The easy-to-understand icons, combined with a three-character display,
provides visual feedback enabling simple arming, disarming, and a
variety of other functions.
To learn the range of features of your system, please read through this
user’s guide thoroughly. All icons and keypad operation are completely
Thinline™ Series Icon Keypads
System Functions
Re se tt in g Se ns or s
Use this function to reset the smoke detectors after an alarm has
occurred. Press and hold the RESET (2) key for two seconds. The Flame
icon will clear from the display when the Sensor Reset operation is
complete and the smoke detectors are reset.
Us er C od es
+[ yo ur c od e] +[ us er n um be r] +[ us er c od e] +[ le ve l]
This function allows you to Add or Delete user codes. Each user is
assigned 3 settings:
The User Number is how the system identifes a user.
The User Code is the four digit number a user enters into the keypad to
arm, disarm or to perform other system operations.
The User Level - the user is also assigned a level of authority (Master,
Standard, Limited, or Scheduled) to determine the functions the user
can access. See below for User Code authority levels.
• Press and hold the CODE key (4) until the keypad beeps once and
enter your user code.
• Enter the four-digit user code to assign to the user number or 0000 to
delete an existing user.
• Enter the authority level (1-4)
Level 3 = Standard User
The Standard authority level can perform all system functions
except adding or deleting user codes.
Level 4 = Master User in
The Master authority level can perform all system functions.
Zo ne S ta tu s
Use this function to display burglary protection zones that are faulted
while the system is disarmed. Any faulted burglary zones are shown in the
3-character display allowing you to correct the problem before arming.
Do or C hi me
You can enable monitor for all Perimeter zones in the system to sound a
doorbell chime at the keypad anytime a zone is opened. Press and hold
the CHIME (5) key for two seconds. The Door icon will display and the
doorbell chime sounds. Pressing the CHIME key again for two seconds
turns off this function.
Ea sy E xi t
This function allows you to exit your home while the system is armed.
Press and hold the EXIT (8) key until the exit countdown begins to
display and then exit. The system automatically arms again after the
countdown completes.
Arming the System
Ar mi ng w it h a Co de o r Pr ox im it y Cr ed en ti al
While the Thumbs Up icon is displaying, enter your user code or
present a proximity credential to begin the exit countdown. Arming is
delayed until the end of the countdown. Pressing the INST key during
the exit countdown immediately arms the system and removes all
entry/exit delays. An alarm would immediately occur should an exit
door be opened.
Ar mi ng w it h Sh or tc ut K ey s
While the Thumbs Up icon is displaying, press and hold the ALL, HOME,
PERIM or SLEEP key for two seconds to arm your system.
ALL arms the entire system.
HOME or PERIM arms the Perimeter zones leaving the
Interior disarmed.
SLEEP arms the Perimeter and Interior zones leaving the
sleeping area disarmed. (optional)
Ar mi ng w it h fa ul te d Zo ne s (T hu mb s Do wn )
Thumbs down displays and the keypad sounds four short
beeps when a burglary zone is faulted while arming the
system. The zone number is shown in the 3-character
display. If the problem is simply an open door or window,
press the Back Arrow key, correct the problem, and
try arming again. If the problem cannot be corrected,
press the Select Key under BYPASS to go ahead and arm
the system. A zone remains bypassed until the system
is disarmed. If no selection is made, the system will
automatically force arm any faulted burglary zones without
Disarming the System
Di sa rm in g wi th a C od e or P ro xi mi ty C re de nt ia l
When the Armed (Lock) icon is displaying, enter your user code or
present a proximity credential to disarm the entire system.
Di sa rm in g Du ri ng a n Al ar m
Enter your user code or present a proximity credential to silence the
siren leaving the system armed.
After a user code is entered to silence the siren, CANCEL/VERIFY
displays allowing you time to investigate a burglary alarm prior to
disarming the system.
If a valid alarm has not occurred, choosing CANCEL
disarms the system and sends a Cancel or Abort message
to the Central Station.
If the alarm is valid, choosing VERIFY sends a Verify
message to the Central Station. The system remains
armed to provide continued intrusion detection.
ProTELEC Alarms User Guide