Dodge 2008 Sprinter Owner's Manual

2008 Sprinter
With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name Chrysler LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name Chrysler Canada Inc. used in substitution therefor.
Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents.
Your driving ability can be seriously impaired with blood alcohol levels far below the legal minimum. If you are drinking, don’t drive. Ride with a designated non-drinking driver, call a cab, a friend, or use public transportation.
Driving after drinking can lead to an accident. Your perceptions are less sharp, your reflexes are slower, and your judgment is impaired when you have been drinking. Never drink and then drive.
This manual illustrates and describes the operation of features and equipment that are either standard or op­tional on this vehicle. This manual may also include a description of features and equipment that are no longer available or were not ordered on this vehicle. Please disregard any features and equipment described in this manual that are not on this vehicle.
Chrysler LLC reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications, and/or make additions to or improvements to its products without imposing any obligation upon itself to install them on products previ­ously manufactured.
Copyright © 2007 Chrysler LLC
Thank you for choosing the new Sprinter Vehicle.
Before your first journey , please famili ar­ize yourself with y our vehi cle an d how it operates, as well as its driving, control and convenience functions.
Before you drive off, read these Operat­ing Instructions. This will help you get the most out of your vehicle and avoid endangering yourself and others.
Since the scope of delivery is base d on the sales order, your vehicle’s equip-
Country-specific vehicle equipment, lim­ited availability of items of special equip­ment or different product labeling i s possible in some countries.
Chrysler Vans LLC reserves the right to introduce changes in design, equipment and technical features. You cannot, therefore, base any claims on the data, illustrations or descriptions contained in these Operating Instructions.
Your nearest authorized Sprinter Dealer will be happy to assist you further if you have any other questions.
vehicle. For this r eason, you should al­ways keep them in the vehicle and pass them on to the new owner if you sell the vehicle.
The technical documentation team at ChryslerVans LLC wishes you safe and pleasant driving. Page 1 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Symbols Trademarks
ESP® is a registered trademark of Chrysler Vans LLC.
* Optional equipment
Environmental no te
Action required Sequence of actions (several )   Continuation symbol Page 2 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance1
Controls in detail3
Practical hints5
....................429 Page 3 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM Page 4 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Environmental protection
Environmental protection
Environmental note H
Chrysler’s declared policy is one of compre­hensive environmental protection.
The objectives ar e for the natur al resourc­es which form the basis of our existence on this planet to be used sparingly and in a manner which takes the requirements of both nature and humanity into ac-
Fuel consumption and engine, transmis­sion, brake and tire wear depend on the two following factors:
Operating conditions of your vehicleYour personal dr iving style
You can influence both factors. Observe the following notes: Operating conditions
Do not carry any unn ecessary weight
in/on the vehicle.
Keep an eye o n th e ve hicle ’s f uel con-
Remove roof racks once you no long-
er need them.
A regularly serviced vehicle will con-
tribute to environmental protection. You should therefore adhere to the specified service intervals. Page 5 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Environmental protection
In this manual, whenever you see in­structions to discard materials, you should first attempt to reclaim and recy­cle them. To preserv e our environment, follow appropriate environmental rules and regulations when disposing of mate­rials.
Personal driving style Do not depr ess the a cce lera tor pe dal
when starting the engine.
Do not warm up the engine when the
vehicle is stationary.
Adopt an anticipatory style of driving
and keep a sufficient distance from other vehicles.
Avoid frequent, sudden acceleration.Switch off the engine in stationary
Environmental concerns and recommendations Page 6 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Operating safety
Warning G
Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth de­fects or other reproductive harm.
In addition, certain fluids contained in ve­hicles, and certain products of compo­nent wear, contain chemica ls known to
Warning G
Work carried out incorrectly on electronic equipment and its software co uld cause the equipment to stop working. The elec­tronic systems are networked with each other via interfaces. Tampering with the electronic systems may also cause mal­functions in systems that have not been modified. These malfunctions, however,
Warning (Continued) G
Other work carried out incorrectly or modifications to th e vehicle could also jeopardize operating safe ty.
