or analog LED readers, digitally controlled gain and digital slit-loss EQ, power available for external cell preamp circuits; 9-pin D-connectors
Digital film reader: Inputs for two Dolby digital soundheads; 25-pin D-connectors
Nonsync: Two stereo inputs, 21 k, sensitivity: 0.2–4 V (NS 1),
0.06–1.5 V (NS 2); RCA-type phono connectors
Six-channel analog input: For external digital processor, 10 kΩ (L, R), 27 k (C, Ls, Rs, SW), 300 mV operating level; 25-pin D-connector
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
Microphone: Balanced input for Auditorium Assist microphone, PA mic, or B-chain alignment mic (or multiplexer), 15 V phantom power switchable via front-panel DIP switch; rear-panel XLR and front-panel 9-pin D-connector
AES/EBU digital inputs: Accommodate stereo PCM audio at 48, 44.1, or 32 kHz, also accept Dolby Digital bitstreams; input via 25-pin D-connector with optional adapter boards (Cat. Nos. 790 or 778) 110 ±20%, balanced (equipped with Cat. No. 778, four inputs), or 75 ±20%, single-ended (equipped with Cat. No. 790, four inputs)
Signal Outputs
Balanced, output impedance: 100 (load >600Ω) Maximum level: +26 dBu (15.5 V), balanced loads; +20 dBu (7.75 V), unbalanced loads Dolby level output adjust range: –31 to –12 dBu (20–780 mV)
Other Connections
Cat. No. 779 remote control unit and Cat. No. 771 remote fader connector (terminals for stripped wires)
Connectors (front and rear) for external PC control and setup, RS-232C (9-pin D-connector)
Hearing-impaired output: Center-weighted sum of L, R, and C; output impedance 100, output level 200 mV fixed; unbalanced (RCA-type phono connector)
Automation connector for controlling and indicating format, fader select, and mute; interface similar to Model CP65
Connector for Ethernet link, RJ-45
Dolby Decoding
5.1 channels: Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Surround EX Four channels: Dolby A-type Two channels: Dolby SR Dolby Pro Logic
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
Loudspeaker Equalization
L, C, R, Ls, Rs, Bsl, Bsr: Digital 27-band, 1/3-octave, plus bass and treble control Le, Re (when equipped with optional Cat. No. 791): Digital 27-band, 1/3-octave, plus bass and treble control SW: Digital parametric with 12 dB cut capability
Typically 0.005% in Dolby SR mode (output –10 dBu, input 10 dB over Dolby level)
Dynamic Range
Typically 99 dB with fader set to 7
Power Requirements
Main supply: 100–120 and 200–240 VAC, 50–60 Hz, 100 W maximum (including built-in bypass power supply) Unit designed to operate from a centrally switched power source
Dimensions and Weight
3-U rack-mount chassis; faceplate: 133 × 483 mm (5.25 × 19 inches) Maximum projection behind equipment rack rail: 365 mm (14.4 inches) Maximum projection in front of mounting plate: 38 mm (1.5 inches) Net: 10.4 kg (23 lb)
Environmental Conditions
Operating: 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F), forced-air cooling Humidity: 20 to 80% relative humidity, noncondensing
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.6 About Dolby Digital Surround EX
Dolby Digital Surround EX adds a third surround channel to digital film sound, a concept first envisioned by sound designers at Lucasfilm’s Skywalker Sound postproduction facility. It gives sound mixers a new level of creative freedom.
Dolby Digital Surround EX is fully compatible with all current 5.1 digital sound formats and theatre systems. Prints that use it play normally with current systems, and provide the extra surround channel when played using a CP650 cinema processor equipped with a Cat. No. 790 or 794 board.
A center screen channel is necessary to ensure the precise localization of front sounds for all viewers, including those seated off to the sides. Dolby Digital Surround EX brings similar benefits to the surround sound field. With Surround EX, a back surround channel is reproduced by the speaker array at the back of the theatre, while left and right surround is reproduced by the side arrays. This means that sounds can now be positioned behind the audience, opening the door to exciting new effects, such as true 360-degree pans.
