DogWatch 1200 Operating Instructions Manual

OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr
SSyysstteemm 11220000
The lightweight radio receiver worn by the dog identifies a coded FM radio signal from the boundary wire. The receiver emits an audible warning followed by a correc­tion stimulation if the dog comes too close to the boundary wire. The R1200 oper­ates on a replaceable battery and is waterproof when the battery cap is fully seated.
System 1200 Receiver Features
Adjustable Collar: The receiver is attached to an adjustable nylon collar. The collar
should be positioned above the dog’s regular collar. Your DogWatch dealer will adjust
the collar to insure that the contact posts touch the skin on the dog’s neck. (Figure 1.) Check
the fit for the first few days of wear to insure that the collar is not too tight or causing irritation to your pet’s neck. It is strongly recommended
that you remove the collar at night while your pet is inside.
Contact Posts: Your DogWatch dealer will deter­mine the correct set based on your dog’s neck
shape, coat, and skin sensitivity. The posts must make contact with the skin in order for the dog to feel the stimulation. In certain cases, it may be helpful to clip some of the hair around the contact posts so that the posts can touch the skin more easily.
Tighten the contact posts only with the collar wrench provided. Use of pliers or similar tools can result in over-tightening, which can damage the receiver.
Antenna: The receiver incorporates an omni-directional antenna design. The use of mul­tiple antennas in the receiver assures optimal reception from the signal field.
R1200m Battery: The R1200m receiver is powered by a 3 volt (1/3 N) lithium battery. The receiver is designed for a battery life of up to 6 months. The negative
(-) end of
the battery must be inserted down
. (Figure 2)
R1200 Battery: The R1200 battery is powered by a 3.6 volt lithium battery. The receiver is designed for a battery life of up to two years. The positive
(+) end of the
battery must be inserted down
. (Figure 3)
- 2 -
Figure 1.
Adjustable N
Test Light
ontact Posts
3.6 Volt Battery (R1200)
Battery Cap
Hold Magnet Between Two Lines
etal Lock
R1200 Receiver
Battery Plans: Ask your DogWatch Dealer about a battery plan. If your DogWatch Dealer does not offer a battery plan, you can join the DogWatch Battery Program, where a new battery is mailed to you every 6 or 24 months, depending on the type of receiver you own. Call DogWatch at 800-793-3436 or join through the website at
TTeesstt LLiigghhtt::
The test light allows you to test the receiver. Hold the test light over the contact posts. (see illustration at left). and carry the receiver into the signal field. When the receiver picks up the signal from the boundary wire, the audible warning will sound and the test light will come on.
AAuuttoommaatt iicc SShhuutt ddooww nn::
The DogWatch system is designed to protect your dog from an over-correc­tion in the unlikely event that your dog walks into
the signal field. If your dog does not exit the signal field, the receiver will automatical­ly stop correcting after 15 seconds – protecting your dog from over-correction. The dog will also receive a “warning” correction every 15 seconds which will continue until he leaves the field.
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd RReecceeiivveerr SSeettttiinn ggss
System 1200 incorporates 4 training levels plus an audible only setting. Level 1 is a very low correction setting that in many cases is an appropriate training level for timid pets. Levels 2 and 3 are progressively stronger training levels. Level 4 is designed specifically for pets that require higher correction levels in order to be contained. Your DogWatch dealer will set the receiver to the appropriate training level for your pet.
All settings are designed to be Pet Friendly™ and will not harm your dog.
To change the setting of the receiver, hold your test light magnet to the end seam of the receiver between the two raised lines on the side of the receiver (as shown on page 4). Hold the magnet steady and you will hear a series of beeps as the Training Level advances. The Training Level will continue to advance as long as the magnet is held in position, advancing to Training Level 1 (Low: 1 beep); Level 2 (Medium: 2 beeps); Level 3 (Medium High - three beeps) and Level 4 (High: 4 beeps). The beeps represent the Training Level the receiver is set to.
