This U s er Gu id e is in te nded t o f amil ia r ize yo u with t h e im po rt ant fe at u res
of you r v eh ic le. The DVD enc lo s ed con ta i ns you r O wn er ’s M a nual ,
Road si d e A ss i stan ce (ne w v e hic le s purc ha se d i n t he U . S.) o r Roa ds i de
Assi st a nce ( n ew ve h icl es purc ha se d in C anad a) in el e ctro ni c fo rm at . We
hope you fin d it use fu l . R epla ce m ent DVD kit s may be pur ch a sed by vis it i ng DODG E a nd D a rt are r eg i ster ed t r adem ar k s of
Chrysler Group LLC. Copyright 2015 Chrysler Group LLC.
If you are the rst registered retail owner of your vehicle, you may
obtain a complimentary printed copy of the Owner’s Manual,
1-800-423-6343 (U.S.) or 1-800-387-1143 (Canada) or by
contacting your dealer.
M a nual s, W arra nt y B oo k lets , Ti re War ra n ty and
Manuals or Warranty Booklet by calling
The dr iv er’s pri mary r espon sibi lity i s
the s afe ope ratio n o f the v eh icl e .
Dri ving wh il e dis t rac t ed ca n r esult
in l oss of v ehi cle contr ol, r esu l tin g
in a coll isio n and per so nal inju ry.
Chrysl er Group LLC s t rongl y
rec ommen ds tha t t he d riv er u se
ext reme c autio n whe n u sin g a ny
dev ice or fea tu re tha t m ay tak e th e ir
att entio n o ff th e roa d. Use of a ny
ele ctric al de v ice s , su ch as c e llu l ar
tel ephon es, com puter s, por table
rad ios, vehi cle navi gati on o r o the r
dev ices, by the d riv e r wh ile the
veh icle is m ovi n g i s d ang e rou s an d
cou ld l ea d t o a seri ous col lisio n.
Te xti ng whi le driv ing i s a lso
dan gerou s a nd sh ould ne ve r b e d on e
whi le the ve hicl e is mov ing. I f you
fin d y our s elf u nab le to d evote y our
ful l at te nti on t o v ehic le oper atio n,
pul l off the roa d to a safe loca tion
and stop y our v e hic l e. S o me s tates
or prov ince s p r ohi b it the use of
cel lular tel e pho n es o r te xti ng wh ile
dri ving. I t is a lw ays t he dri ve r’s
res ponsi bili ty t o co mp ly w ith a ll
local laws.
DRIVER COCKPIT ...............4
KEY FOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
REMOTE STAR T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
KEYLESS ENTER-N-GO™.........10
SEA T BELT SYSTEMS ............16
(SRS) — AIR BAGS ............. 17
CHILD RESTRAINTS............23
HEAD RESTRAINTS .............27
FRONT SEA TS ................29
REAR SEA T ..................31
HEA TED SEATS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
COLUMN ...................33
RECOMMENDA TIONS ............34
BEAM LEVER .................35
HEADLIGHT SWITCH ............36
EQUIPPED ...................37
CONTROLS .................. 40
CONTROLS .................. 42
WIND BUFFETING .............. 45
EQUIPPED ...................46
Congratulations on selecting your new FCA US LLC vehicle. Be assured that it represents
precision workmanship, distinctive styling, and high quality - all essentials that are
traditional to our vehicles.
Your ne w FC A US LLC vehicle has charac teristi cs to en hance the driver' s co ntrol under
some driving conditions. These are to assist the driver and are never a substitute for
attentive driving. They can never take the driver's place. Always drive carefully .
Your n ew vehic le has many featur es for the com fort and conv enience of you a nd your
passengers. Some of these should not be used when driving because they take your eyes
from the road or your attention from driving. Never text while driving or take your eyes more
than momentarily off the road.
This guide illustrates and describes the operation of features and equipment that are
either standard or optional on this vehicle. This guide may also include a description of
features and equipment that are no longer available or were not ordered on this vehicle.
Please disregard any features and equipment described in this guide that are not available
on this vehicle. FCA US LLC reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications and/or make additions to or improvements to its products without imposing any
obligation upon itself to install them on products previously manufactured.