The back surround channel also makes front-to-back and back-to-front transitions more realistic. Flyovers really seem to pass overhead, rather than down the sides of the theatre. Even ambient sound reproduction is improved, being less affected by the width of the theatre. Equally important, the new back surround channel ensures that even viewers seated close to the left or right of the theatre experience the total surround ambience intended by the filmmaker.
The UEX650 kit upgrades the CP650D 5.1-channel digital cinema sound processor to three surround channels that can play digital prints prepared with the Dolby Digital Surround EX process. The installation requires wiring the surround speakers into left, back (split into two groups), and right. Two power amplifier channels are required for powering the two groups of back surround channel speakers. The figures below show the surround signal distribution for conventional the 5.1-channel surround format and for the Dolby Digital Surround EX format.
Auto Surround EX
On Dolby Digital soundtracks that contain a data bit signifying Surround EX encoding, the CP650 will automatically switch to Dolby Digital Surround EX decoding (operating software version 1.2 and above).
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
Right surround
Dolby CP650
Ls Bsl Bsr Rs
Surround amplifiers
Ls Bsl Bsr Rs
Left surround
Back surround left
Back surround right
Dolby Digital
5.1 mode
Right surround
Dolby CP650
Ls Bs Rs
Ls Bsl Bsr Rs
Surround amplifiers
Ls Bsl Bsr Rs
Left surround
Back surround left
Back surround right
Dolby Digital Surround EX mode
Figure 1–1 Surround Speaker/Amplifier Switching for 5.1 and Surround EX Modes
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.7 List of Formats Available
The formats supported by the CP650 are listed below. See Appendix D for complete definitions of each format.
Table 1–1 Formats Supported by the CP650
Format Description Short Name
01 04 05 10 11 13 20 22 42 60 61 64 65 66 70 71 73 74 75 80 81
87 88 89 90 92 93
Academy mono optical Mono Dolby A-type optical Dolby A-type Dolby SR optical Dolby SR Dolby Digital film Dolby Digital External six-channel Dolby Digital Surround EX film Surround EX 35 mm magnetic, L, C, R three-channel Three-channel mag 35 mm magnetic, four -c hannel Four-channe l ma g 70 mm Dolby A-type mag. mono surround 70 mm Dolby Stereo Nonsync 1 Nonsync 2 Public-address center channel Public address, C Public Address Surround Channels Public address, LsRs Test Tone 320 Hz Video PA Nonsync 1 Video PA (NS1) Video mono Nonsync 1 Video Mono (NS1) Video LCR Nonsync 1 Video LCR (NS1) Video Pro Logic no SW Nonsync 1 Vid Pro Logic no SW Video Pro Logic with SW Nonsync 1 Vid Pro Logi c +SW Bitstream Master Digital Input Master Digital In Bitstream Master Digital + Surround EX Fmt 80 w/Surr. EX
Bitstream PCM Eight-Channel Input, Ten-Channel Output (Le/Re Support)
Bitstream PCM Eight-Channel Input, Ten-Channel Output + Surround EX (Le/Re Support)
Ext. Six-Channel with Surround EX Fmt 11 w/Surr. EX Six-Channel PCM Six-Channel PCM + Surround EX Six-Channel PCM + EX Six-Channel PCM Dolby SR Two-track printmaster Dolby SR (Six-Ch In) Dolby SR Two-track printmaster Dolby SR (NS1)
Five Ch. Screen
5 Ch. Screen + EX
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.8 How to Identify Types of Soundtracks
Edge of film Dolby Digital soundtrack Analog soundtrack Picture area
Figure 1–2 Photograph of Film Soundtracks
A Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Surround EX, stereo optical (Dolby A-type or SR), or mono optical print should be identified as such on both the film can and the leader. However, with handling, the identification may be lost. If neither is available, close inspection of the film itself will help distinguish the various types. Digital data blocks are printed between the perforations on the side of the film next to the analog (Dolby SR) track.
Dolby Digital or Dolby Digital Surround EX Print
The digital data is clearly visible between perforations next to the analog track. The analo g t rack is Dolby SR encoded.
Analog Dolby SR or A-type Print Analog Mono Print
Clear differences between the stereo channels will be seen in some places along the track.
Both tracks are the same.
