3 dixonvalve.com • 800.789.1718 HSC & EHSC | IOM
Safety Information
The following DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION signs are contained in this manual. To avoid serious injury and/or possible
damage to equipment, pay attention to these messages. Hazards or unsafe practices could result in severe personal injury or death.
DANGER is used in the most extreme cases.
Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in minor or moderate injury. May also be used to alert
against an unsafe operating or maintenance practice.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Safety logos, which appear throughout this manual, are used as a reminder that the user should carefully
review for the appropriateness of the product for the media, application and environment in which it will be
Use only replacement parts and devices recommended by the manufacturer to maintain the integrity of the equipment. Make sure
the parts are properly matched to the series, model, serial number and revision level of the equipment.
Safety labels are placed on equipment where appropriate. Do not remove any labeling from any piece of equipment. Replace any
label that is missing.
DO NOT modify any Dixon Sanitary product. Non-factory modifications could create hazardous conditions and void all warranties. DO
NOT attempt to use a Dixon Sanitary product in any application that exceeds the product rating.
General Guidelines
• The owner must comply exclusively with these operating instructions and the authorized use of this piece of equipment. Should
problems arise that cannot be solved using these operating instructions, please contact Dixon® – Sanitary Division. We will be
happy to provide further assistance.
• If any modification work is performed on the product by the owner themselves, Dixon® shall no longer be considered the
manufacturer of the device. In such cases, all components must be subjected to a new certification process for any applicable
certifications that the equipment holds. Unless agreed to in writing by Dixon®, liability, warranties and guarantees shall immediately
be deemed null and void as soon as you:
o Perform modifications/conversion work on the product.
o Use the product for unauthorized purposes.
o Remove or disable safety elements.
o Process products whose material, form and size do not correspond exactly to the description provided.
o Make alterations to the original state of the device.
• The operating instructions are regarded as part of the valve.
• The operating and maintenance personnel must always be able to access the operating instructions.
• The safety instructions provided in the operating instructions must be observed.
• The operating instructions shall be valid for the entirety of the device's lifespan.
• The operating instructions must be maintained and updated as necessary.
• The operating instructions must be passed on to any subsequent owners or operators of the device.