Some safety systems only function while the engine is running. Therefore, you should not switch off the engine while driving. Page 7 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Warning G
Always have maintenance work carried out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer which has the necessary specialist knowledge and tools to carry out the work required. The manufa c t urer recommends tha t yo u use an authorized Sprinter Dealer for this purpose.
In particular, work relevant to safety or on safety-related systems must be carried
Warning G
A heavy impa ct to th e un der body , tir es or wheels, for exa mp l e when bottoming out on rough terrain or driving over an obsta­cle at high speed, could damage your ve­hicle. This also applies to vehicles equipped with underbody protection.
In this case, have your vehi cle checked at an authorized Sprinter Dealer which has the necessary specialist knowledge and
Warning (Continued) G
In particular, work relevant to safety or on safety-related systems must be carried out at an authorized Sprinter Dealer. Page 8 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
The manufacturer warrants to the origi­nal and each subsequent owner of a Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty on highway diesel engine th at:
(1) the engine was designed, built and
equipped so as to conform at the time of sale with the applicable regu­lations adopted by the Federal Envi­ronmental Protection Agency, and
(2) the emission control system of such
years or 100000 miles (160000 km) or 3000 hours of engine operation, whichever occurs first.
The Owner’s Warranty Information Book contains detailed information about the warranties covering your Sprinter Vehi­cle.
The manufacturer may instruct its au­thorized Sprinter Dealer to carry out technical inspections on ce rtain vehicles
thorized Sprinter Dealer, there is a possibility that your vehicle has not been registered in your na me with the manu­facturer. The man ufacturer will only be able to inform you about vehicle inspec­tions if the manufacturer is in posses­sion of your registration data.
It is advisable to have your vehicle regis­tered at an authorized Sprinter Dealer.
Inform the manufacturer as soon as pos­sible if your address has changed or
Service and warranty information
Registering your vehicle Page 9 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Do not allow the electronically stored to­tal distan ce covered by your v ehicle to be modified as a result of tampering with the electron ics system.
This type of modification or failing to in­form the buyer when selling th e vehicle could constitute an offense punishable by law, depending on the country con­cerned.
Having the engine power output of your vehicle increa sed by ta mperin g with th e electronic engine management system will invalidate the vehicle’s general oper­ating permit and insurance coverage, as well as your warranty and warranty en ti­tlement.
Modifications to the output of the engine must be reported to the insurance pro-
Tampering with the electronic engine management system modifies emission values and it will not be possible to guar­antee the operating safety of the engine in every case. Increases in performance may lead to malfunctions and con se­quential damage to other assembli es.
If you sell the veh icle, failing to inform the buyer of the modified engine power output could constitute an offense pun­ishable by law, depending on the country concerned.
Digital speedometer and total distance recorder
Modifying the engine power out­put Page 10 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
The manufact urer recommends the use of genuine Sprinter parts and conversion parts as well as accessories that have been expressly approved for your vehi­cle model (
page 600).
These parts have been subjected to spe­cial tests in order to determine th eir safety, reliabil ity and suitability.
Body builder guideline
If you intend on making any alterations to the vehicle, we strongly recommend that you select one o f the following op­tions in order to obtain all necessary in­formation:
Contact the authorized Sprinter
Dealer nearest you to obtain a copy of the Sprinter Body Builder Guide­line.
Call Chrysler Vans LLC at telephone
(800) 992-1997 to request a copy of
Chrysler Vans LLC P.O. Box 21-8004 Auburn Hills, MI 48321-8004 United States of America
Vehicle alterations Page 11 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Body builders and dealers who make any modifications which may af fect the final certification of the engine, vehicle or equipment assume the sole responsibil­ity for the vehicle, including labeling and documentation, affected by their modifi­cations.