Figure 1–3 Film Soundtrack Identification
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.9 Regulatory Notices
1.9.1 FCC
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class F digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with this instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
1.9.2 Canada
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
1.9.3 UL
WARNING: Troubleshooting must be performed by a trained technician. Do not attempt to service this equipment unless you are qualified to do so. Check that the correct fuses have been installed. To reduce the risk of fire, replace only with fuses of the same type and rating.
Exposed portions of the power supply assembly are electrically “hot.” In order to reduce the risk of electrical shock, the power cord must be disconnected when the power supply assembly is removed.
The ground terminal of the power plug is connected directly to the chassis of the unit. For continued protection against electric shock, a correctly wired and grounded (earthed) three-pin power outlet must be used. Do not use a ground­lifting adapter and never cut the ground pin on the three­prong plug.
1.9.4 UK
The power cord supplied for use in Europe (Dolby Part No. 92021) is not suitable for use in the UK. To use the cord in the UK cut off the CEE7/7 plug and replace with an approved BS 1363 13 A p lug:
The core that is coloured green and yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug identified
by the letter E or by the earth symbol
The core that is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter N or
coloured black.
The core that is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter L
or coloured red.
This apparatus must be earthed.
or coloured green or green and yellow.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Introduction
1.9.5 Notices for Europe
This equipment complies with the EMC requirements of EN55103-1 and EN55103-2 when operated in an E2 environment in accordance with this manual.
This unit complies with the safety standard EN60065. The unit shall n o t be exposed to dripp ing or splashing and n o objects filled wi th liquids, such as coffee cups, shall be placed on the equ ipment. To ensure safe operati on and to guard against potential shock hazard or risk of fire, the following must be observed: o Ensure that your mains supply is in the correct range for the input power requirement of the unit. o Ensure fuses fitted are the correct rating and type as marked on the unit. o The unit must be earthed by connecting to a correctly wired and earthed power outlet. o The power cord supplied with this unit must be wired as follows:
Ce materiel est conforme à la norme EN60065. Ne pas exposer cet appareil aux éc laboussures ou aux gouttes de liquide. Ne pa s poser d'objets remplis de liquide, tels que des tasses de café, sur l'appareil. Pour vous assurer d'un fonctionnement sans danger et de prévenir tout choc électrique ou tout r isque d'incendie, veillez à observer les recomm andations su ivantes. o Le selecteur de tension doit être placé sur la valeur correspondante à votre alimentation réseau. o Les fusibles doivent correspondre à la valeur indiquée sur le materiel. o Le m ateriel doit être correctement relié à la terre. o Le cordon secteur livré avec le materiel doit être cablé de la manière suivante:
Dieses Gerät entspricht der Sicherh eitsnorm EN60065. Da s Gerät darf nicht mit Flüss igkeiten (Spritzwas ser usw.) in Berührung kommen; stell e n Sie keine Gefäße, z.B. Kaffeetassen, auf das Gerät. Für das sichere Funktionieren des Gerätes und zur Unfallverhütung (elektrischer Schlag, Feuer) sind die folgenden Regeln unbedingt einzuhalten: o Der Spannungswähler muß auf Ihre Netzspannung eingestellt sein. o Die Sicherungen müssen in Typ und Stromwert mit den Angaben auf dem Gerät übereinstimmen. o Die Erdung des Gerätes muß über eine geerdete Steckdose gewährleistet sein. o Das mitgelieferte Netzkabel muß wie folgt verdrahtet werden:
Questa apparecchiatura è stat a costruita in acc ordo alle norme di sicurezza EN60065. Il pr odotto non deve essere sottoposto a schizzi, spr uzzi e gocciolamenti, e nessun tipo d i oggetto riempito con liquidi, come ad esempio tazze d i caffè, deve essere appoggiato su l dispositivo. Per una perfetta sicurezza ed al fine di evitare eventuali rischi di scossa êlettr ica o d'incendio vanno osservate le seguenti mi sure di sicur ezza: o Assicurarsi che il selettore di cambio tensione sia posizionato sul valore corr etto. o Assicurarsi che la portata ed il tipo di fusibili siano quelli prescritti dalla casa costruttrice. o L'apparecchiatura deve avere un collegamento di messa a terra ben eseguito; anche la connessione rete deve avere un collegamento a terra. o Il cavo di alimentazione a corredo dell'apparecchiatura deve essere collegato come segue:
