D Link AP1360A1 Users Manual

Section 3 - Conguration
LAN Setup
The LAN (Local Area Network) is your private, internal network. This page allows you to congure the IP settings of the LAN interface for the DAP-1360. The IP address can be changed to your current network IP range. This IP address cannot be seen from the Internet.
46D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
LAN Settings
Connection is:
Static IP:
Dynamic IP:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
The DAP-1360 is set to Dynamic IP by default. The IP address and subnet mask will fallback to and, if don’t
get IP address from DHCP server exceed 30 seconds.
Select this option if you are manually assigning
an IP Address.
Select this option if you would like to have an IP Address automatically assigned to the DAP-
1360 by a DHCP server in your network.
Enter the IP address of the access point.
Enter the subnet mask of your access point.
Enter the IP Address of the router in your network.
Enable DHCP
Address Range
Lease Time:
It allows you to congure this device more easily when your network using TCP/IP protocol. You can enter the device name of the AP into your web browser to access the instead of ip address for conguration.
Select this to enable the DHCP server if static IP address is selected.
Enter the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP server’s IP assignment.
Enter the length of time for the IP address lease.
47D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Advanced Wireless
TX Rates:
Transmit Power:
Beacon Period:
RTS Threshold:
DTIM Interval
(Beacon Rate):
Select the transmission rate for the network.
Choose 100%, 50%(-3dB), 25% (-6dB), or
12.5% (-9dB).
Beacons are packets sent by an access point to synchronize a wireless network. Specify a beacon interval value. The default value 100
is recommended.
This value should remain at its default setting
of 2,432. If you encounter inconsistent
data ow, only minor modications to the
value range between 256 and 2,432 are recommended.
This value should remain at its default setting of 2,346. If you experience a high packet error rate, you may slightly decrease your fragmentation threshold within the value range of 256 to 2,346. Setting the fragmentation threshold too
low may result in poor performance.
A DTIM (Delivery Trafc Indication Message) is a countdown informing clients of the next window for listening to broadcast and multicast messages. The default vaule is 3 and the possible range of vaules is between 1 and 255.
Preamble Type:
Select Short or Long Preamble. The default setting in Long Preamble. The Preamble denes the length of the CRC block (Cyclic Redundancy Check is a common technique for detecting data transmission errors) for communication between
the access point and roaming wireless network adapters. Note: High network trafc areas should use the short preamble
WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) is only available in Access Point Mode. WMM provides basic QoS (Quality of Service) functions for wireless networks. WMM prioritizes trafc based on the 4 AC (Access Categories) of voice, video, best effort, and background. However, WMM does not provide guaranteed throughput.
48D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Access Control
Use MAC Filters to allow or deny wireless clients, by their MAC addresses, from accessing the DAP-1360. You can manually add a MAC
address or select the MAC address from the list of clients that are currently connected to the AP (Connected PCs). The default setting is
Disable MAC Filters.
MAC Address:
MAC Filter List:
Access control is set to Disable by default. Select Reject to deny access to the AP. Select
Accept to allow access to the AP.
Enter the MAC address of the client that you want to allow or deny access to the AP.
Select the MAC address of a computer from
the drop-down menu and click Clone to ll in
the MAC Address eld with that computer.
This list will display the MAC addresses that are in the selected lter.
49D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
User Limit
The D-Link DAP-1360 can set a limit upon the number of wireless clients. Using user limit, you can prevent scenarios where the DAP-1360 in your network shows performance degradation because it is handling heavy wireless trafc.
Enable User
User Limit (1 - 32):
Click this to enable the User Limit options on this page.
Type the maximum number of wireless connections that can be made to the AP.
50D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Device Administration
Save Settings
To Local Hard
Load Settings
From Local Hard
Enter a new password.
Re-enter the password to conrm it.
Save and Restore
Click Save to save the current system
settings as a le onto your local hard
To load a system settings le, click on
Browse to browse the local hard drive
and locate the system settings le to be
used. Click Upload Settings when you
have selected the le to be loaded back
onto the access point.