It is their responsibility to certify that the altered vehicle conforms to all applica­ble standards and regulations affected by the vehicle alteration or continues to comply with the motor vehicle safety
The manufacture r is not responsible for any final certification or claims regard­ing product liability, or warranty claims, which result from any component, as­sembly, or system being altered, or which cause non-compliance with any of the emission control standards or motor vehicle safety standards, or which would otherwise cause the vehicle to be or be­come defective or unsafe.
The manufacturer does not assume the responsibility as the final stage manu-
Warning G
Any modifications or alterations of the Sprinter vehicle not in compliance with the Sprinter Body Builder Guideline and the Sprinter Operator’s Manual may seri­ously inhibit its roadworthiness and safe­ty and may lead to an accident resulting in serious personal injury or death.
Consult the Sprinter Body Builder Guide­line and the Sprinter Operator’s Manual Page 12 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
Observe the following information when using your vehicle:
The safety notes in this manual
Stickers and warning labels
If you should experi ence a p roblem w ith your vehicle, particularly one that you believe may affect its safe operation, we urge you to immedi ately contact an au­thorized Sprinter Dealer to have the problem diagnosed and corrected if re­quired.
If the matter is not handled to your sat­isfaction, pl ease discuss the problem with the Sprinter Dealer management,
Correct use
Warning G
Be sure to read the Operating Instructions. Otherwise, yo u ma y no t b e awa re o f ce rta in risks and could inju re y ourse lf or oth ers.
Warning G
Various wa rning la bels a re aff ixed to your vehicle. These warning labels are intend ­ed to make you and others aware of vari­ous risks. You should not remove any of these warning labels unless explicitly in­structed to do so by information on the la­bel itself. Removal of any of these labels may cause you and ot hers to be u nawar e
Problems with your vehicle Page 13 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Operating safety
In the USA: Chrysler Vans LLC Customer Center
P.O. Box 21-8004 Auburn Hills, MI 48321-8001 United States of America Telephone: 800-992-1997
In Canada: Chrysler Canada, Inc. Customer Center
P.O. Box 1621 Windsor, Ontario N9A 4H6 Telephone: (800) 465-2001 Page 14 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
In the 50 United States and Washington D.C.: If you believe that your vehicle has a defect, which could cause a crash or cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to noti­fying the manufacturer.
If the NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investiga t ion, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA can not become inv olved in in divid ual p roble ms be tween you, your dealer, and the manufacturer.
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll free at 1–888–327–4236 (T TY: 1-800-424-9153), or go to; or write to: Administrator, NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington DC 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from
In Canada: Page 15 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
Information regarding electronic recording devices
Information regarding electronic recording devices
(Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951) Please note that your vehicle is equipped with devices that can record vehicle systems data. This informatio n helps, for example, to diagnose vehicle systems after a collision and to continuously improve vehicle safety.
