Doepfer A-107 User Manual

System A - 100
Multitype Morphing Filter
1. Introduction
Module A-107 is a completely new voltage controlled filter that has available 36 filter types: different versi-
Of course the standard VCF controls are available:
manual and voltage control of filter frequency and resonance. For the filters of the first group (1...18) self-oscillation is possible, the filters of the second
group (19...36) do not feature self-oscillation. On top of it a final VCA is available - even with manual and voltage control. All external control inputs are available twice: one with attenuator and one without.
The 36 filters are organized in two groups of 18
filters each. The filters can be arranged in 64 different filter chains. Each chain consists of 32 steps. The
sequence of a filter chain is passed through while the manual control is operated or the external control voltage changes from 0...+5V. 64 filter chains can be programmed by the user and stored in the non-volatile memory of the module.
The transition between filters can be soft (morphing) or hard (switching). The morphing time (manual and voltage controlled) defines the transition time between succeeding filters from a few milliseconds (switching) up to about 10 seconds.
Additionally a "clocked" mode is available. This means that the steps of the currently selected filter chain are selected one after another. Each positive transition of the Clock signal calls up the next filter of the chain. A positive trigger at the Step Reset input resets to the filter of the chain that corresponds to the momentary step CV. This allows e.g. to switch bet­ween the filters of the currently selected filter chain in sync with a sequencer.
The filter design is 100% analog (CEM filter chip). Only the morphing control and memory managing is carried out by a microcontroller.
Remark: Because of technical reasons the transition between the two filter groups cannot be carried out soft as capacitors have to be switched. Soft transition (i.e. morphing) is possible only between the filters of each group (i..e. within the filters 1...18 or between filters causes a "click" if the filters are from different groups.
19...36). Switching
Multitype Morphing Filter
Permanent Memory
System A - 100
Control Unit
Fig.1: A-107 Overall view
S01 S02 S31 S32
12 08
CV 1
Clk Res CV1
Step Morph
Audio Out
Filter Unit
Audio In
CV 1
CV 1
CV 1
System A - 100
Multitype Morphing Filter
2. Basic principles
Module A-107 consists of the 100% analog filter unit with the parameters filter frequency, resonance/em­phasis and amplification, and the digital control unit with display, corresponding controls (buttons, rotary encoder) and non-volatile memory.
The control unit manages the memory that contains the 64 filter chains with 32 steps each. The control unit is responsible for all parameters that refer to switching and morphing of filters within the selected chain, the control of the analog filter unit to obtain the desired filter and the memory management.
The buttons "Step" and "Filter" determine if the display shows the Step number (S) within the currenty selec­ted filter chain (i.e. the so-called working buffer) or the filter type (F).
The buttons "Chain" and "Prog" are used to transfer a filter chain between the non-volatile memory (64 me­mories) and the working buffer.
The values for Step, Filter and Chain are set by the endless rotary encoder labelled “Value”.
Provided that a clock signal is applied to the Step Clock input the clocked mode is activated. In this mode each positive transition of the clock signal trig­gers the advance to the next step of the filter chain in the working buffer. If step 32 is reached the next clock switches back to step 1 of the chain.
Addressing the filters of the chain in the working buffer can also be controlled by the manual step control and/or an external control voltage at one of the Step CV inputs. According to the manual setting and the external voltage(s) the corresponding filter within the chain is addressed.
For both the clocked and CV addressed mode the transition time between succeeding filters can be con­trolled manually by the Morphing control and/or an external control voltage at one of the Morphing CV inputs.
Attention: CV addressing "overruns" the filter selected in the clocked mode.
All parameters can be controlled resp. modulated by different voltages at the same time: filter step, mor-
phing time, filter frequency, resonance and amplifi- cation.
Multitype Morphing Filter
3. Overview
System A - 100
➇ ➅
System A - 100
Multitype Morphing Filter
Programming Unit Controls:
1 Display: 3 digit LED display
2 Step: button, calls up display mode "Step"
3 Filter: button, calls up display mode "Filter"
4 Chain: button, calls up display mode "Chain"
5 Prog: button, calls up display mode "Prog"
6 Value: rotary encoder to set the value for
Step, Filter and Chain
7 Step: two CV inputs with/without attenuator,
and manual control for Step setting
8 Step Clock: digital signal input for clock/gate-
triggered advance to next step
9 Step Reset: digital signal input to set the step to a
position within the chain defined by the momentary step CV
0 Morph: two CV inputs with/without attenuator,
and manual control for morphing time
Filter Unit Controls:
! Audio In: audio input of the filter
" Freq.: two CV inputs with/without attenuator,
and manual control for filter frequency
§ Res.: two CV inputs with/without attenuator,
and manual control for filter reso­nance/emphasis
$ Amp.: two CV inputs with/without attenuator,
and manual control for filter amplifica­tion
% Audio Out: audio output of the filter
Multitype Morphing Filter
System A - 100
4. Programming Unit Controls
1 Display
This is a 3-digit LED display with three decimal points. These display modes are available:
current S buffer), range 01 - 32
Filter type of the currently selected step within
the chain (= working buffer), range 01 - 36
number of the C memory, range 01 - 64
number of the chain that is used to store (P range 01 - 64 (the character "S" is alread used for Step -> P = Program)
The left and middle decimal point of the display indicate morphing. The points are flashing alternately while the morphing is in progress. The blinking fre­quency is an approximate measure for the morphing time. As soon as the new filter type is reached both points turn off.
tep within the filter chain (= working
hain that is called up from the
rogram) the working buffer into the memory,
The right decimal point is a warning indicator for the functions CHAIN and PRG and is blinking as soon the button 4 or 5 is operated (see below).
2 Step
Operating this button calls up the display mode that shows the current step of the chain in the working buffer.
There are different was to select another step within the chain:
Operate the Value control 6
Operate the manual Step control (see 7)
Altering one of the the Step CVs (see 7)
Feeding a Clock signal to socket 8.
The first two items relate to manually controlled steps. The two last items correspond to voltage resp. clock controlled step addressing and are suitable for auto­matic filter addressing and morphing (e.g. controlled by a LFO, ADSR, random CV, Theremin, ribbon, foot controller. MIDI-to-CV or a sequencer).
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