Restore To
Factory Default
You can reset the DAP-1360 back to the
factory default settings by clicking on
Restore Device. Make sure to save the
current system settings before clicking on
Restore Device. You will lose your current system settings after you click Restore Device.
51D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
This feature is used to update the rmware of the DAP-1360. The current rmware version and rmware date are displayed here.
Click here to
check for an
update on our
support site:
Firmware Info:
Click this link and you will be connected to D-Link’s support website where you can download the latest rmware version to your local hard drive.
To update the rmware, click on Browse
to browse the local hard drive and locate the updated firmware file. Click the
Upload button after you have selected
the updated rmware le.
To change the web congurator language,
click on Browse to browse locate the
language package upgrade le and click
the Upload button.
52D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Watchdog (Ping of Life)
The Watchdog feature pings a specied IP address. If the IP address stops responding to pings, your AP will be rebooted. You can also select an option to have the DAP-1360 send an e-mail alert if the specied IP address stops responding to pings.
Watchdog (Ping
of Life):
Update Time
Response IP:
Enable Mail
SMTP Server:
Sender E-Mail:
Receiver E-Mail:
Check this box to enable the Watchdog (Ping of Life) to check some host IP.
Enter the time interval of how often you would like the Watchdog to ping the
response IP address.
Enter the IP address that the Watchdog
will ping.
Check this box to enable e-mail notication for the Watchdog.
Enter the SMTP server IP address.
Enter the e-mail address from which the notication will be sent.
Enter the e-mail address which the notication will be sent to.
Account Name:
Check the box to enable authentication that is used with the SMTP server.
Enter your account name that is used with the SMTP server.
Enter your password that is used with the SMTP server and re-enter it in the
next box.
53D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
The Time Conguration option allows you to congure, update, and maintain the correct time on the internal system clock. From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the Time Server. Daylight Saving can also be congured to automatically adjust the time when needed.
Time Zone:
Daylight Saving:
Enable NTP Server:
NTP Server Used:
Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu.
To select Daylight Saving time manually, select
enabled or disabled, and enter a start date and an
end date for daylight saving time.
NTP is short for Network Time Protocol. NTP synchronizes computer clock times in a network of computers. Check this box to use a NTP server. This will only connect to a server on the Internet,
not a local server.
Enter the NTP server or select one from the
drop-down menu.
To manually input the time, enter the values in these elds for the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second and then click Save Settings. You can also
click Copy Your Computer’s Time Settings.
54D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Schedules can be created for use with enforcing rules. For example, if you want to restrict web access to Mon-Fri from 3pm to 8pm, you could create a schedule selecting Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri and enter a Start Time of 3pm and
End Time of 8pm.
Rules List:
Enter a name for your new schedule.
Select a day, a range of days, or All Week to include every day.
Check All Day - 24hrs or enter a start and end
time for your schedule.
Click Save to save your schedule. You must click
Save Settings at the top for your schedules to
go into effect.
The list of schedules will be listed here. Click the
Edit icon to make changes or click the Delete
icon to remove the schedule.
55D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
Device Info
This screen displays the current rmware version and the current LAN, and Wireless LAN settings on your access
56D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
The DAP-1360 keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the AP. If the AP is rebooted, the logs are automatically cleared. You can save the log les under Log Setting.
First Page:
Last Page:
Next Page:
Clear Log:
Log Settings:
This button directs you to the rst page of the log.
This button directs you to the last page of the log.
This button directs you to the previous page of the log.
This button directs you to the next page of the log.
This button clears all current log content.
This button opens a new menu where you can congure the log settings.
This button refreshes the log.
57D-Link DAP-1360 User Manual
Section 3 - Conguration
The DAP-1360 keeps statistics of the trafc that passes through it. You can view the amount of packets that pass through the LAN and wireless portions of the network. The trafc counter will reset if the access point is rebooted.
This list displays the MAC addresses of connected wireless clients and the length of time that they have been
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