When using the XT30/XT50 Series control panel for any listing organization’s approved methods, refer to this
manual and the XT30/XT50 Installation Guide (LT-0980). These documents outline the installation and programming
requirements of all applications for which the XT30/XT50 is approved.
FCC Notice
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used properly in strict
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference with radio and television reception. It
has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the
specication in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference in a residential installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the installer is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient the receiving antenna
• Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver
• Move the computer away from the receiver
• Plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and receiver are on different branch circuits
If necessary, the installer should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional
suggestions. The installer may nd the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission,
“How to identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems.”
This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Ofce, Washington D.C. 20402
Stock No. 004-000-00345-4
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Industry Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Revisions to this Document ................................................................ 44
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
1.1 Before You Begin
Before programming the panel, we recommend you read through the contents of this manual. The
information in this document allows you to learn the programming options and operational capabilities
of the XT30/XT50 panel. After this Introduction, the remaining sections describe the functions of
each programming menu items along with their available options. The XT30/XT50 contains all of its
programming information in an on-board processor and does not require an external programmer.
In addition to this manual, you should also be familiar with the following XT30/XT50 Series documents:
• XT30/XT50 Installation Guide (LT-0980)
• XT30/XT50 User Guide (LT-0982)
• XT30/XT50 Programming Sheet (LT-0983)
Programming Sheets
Included with each XT30/XT50 Series panel is the panel programming sheet. This sheet lists the various
options available for programming the panel. Before starting, completely ll out the sheet with the
programming options you intend to enter into the panel. Having completed programming sheets
available while entering data helps to prevent errors and can shorten the length of time you spend
programming. Completed sheets also provide you with an accurate account of the panel’s program you
can keep on le for future system service or expansion. The remainder of the Introduction explains
starting and ending a programming session.
1.2 Getting Started
The panel must be properly grounded before connecting any devices or applying power to the panel.
Proper grounding protects against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) that can damage system components.
Before programming the panel, make sure the panel is properly grounded and AC and battery power is
applied to the appropriate panel terminals. All wiring connections and grounding instructions are detailed
in the XT Series Installation Guide (LT-0980).
Program from any Keypad Address or Wireless Keypad
You can program the panel from any 32-character wireless keypad or hardwired keypad connected to
the panel’s keypad data bus.
Hardwired Keypad Connection
Connect the DMP Model 300 4-wire harness to the hardwired keypad. Observe wire colors when
connecting the red, yellow, green, and black wires to the keypad bus. Connect red to panel terminal
7, yellow to terminal 8, green to 9, and black to panel terminal 10 or connect a DMP Model 330
Programming Cable from the keypad to the PROG port on the control panel. You can perform all
programming tasks through a 32-character DMP keypad set to address one. Using a hard-wired
keypad, wireless keypads can be programmed into the panel manually or by using the Wireless Keypad
Association operation.
Wireless Keypad Association
Enable Wireless Keypad Association operation on both the keypad and panel.
Wireless LCD Keypad
1. Press and hold the back arrow key and CMD at the same time until SET BRIGHTNESS displays.
2. Enter the code 3577 (INST) and press CMD.
3. Select KPD RF to start the RF survey communication. The keypad displays its wireless serial
number and RF SURVEY.
Wireless Graphics Touchscreen Keypad
1. Press Options in the carousel menu.
2. Press the wrench icon to access the Installer Options menu.
3. Enter the code 3577 (INST) and press CMD.
4. Press KPD RF to start the RF survey communication. The keypad displays its wireless serial
number and RF SURVEY.
Enable in the XT30/XT50 Series panel
Reset the panel three times, allowing the keypad bus transmit light to begin ashing between each
reset. For 60 seconds the panel listens for wireless keypads that are in RF Survey mode and have
not been programmed or associated into another panel. When the keypad associates with the panel
the keypad logo LED turns from red to green. Wireless keypads are assigned to the rst open device
position in Device Setup automatically based upon the order in which they are detected.
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
Accessing the Programmer Menu
1. Connect the keypad to the PROG header.
2. If using a Wireless LCD Keypad, make sure panel communication has been established and the user
menu appears on an associated keypad before continuing.