This User Guide has been prepared to help you quickly become acquainted with the
important features of your vehicle. It contains most things you will need to operate and
maintain the vehicle, including emergency information.
The DVD includes a computer application containing detailed owner's information which
can be viewed on a personal computer or Mac computer. The multimedia DVD also
includes videos which can be played on any standard DVD player (including the
DVD operational information is located on the back of the DVD sleeve.
For complete owner information, refer to your Owner's Manual on the DVD in the owner’s
kit provided at the time of new vehicle purchase. For your convenience, the information
contained on the DVD may also be printed and saved for future reference.
FCA US LLC is committed to protecting our environment and natural resources. By
converting from paper to electronic delivery for the majority of the user information for
your vehicle, together we greatly reduce the demand for tree-based products and lessen
the stress on our environment.
Touc hsc r een Ra d ios i f e qui p ped w i th DVD p l aye r c apa bil i tie s). Ad d iti ona l
With respect to any vehicles sold in Canada, the name FCA US LLC shall be deemed to be
deleted and the name Chrysler Canada Inc. used in substitution (excluding legal lines).
risk of serious personal injury.
is moving. Objects can become trapped under the brake pedal and accelerator
pedal causing a loss of vehicle control.
with the brake pedal and accelerator pedal operation causing loss of control of the
Allowing children to be in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for a number of
reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Children should be
warned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedal or the shift lever/transmission
gear selector.
children, and do not leave the ignition of a vehicle equipped with Keyless
Enter-N-Go in the ACC or ON/RUN mode. A child could operate power windows,
other controls, or move the vehicle.
the parking brake fully when parked to guard against vehicle movement and
possible injury or damage.
The use of aftermarket devices including cell phones, MP3 players, GPS systems, or
chargers may affect the performance of on-board wireless features including Keyless
Enter-N-Go™ and Remote Start range. If you are experiencing difficulties with any of your
wireless features, try disconnecting your aftermarket devices to see if the situation
improves. If your symptoms persist, please see an authorized dealer.
CHRYSLER, DODGE, JEEP, RAM, MOPAR and Uconnect are registered trademarks of
2. Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) Control/Driver Information Display (DID)
pg. 6
3. T urn Signal/Wiper/Washer/High Beam Lever pg. 35
4. Instrument Cluster pg. 6
5. Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)/Driver Information Display (DID) pg. 6
6. Fuel Door Locator pg. 6
7. Speed Control pg. 37
8. Ignition Switch pg. 12
9. Audio System pg. 50
10. Switch Panel
11. Glove/Storage Compartment
12. Climate Control pg. 39
13. Shifter
14. Power Outlet pg. 96
15. Power Locks
16. Power Windows
17. Power Mirrors
1. T achometer
2. Selectable Information Area — If Equipped
3. Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)/ Driver Information Display (DID)
4. Speedometer
(See page 99 for Instrument Cluster Warning Lights.)
5. Gear Position Display
6. Fuel Gauge
7. Fuel Door Location
(See page 105 for Instrument Cluster Indicator Lights.)
Locking And Unlocking The Doors
Push and release the LOCK
the RKE transmitter to lock all doors. The
turn signal lights will flash, and the horn will
chirp to acknowledge the signal.
Push and release the UNLOCK
on the RKE transmitter once to unlock the
driver's door or twice within five seconds to
unlock all doors. The turn signal lights will
flash to acknowledge the unlock signal. The
illuminated entry system will also turn on.
1st Press Of Key Fob Unlocks
This feature lets you program the system to
unlock either the driver's door or all doors on
the first push of the UNLOCK button on the
RKE transmitter. To change the current setting, refer to your “Uconnect
“Understanding Your Instrument Panel” in
your Owner's Manual on the DVD for further
button on
Settings” in
Key Fob
Opening The Trunk
Push the T runk Release button on the transmitter two times within five seconds to open
the trunk.
Panic Alarm
1. Push the PANIC button once to turn the
panic alarm on.
2. Wait approximately three seconds and
push the button a second time to turn
the panic alarm off.
Should the battery in the vehicle or the Key Fob transmitter go dead, there is an
emergency key located in the Key Fob. To remove the emergency key, slide the button at
the back of the Key Fob sideways with your thumb and then pull the key out with your
other hand.
