Push the DEF key for more than 2 seconds and a manual defrost will start.
Manually defrost has higher priority than min. compressor running time (onparameter).
To enter the parameter list (user accessible parameters) operate as follows:
1. Enter the Programming mode by pressing the Set and
DOWN key for 5s (Pr2 appears)
2. Release the keys and start blinking
3. Select the required parameter.
4. Press the “SET” key to display its value .
5. Use “UP” or “DOWN” to change its value.
6. Press “SET” to store the new value and move to the following parameter.
To exit: Press SET + UP or wait 30s without pressing a key.
NOTE: the set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting the time-
out to expire.
1. Enter the Programming mode.
2. Select the required parameter with o or n.
3. Press the “SET” key to display its value ( and LED starts blinking).
4. Use o or n to change its value.
5. Press “SET” to store the new value and move to the following parameter.
To exit: Press SET + UP or wait 15s without pressing a key.
NOTE: the new programming is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting
the time-out.
1. Push the DOWN key for more than 3 seconds
2. The current time is displayed as written above
3. By pushing DEF key, the setting defrost time will be possible.
4. To exit, press SET + UP or wait 15s without pressing any key.
1. Enter the programming.
2. Select the onF parameter
3. Change its value from “no” to “yES”.
4. Exit the programming and the instrument will be palced in stanby mode.
To revert to the normal working push for some seconds the SET key.
Set1 Set point 1 (LS÷US) Is the target set point 1
Set2 Set point 2 (LS2÷US2) Is the target set point 2
Hy Differential for the set1: (0,1÷25,5°C; 1÷45°F): Intervention differential for set
point1, always positive. Compressor Cut IN is Set Point Plus Differential (Hy).
Compressor Cut OUT is when the temperature reaches the set point.
Hy2 Differential for the set2: (0,1÷25,5°C; 1÷45°F): Intervention differential for set
point2, always positive. Compressor Cut IN is Set Point Plus Differential (Hy).
Compressor Cut OUT is when the temperature reaches the set point.
LS Minimum set point 1 limit: (-50,0°C
SET1; -58°F÷SET1) Sets the minimum
acceptable value for the set point1.
US Maximum set point 1 limit: (SET1
110°C; SET1÷230°F) Set the maximum
acceptable value for set point1.
LS2 Minimum set point 2 limit: (-50,0°C
SET2; -58°F÷SET2) Sets the minimum
acceptable value for the set point2.
US2 Maximum set point 2 limit: (SET2
110°C; SET2÷230°F) Set the maximum
acceptable value for set point2.
odS Outputs activation delay at start up: (0÷255 min) This function is enabled at
the initial start up of the instrument and inhibits any output activation for the
period of time set in the parameter. (AUX and Light can work)
AC Anti-short cycle delay: (0÷30 min) interval between the compressor stop and
the following restart.
AC1 2nd compressor delay at start up, program 1 (0÷255sec) Time interval
between the switching on of the first compressor and the second one.
AC2 2nd compressor delay at start up, program 2 (0÷255sec) Time interval
between the switching on of the first compressor and the second one.
on minimum compressor running time (0÷30min)
Mon Maximum compressor running time (0÷120min, with 0 the function is
disabled) If this time is reached the compressor is switched off for the Ac time,
then if there are the conditions it restarts.
cP2 Second compressor enabled with program 2 (yES, no)
Con Compressor ON time with faulty probe: (0÷255 min) time during which the
compressor is active in case of faulty thermostat probe. With COn=0 compressor
is always OFF.
COF Compressor OFF time with faulty probe: (0÷255 min) time during which the
compressor is off in case of faulty thermostat probe. With COF=0 compressor is
always active.
S2E Second program enabled: no=the second set point is disabled and not
selectable; yES = the second set point can be selected.
CF Temperature measurement unit: °C = Celsius; °F = Fahrenheit . When the
measurement unit is changed the SET point and the values of the regulation
parameters have to be modified
rES Resolution (for °C): (in = 1°C; de = 0,1°C) allows decimal point display.
dE = 0,1°C; in = 1 °C
dot Display offset for program 1: (0÷25.5 °C) it is used for the special visualisation
LINDE’s algorithm.
do2 Display offset for program 2: (0÷25.5 °C) it is used for the special visualisation
LINDE’s algorithm.
dHy Display histeresys: (0÷25.5 °C) it is used for the special visualisation LINDE’s
algorithm. W hen the temperature measured by the room probe is less then
Setpoint + Hysteresis, the displayed temperature must be calculated by the
microprocessor according to the following formula:
if Tm > SEt + Hy -> Td = SEt + dot + dHy
if Tm ≤ SEt + Hy -> Td = (SEt + dot) + {[( Tm – SEt ) x dHy ] / Hy }
where Tm = temperature measured by room probe
Td = temperature displayed by the controller
MdF enabling the defrost key: yES= defrost key enabled;
no = defrost key disabled.
tdF Defrost type: rE = electrical heater (Compressor OFF)
in = hot gas (Compressor and defrost relays ON)
EdF Defrost mode:
rtc = Real Time Clock mode. Defrost time follows Ld1÷Ld8 parameters on
workdays and Sd1÷Sd8 on holidays for program 1, 2L1÷2L8 parameters on
workdays and 2S1÷2S8 on holidays for program 1
in = interval mode. The defrost starts when the time “Idf” is expired.
dtE Defrost termination temperature fro program 1: (-50,0÷110,0°C; -58÷230°F)
(Enabled only when the evaporator probe is present) sets the temperature
measured by the evaporator probe which causes the end of defrost.
dt2 Defrost termination temperature fro program 2: (-50,0÷110,0°C; -58÷230°F)
(Enabled only when the evaporator probe is present) sets the temperature
measured by the evaporator probe which causes the end of defrost.
IdF Interval between defrosts for program 1: (1÷120h) It is used as safety time in
case of RTC problem. Determines the time interval between the beginning of two
defrost cycles, when the RTC is broken.
Id2 Interval between defrosts for program 2: (1÷120h) It is used as safety time in
case of RTC problem. Determines the time interval between the beginning of two
defrost cycles, when the RTC is broken.
Mtd (Maximum) duration of defrost for program 1: (0÷255 min) When P2P = n, no
evaporator probe, it sets the defrost duration, when P2P = y, defrost end based
on temperature, it sets the maximum length for defrost.