DLO TransDock Micro User Manual

TransDock micro
The DLOlogo, Digital Lifestyle Outfitters, TransDock micro andIntelliTune are trademarksof Philips Consumer Lifestyle. iPodis a trademark ofApple Inc., registered in the U.S.and other countries. iPhoneis a trademark of Apple inc. Printed in China M47878-080528-D
Quick Start 04
Using TransDock micro 06
About TransDock micro 06
Setting Up Your TransDockmicro 06
Turning TransDock micro On and Off 07
Finding Empty Radio Frequencies Using IntelliTune 08
Manually Finding Empty Radio Frequencies 08
TransDock micro Settings 10
Getting the Best Sound Quality with TransDock micro 13
Tips + Troubleshooting 14
FCC Statement 18
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Tuneradio to match IntelliTune frequency
TouchPlay to enjoy your music
Attach Connector Cable
Plug TransDockmicro into power outlet
Press dial to activate IntelliTune
OLED Display
Thanks for purchasing the DLO TransDock micro. We will get you up and running in a few easy steps. For more detailed instructions, please read
Using TransDock micro [pg. 6].
1. Plug TransDock micro into your auto power outlet.
2. Connect your iPhone to TransDock micro by inserting the Connector Cable into the iPhone dock connector. Your iPhone will now begin charging if your car is on.
NOTE: The iPhone will automatically pause playback when TransDock micro
is powered off.
3. Press the dial on TransDock micro to activate IntelliTune. IntelliTune will automatically find the optimal frequency to broadcast your iPhone over your car’s FM stereo.
4. Tune your car’s FM radio to the frequency displayed on TransDock micro.
5. Touch Play on your iPhone to enjoy your music over your car’s FM radio.
For more info on optimizing the sound quality of TransDock micro, please read
Getting the Best Sound Quality with TransDock micro [pg. 13].
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UsingTransDock micro
About TransDock micro
TransDock micro is an FM transmitter that broadcasts your iPhone audio to the FM radio in your car, while simultaneously charging your iPhone. TransDock micro features DLO’s IntelliTune technology, which scans the airwaves and automatically finds the best frequencies for transmitting. TransDock micro also features a unique dial-based interface which provides a simple and intuitive way to adjust TransDock micro’s settings and tune to any frequency from 88.1 to 107.9. Like all DLO transmitters, it comes with the ability to set your own preset stations, so you can save the frequencies you use most.
SettingUpYour TransDock micro
1. Turn on your car radio and set it to FM radio mode.
2. Insert TransDock micro into your car’s power outlet.
NOTE: You can slightly alter the angle of your TransDock
micro by tilting the dial head up or down. See drawing A
3. Plug the Connector Cable into the iPhone dock connector.
4. To activate TransDock micro’s IntelliTune feature, press the dial. TransDock micro will display the word
INTELLITUNE as it searches for the optimal frequency.
This should only take a few seconds. Once the search is complete, the display will instruct you to tune your radio to the frequency found by IntelliTune.
5. Match the FM station on your radio with the corresponding FM frequency shown on your TransDock micro’s display. Touch Play on your iPhone to enjoy your music over your car’s FM radio.
6. To control the overall volume of your music while using TransDock micro, use the car radio’s volume control, not the iPhone volume.
Turning TransDockmicro On and Off
TransDock micro will turn on and off automatically with your car. To manually turn TransDock micro on or off while your car power is on, press and hold the dial for approximately 5 seconds.
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