The emergency key is also used to lock the glove compartment.
Allowing children to be in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for a number of
reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Children should be
warned not to touch the parking brake, brake pedal or the transmission gear
children, and do not leave the ignition of a vehicle equipped with Keyless
Enter-N-Go™ in the ACC or ON/RUN mode. A child could operate power windows,
other controls, or move the vehicle.
With remote start, the engine will only run for 15 minutes (timeout) unless the ignition is
cycled to the ON/RUN position.
The vehicle must be cycled to the ON/RUN position after two consecutive timeouts.
on the Key Fob twice within five seconds.
contains Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is odorless and colorless. Carbon Monoxide
is poisonous and can cause you or others to be severely injured or killed when
System, windows, door locks or other controls could cause you and others to be
severely injured or killed.
The Keyless Enter-N-Go™ system is an enhancement to the vehicle's Key Fob. This
feature allows you to lock and unlock the vehicle's door(s) and trunk without having to
push the Key Fob lock or unlock buttons, as well as starting and stopping the vehicle with
the push of a button.
To Unlock From The Driver Or Passenger Side
With a valid Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Key Fob located outside the vehicle and within 5 ft
(1.5m) of the driver or passenger side door handle, grab either front door handle to unlock
the door automatically.
Grab The Door Handle To Unlock
To Lock The Vehicle
Both front door handles have buttons located on the outside of the handle. With one of the
vehicle's Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Key Fobs located outside the vehicle and within 5 ft
(1.5 m) of the driver's or passenger front door handle, push the door handle button to lock
all four doors and trunk.
DO NOT grab the door handle when pushing the door handle button. This could unlock the
Push The Door Handle To LockDo NOT Grab The Handle When Locking
of the front driver's door handle. T o select between “Unlock Driver Door 1st Press” and
“Unlock All Doors 1st Press”, refer to the “Electronic Vehicle Information Center
(EVIC)” or “Driver Information Display (DID)” in your vehicle's Owner's Manual on the
DVD or “Programmable Features” in this guide for further information.
push the trunk button. If “Unlock Driver Door 1st Press” is programmed only the trunk
will unlock when you push the trunk button. T o select between “Unlock Driver Door 1st
Press” and “Unlock All Doors 1st Press”, refer to the “Electronic Vehicle Information
Center (EVIC)” or “Driver Information Display (DID)” in your vehicle's Owner's Manual
on the DVD or “Programmable Features” in this guide for further information.
lock switch, the doors and trunk will unlock and the horn will chirp three times. On the
third attempt, your Key Fob can be locked inside the vehicle.
before you can lock or unlock the vehicle using the door handle. This is done to allow
you to check if the vehicle is locked by pulling the door handle, without the vehicle
reacting and unlocking.
Enter-N-Go™ feature for that handle may time out. Pulling the deactivated front door
handle will reactivate the door handle's Keyless Enter-N-Go™ feature.
To Enter The Trunk
With a valid Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Key Fob
located outside the vehicle and within 5ft
(1.5 m) of the deck lid, push the button on
the right side of the light bar which is
located on the deck lid above the license
Refer to your Owner's Manual on the DVD
for further information.
Trunk Unlock Button
Engine Starting/Stopping
1. With a valid Keyless Enter-N-Go™ Key
Fob inside the vehicle.
2. Place the shift lever in PARK or NEU-
3. While pushing the brake pedal, push the
ENGINE ST AR T/STOP button once. If
the engine fails to start, the starter will
disengage automatically after 10 seconds.
4. T o stop the cranking of the engine prior
to the engine starting, push the button
In case the ignition switch does not change with the push of a button, the RKE transmitter
(Key Fob) may have a low or dead battery . In this situation a back up method can be used
to operate the ignition switch. Put the nose side of the Key Fob against the ENGINE
STAR T/STOP button and push to operate the ignition switch.
Engine START/STOP Button
1. Bring the vehicle to a complete stop.
2. Shift the transmission to PARK (P).
3. Push the ENGINE ST AR T/STOP button once. The ignition switch will return to the OFF
If the transmission is not in PARK and the vehicle is in motion, the ENGINE START/STOP
button must be held for two seconds with the vehicle speed above 5 mph (8 km/h) before
the engine will shut off.