3. Install the reset jumper across the two RESET pins on the panel for two seconds.
4. Remove the reset jumper and place it over just one pin for future use.
5. Enter the code 6653 (PROG). The keypad displays PROGRAMMER.
1.3 Programmer Menu
You are now ready to start programming the XT30/XT50 panel. Press CMD to scroll through the
programmer menu items listed below.
Menu ItemSection in This ManualMenu ItemSection in This Manual
Initialization2Bell Options10
Communication3Output Options11
Network Options4Output Information12
Messaging Setup5Area Information13
Device Setup6Zone Information14
Remote Options7Stop15
System Reports8Set Lockout Code16
System Options9Appendix17
Select a programmer menu item by pressing any select key or area when the name of that menu item
displays on the keypad. The detailed instructions for each programming step are found in this manual.
1.4 Programmer Lockout Codes
Although the XT30/XT50 panels allow you to access the Programmer menu without a lockout code, it is
recommended you program one to restrict programming access to authorized individuals only. See Set
Lockout Code.
Installing a lockout code
1. After entering the Programmer menu, the keypad displays PROGRAMMER. Press CMD until SET
LOCKOUT CODE displays (after STOP).
2. Press any select key or area. At ENTER CODE: -, enter a 1 to 5-digit lockout code. Press CMD.
3. At ENTER AGAIN, enter the same lockout code again and press CMD. The display shows CODE
CHANGED. The new code number must now be entered before the Programmer menu can be
accessed. The lockout code should be written down and kept in a secure place with access limited
to authorized persons only.
Lost Lockout Code requires factory reset: If you lose or forget the lockout code, the panel must
be sent back to the factory to be reset. There is no eld option for gaining access to the panel
without a valid lockout code.
Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. XT Series Programming Guide
1.5 Reset Timeout
32-Character Display
The XT30/XT50 has a feature that requires you to enter the Programmer menu within 30 minutes of
resetting the panel. After 30 minutes, if you attempt to program by entering the 6653 (PROG) code, the
keypad displays RESET PANEL. You must reset the panel and enter the program code within the next 30
If you are already in the Programmer menu and do not press any keys on the programming keypad for 30
minutes, the panel stops programming. All data entered up to that point is saved in the panel’s memory.
Using the STOP function disarms all areas: To exit the Programmer menu, you must use the Stop
function. STOP is the second to the last option in the Programmer menu. The Stop function disarms all
areas and clears the keypad’s Status List. The programming session is then terminated and the keypad
returns to the Status List or Main Screen.
1.6 Keypads
DMP offers many different keypads that provide panel programming capabilities. Each keypad and its
operations are shown and described in the following sections.
Note: Programming cannot be accessed using an Icon Series keypad. Use a keypad type shown below.
32-Character Display
Backlit Logo
and Proximity
Backlit Logo
and Proximity
FRI12: 51 PM
Data Entry Digit keys
Figure 1: Wireless Keypad
Icon Display
Shortcut and Digit keys
Figure 3: Icon Keypad
Select Keys
Back Arrow Key
Select Keys
Back Arrow Key
Power LED
Armed LED
Backlit Logo
and Proximity
Local Weather
Figure 4: Graphic Touchscreen Keypad
FRI 2:51 AM
Back Arrow Key
Data Entry Digit keys
Figure 2: Thinline/Aqualite Keypad
Interactive Shield
Proximity Card
MON 5:35 AM
98 77
Select Keys
Micro SD
Card Slot
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
1.7 Special Keys
The following special keys or areas are common to all DMP keypads.
CMD (Command) Key
Pressing CMD allows you to go forward through the programming menu and through each step of a
programming sec tion. As you go through the programming, the keypad display shows any current
programming already stored in the panel memory. If no change is required for an option, press CMD to
advance to the next step.
CMD is also used to enter information into the panel’s memory such as phone numbers or zone names.
Press CMD after entering information.
<— (Back Arrow) Key
Use the back arrow key to back up one step while programming. The back arrow key is also used when
an error is made while entering in formation. Press the back arrow key once to erase the last character
Select Keys or Areas
On LCD keypads, the top row of keys are called the select keys. On Graphic Touchscreen Keypads, the
keypad is sectioned into select areas. Each time you need to press a select key or area, the keypad
displays the function or options above one of the select keys or in the select area. Displaying choices
above individual select keys or in select areas allows them to be used for many different applications.
