DMP Electronics 263LTE-V Installation Manual

Figure 1: 263LTE-V
Caution: Touch grounded metal to discharge
static before handling the panel.
1. Open the panel enclosure and remove all power from the panel. If needed, remove the panel from the enclosure to allow easier placement of the 263LTE-V.
2. Insert the included stando into the XT30/XT50 or XR150/XR550 Series panel stando hole.
3. For XT30/XT50 Series panels, align the 263LTE-V SMA antenna connector with the antenna hole in the top of the panel enclosure and secure it on the 12-pin cell module connector. See Figure 2. For XR150/XR550 Series panels, secure the 263LTE-V on the 12-pin cell module connector. See Figure 3.
4. Allign the 263LTE-V stando hole with the stando already placed in the panel and snap it into place.
The 263LTE-V Cellular
Communicator provides a fully-
supervised alarm communication
path over the Verizon LTE network.
The 263LTE-V installs on the panel
inside the enclosure and is powered
by the panel so no additional
enclosure, power supply, or battery
back-up is needed.
Control panel firmware should be updated to the following versions
when installing a 263LTE-V:
• XT30/XT50 Series panels with Version 172 or higher
• XR150/XR550 Series panels with Version 172 or higher
What is Included
• 263LTE-V Cellular Communicator
• 383LTE antenna
• PCB stando
• 381-2 18” coax cable with brass washers and nut (Included only when ordering the 263LTE-V/381-2)
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Figure 2: 263LTE-V on an XT30/XT50 Panel
Back of the 263LTE-V
Stando and Stando Hole
SMA Connector
Figure 3: 263LTE-V on an XR150/XR550 Panel
Stando and Stando Hole
Back of the 263LTE-V
Installation Guide
1. Navigate to the Dealer Admin site (
2. Click Customers in the right-side menu and select a customer.
3. Click Add System.
4. Enter a System Name.
5. Select XTLplus from the System Type drop-down menu.
6. Select either Cellular or EASYconnect + Cell Backup in the Connection Type field.
7. Enter the SIM number found on the 263LTE-V label and click Get Status.
8. Enter the Account Number.
9. Select a Rate Plan for the 263LTE-V.
10. Click Activate Cellular Device.
Dealer Admin Activation
Be sure to only use the included 383LTE antenna when installing the 263LTE-V.
XT30/XT50 Series Panel
Connect the included LTE antenna to the 263LTE-V SMA connector. See Figure 4.
XR150/XR550 Series Panel
1. If you're installing a 263LTE-V/381-2, attach one end of the included coax cable to the 263LTE-V SMA connector.
2. Position one washer onto the other end of the coax cable and push the threaded end through the antenna knockout hole.
3. Position the second washer onto the threaded end that extends through the antenna knockout hole and secure the nut.
4. Attach the included LTE antenna to the coax cable SMA connector. See Figure 5.
Note: As an alternative, the coax cable can be connected directly to the 263LTE-V SMA connector when the coax cable enters the enclosure via conduit.
Cellular service is required before you can use the 263LTE-V for signal transmission. The 263LTE-V comes ready for activation with SecureComTM Wireless, LLC. Use Remote LinkTM, the Dealer AdminTM site (, the Tech APPTM, or call DMP Customer Service (1-866-266-2826) to activate the 263LTE-V.
LTE Antenna
Figure 4: XT30/XT50 Series Panel
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Figure 5: XR150/XR550 Series Panel
SMA Connector
LTE Antenna
Coax Cable
SMA Connector
263LTE-V SMA Connector
Coax Cable
Knockout Hole
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