Accessory Positions With Engine Off
The following functions are with the driver’s foot OFF the brake pedal (transmission in
PARK o r NEUTRAL p osition ).
Starting With The Ignition Switch In The OFF Position:
If the ignition switch is left in the ACC or
ON/RUN (engine not running) position and
the transmission is in PARK, the system will
automatically time out after 30 minutes of
inactivity and the ignition will switch to the
OFF position.
Ignition Positions
The Vehicle Security Alarm monitors the vehicle doors for unauthorized entry and the
Keyless Enter-N-Go™ START/STOP button for unauthorized operation. While the Vehicle
Security Alarm is armed, interior switches for door locks and decklid release are disabled.
If something triggers the alarm, the Vehicle Security Alarm will provide the following
audible and visible signals: the horn will pulse, the park lamps and/or turn signals will
flash, and the Vehicle Security Light in the instrument cluster will flash.
To Arm The System
Vehicles Not Equipped With Keyless Enter-N-Go™
Remove the key from the ignition switch and either push a power door LOCK switch while
the driver or passenger door is open or push the LOCK button on the Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) transmitter. After the last door is closed, or if all doors are closed, the Vehicle
Security Alarm will arm itself in about 16 seconds. During that time, the Vehicle Security
Light will flash. If it does not illuminate, the Vehicle Security Alarm is not arming. In
addition, if you open a door during the arming period, the Vehicle Security Alarm will
cancel the arming process. If you wish to rearm the Vehicle Security Alarm after closing
the door, you must repeat one of the previously-described arming sequences.
You may also di sarm th e u ltrason ic intr usion sens or duri ng the 16 se cond ar ming pe riod
by pushing the lock button three times with a delay of no more than five seconds between
key pushes. The horn will pulse twice to acknowledge that the ultrasonic intrusion sensor
has been disabled.
or disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
button will not disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm. If someone enters the vehicle
through the trunk, and opens any door, the alarm will sound.
not unlock the doors.
package left within the vehicle after the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed.
Vehicles Equipped With Keyless Enter-N-Go™
Push the Keyless Enter-N-Go™ START/STOP button until the EVIC/DID indicates that the
vehicle ignition is “OFF” (refer to “Starting Procedures” in “Starting And Operating” in
your Owner's Manual on the DVD for further information). Then either push the power door
LOCK switch while the driver or passenger door is open, push the Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) transmitter LOCK button or push the Passive Entry Door Handle LOCK button (refer
to “Keyless Enter-N-Go™” in “Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” in your
Owner's Manual on the DVD for further information).
To Disarm The System
The Vehicle Security Alarm is designed to protect your vehicle; however, you can create
conditions where the Vehicle Security Alarm will give you a false alarm. If one of the
previously-described arming sequences has occurred, the Vehicle Security Alarm will arm
regardless of whether you are in the vehicle or not. If you remain in the vehicle and open
If the Vehicle Security Alarm is armed and the battery becomes disconnected the Vehicle
Security Alarm will remain armed when the battery is reconnected. The exterior lights will
flash, and the horn will sound. If this occurs, disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
Vehicles Not Equipped With Keyless Enter-N-Go™
Either push the UNLOCK button on the RKE transmitter or insert a valid ignition key into
the ignition switch and turn the key to the ON/RUN position.
or disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm.
button will not disarm the Vehicle Security Alarm. If someone enters the vehicle
through the trunk, and opens any door, the alarm will sound.
not unlock the doors.
Vehicles Equipped With Keyless Enter-N-Go™
Either push the UNLOCK button on the RKE transmitter or grasp the Passive Entry Unlock
Door Handle (refer to “Keyless Enter-N-Go™” in “Things To Know Before Starting Your
Vehicle” in your Owner's Manual on the DVD for further information), push the Keyless
Enter-N-Go™ ST ART/STOP button (requires at least one valid Key Fob in the vehicle), or
insert a valid Key Fob into the ignition switch (if the START/STOP button is removed) and
rotate it to the ON/RUN position.
