Single-Plane Balancing
• rotating workpieces´ tables with low RPM range
• asymmetrical workpieces
• milling - and (vertical) turning machines
picture: Gildemeister
Pre-Balancing with the fi xed
position method:
Compensation of balancing
by adding defi ned weights
(e.g. screws, measure weights)
at specifi c positions.
Maximally 24 defi ned places
with 2-3 balancing weights.
Special features
monitoring for RPM
range 80-6000 1/min
Unbalance is on machine tools the most common
source of vibrations. Balancing of the tool holder
and the spindle can be of great help.
What has become a standard over the last decades on grinding machines, has gained interest
also both on combined (milling and turning) and on
vertical turning machines especially when asymmetrical workpieces have to be handled. Keeping
the vibration as low as possible increases the working life of the bearings as well as of the tools and
results in a better workpiece’s surface quality.
The P6001FD module is the last addition to the
Dittel pre-balancing P6000 family and is purposely designed for the use on machine tools rotating
at low RPM.
The workpiece table’s unbalance on a pre-defi ned
plane is detected during a pre-balancing cycle
and subsequently compensated fi xing known ba-
lancing weights on calculated position on the rotating table.
The P6001FD suggests the best balancing weight
to be used out of a freely programmable weights’
table. A fi xed positions algorithm is used to determine the best positions out of a maximum of 24 in
which to fi x two or three weights. The electronics
offers also a continuous monitoring function of the
vibration level of the rotating table.
The P6001FD can be programmed, used and its
functions visualized through the machine control
unit or any Windows based PC. The signals can
be exchanged to and from the machine via a Profi BUS or static I/Os connection.
angular method
Continuous unbalance
Intelligent and
customizable graphical
user interface
Profi BUS and static I/Os
communication channels
Visualitazion through
Ethernet connection
Simple software integration
Simple factory reset
function in case of servicing
(series setup)
Individual adjustable
user levels
fi xed position