D Link AP2360B1 Users Manual

Section 3 - Conguration
Captive Portal
Authentication Settings - Ticket
The Captive Portal is a built-in web authentication server. When a station connects to an AP, the web brower will be redirected to a web authentication page. In this windows, user can view and congure the Captive Portal settings. Click the Add button to add a new entry. Click the Delete or Delete All button to remove a specic entry or all the entries congured.
Ticket Quantity:
Last Active Day:
User Limit:
Select the captive portal encr yption type here. Options to choose from are Ticket, User/ Password, Remote Radius, LDAP and POP3. In this section we’ll discuss the Ticket option.
Enter the number of ticket that will be used here.
Enter the duration value, in hours, for this ticket.
Select the last active date for this ticket here. Year, Month and Day selections can be made.
Enter the maximum amount of users that can use this ticket at the same time.
51D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Authentication Settings - User/Password
Select the captive portal encryption type here. Options to choose from are Ticket, User/Password, Remote Radius, LDAP and POP3. In this section we’ll discuss the User/Password option.
Enter the restricted subnets here. Access to these subnets will denied to guest accounts. Up to four restricted subnet entries can be dened.
Enter the username for the new account here.
Enter the password for the new account here.
Select the group for the new account here. Options to choose from are Manager and Guest. Guest accounts will have limited access.
52D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Authentication Settings - Remote RADIUS
Remote Radius
Radius Server:
Radius Port:
Radius Secret:
Select the captive portal encryption type here. Options to choose from are Ticket, User/Password, Remote Radius, LDAP and POP3. In this section we’ll discuss the Remote Radius option.
Select the remote RADIUS server type here. Currently, only SPAP will be used.
Enter the RADIUS server’s IP address here.
Enter the RADIUS server’s port number here.
Enter the RADIUS server’s shared secret here.
Select to Enable or Disable the accounting mode here.
Enter the accounting server’s IP address here.
Enter the accounting server’s port number here.
Enter the accounting server’s shared serect here.
53D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Authentication Settings - LDAP
Base DN:
Select the captive portal encryption type here. Options to choose from are Ticket, User/Password, Remote Radius, LDAP and POP3. In this section we’ll discuss the LDAP option.
Enter the LDAP server’s IP address or domain name here.
Enter the LDAP server’s port number here.
Select the authentication mode here. Options to choose from are Simple and TLS.
Enter the LDAP server account’s username here.
Enter the LDAP server account’s password here.
Enter the administrator’s domain name here.
Enter the LDAP account attribute string here. This string will be used to search for clients.
Enter the identity’s full path string here. Alternatively, select the Auto Copy checkbox to automatically add the generic full path of the web page in the identity eld.
54D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Authentication Settings - POP3
Select the captive portal encryption type here. Options to choose from are Ticket, User/Password, Remote Radius, LDAP and POP3. In this section we’ll discuss the Ticket option.
Enter the POP3 server’s IP address or domain name here.
Enter the POP server’s port number here.
Select the connection type here. Options to choose from are None and SSL/TLS.
55D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Login Page Upload
In this window, users can upload a custom login page picture that will be used by the captive portal feature. Click the Browse button to navigate to the image le, located on the managing computer and then click the Upload button to initiate the upload.
Upload picture
from le:
In this eld the path to the image le, that will be uploaded, will be displayed. Alternatively, the path can be manually entered here.
56D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Web Redirection
In this windows, users can view and congure the Web redirection settings for the captive portal hosted by this access point. Wireless clients will be redirected to this web site prior and after authentication. Click the Save button to accept the changes made.
Web Site:
Select this checkbox to enable the Web redirection feature.
Enter the destination web site’s address here.
57D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
DHCP Server
Dynamic Pool Settings
The DHCP address pool denes the range of the IP address that can be assigned to stations in the network. A Dynamic Pool allows wireless stations to receive an available IP with lease time control. If needed or required in the network, the DAP-2360 is capable of acting as a DHCP server.
Function En-
IP Assigned
The Range of
Pool (1-254):
Subnet Mask:
Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) assigns dynamic IP addresses to devices on the network. This protocol simplies network management and allows new wireless devices to receive IP addresses automatically without the need to manually assign new IP addresses. Select Enable to allow the DAP-2360 to function as a DHCP server.
Input the rst IP address available for assignment on your network.
Enter the number of IP addresses available for assignment. IP addresses are increments of the IP address specied in the “IP Assigned From” eld.