Tamper Alert
If something has triggered the Vehicle Security Alarm in your absence, the horn will sound
three times and the exterior lights will blink three times when you disarm the V ehicle
Security Alarm. Check the vehicle for tampering.
abdomen. To remove slack in the lap belt portion, pull up on the shoulder belt. To loosen
the lap belt if it is too tight, tilt the latch plate and pull on the lap belt. A snug seat belt
reduces the risk of sliding under the seat belt in a collision.
that it is comfortable and not resting on your neck. The retractor will withdraw any slack
in the shoulder belt.
Seat Belt Pretensioner
remove slack from the seat belt in the event of a collision.
not properly buckled up. Y ou can strike the interior of your vehicle or other
passengers, or you can be thrown out of the vehicle. Always be sure you and others
in your vehicle are buckled up properly.
You are more l ikely to h it your head in a c ollisio n if you do not we ar your should er
belt. The lap and shoulder belt are meant to be used together.
move too far forward, increasing the possibility of injury. Wear your seat belt snugly.
protection. Inspect the seat belt system periodically, checking for cuts, frays, or
loose parts. Damaged parts must be replaced immediately. Do not disassemble or
modify the system. Seat belt assemblies must be replaced after a collision.
Air Bag System Components
Your v ehicle ma y be equipp ed with the fo llowing a ir bag syst em compon ents:
Advanced Front Air Bags
supplement to the seat belt restraint systems. The Advanced Front Air Bags will not
deploy in every type of collision.
•AdvancedFrontAirBagsaredesignedtoprovideadditionalprotectionbysupplementing the seat belts. Advanced Front Air Bags are not expected to reduce the risk of injury
in rear, side, or rollover collisions.
that may produce substantial vehicle damage — for example, some pole collisions,
truck underrides, and angle offset collisions.
Bags may deploy in crashes with little vehicle front-end damage but that produce a
severe initial deceleration.
damage by themselves are not good indicators of whether or not an air bag should have
keep you in position, away from an inflating air bag.
Restraint Controller (ORC) monitors the internal circuits and interconnecting wiring
associated with air bag system electrical components.
four to eight seconds for a self-check when the ignition switch is first turned to the
ON/RUN position. After the self-check, the Air Bag Warning Light will turn off. If the
ORC detects a malfunction in any part of the system, it turns on the Air Bag Warning
Light, either momentarily or continuously. A single chime will sound to alert you if the
light comes on again after initial startup.
the ignition switch is in the START or ON/RUN position. If the ignition switch is in the
OFF position or in the ACC position, the air bag system is not on and the air bags will
not inflate.
seconds when the ignition switch is first turned to the ON/RUN position, stays on, or
turns on while driving, have the vehicle serviced by an authorized service center
If the speedometer, tachometer, or any engine related gauges are not working, the
Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) may also be disabled. In this condition the air bags
may not be ready to inflate for your protection. Have an authorized dealer service the air
bag system immediately.
Your Vehi cle” in the Owne r's M anual on the DVD fo r further i nformat ion.
Occupant Classification System
This vehicle is equipped with a right front passenger Occupant Classification System
(“OCS”) that is designed to provide Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag output appropriate
to the occupant’s seated weight input, as determined by the OCS.
The Occupant Classification System (OCS) consists of the following:
The OCS will NOT prevent deployment of the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag. The OCS
may reduce the inflation rate of the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag if the OCS
estimates that:
for a period of time.
Front Passenger Seat Occupant StatusFront Passenger Air Bag Output
Rear-facing child restraintReduced-power deployment
Child, including a child in a forward-facing
child restraint or booster seat*
Properly seated adult
Unoccupied seatReduced-power deployment
Advanced Front Air Bag deployment. Never allow children to ride in the front passenger
seat and never install a child restraint system, including a rear-facing child restraint, in the
front passenger seat.
The OCS determines the front passenger’s most probable classification.
The OCS estimates the seated weight on the front passenger seat and where that weight
is located. The OCS communicates the classification status to the ORC. The ORC uses the
classification to determine whether the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag inflation rate
should be adjusted. In order for the OCS to operate as designed, it is important for the
front passenger to be seated properly and properly wearing the seat belt. Properly seated
passengers are:
Lighter Weight Passengers (Including Small Adults)
When a lighter weight passenger, including a small adult, occupies the front passenger
seat, the OCS may reduce the inflation rate of the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag. This
does not mean that the OCS is working improperly.
