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10.1 System Hardening ................................................................................................................ 33
10.2 Recommendations for Improved Availability and Reliability ................................................. 33
10.2.1 Cell Life .................................................................................................................................... 33
VP Series 2000 products include a range of ISA100.11a compliant wireless nodes for use with
ISA100.11a wireless networks. The product range includes the following components:
• VP Series 2000 Tri-axial ISA100.11a Wireless Accelerometer
• VP Series 2000 ISA100.11a Repeater
• Lithium cell
• Mounting hardware
• Installation tools
• Device docking station
VP Series 2000 ISA100.11a Wireless sensors measure vibration as well as temperature and are
capable of acting as ISA100.11a repeaters in ISA100.11a compliant wireless networks. They are
intended for use in condition monitoring applications to optimise the reliability of low- and mediumcriticality machines, achieve maintenance cost reductions, shrink the number of unplanned machine
failures and increase machinery life. Machinery applications include, but are not limited to:
• Agitators
• Compressors
• Ball mills
• Blowers
• Centrifuges
• Cooling tower fans and pumps
• Motors
• Gearboxes
• Small reciprocating compressors
• Small hydro and steam turbines
1.1 Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to describe how to set up VP Series 2000 ISA100.11a Field Devices
for use with ISA100.11a wireless networks as well as to familiarise the user with applicable wireless
node features. The guide describes the essentials of deploying a successful field installation in
addition to describing some radio frequency concepts together with some guidelines to aid the
understanding of the requirements when planning a wireless sensor network installation for a site.
1.2 Document Scope
The scope of this document is limited to use of VP Series 2000 ISA100.11a wireless nodes. This user
guide does not include details with regard to the installation and configuration of specific vendor
ISA100.11a wireless network infrastructure. Vendor specific Application Notes may be available,
alternatively refer to the specific vendor documentation for additional details.
This guide does not contain all the information to operate and maintain the product. Refer to
referenced documentation or contact the product supplier for additional information.
1.3 References
Refer to the following documents for additional information:
Terms and Definitions include descriptions of terms used in the document, abbreviation definitions,
1.4.1 Abbreviations
AP Access Point
BBR Back Bone Router
CF Capabilities File
CS Control System
DCS Distributed Control System
DD Device Descriptor
FD Field Device
GW Gateway
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
OPC OLE for Process Control
OTA Over the Air
RF Radio Frequency
TIL Technical Information Letter
USB Universal Serial Bus
WCI Wireless Conformance Institute
WSN Wireless Sensor Network
Table 1 - Abbreviation Definitions
1.4.2 Terminology
Access Point A device that provides a physical interface between a wireless network and
Field Device A node that has I/O or routing capabilities or both.
Gateway A device that provides a link between Ethernet and other types of networks
such as ISA100.11a.
Modbus RTU Serial Communication based Modbus Protocol.
Modbus TCP TCP based Modbus client/server Protocol.
Node An element of an ISA100.11a wireless network e.g. a FD or AP.
OPC A generic method of publishing field device data for use by measurement,
automation and control systems.
OPC DA OPC Data Access - a simple, platform dependant OPC protocol.
OPC UA OPC Unified Architecture - a platform independent OPC protocol.
Table 2 - Terminology and Definitions
1.5 Support
For additional support, contact:
Divigraph (Pty) Ltd
2G Matix Build, Bridgeway Road
Cape Town
South Africa
This section addresses some issues around personal safety in working with the product, product
safety to prevent damage and environmental safety for a more global approach.
2.1 Receiving Inspection
The product should be visually inspected for obvious shipping damage. If shipping damage is
detected, a claim should be submitted to the applicable carrier and a copy of the claim should be
submitted to the applicable product supplier.
The product is shipped without a Lithium cell.
2.2 Safe Handling
There are several things that can be done to maximise the value provided by the product. Proper
handling of components, best practices for installation and diligent inspection procedures will prolong
the service life of the product. Additionally, procedures for dealing with system components replaced
by maintenance are detailed to allow compliance with regulations relating to electronic waste.
2.3 Safety Labels and Markings
Labels and markings are provided on the product to guide system integrators in the process of
choosing appropriate interface equipment, determining safe use conditions and identifying
recommended installation procedures. The formats of these markings are governed by the standards
that dictate the safe use and environmental compliance in a variety of regions and regulated settings.
The areas where the product and associated equipment are certified for use are marked on a
prominent part of the product. The information includes the name and type of the original
manufacturer, serial number of the product, the certificate number and issuing body for hazardous
area approvals as well as the Ex marking to indicate the methods of protection employed by the
The product will be marked with the CE logo to indicate compliance with electromagnetic compatibility
standards and Explosion Atmosphere standards required of industrial instrumentation for use in the
European Union.
2.4 Hazardous Materials
The product makes use of a Lithium cell which shall be disposed of by the end user in accordance
with applicable statutory and regulatory as well as site specific safety requirements. Do not crush the
product as this may cause the Lithium cell to rupture.
Refer and adhere to applicable statutory and regulatory as well as site specific safety requirements
when installing, operating or maintaining the product.
Installations and maintenance tasks performed in potentially hazardous areas must be performed only
after the area has been verified to be free of hazardous materials, atmospheres and conditions.
The following situations could cause a spark enough to ignite an explosion:
o Potential of electrostatic discharge on plastic components.
o Removal or placement of an energized connection.
POTENTIAL ELECTROSTATIC CHARGING HAZARD - The equipment shall only be cleaned
with a damp cloth when deployed in a hazardous area.
2.5.1 Installation
The original supplier takes no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by not adhering to
applicable safety requirements, the installation of the product in any manner other than described in
this document or due to incorrect or negligent installation as per the methods described in this
document and associated documents.
2.5.2 Operation
Routine inspection procedures should be followed to ensure the continued safe operation of the
product. If any damage is observed during routine inspections, the product should be removed for
maintenance as soon as possible. If the product is used in a hazardous area, it should be removed
without delay if damaged.
Do not operate a damaged product in a hazardous area.
Report any leakage from the product to the appropriate responsible person as soon as
possible and follow applicable hazardous material procedures.
The protection provided by the equipment may be impaired if the equipment is used in a
manner not specified by the manufacturer.
2.5.3 Maintenance
The product requires minimal routine operational maintenance other than cleaning the area around
the product to ensure safe and reliable operation as well as to prolong the service life of the product. If
the Lithium cell in the product requires replacement, follow applicable hazardous material procedures
to replace and dispose of it.