Global Thinswitch
US Patent Pending
Installation and Operating Instructions
pplies to TSW2222
There are two different methods of installation:
. with the mounting clip from the side of the mold base (Fig. 1)
b. attached from the top of the switch using 3mm screws
The Thinswitch Limit Switch verifies ejector plate
return when tied into the machine control. The
switch protects the mold from premature closure
after part ejection.
The Thinswitch can also be used with a bolt or pin
actuator with a minimum diameter of 9.5mm. Care
should be taken to avoid crushing the housing with
the actuator.
The Global Thinswitch is designed to operate in
conditions where occasional water or oil spray is
present. Do not immerse the switch or subject it to
direct, continuous liquid spray.
The Thinswitch® is designed for use in very
low power mold protection control circuits. It is
not intended to switc
applications such as relay or solenoid coils.
h heavy loads in power
1. Check height of the rest buttons.
If button height is less than 3mm, machine a pocket to accept the
switch to match rest button height. The top of the dome covering
the actuation spring should extend above the rest button. See
Figure 4 for Actuation Height.
If button height is 3mm, install without 1mm Spacer.
If button height is 4mm, install 1mm Spacer under the Thinswitch.
2. Verify that any rest buttons on the ejector plate will not interfere
with the switch,wire clips, or wire routing.
4. Drill and tap two mounting holes M3 x .5 x 8mm deep in the
location of the switch or the mounting clip depending on your
installation. (See Figures 2 and 5)
5. Using a voltmeter, verify switch contact operation before placing
mold in service.
6. Install switch wiring in accordance with appropriate electrical
standards. Wire switch directly to the injection molding machine
controls or to an approved locking male plug. Consult the
instruction manual for your injection molding press for proper
switch contact location. Switch actuation is SPST. Black and
White wires can be connected interchangeably.
Figure 1
Figure 2
7. When using the Mounting Clip, slide the Thinswitch under the
clip as shown in Figure 1. Switch should snap securely into place.
Parts List
3mm Screw
Mounting Clip
x K
Thinswitch with
2M Shielded
1mm Spacer
Figure 3
A Milacron Company
Form #161 (10.07)

Global Thinswitch® Installation and Operating Instructions
• The actuation height of the switch is adjusted by
urning the set screw with included hex key (see
Figures 2 and 3).
• Recommended actuation height:
Min. Max.
without 1mm Spacer 3.2mm 4.2mm
with 1mm Spacer 4.2mm 5mm
• Each 1/4 turn of the adjusting screw changes
actuation height approximately .14mm.
• Adjust the actuation height to .25mm - .35mm
before the end of the ejector plate stroke.
Premature spring and switch
failure may result by adjusting the
operating point more than .5mm
before the end of the ejector plate
Figure 4
ated current is dependent upon operating temperature. A lower
operating temperature allows more current safely through the
Thinswitch®. See the table below for details.
Rated Current (Resistive) vs.
Operating Temperature
mAmps °C °F
100 29.4 85
90 49.0 120
80 68.3 155
70 79.4 175
Above rated current is resistive. Thinswitch is not intended for
ve load.
Switching Element Contacts
BeCu with Hard Gold Plating .......SPST
Component Materials
Body ................................................Fiberglass-Reinforced Nylon
Spring ..............................................#301 Stainless Steel
Back Cover......................................Polyester Film
Protective Dome..............................Polyurethane
Wire Leads ......................................28ga stranded copper
2 conductor, shielded
cable, 2m long,
ends stripped and tinned
Figure 5
Limited Warranty
Seller warrants that this product supplied will conform to the description herein stated and that the product will be of standard quality. This is
the sole warranty made by Seller with respect to this product. Seller expressly disclaims any other express or implied warranties, including,
but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability and the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.
Seller shall not be liable for any cost or damages, whether direct, incidental or consequential, including, but not limited to, any injury, loss or
damage resulting from the use of this product, regardless of whether any claim for such cost or damages is based on warranty, contract,
negligence, tort or strict liability. The sole liability of Seller is limited to repairing or replacing this product.
This warranty shall not apply to any products that have been repaired or altered by anyone other than Seller. The warranty shall not apply to
any products subject to misuse due to common negligence or accident, nor to any products manufactured by Seller which are not installed or
operated in accordance with the printed instructions of Seller or which have been operated beyond the rated capacity of the goods.