Esta unidad cumple con la norma de seguridad EN60065. La unidad no debe ser expuesta a goteos o salpicaduras y no deben colocarse sobre el equipo recipientes con liquidos , como tazas de cafe. P ara asegurarse un funcionamiento seguro y prevenir cualquier posible peligro de des carga o riesgo de incendio, se han de observar las s iguientes precau ciones: o Asegúrese que el selector de tensión esté ajustado a la tensión correcta para su alimentación. o Asegúrese que los fusibles colocados son del tipo y valor correctos, tal como se marca en la unidad. o La unidad debe ser puesta a tierra, conectándola a un conector de red correctamente cableado y puesto a tierra. o El cable de red suministrado con esta unidad, debe ser cableado como sigue:
Denna enhet uppfyller säkerhetsstandard EN60065. Enheten får ej utsättas för yttre åverkan samt föremål innehållande vätska, såsom kaffemuggar, får ej placeras på utrustningen." För att garantera säkerheten och gardera mot eventuell elchock eller brandrisk, måste följande observeras: o Kontrollera att spänningsväljaren är inställd på korrekt nätspänning. o Konrollera att säkringarna är av rätt typ och för rätt strömstyrka så som anvisningarna på enheten föreskriver. o E nheten måste vara jordad genom anslutning till ett korrekt kopplat och jordat el-uttag. o El-sladden som medföljer denna enhet måste kopplas enligt foljande:
Deze unit voldoet aan de EN60065 veiligheids-standaards. Dit apparaat mag niet worden blootgesteld aan vocht. Vanwege het risico da t er druppels in het apparaat vallen, dient u er geen vloeistoffen in bekers op te plaatsen. Voor een veilig gebruik en om het gevaar van electrische schokken en het risico van brand te vermijden, dienen de volgende regels in acht te worden genomen: o Controleer of de spanningscaroussel op het juiste Voltage staat. o Gebruik alleen zekeringen van de aangegeven typen en waarden. o Aansluiting van de unit alleen aan een geaarde wandcontactdoos. o De netkabel die met de unit wordt geleverd , moet als volgt worden aangesloten:
Live—Brown Neutral—Blue Earth—Green/Yellow
Phase—Brun Neutre—Bleu Terre—Vert/Jaune
Phase—braun Nulleiter—blau Erde—grün/gelb
Filo tensione—Marrone Neutro—Blu Massa—Verde/Giallo
Vivo—Marrón Neutro—Azul Tierra—Verde/Amarillo
Fas—Brun Neutral—Blå Jord—Grön/Gul
Fase—Bruin Nul—Blauw Aarde—Groen/Geel
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual
Chapter 2
Do not connect the CP650 to mains power until all other connections have been made.
If air-conditioning noise is audible in the theatre, arrange for lubrication of the motor and fan bearings, adjustment of belts and drives, and cleaning of filters to reduce the ambient noise to a minimum. If the air-conditioning cannot be repaired, switch it off while the CP650 is being aligned.
2.1 Replacing an Existing Sound System
If the CP650 replaces an existing cinema sound system, play a typical film before you remove the old system so you will have a benchmark for comparison to the new system.
2.1.1 Before Playing the Film:
Verify that the existing power amplifiers are in good working order.
Verify that the existing speakers are in good working order, and that there are no
loose or missing pieces, structural parts, or damaged drivers in the enclosures.
Verify that all wiring is present and properly connected, and that crossovers are
operating and are correctly adjusted.
Check the polarity of the speaker connections.
Verify that there are adequate ground (earth) connections.
Verify that radio interference problems are adequately resolved.
2.1.2 While Playing the Film:
While running the film, listen carefully in various parts of the theatre for audio system problems, including:
Noise, clicks, or pops
Distorted sound
Poor tonal balance (lack of high-frequency or bass content)
These problems must be resolved before the installation process can proceed.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Installation
2.1.3 Disconnect the Old System
Disconnect power from the existing cinema sound equipment.
Disconnect all cabling from the existing sound processor. Leave the cables
connected to the power amplifiers, booth monitor, etc.