Do not decrease OR increase the front passenger’s seated weight on the front passenger
The front passenger’s seated weight must be properly positioned on the front passenger
seat. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death. The OCS determines the most
probable classification of the occupant that it detects. The OCS will detect the front
passenger’s decreased or increased seated weight, which may result in an adjusted
inflation rate of the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag in a collision. This does not mean
that the OCS is working improperly. Decreasing the front passenger’s seated weight on the
front passenger seat may result in a reduced-power deployment of the Passenger
Advanced Front Air Bag. Increasing the front passenger’s seated weight on the front
passenger seat may result in a full-power deployment of the Passenger Advanced Front Air
Bag. Examples of improper front passenger seating include:
arm rest or instrument panel).
The OCS determines the front passenger’s most probable classification. If an occupant in
the front passenger seat is seated improperly , the occupant may provide an output signal
to the OCS that is different from the occupant’s properly seated weight input, for example:
Not Seated Properly
The Air Bag Warning Lightwill turn on
whenever the OCS is unable to classify the
front passenger seat status. A malfunction
in the OCS may affect the operation of the
air bag system.
If the Air Bag Warning Light
come on, or stays on after you start the
vehicle, or it comes on as you drive, take the
vehicle to an authorized dealer for service
The passenger seat assembly contains critical components that may affect the Passenger Advanced Front Air Bag inflation. In
order for the OCS to properly classify the
seated weight of a front seat passenger , the
OCS components must function as designed.
Do not make any modifications to the front
passenger seat components, assembly, or
to the seat cover. If the seat, trim cover, or
cushion needs service for any reason, take
the vehicle to your authorized dealer. Only
FCA US LLC approved seat accessories may
be used.
The following requirements must be strictly
assembly or components in any way.
covers or cushions not designated by
FCA US LLC for the specific model being
repaired. Always use the correct seat
cover and cushion specified for the vehicle.
with an aftermarket seat cover or cushion.
does not
Not Seated Properly
Not Seated Properly
Not Seated Properly
related component or fastener be modified or replaced with any part except those which
are approved by FCA US LLC.
Supplemental Knee Air Bags
This vehicle is equipped with a Supplemental Driver Knee Air Bag mounted in the
instrument panel below the steering column and a Supplemental Passenger Knee Air Bag
mounted in the instrument panel below the glove compartment. The Supplemental Knee
Air Bags provide enhanced protection during a frontal impact by working together with the
seat belts, pretensioners, and Advanced Front Air Bags.
air bags work with your seat belt to restrain you properly. In some collisions, the air
bags won't deploy at all. Always wear your seat belts even though you have air bags.
Bag deployment could cause serious injury, including death. Air bags need room to
inflate. Sit back, comfortably extending your arms to reach the steering wheel or
instrument panel.
steering wheel because any such objects could cause harm if the vehicle is in a
collision severe enough to cause the air bag to inflate.
Supplemental Side Air Bags
located in the outboard side of the front and rear (in vehicles equipped with outboard
rear seat SABs) seats. The SABs are marked with a SRS AIRBAG label sewn into the
outboard side of the seats.
located above the side windows. The trim covering the SABICs is labeled SRS AIRBAG.
The SABICs may help reduce the risk of partial or complete ejection of vehicle
occupants through side windows in certain side impact events.
impacts. The Occupant Restraint Controller (“ORC”) determines whether the deployment of the Side Air Bags in a particular impact event is appropriate, based on the
severity and type of collision. Vehicle damage by itself is not a good indicator of whether
or not Side Air Bags should have deployed.
upright in the center of the seat.
severely injured or killed.
The Side Air Bags work with your seat belt to restrain you properly. In some
collisions, Side Air Bags won’t deploy at all. Always wear your seat belt even though
you have Side Air Bags.
Curtains (SABICs). Do not stack luggage or other cargo up high enough to block the
deployment of the SABICs. The trim covering above the side windows where the
SABIC and its deployment path are located should remain free from any obstructions.
do not install any accessory items in your vehicle which could alter the roof. Do not
add an aftermarket sunroof to your vehicle. Do not add roof racks that require
permanent attachments (bolts or screws) for installation on the vehicle roof. Do not
drill into the roof of the vehicle for any reason.