All devices in the network must have the same subnet mask to communicate. Enter the submask for the network here.
Enter the IP address of the gateway on the network.
Specify the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server address for the wireless network. WINS is a system that determines the IP address of a network computer that has a dynamically assigned IP address.
58D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Domain Name:
Lease Time
Enter the IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) server. The DNS server translates domain names such as www.dlink. com into IP addresses.
Enter the domain name of the network, if applicable. (An example of a domain name is: www.dlink.com.)
The lease time is the period of time before the DHCP server will assign new IP addresses.
59D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Static Pool Setting
The DHCP address pool denes the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to stations on the network. A static pool allows specic wireless stations to receive a xed IP without time control.
Function En-
Assigned IP:
Assigned MAC
Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) assigns IP addresses to wireless devices on the network. This protocol simplies network management and allows new wireless devices to receive IP addresses automatically without the need to manually assign IP addresses. Select Enable to allow the DAP-2360 to function as a DHCP server.
Use the Static Pool Settings to assign the same IP address to a device every time you start up. The IP addresses assigned in the Static Pool list must NOT be in the same IP range as the Dynamic Pool. After you have assigned a static IP address to a device via its MAC address, click Save; the device will appear in the Assigned Static Pool at the bottom of the screen. You can edit or delete the device in this list.
Enter the MAC address of the device requesting association here.
Subnet Mask:
Dene the submask of the IP address specied in the “IP Assigned From” eld.
60D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Domain Name:
Specify the Gateway address for the wireless network.
Specify the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server address for the wireless network. WINS is a system that determines the IP address of a network computer with a dynamically assigned IP address, if applicable.
Enter the Domain Name System (DNS) server address for the wireless network. The DNS server translates domain names such as www.dlink.com into IP addresses.
Specify the domain name for the network.
61D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Current IP Mapping List
This window displays information about the current assigned DHCP dynamic and static IP address pools. This information is available when you enable DHCP server on the AP and assign dynamic and static IP address pools.
Current DHCP
Host Name:
Binding MAC
Assigned IP
Lease Time:
Current DHCP
Static Pools:
These are IP address pools the DHCP server has assigned using the dynamic pool setting.
The host name of a device on the network that is assigned an IP address from the DHCP dynamic pool.
The MAC address of a device on the network that is assigned an IP address from the DHCP dynamic pool.
The current corresponding DHCP-assigned IP address of the device.
The length of time that the dynamic IP address will be valid.
These are the IP address pools of the DHCP server assigned through the static pool settings.
Host Name:
Binding MAC
Assigned IP
The host name of a device on the network that is assigned an IP address from the DHCP dynamic pool.
The MAC address of a device on the network that is within the DHCP static IP address pool.
The current corresponding DHCP-assigned static IP address of the device.
62D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Wireless MAC ACL
Wireless Band:
Access Control
MAC Address:
MAC Address
Upload ACL File:
Displays the current wireless band rate.
Select Disable to disable the lters function.
Select Accept to accept only those devices with MAC addresses in the Access Control List. All other devices not on the list will be rejected.
Select Reject to reject the devices with MAC addresses on the Access Control List. All other devices not on the list will be accepted.
Enter each MAC address that you wish to include in your lter list, and click Add.
When you enter a MAC address, it appears in this list. Highlight a MAC address and click Delete to remove it from this list.
You may create an ACL list and upload it to the access point instead of manually entering the information. Once created, click the Browse button and locate your le. Select it and then click Upload.
Download ACL
Click Download to export the ACL to a le on your computer.
63D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
WLAN Partition
Wireless Band:
Link Integrity:
Ethernet to
WLAN Access:
Internal Station
Displays the current wireless band rate.
Select Enable or Disable.
The default is Enable. When disabled, all data from the Ethernet to associated wireless devices will be blocked. Wireless devices can still send data to the Ethernet.
The default value is Enable, which allows stations to inter-communicate by connecting to a target AP. When disabled, wireless stations cannot exchange data through the AP.
64D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Trac Control
Uplink/Downlink Settings
The uplink/downlink setting allows users to customize the downlink and uplink interfaces including specifying downlink/uplink bandwidth rates in Mbits per second. These values are also used in the QoS and Trac Manager windows. Once the desired uplink and downlink settings are nished, click the Save button to let your changes take eect.
The downlink bandwidth in Mbits per second.
Uplink Bandwidth: The uplink bandwidth in Mbits per second.
65D-Link DAP-2360 User Manual
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