For example, you can enter AM or PM when programming the automatic test time or answer YES or NO
for a system option.
During programming, the select keys or areas also allow you to change infor mation currently in panel
memory by pressing the appropriate select key or area under or on the display. You then enter the new
information using the keypad data entry digit keys.
When there are more than four re sponse options avail able, press CMD to display the next one to four
options. Pressing the back arrow key allows you to review the previous four choices.
The select keys or areas are also used for choosing a section from the pro gramming menu. Press any
select key or touch the select area when the programming section name you want displays.
Note: For LCD Keypads, when instructed to press the rst select key, press the far left select key; the
second select key is the second from the left; third select key is second from the right; and the fourth
select key is the far right key. See Figures 6 and 7.
For Graphic Touchscreen Keypads, when instructed to press the rst select key, touch select area 1;
the second select key touch select area 2; third select key touch select area 3; and the fourth select
key touch select area 4.
Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. XT Series Programming Guide
1.8 Entering Characters Using the Number Pad
1. Choose a character from the table.
2. Identify the Number the character correlates with and
press it on the number pad.
3. Identify the Select Key or Area for that character and
press that select key or area on the keypad. To access
the lowercase letter, press that select key or area
again. See Figure 5.
4. When the desired character displays on the keypad,
return to Step 1 to enter another character or press
CMD if nished.
1.9 Entering Characters Using the Standard Keyboard
• Press ABC to access uppercase letters.
• Press abc to access lowercase letters.
• Press !@# to access symbols.
• Press 123 to access the number pad.
Note: Keep in mind that not all keypad prompts
accept letters and/or symbols. For example,
pressing P on the ENTER CODE prompt could display
a 6 on the keypad. See Figure 6.
Each programming option displayed at the keypad shows the currently selected option in the panel
memory. These options are either shown as a number, a blank, or a NO or YES. To change a number or
blank to a new number, press any top row select key or touch any select area. The current option is
replaced with a dash. Press the number(s) on the keypad you want to enter as the new number for that
option. It is not necessary to enter numbers with leading zeros. The panel automatically right justies the
number when you press CMD.
To change a programming option that requires a NO or YES response, press the select key or touch the
select area for the response not selected. See Figure 8.
For example, if the current option is selected as YES and you want to change it to NO, on LCD Keypads,
press the third top row select key. On Graphic Touchscreen Keypads touch select area 3. The display
changes to NO. Press CMD to display the next option.
Press the black colored top
row Select key/area.
Figure 6: Standard Keyboard
The keypad displays the new
selection. Press CMD to advance.
Figure 7: Changing the Current Programming Option
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
2.1 Initialization
2.2 Clear All Codes
2.3 Clear All Schedules
2.4 Clear Events
2.5 Clear Zone Programming
This function allows you to set the panel’s programmed memory back to the factory
defaults. Select YES to clear the rst section of memory. The panel asks if you are
sure you want to clear that section’s memory. This is a safeguard against accidently
erasing part of the panel programming. No memory is cleared from the panel until
you answer YES to the SURE? YES NO option.
NO leaves existing codes intact.
YES clears the user code memory and assigns the user code number 99 to user 30 on
the XT30, and 99 on the XT50.
NO leaves existing schedules intact.
YES clears all schedules from the XT30 or XT50 programming.
NO leaves existing event memory intact.
YES clears all event memory currently held in the panel’s Display Events buffer.
NO leaves existing zone information intact.
YES sets all zones in the system to * UNUSED *
2.6 Clear Communication
2.7 Clear Wi-Fi
2.8 Set to Factory Defaults
NO leaves existing communication, network, and e-mail programming intact.
YES clears communication, network and e-mail programming to factory defaults.
NO leaves existing Wi-Fi programming intact.
YES clears Wi-Fi programming to factory defaults.
NO leaves the remainder of the existing panel programming intact.
YES sets the panel’s programming back to factory default selections and clears all
Z-Wave, Favorites, Device Setup, System Options, and Remote Options programming
from the panel. Selecting YES does not clear the panel’s event memory, zone, user
code information, or schedules.
Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. XT Series Programming Guide
3.1 Communication
3.2 Account Number
3.3 Transmission Delay
3.4 Communication Type
3.5 Backup Dialer
3.6 Backup Cellular
3.7 Test Time
3.8 Test Days
The Communication section allows you to congure the communication settings for
the XT30/XT50 panel. After choosing the Communication Type, continue through the
list of options.
Enter the account num ber sent to the receiver.
DD, NET, CELL - The range of account numbers for Digital Dialer, Network, and Cell
is 1 to 65535. For account numbers of four digits or less, you do not have to enter
leading zeros. The panel automatically right justies the account number.
CID - The account number range for this format is 1 - 9999.
Enter the number of seconds (15 to 45 seconds) the panel waits before sending
burglary alarm reports to the receiver. The bell and relay outputs are not delayed
during this period. Program Burglary Outputs for steady, and set Abort Reports to
YES if Opening and Closing reports are not being sent. Enter 0 (zero) to disable this
function. The default is 30.
If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed during the Transmit Delay time,
only an Abort Report (S45) message is sent to the receiver. If the area where the
alarm occurred is disarmed after the alarm message is sent to the receiver but
before the Bell Cutoff time expires, even if the alarm was silenced, an Alarm
Cancelled (S49) message is sent. The Alarm Cancelled report cannot be disabled.
This species the communication method the panel uses to contact the receiver.
Press any select key or area to display the following communication options:
DD - Digital Dialer communication to DMP SCS-1R.
Backup Cellular option is available if COMM TYPE is set for NET or DD/CID. The
00:00 AM PM
Enter how often the panel test report is sent to the receiver for each
CID - Contact ID dialer communication to non-DMP receivers. This format sends the
report codes of the Ademco Contact ID communication format.
NET - Network communication to DMP Model SCS-1R Receivers or SCS-VR Receivers.
CELL - Cellular communication to DMP Model SCS-1R or SCS-VR Receivers.
WIFI - Network communication to DMP Model SCS-1R or SCS-VR Receivers.
NONE - For local systems. Selecting this ends communication programming.
Note: The Backup Dialer, Backup Cellular, Check-in Minutes, and Failed Minutes
options revert to their default values when the communication type is changed. All
other communication programming items remain at their programmed values.
Backup Dialer option is available if COMM TYPE is set for NET. The Backup Dialer
tries to send the message after the main communication fails for 60 seconds on NET.
If the backup dialer fails then the message is discarded.
Backup Cellular tries to send the message after the main communication fails for
60 seconds on NET and 10 dial attempts with DD/CID. If the backup dialer fails then
the message is discarded.
Press COMMAND to enter the Test Time. Enter the time of day the panel sends the
test report to the SCS-1R Receiver. Use entries between 12:00 to 11:59 and then
choose AM or PM.
communication type programmed. Enter from 1 to 60 days. Enter zero to disable
the test report. Default is 1 (one) day. These options only display if a test time is
entered and that particular communication method is being used.
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
3.9 Check-in Minutes
3.10 Fail Time
3.11 Send Communication Trouble
3.12 First GPRS APN
3.13 Second GPRS APN
3.14 Receiver 1 Programming
3.15 Alarm Reports
3.16 Supervisory/Trouble Reports
3.17 Opening/Closing and User Reports
3.18 Test Report
Enter the number of minutes (3 to 240) between check-in reports for NET
Communication. Check-in reports are a method of supervising the panel for
communication with the receiver for Net communication. Enter 0 (zero) to disable
this feature. The default Check-in Time is 200 minutes.
Fail Time allows the receiver to miss a dened number of check-ins before logging
that the panel is missing. For example, if checkin is 20 and Fail TIME is 30, the
receiver only indicates a Panel Not Responding after 30 minutes. The Fail TIME must
be equal to or greater than the CHECKIN minutes: If the CHECKIN is 20 minutes, the
FAIL TIME must be 20 or more. The maximum FAIL TIME is 240 minutes. The default
fail TIME is 240 minutes.
Enable communication fail notication by selecting YES at COMM TRBL. Select NO to
disable. Default is YES.
When COMM TRBL is YES and the panel detects a failure of communication, the
panel sends an S72 (Comm Trouble) message through a backup communication
method with notication of the failure. If both primary and secondary methods of
communication fail, then two S72 messages will be sent via the third communication
method, if programmed.