Bags; the performance could be adversely affected and/or objects could be pushed
into you, causing serious injury.
Children 12 years or younger should ride properly buckled up in a rear seat, if available.
According to crash statistics, children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seats
rather than in the front.
Every state in the United States and all Canadian provinces require that small children
ride in proper restraint systems. This is the law, and you can be prosecuted for ignoring it.
Your vehicle is equipp ed w ith the child
restraint anchorage system called LATCH,
which stands for Lower Anchors and T ethers
for CHildren.
The rear outboard seating positions have
lower anchors and top tether anchors. The
rear center seating position has a top tether
anchor only.
LATCH Weight Limit
You m ay use the LATCH anch or age s ystem
until the combined weight of the child and
the child restraint is 65 lbs (29.5 kg). Use
the seat belt and tether anchor instead of
the LATCH system once the combined
weight is more than 65 lbs (29.5 kg).
Locating LATCH Anchorages
The lower anchorages are round bars that are found at the rear of the seat cushion
where it meets the seatback, below the anchorage symbols on the seatback. They are just
visible when you lean into the rear seat to install the child restraint. You will easily feel
them if you run your finger along the gap between the seatback and seat cushion.
Lower Anchors
Locating Tether Anchorages
In addition, there are tether strap anchorages behind each rear seating position
located in the panel between the rear seatback and the rear window. These tether
strap anchorages are under a plastic cover
with the tether anchorage symbol on it.
Center Seat LATCH
Do not install child restraints with rigid
lower attachments in the center seating
position. Only install this type of child restraint in the outboard seating positions.
Child restraints with flexible, webbing
mounted lower attachments can be installed in any rear seating position. In the
center position, the inner anchorages are
17 inches (440 mm) apart.
Tether Anchorages
Installing The Child Restraint Using The LATCH Lower Anchors
Never “share” a LA TCH anchorage with two or more child restraints.
1. Loosen the adjusters on the lower straps and on the tether strap of the child seat so that
you can more easily attach the hooks or connectors to the vehicle anchorages.
2. Attach the lower hooks or connectors of the child restraint to the lower anchorages in
the selected seating position.
3. If the child restraint has a tether strap, connect it to the top tether anchorage. See
below for directions to attach a tether anchor.
4. T ighten all of the straps as you push the child restraint rearward and downward into the
seat. Remove slack in the straps according to the child restraint manufacturer’ s
5. T est that the child restraint is installed tightly by pulling back and forth on the child
seat at the belt path. It should not move more than 1 inch (25.4 mm) in any direction.
Installing The Child Restraint Using The Vehicle Seat Belts
The seat belts in the passenger seating positions are equipped with a Switchable
Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) that is designed to keep the lap portion of the seat belt
tight around the child restraint. Any seat belt system will loosen with time, so check the
belt occasionally, and pull it tight if necessary.
Tether Anchorage Weight Limit
Always use the tether anchor when using the seat belt to install a forward facing child
restraint, up to the recommended weight limit of the child restraint.
To Install A Child Seat Using An ALR:
1. Pull enough of the seat belt webbing from the retractor to pass it through the belt path
of the child restraint. Do not twist the belt webbing in the belt path.
2. Slide the latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.”
3. Pull on the webbing to make the lap portion tight against the child seat.
4. T o lock the seat belt, pull down on the shoulder part of the belt until you have pulled
all the seat belt webbing out of the retractor. Then, allow the webbing to retract back
into the retractor. As the webbing retracts, you will hear a clicking sound. This means
the seat belt is now in the Automatic Locking mode.
5. T ry to pull the webbing out of the retractor. If it is locked, you should not be able to pull
out any webbing. If the retractor is not locked, repeat the last step.
6. Finally , pull up on any extra webbing to tighten the lap portion around the child
restraint while you push the child restraint rearward and downward into the vehicle
7. If the child restraint has a top tether strap and the seating position has a top tether
anchorage, connect the tether strap to the anchorage and tighten the tether strap. See
below for directions to attach a tether anchor.
