Limitation of Remedies
Dogtra’s liabil ity is limited to th e cost of repair or replace ment of the Dogtr a product und er
Warranty. Any clai m or action to enfo rce the Warranty m ust be commen ced within thirty (30)
days of the Wa rranty’s expiration fo r your product . Dogtra will not be liabl e for any indirec t,
incidental, special, consequential, or similar damages based on breach of warranty, breach of
contract, negligen ce, strict tor t, or any other leg al theory related to Dogtra and its prod ucts.
Damag es that Dogtra will not be re sponsible for include, but are not limited to: los s of income or
profit s; loss of revenue or savings; loss of use of the product or associate d products; cost of any
substi tute product s or services; inconven ience, downtim e, or any other tim e; loss of goodwill;
claims of third pa rties including cus tomers; and damage to p roperty.
Legal R ights May Var y By State or Ju risdicti on
The Warranty gives You specific legal rights, an d You may also h ave other rights w hich vary
by state or j urisdiction. Some states o r jurisdicti ons do not allow cer tain limitations of im plied
warranties or of incide ntal or conseq uential damages or oth er remedies , so certain of th e
forego ing limitations may not apply to You.
If any por tion of the Warranty is he ld by a court to be inva lid or unenforceable, the rema ining
porti ons of the Warrant y shall remain i n full force and ef fect and shall in no way be a ffected
or invali dated, and the invalid or unenfo rceable portion shall be modified so as to most n early
achieve the intent of the Warranty.
Product Registration
Dogtra recomm ends that custo mers registe r their produc ts as soon as possible a fter purchas e.
Product registration will fa cilitate any future warranty se rvice. You may also re ceive useful
inform ation and updates abou t your existing an d future Dogtr a products. To register your
product, visit www.dogtra.com/product-registration. If your product is not reg istered with
Dogtra, You will be re quired to provid e a receipt or other p roof purchase (as provided above) to
qualif y for warrant y service.
How to Ob tain Warrant y Service
Should your Dog tra product re quire warrant y service, pl ease contact C ustomer Ser vice by
phone o r email for a warranty evaluation (see below for contact info rmation). Upon approval
of your war ranty work, Dogtra will repai r or replace (at Dogtr a’s election) your product witho ut
charge for labo r or parts. You are responsible for shipping, includi ng cost, of your pro duct to
Dogtra for warranty se rvice. Dogtr a will handle shi pping, inclu ding cost, of the repaire d or
replaced product back to custo mers in the USA .
Dogtra will not be respon sible for shipping, includi ng cost and/or app licable taxes or fees , for
products sent to Canada. Su ch costs, taxe s, or fees will be borne by the customer.
To register your prod uct, visit www.dogtra.com/product-registration.
Code Setting Guide
Dogtra Customer Service
22912 Lockness Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501
(888) 811-9111
Mon – Fri, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (PST)
Copyright © 2020 Dogtra Company All rights reserved. Ver.1
Follow the steps below to code a 2700T&B transmitter to a new or existing
1. Turn the transmitter on by pressing the on/o button and set the
Rheostat Dial to 0.
2. With the receiver turned o, place the red dot on the back of the
transmitter to the red dot of the receiver you would like to code. Hold the
two red dots together until the green LED blinks rapidly on the receiver.
3. While the green LED is rapidly blinking on the receiver, separate the two
devices and press the two front buttons (Nick & Constant) simultaneously on
the transmitter. The LED light on the receiver will blink every 4 seconds when
coding is complete.
Follow the steps below to code a 2702T&B transmitter to a new or existing
Coding the green receiver:
1. Turn the transmitter on by pressing the on/o button, set the Rheostat Dial to
0, and place the toggle switch in the up position.
2. With the receiver turned o, place the red dot on the back of the transmitter
to the red dot of the green receiver. Hold the two red dots together until the
green LED blinks rapidly on the receiver.
3. While the green LED is rapidly blinking on the receiver, separate the two
devices and press the two front buttons (Nick & Constant)
simultaneously on the transmitter. The LED light on the receiver will blink
every 4 seconds when coding is complete.
Coding the orange receiver:
1. Turn the transmitter on by pressing the on/o button, set the Rheostat Dial to
0, and place the toggle switch in the down position.
2. With the receiver turned o, place the red dot on the back of the transmitter
to the red dot of the orange receiver. Hold the two red dots together until the
green LED blinks rapidly on the receiver.
3. While the green LED is rapidly blinking on the receiver, separate the two
devices and press the two front buttons (Nick & Constant)
simultaneously on the transmitter. The LED light on the receiver will blink
every 4 seconds when coding is complete.
For Dog tra Produc ts Purchas ed from Dogt ra Authorized Deal ers
One-Year Warranty
Except as otherwise prov ided below, Dogtra warrants to th e original reta il purchaser (“You”)
that its D ogtra produc ts shall be fre e of defects in material s and workmans hip for a period of
one (1) year fro m the date of purcha se (“Warrant y”). The Warra nty covers the cos t of repair
(parts and la bor) or replacem ent (if repair is not feasible) of a defe ctive Dogtra produc t during
said on e-year period . For such repai red or replaced p roducts, the remaining po rtion of the
origin al warranty period, or ninet y (90) days, whichever is lo nger, shall appl y. Dogtra, at its s ole
discretion, sh all determine w hether to repai r or replace a prod uct covered by the Warranty.
Warranty Conditions
The Warranty is n ot transferrable an d applies to your D ogtra produc t only if:
(1) You are th e original retail purchaser of t he product,
(2) You bought the product from a Dogtra authorized dealer, an d
(3) You present a receipt or other proof of purch ase showing a valid purch ase date, the
name an d address of the a uthorized dea ler, and the purch ased produc t identified by
model and/or serial number.
Warranty Exclusions
The Warranty do es not cover damage, loss, or dete rioration to your Dogtra product caused:
by misuse, negl ect, abuse, o r other improper hand ling of the produ ct; by failure to fo llow use
or care instructions; by use of th e product for other tha n its intended purpose; by accident
or natur al forces such as f ire or floodin g; or by normal wear and tear such as scratche s to the
product surface.
The Warranty al so does not cover Dogtra product s that: are purchased f rom
non-authorized deal ers; are purch ased outside of the Uni ted States or Can ada; have been
damag ed during ship ment (even if Dogtra paid or arranged for ship ping); have been m odified
or tamp ered with in any manner; a re opened or repaired by anyone other than Dogtra; or have
serial numbe rs that have been altered or deface d.
Sole Warranty
This Warranty is the only w arranty offered by Do gtra for its Dogtra prod ucts. Othe r than said
Warranty, Dogtra makes no other representations or warranties whatsoever reg arding its
products, w hether oral or in any prod uct manual, o n any packaging, on any website, or in any
other written material . No dealer of Dogtra pro ducts, nor a ny employee or agent of Dog tra, is
authorized to make any addi tions, chang es, or extensions to the Warranty. Dogtra, at its s ole
discretion and a t any time, reser ves the right to mo dify the Warranty.