Installation Basics
The fence is created by burying a wire in your yard. Your DogWatch Dealer will work
with you to establish the best configuration for you, your dog and your yard.
The Hidden Fence Transmitter sends a coded digital FM radio signal through a wire
buried in your yard (the boundary wire). The wire is buried 3-4” beneath the surface
of the yard or can lie on top of the ground (e.g. in wooded or rocky areas.) It is not
electrified, so it can also be installed in water (streams, in lakes, etc.)
The boundary wire can enclose up to 200 acres. It can be configured to enclose
all or part of your yard. It can be used to keep your pets inside the boundary
and/or out of designated areas such as the pool, your garden or other areas.
To work properly, the boundary wire must form a continuous loop. A twisted wire
cancels the signal and can be used in locations where you want the dog to be able
to cross the wire without receiving a warning signal or correction, such as where the
wire travels from the house to the boundary perimeter.
Signal Field
The signal field is typically set at 3 to 6 feet (each side of the wire) but can be set
from 1 to 10 feet (each side). The signal field is adjusted by the Range Control on
the Transmitter. Your Dealer will determine an appropriate signal field for your pets
and will set the Transmitter accordingly.
The radio signal is transmitted
equidistant from the boundary
wire in all directions.
Underground Boundary Wire
Signal Field
Twisted wire: No
signal. Dog can
Continuous Loop:
Dog receives signal
through collar.
Containment Area: Full Yard Designated "Keep Out" Areas: Pool, Play Area, Garden