When communication is restored, the panel sends an S73 (Comm Restored) message
through the primary communication.
Note: If the primary or secondary communication type is CELL, S72 and S73
messages include the cell signal strength as a -dBm value.
Enter the rst APN (Access Point Name). This allows an access point for cellular
communication and is used to connect to a DNS network. The APN may contain two
lines of 16 characters to equal 32 characters. Default is set to SECURECOM400.
Enter the second APN (Access Point Name). This works as a backup in case the rst
APN fails. The APN may contain two lines of 16 characters to equal 32 character
Default is set to SECURECOM400.
Allows you to set the options for the rst receiver the XT30/XT50 panel attempts
to contact when sending reports. The XT30/XT50 supports communication to two
YES enables Abort, Alarm, Alarm Restoral, Alarm Bell Silenced, Ambush, Exit Error,
and System Recently Armed reports to be sent to this receiver. Default is YES.
YES enables Supervisory, Trouble, Trouble Restoral, Force Armed, Late to Close, and
Fault reports to be sent to this receiver. Default is YES.
YES enables Opening/Closing, Door Access, Schedule and Code Changes, Bypass, and
Sensor Reset reports by user to be sent to this receiver. Default is YES.
Enter YES to enable the Recall Test report to be sent to this receiver.
Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. XT Series Programming Guide
3.19 First Telephone Number
3.20 Second Telephone Number
3.21 First IP Address
3.22 First IP Port
3.23 Second IP Address
3.24 Second IP Port
3.25 Receiver 2 Programming
3.26 Alarm Reports
Enter the rst (primary) IP address where the panel sends network or cell messages.
Enter the second IP address where the panel sends network messages. The IP
Enter the second IP port number to be used in conjunction with the Second IP
Enter the rst number the panel dials to send reports to this receiver. A phone
number may contain two lines of 16 characters to equal 32 characters. You can
program a three-second pause in the dial ing se quence by en tering P. Program a
dial tone detect by entering D. These characters are counted as part of the 32
Call Waiting: You can place the “* 7 0 P” (Star, Seven, Zero, Pause) in the telephone
number rst position to cancel Call Waiting. For example, program NET with second
line DD and phone number *70P555-1212, and you have NET with Call Waiting
cancelled on the second line.
Caution: A call waiting cancel programmed on a non-call waiting telephone line
would prevent communication to the central station.
The panel dials the second number after two successive attempts failed using the
rst number. If the panel cannot reach this receiver after two attempts using the
second number, it returns to the rst number and makes two additional attempts. A
total of ten dialing attempts are made using the rst and second phone num bers. If
a second phone number is not entered, the rst phone number is used for all dialing
attempts. Each number can be up two lines of 16 characters to equal 32 characters
in length, in cluding any P, D, or *70P char acters entered for pause, dial tone detect,
or call waiting cancel option.
The IP address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all
12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as
192168000250. The periods display automatically.
For NET: The rst and second IP addresses are alternately used for 8-second
intervals until successful communication or 1 minute elapses.
For Cell: The message is sent using First GPRS APN and the First IP Address. If
no acknowledgment is received, First GPRS APN and the Second IP address are
used, followed, if needed, by Second GPRS APN and rst and second IP addresses,
Enter the rst IP port number to be used in conjunction with the First IP Address.
The IP port identies the port used to communicate messages to and from the
panel. The default IP Port setting is 2001.
Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated on the network. Enter all 12
digits and leave out the periods. For example, enter IP address as
192168000250. The periods display automatically.
Address. The IP port identies the port used to communicate messages to and from
the panel. The default IP Port setting is 2001.
Allows you to set the options for the second receiver the XT30/XT50 panel attempts
to contact when sending reports. The XT30/XT50 supports communication to two
receivers. If you select YES for any of the Receiver 2 options, you must have at least
one phone number or IP address programmed in Receiver 2 programming. Receiver 2
defaults are set to NO.
YES enables Abort, Alarm, Alarm Restoral, Alarm Bell Silenced, Ambush, Exit Error,
and System Recently Armed reports to be sent to this receiver. Default is NO.
XT Series Programming Guide Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
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