DLO TransDock micro II User Manual

© 2008 Digital Lifestyle Outfitters The DLO logo, Digital Lifestyle Outfitters and TransDock micro are trademarks of Digital Lifestyle Outfitters. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All Rights Reserved
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Quick Start
Thanks for purchasing the DLO TransDock micro II. We will get you up and running in four easy steps. For more detailed instructions, please read Using Your DLO TransDock micro II [pg 6].
1. Tune your car’s FM radio to 88.5. This is the default broadcast frequency for TransDock micro II. If 88.5 is not an empty frequency in your area (i.e. there is music or talk already on that station), please read Finding Empty Radio Frequencies [pg 8].
2. Plug your TransDock micro II into your auto power outlet. This is labeled 12v power outlet or cigarette lighter in older cars.
3. Attach the included Connector Cable to your iPod Dock Connector.
4. Click Play to enjoy your iPod music over your car’s FM radio.
For more info on optimizing the sound quality of TransDock micro II, please read Getting the Best Sound Quality on your TransDock micro II [pg 9].
About TransDock micro II FM Transmitter
TransDock micro II is basically a mini radio station that broadcasts your iPod music to the FM radio in your car, while charging the battery in your iPod at the same time. TransDock micro II has two Tuning Buttons on either side, so you can tune to any frequency from 88.1 to 107.9. It comes with four preset stations, so you can set it to the frequencies you use most.
Setting Up Your TransDock micro II
1. Turn on your car radio and set it to FM radio mode.
2. Slip the Fit Collar onto your TransDock micro II to ensure a secure fit in your car’s cigarette lighter or 12v power outlet.
3. If you want to change the angle of your TransDock micro II for the easiest access, loosen the Adjustment Screws and adjust TransDock micro II to the best position. NOTE: It may help to remove TransDock micro II when you do this. Unplug TransDock micro II, adjust and plug back in.
4. Plug the Connector Cable into the 30-pin connector end of the cable into your iPod.
5. Find an FM frequency with no signal or radio station. For more help with this, please read Finding Empty Radio Frequencies [pg 8].
6. Match the FM frequency on your TransDock micro II with the empty FM station on your radio using the Tuning Buttons on TransDock micro II (Right Button for tuning up, Left Button for tuning down). Most of the static will go away. Now your radio has found TransDock micro II’s signal.
7.To control the overall volume of your music while using TransDock micro II, use the car radio’s volume control, not the iPod volume. iPod nano users: Your iPod nano is light enough that you can attach it to your dashboard for super easy access. TransDock micro II comes with Velcro tabs for mounting your iPod nano on the dash while using your TransDock micro II.
Finding Empty Radio Frequencies
If you live in a big city with a lot of FM radio stations, finding an empty FM frequency can be tricky. Visit www.dlo.com/openfm to find the best frequencies in your area.
Here are some tips for finding an empty station:
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