2.2 Check Fuse and Bypass Mains Voltage Selector
WARNING: Check that the correct main fuse has been installed. To reduce the risk of fire, replace only with fuses of the same type and rating.
The CP650 uses a universal switching power supply that can accommodate nominal mains voltages from 100 to 120, and 200 to 240 VAC, at frequencies from 50 to 60 Hz.
Check Main Fuse
The main power supply fuse is a 6.3 A, 250V, 20 mm, time-lag, low breaking capacity fuse (T 6.3 L). With a small flat-blade screwdriver, open the fuse compartment door on the AC power input housing (See Figure 2–1.)
Figure 2–1 Main Fuse Assembly
Remove the fuse carrier and check that the fuse in the active (left position) is of the correct rating. The fuse carrier must be inserted into the compartment with the fuse oriented to the left. Do not force the carrier into the compartment. Damage will result. The polarizing clip must be attached on the right side of the carrier at the rear. Snap the fuse compartment door closed.
Check Bypass Supply Mains Voltage Setting
The bypass power supply mains voltage selector switch is accessible through a hole in the top cover of the CP650. Use a screwdriver to set the switch to either 120 or 220 VAC Figure2_8 shows the switch location.
Caution: Be sure to check this setting. If the bypass voltage selector is set to 120 V but the unit is connected to 220 V mains voltage, the bypass power supply fuse will blow.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Installation
Bypass Power Supply Fuse
The bypass power supply fuse is accessible by removing the plastic front-panel and the front subpanel. It is located above the power/bypass switch. The fuse values are:
For 110 VAC Mains T 200 mA L (time-lag, 200 mA, 20 mm, low breaking capacity, 250 V)
For 220 VAC Mains T 100 mA L (time-lag, 100 mA, 20 mm, low breaking capacity, 250 V)
Caution: Early CP650s used a 315 mA fuse for all mains voltages. The fuse ratings above should be used for more reliable overcurrent protection.
Internal Fuse
The switching DC power supply contains a separate internal fuse, not accessible to the installation engineer or user. Do not remove the power supply cover. The CP650 main fuse will protect most fault conditions. If this fuse blows, the power supply has certainly failed.
2.3 Mount the CP650
To avoid heat or hum pickup problems, do not mount the Dolby CP650® immediately above or below the power amplifiers. Locate the power amplifiers away from the CP650 to avoid hum pickup problems. Always leave a 1U space (43 mm, or 1.75 inches) above and below the CP650 to provide adequate ventilation. Install an air guide or baffle to deflect hot air from equipment below the CP650.
To ensure good ground contact, install a star washer on at least one (and preferably all) rack-mounting screw(s) per piece of equipment (Figure 2–2). This will also aid in the prevention of electrical noise problems.
Figure 2–2 Star Washers and Rack-Mounting Screws
Proper shielding and termination of cables and cable assemblies are also very important. Follow the methods shown in the wiring diagrams.
If you are installing a Dolby Cat. No. 701 Digital Soundtrack Reader, refer to its installation manual for mounting and alignment.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Installation
2.4 Mount the Auditorium Assist Microphone
Auditorium AssistTM operation requires the use of the Cat. No. 735 microphone. Mount the microphone permanently in the auditorium, at a convenient location away from sound sources. If the rear wall is used, the microphone should be centered between surround speakers. Wall plates with an integrated XLR connector are available. Examples include:
Switchcraft J3FS—Stainless Steel Whirlwind WP1B/1FND—Black
Connect the microphone to the mic input located on the rear panel of the CP650 cinema processor. If the microphone input in your installation is currently dedicated to other uses, such as an emergency public address, install the necessary hardware to switch between microphones.
2.5 Connect the CP650
Refer to the appropriate foldout pages, located at the end of this chapter, showing connections to the CP650.
Shields must be connected as shown in the foldout pages to avoid radio frequency interference.
Note: Follow all local codes and regulations covering electrical wiring. It is recommended that conduit be used for wiring runs.
Connector shells have been included in your installation kit for use in countries that are governed by the EMC directives. The shells must be used as noted on the foldout pages.