When you reach the desired Training Level setting, pull the magnet away from the receiv­er. The receiver is now set.
Any time the magnet activates the receiver, it will
advance the receiver setting to the next Training Level, and continue to cycle through the settings in the order shown in the table below, as long as the magnet is held in place.
- 3 -
Insert battery POSITIVE end down.
Figure 3
Insert battery NEGATIVE end down.
Figure 2
R1200m R1200
MMuullttiippllee DDooggss
The System 1200 allows you to select a different training level for each dog – allowing you to conduct training with one dog, for example on Level 1, while the other dog is protected with Level 2.
SSyyssttee mm 11220000 TTrraa nn ssmmiitttteerr FFeeaattuurreess
RR aannggee ++//--::
The radio signal is transmitted from the boundary wire in all directions. The signal is adjusted by the range control on the transmitter to create a signal field on each side of the wire. Your DogWatch dealer will adjust the range accordingly. The range control is very sensitive. If you make an adjustment, be sure you check the actual signal range before letting your dog out. Your dog will receive a correction when entering the signal field.
NNeevveerr aa ddjjuusstt tthhee ssiiggnnaa ll rraannggee wwhheenn yyoouurr ddoo gg iiss
wweeaarr iinngg tthhee rreecceeiivveerr ccooll llaarr..
- 4-
GGrroouu nndd
SSiiggnnaall RRaann ggee
PPoowwee rr SSuuppppllyy
OOnn // OOffff SSwwiitt cc hh
DDooggWWaattcchh SSyyssttee mm 11220000
Using the test light magnet to reset the R1200m Receiver
Using the test light magnet to reset the R1200 Receiver
Training Level Audible Only Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
TToonn ee OOnn ee LL oonn gg BBee ee pp 11 bbeeeepp 22 bbeeeeppss 33 bbeeeeppss 44 bbee ee ppss
CCoorr rreecctt iioonn NNoonn ee LLooww MM ee ddiiuumm MMee ddiiuu mm HHiigghh LLeevveell --HHiigg hh
- 5 -
CCoonnttaaiinnmm eenntt TTrraaiinniinngg
This section covers the phases necessary to teach your dog to remain within the des­ignated boundary of your property by teaching you how to teach your dog, so it is important that you understand each phase completely.
CCrreeaattiinngg TThhee RRiigghhtt EEnnvv iirroonnmmeenntt
Attitude and Consistency is Important!
1. Keep the training “light”. Use lots of praise. Keep the dog’s spirits high.
2. Use high happy tones for praise. Use low tones for negative commands.
3. Move around the boundary in the same direction.
4. Reinforce the boundary with commands. Use the commands “Watch Out!” or “Careful” as you slap or shake the flags.
5. Limit the training session to no more than 20 minutes.
6. Keep your dog on the lead in the yard for five days.
7. If you are training more than one dog, train each dog separately.
8. Use naturally occurring distractions such as a neighbor or children.
9. Contact your DogWatch Dealer if you have any questions.
HHooww TThhee DDooggWWaattcchh HHiiddddeenn FFeenncc ee WWoorrkk ss::
Think of the property having two distinct zones:
This is the area where the dog is free to play. (Figure 4.)
This is the signal field created by the boundary wire. When your dog crosses the signal field, the receiver collar emits an audible warning followed by a cor-
reaction. When containment training is complete, your dog will remain in the Safety Zone.
AAddjj uuss tt iinngg tthhee RRee ccee iivveerr CCoollllaarr
Your DogWatch Dealer has installed your DogWatch Hidden Fence System, set the transmitter and receiver to the training levels appropriate for your dog’s personality, and has placed boundary flags around the perimeter of your yard. Your Dealer has already begun your dog’s first day of containment training. Now it is your turn to con­tinue the training.
BBoouunnddaarryy WWiirree
AAvvooiiddaannccee ZZ oonnee
SSaaffeettyy ZZoonnee
Figure 4.
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