Doepfer A-196 User Manual

In 1
In 2 (Signal)
Off s et
locked (2)
System A - 100
1. Introduction
Module A-196 contains a so-called Phase Locked Loop circuit (PLL). A PLL consists of three parts: VCO (linear voltage-controlled oscillator with rectangle
output), phase comparator (PC), and low-pass filter (LPF). The three parts are connected in the A-196 with normalled sockets to form the standard closed-loop PLL frequency-feedback system. The normalled soc­kets allow individual access to each part of the PLL and enable other patches than the standard PLL (e.g. insertion of external modules).
The VCO is equipped with the controls Range and Offset. The range switch is used to select one of three frequency ranges. The Offset control defines the maxi­mum frequency of the VCO.
The module contains three different types of phase comparators that are selected with a 3-position switch.
The LED indicates if the PLL is locked for PC2 , i.e. if the frequency of the internal VCO is the same as the frequency of the external input signal.
The frequency of the built-in low pass filter is manu­ally adjusted with the frequency control.
System A - 100
2. Basic principles
The three units VCO, phase comparator (PC) and low pass filter (LP) form a standard closed-loop frequency­feedback system: The VCO output (linear response, rectangle output) is compared with an external signal (e.g. A-110 VCO) in the PC. The PC output is a digital high/low signal that indicates if the frequency resp. phase difference of the two input signals is negative, zero or positive. This signal is processed by the LP to generate a smooth control voltage that controls the frequency of the VCO. The units VCO, PC and LPF form a frequency feedback loop that works like this: The CV (LP output) increases (decreases) as long as the external frequency is higher (lower) than the fre­quency of the internal VCO and stops increasing as soon as both frequencies become identical. But there are some stumbling blocks: Different types of phase comparators with advantages and disad­vantages can be made. Some phase comparators e.g. even lock at harmonics, i.e. if the two frequencies to be compared are integer multiples. For some applications this "fault" may be used to create interesting effects. The A-196 contains 3 different types of phase compa­rators: PC1 is a simple exclusive OR, that even locks at harmonics. PC2 is a so-called RS flipflop and PC3 a more complex digital memory network. The user can select one of the three phase comparators with a
3-position switch. When PC2 is used a LED displays the "locked" state, i.e. when the frequency of the internal VCO is identical to the external frequency. Special attention has also to be directed to the fre- quency of the LP. To obtain a smooth control voltage for the VCO the frequency of the LP has to be much smaller than the lowest frequency of the internal or external audio signal. Otherwise the frequency of the internal VCO will jitter or wobble around the correct frequency. But for special effects this frequency jitter can be used intentionally. Example: frequencies in the range 50Hz...1kHz have to be processed with the PLL. Therefore the frequency of the LP has to be about 10Hz or even less. Such a low frequency of the LPF causes a noticeable slew of the internal VCO. When the frequency of the external signal jumps e.g. between 50Hz and 1kHz it takes about 0.1 second until the internal VCO reaches the new frequency (like portamento). Consequently one has to find a compromise between the frequency jitter and portamento. But these remarks are valid only for the "ideal" working PLL. As the A-196 is used in a musical enviroment these "problems" and "dis­advantages" with jitter and slew time lead to additional musical applications like portamento effects, wobbling frequencies or harmonic locking according to the type of frequency comparator and time constant of the PLL low pass filter.
System A - 100
Fig. 1: Internal construction of the A-196
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