8. T est that the child restraint is installed tightly by pulling back and forth on the child
seat at the belt path. It should not move more than 1 inch (25.4 mm) in any direction.
Installing The Top Tether Strap (With Either Lower Anchors Or Vehicle Seat
When installing a forward-facing child restraint, always secure the top tether strap, up to
the tether anchor weight limit, whether the child restraint is installed with the lower
anchors or the vehicle seat belt.
Tether Strap Installation
1. Rotate or lift the cover to access the anchor directly behind the seat where you are
placing the child restraint.
2. Route the tether strap to provide the most direct path for the strap between the anchor
and the child seat.
3. If your vehicle is equipped with adjustable rear head restraints, raise the head
restraint, and where possible, route the tether strap under the head restraint and
between the two posts. If not possible, lower the head restraint and pass the tether
strap around the outboard side of the head restraint.
4. Attach the tether strap hook of the child restraint to the top tether anchorage and
remove slack in the tether strap according to the child restraint manufacturer’s
inside the vehicle. The force required to hold even an infant on your lap could
become so great that you could not hold the child, no matter how strong you are.
The child and others could be severely injured or killed. Any child riding in your
vehicle should be in a proper restraint for the child's size.
to infants in this position.
failure of an infant or child restraint. The child could be severely injured or killed.
Follow the manufacturer’s directions exactly when installing an infant or child
possible injury to the child. Use only the anchor positions directly behind the child
seat to secure a child restraint top tether strap.
slip into the opening between the seatbacks as you remove slack in the strap.
Head restraints are designed to reduce the risk of injury by restricting head movement in
the event of a rear impact. Head restraints should be adjusted so that the top of the head
restraint is located above the top of your ear.
The head restraints for all occupants must be properly installed and adjusted prior to
operating the vehicle or occupying a seat. Head restraints should never be adjusted
while the vehicle is in motion. Driving a vehicle with the head restraints improperly
adjusted or removed could cause serious injury or death in the event of a collision.
Reactive Head Restraints — Front Seats
The front driver and passenger seats are equipped with Reactive Head Restraints (RHR).
In the event of a rear impact the RHRs will automatically extend forward minimizing the
gap between the back of the occupants head and the RHR.
The RHRs will automatically return to their normal position following a rear impact. If the
RHRs do not return to their normal position see your authorized dealer immediately.
To rai se t h e h e ad r est r ain t, p u ll u pwa r d on t h e hea d res tra i nt. To l owe r the h e ad r est r ain t,
push the adjustment button, located at the base of the head restraint, and push downward
on the head restraint.
To rem o ve t he h e ad r e str ain t , rai s e it a s f ar a s i t can g o t hen p ush t h e rel e ase b utto n and
the adjustment button at the base of each post while pulling the head restraint up.
Seatback angle may need to be adjusted to fully remove the head restraint. To reinstall the
head restraint, put the head restraint posts into the holes and push downward. Then
adjust the head restraint to the appropriate height.
injury or death to occupants of the vehicle. Always securely stow removed head
restraints in a location outside the occupant compartment.
occupants. Follow the re-installation instructions above prior to operating the
vehicle or occupying a seat.
covers or portable DVD players. These items may interfere with the operation of the
Reactive Head Restraint in the event of a collision and could result in serious injury
or death.
Rear Head Restraints
The rear outboard head restraints have three positions UP, MID and DOWN. The center
head restraint has only two positions, UP and DOWN. When the center seat is being
occupied the head restraint should be in the raised position. When there are no occupants
in the center seat the head restraint can be lowered for maximum visibility for the driver.
To rai se t h e h e ad r est r ain t, p u ll u pwa r d on t h e hea d res tra i nt. To l owe r the h e ad r est r ain t,
push the adjustment button, located at the base of the head restraint, and push downward
on the head restraint.
To rem o ve t he h e ad r e str ain t , rai s e it a s f ar a s i t can g o t hen p ush t h e rel e ase b utto n and
the adjustment button at the base of each post while pulling the head restraint up.
Seatback needs to be folded forward to fully remove the head restraint. To reinstall the
head restraint, put the head restraint posts into the holes and push downward. Then
adjust the head restraint to the appropriate height.
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