2.5.1 Motor-Start Relays (Models CP650 and CP650D)
For two-projector installations, motor-start relays are required for projector changeover. Digital data on the soundtrack is read in advance of the picture; therefore an advanced changeover signal is required. Projector motor-start contact closures provide this signal to the CP650. Isolated contact closures from mechanical or opto- isolated relays wired across projector motors must be used. Refer to the Installation
Wiring Inputs and Control diagram at the end of this chapter. Signal levels:
Motor Start: Less than 1 VDC with respect to signal ground Motor Off: Greater than 3.5 VDC, less than 18 VDC
If the CP650 is to be used in a platter operation (single projector), a jumper must be installed. A pre-wired connector is installed at the factory for this purpose.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Installation
2.5.2 Remote Controls
Three types of remote controls can be used with the CP650. A maximum of three remote units (in any combination) can be used.
The Cat. No. 779 CP650 Remote Control Unit duplicates the front-panel format selection, fader, and mute functions of the CP650.
The Cat. No. 771 Remote Fader Unit duplicates the front-panel main fader knob and level display of the CP650.
A customer-supplied 100 kȍ linear pot, wired as a variable resistor, can also be used. Minimum pot resistance corresponds to a front-panel fader setting of maximum (10).
Details on how to connect any of these remote controls to the CP650 are shown in Chapter 8.1 and in the Installation Wiring Input and Control drawing located at the end of this chapter.
2.5.3 Solar Cell Reader Boards
Most new projectors sold around the world incorporate a reverse-scan LED analog soundhead reader. In addition, many existing projectors are being upgraded to include this superior method of playing back SVA soundtracks. The Dolby Cat. No. 655 solar cell preamp board is an example of this kind of upgrade. The output of the solar cell in this system is at a lower level than a normal incandescent exciter lamp solar cell. In order to provide the correct signal level for the cinema processor, this small preamp board is mounted in the soundhead. Some care needs to be given to the wiring between the board and the CP650 in order to avoid grounding problems and to provide immunity to RF interference. In principle, this means separating the audio ground connections and the RF shielding screen connections.
The 0 V point (audio ground) must be connected from the inboard reader board to the CP650 by a separate wire (or wires) along with the audio signal wires. The cable shield (screen) must be kept separate from the audio ground connections. It must be connected only to the chassis or enclosure of the equipment at each end.
The following diagrams show two connectors on the Cat. No. 655 circuit board. The three-pin connector, J1, is used for the power connections. The signal output connector, J2, provides six output pins: two each for the balanced left and right outputs, and two 0 V audio ground connections.
The physical orientation of the board mounting in the projector and the orientation of the connector body mounting on the board affect which channel appears on which pin of the connector. Be aware that pin allocations for the channels will vary depending on mounting arrangements of the board and connector. The J2 connector pin solder hole with a square outline is pin 1.
Dolby® Model CP650 Installation Manual Installation
Table 2–1 Solar Cell Preamp Board Connectors
J2 Pin Number Signal
1 Right (or Left) + 2 Signal Ground 3
Right (or Left) –
4 Left (or Right) + 5 Signal Ground 6 Left (or Right)
J1 Pin Number Power from CP650
7 +15 V 8 –15 V 9 Signal Ground
There must be a connection between the ground pins at the Cat. No. 655 solar cell circuit board and the audio common in the CP650. This connection must not use the shield of the optical input cable, since doing so may impose RF energy on the CP650 ground system.
Pin numbers 6 and 9 of each 9-pin D-connector (“Projector”) on the CP650 allow these connections to be made. The wire that connects either of these pins to the Cat. No. 655 audio ground should pass inside the same shield as the optical input cables and not connect with the shield at any point.
Cat.No.655 Wiring Diagram
Ground wire on pin 5, OPTIONAL Ground wire on pin 2, REQUIRED
Out 1+
Out 1–
Out 2+
Out 2–
Optical In
Figure 2–3 Cell Preamp Wiring Using Two 3-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cables
Cat.No.655 Wiring Diagram
Ground wire on pin 5, OPTIONAL Ground wire on pin 2, REQUIRED
Out 1+
Out 1–
Out 2+
Out 2–
Optical In
Figure 2–4 Cell Preamp Wiring Using One 5- or 6-Conductor Shielded (Screened) Cable
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