1592017000 XLR 130-170 GB r2.0 23.03.2015 XL130 - XLR170 5/20
The defrost interval is controlled by means of parameter “EdF”:
- with EdF=in the defrost is made every “IdF” time,
- with EdF=Sd the interval “IdF” is calculate through Smart Defrost algorithm (the counter is increased only when the compressor is ON).
- with real tim e c lock present E dF c an be s et to “rt c ”. In thi s c as e, t he defr os t i s m ade in real tim e depending on the hours set in the parameters
Ld1..Ld8 on workdays and in Sd1…Sd8 in holidays;
At the end of defrost the drip time is controlled through the “Fdt” parameter.
The fan control mode is selected by means of the “FnC” parameter:
C-n fans will switch ON and OFF with the compressor and not run during defrost;
C-y fans will switch ON and OFF with the compressor, also during defrost
After defrost, there is a timed fan delay allowing for drip time, set by means of the “Fnd” parameter.
O-n fans will run continuously and not run during defrost;
O-y fans will run continuously also during defrost
An additional par am eter “FS t” pr ov i des the s ett i ng of t em per atur e, detec t ed by the ev apor ator pr obe, abov e whi c h the f ans ar e al way s OF F. This can
be used to make sure circulation of air only if his temperature is lower than set in “FSt”.
The functioning of the aux iliary relay (termi nals. 15-16) can be set by the oA1 paramet er, according to the kind of appl ication. In the followi ng
paragraph the possible setting:
3.5.1 XLR130: forced air application, normal temperature -oA1= Fan
Parameters involved:
- FnC Fan operating mode; - Fnd Fan delay after a defrost
- FSt Fan stop temperature; - FAP Probe for fan management
With this setting the auxiliary relay works as fan relay. See par. 3.4 “Control of evaporator fans”.
NOTE: if FAP = nP (no probe), the relay will be activated according to the setting of FnC parameter independently from the temperature of
3.5.2 Auxiliary relay - oA1= AUS
With oA1=AUS, two kinds of working are available.
A. The AUX relay is activated only by keyboard
Set oA1 =AUS and ArP= nP (no probe for auxiliary output).
In this case the relay 15-16 can be activated only by pushing the AUX button of the keyboard.
B. Auxiliary thermostat (I.E.. anti condensing hea te r) with the possi bil i ty of swi tc hing i t on a nd off also by keyboard
Parameters involved:
- ACH Kind of regulation for the auxiliary relay: heating /cooling;
- SAA Set point for auxiliary relay
- ArP Probe for auxiliary relay
By means of these 3 parameters the functioning of the auxiliary relay can be set.. The differential is given by the Hy parameter.
The auxiliary relay can be switched on also by the AUX button. In this case it remains on till it’s manually switched off.
The defrost doesn’t affect the status of auxiliary relay.
3.5.3 on/off relay - oA1 = onF
In this case the relay is activated when the controller is turned on and de-activated when the controller is turned off..
3.5.4 XLR170: Second defrost relay for applications with 2 evaporators – oA1 = dF2
Parameters involved:
- dtS end defrost temperature for second defrost relay;
- MdS maximum defrost duration for second defrost relay;
- dSP probe selection for second defrost
With 2 evaporators the regulation restarts when both the defrosts are finished.
3.5.5 Second compressor – oA1 = cP2
In this case the controller can manage 2 compressors or a 2 step compressor.
Functioning: the 2
compressor is activ ated after the fist compr essor with a delay s et in the Ac1 parameter ( seconds). Both com pressor are
turned off at the same time.
If cco=AL compressors are switched on by turn.
Parameters involved:
- cco Compressor activation: type of sequence: by turn or in sequence;
- Ac1 Second compressor activation delay (seconds).