Ditek DTK-4PD Specsheet

P Series
Telephone wiring is the single most common application of lightning protection in the low voltage industry. While there are new technologies being created every day, there are some technologies that don’t change. DITEK’s “P” series is available in 1-8 pair models, and is most commonly found punched down on 66 blocks for incoming telco and building­to-building runs. Each pair of protection is represented by a red and a green lead. Simply terminate a set of leads for each pair of wiring on any punch block, and provide a ground to dissipate excess energy.
P Series
Application Features
• Protect 1, 2, 4, or 8 pairs to match your system configuration needs
• Available for low voltage loops and Telco lines
• Flying leads allow connection via downblocks or wire terminals
Product Features
Agency Approvals: UL497B Connection Method: Punchdown on M150 “66” block Max Continuous Current: Unlimited (parallel installation) Max Surge Current: 2,000 Amps per pair (6V-50V)
9,000 Amps per pair (75V-130V)
Protection Modes: Tip-G, Ring-G (All) Operating Temperature: -40°F - 158°F (-40°C - 70°C) Maximum Humidity: 95% non-condensing
66 Block Punch Down Surge Protection
General Product Specifications
P Series 1-8 Pair Telco Protection
Product Features
Weight: 1.6oz (1-4 pair)
6.4oz (8 pair)
Housing: ABS Warranty: Ten Year Limited Warranty Accessories: DIN Rail Kit – Part
Number DTK-DRK
Selection Guide
DTK-#P# Number of Pairs:: 1, 2, 4, 8
Voltage Code:D, X, LV, OPX, SPK, SGR, RUV
Example: DTK-1PLV Example: DTK-8PRUV
One DITEK Center 1720 Starkey Road Largo, FL 33771
1-800-753-2345 Direct: 727-812-5000
Technical Support: 1-888-472-6100
Model DTK-#P#
D ≤6 V 8VDC 13V X ≤14 V 18VDC 22V LV ≤30 V 38VDC 47V OPX ≤50 V 66VDC 82V SPK ≤75 V 102VDC 119V SGR ≤95 V 127VDC 150V RUV ≤130 V 175VDC 204V
Service Voltage MCOV
Doc. Number: SPS-100008-001 Rev 2 05/14
©2014 DITEK Corp.
Specification Subject to Change
Clamp Voltage