Chrysler Vans LLC may acce ss the information and share it with others
for safety research or vehicle dia gnosis purposeswith the consent of the vehicle owner or lesseein response to an official request by law enforcement or other government agencyfor use in dispute r esolution involving Chrysle r Vans LL, its affiliates or sa les/service organization and/or Page 16 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
At a glance
Cockpit............. 18
Instrument cluster............. 20
Steering wheel with buttons*............. 25
Center console............. 26
Overhead control panel*............. 27
Switch units............. 28
Door control panel............. 31 Page 17 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
N68.10-2287-31 Page 18 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Function Page
1 Door control panel 31 2 Ligh t switch 130 3 Comb ination switch
Turn signalsHigh-beam head-
Windshield wipersRear window wiper*
135 131 210 212
4 Cruise control lever* 249
Function Page
7 Instrument cluster 20,
8 Storage compartment 9 Storage compartment
with interior lamp
Overhead control panel* 27
a Rear-view mirror * 208 b Rear view camera moni-
Function Page
e Jack and vehicle tool kit 515 f Glove box 288 g Center console 26 h Selector lever (automatic
j Ignition lock 111 k Addition al switch unit 29 l Handbrake 191 Page 19 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster Page 20 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
Function Page
1 Instrument cluster on ve-
hicles without steering wheel buttons
2 Instrument cluster on ve-
hicles with steering wheel buttons*
3 On vehicles without
steering wheel but­tons:
Changes the
4 On vehicles with
steering wheel but­tons*:
Checks the engine oil level
5 Reset button 142 6 Speedometer with: 145
Indicator and warning lamps
Function Page
Function Page
8 Display on vehicles with-
out steering wheel but­tons
9 Display on vehicles with
steering wheel buttons*
a Tachometer with: 145
Indicator and warning lamps
b Instrument lighting
144 Page 21 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
Function Page
c Fuel gauge with:
Reserve fuel warning
Fuel filler flap location
Ö: Fuel filler flap is
on the left­hand side
145 475
Vehicles without steering wheel buttons: Display
8 contains a digital fuel
gauge. Vehicles with steering wheel but-
tons*: The tachometer contains an analog fuel gauge.
Indicator and Warning Lamps
warning lamp 72
ASR warning lamp 73
/ Coolant level too low 474
D Coolant temperature
too high
1 Restraint sy stems
469 Page 22 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
Brake fluid level too low
EBV malfunction 462 Malfunction in trailer's
brake booster
N Engine oil level warning as47
± Engine diagnostic
indicator lamp
Indicator and Warning Lamps
Indicator and warning lamps Page
X Combination low tire
pressure/TPMS m al­function telltale, USA only
Low tire pressure tell­tale, Canada only
J Windshield washer/
headlamp cleaning sys­tem* washer fluid level too low
Turn signal, rig ht 135
- ABS malfunction 466
k ASR malfunction 465
BAS malfunction 465
malfunction 468
Air cleaner dirty 477
A Reserve fuel 475
Fuel filler flap open 476
Indicator and warning lamps Page Page 23 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Instrument cluster
Indicator and warning lamps Page
Water in the fuel 482
# Battery charge mal-
. Defective bulb 483
Handbrake applied 191
B Low-beam headlamps
Operating spee d gov-
ernor on*
Vehicles with steering wheel buttons: Corresponding messages may also be shown in display
page 157). Page 24 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Steering wheel with buttons*
Steering wheel with buttons*
Function Page
1 Display 151
Controlling the operat­ing system
2 To select a submenu or
adjust the volume
Up/increases the volume
t Ends a call/
rejects an incom-
ing call
4 To jump from one menu
to another
Forward Backward
5 To jump from one
Function Page Page 25 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Center console
Center console
Function Page
1 Storage compartment 290 2 Radio* or COMAND*,
see the separate oper­ating instructions
3 Air-conditioning control
4 Center console switch
Function Page
5 Storage compart-
ment or
CD changer*,
see the separate operating instruc­tions
6 Cup holder with
Ashtray Cigarette lighter
291 294 Page 26 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Overhead control panel*
Overhead control panel*
Function Page
1 Hands-free microphone
for telephone*
2 Switches the right-hand
reading lamp on/off
3 Switches the automatic
interior lighting on/off
Function Page
4 Eyeglass
compartment or
Anti-theft alarm sys-
tem (ATA)*
5 Switches the interior
lighting on/off
6 Switches the left-hand
reading lamp
137 Page 27 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
At a glance
Switch units
Switch units
Center console switch unit
Function Page
Opens/closes th e left­hand electric sliding door*
Switches the left/right seat heating* on/off
Switches the rear win-
Activates/deactivates ASR
Switches the hazard warning flashers on/off
Central locking Interior/rear compartment
! Switches the Parktronic
system (PTS)* on/off
253 Page 28 Friday, January 25, 2008 3:53 PM
+ 636 hidden pages