Disney Alice in Wonderland User Manual

Disney Alice in Wonderland
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2
Basic Controls ....................................................................................................... 2
Main Menu ............................................................................................................ 2
Navigating Underland ........................................................................................... 3
Underland Characters ........................................................................................... 3
Underland Villians ................................ ................................ ................................. 4
Missions ................................................................................................................ 4
Collectibles and Upgrades .................................................................................... 5
Health ................................................................................................................... 5
Cooperative Gameplay ......................................................................................... 5
Disney Alice in Wonderland
Hit / Action
B Button
Call Alice
+ Button
Pause / Menu
1 Button
2 Button
Manual Camera Control
+Control Pad
Alice Thread
- Button
Activate Ability
Z Button
Swap Character
C Button
Control Stick
Jump / Dodge
A Button
After a 10-year absence, Alice has once again tumbled down the rabbit hole into the zany, labyrinthine world of Underland, where nothing is as it seems. Only this time, she has found it ravaged by the Red Queen and her beastly guardian, the Jabberwocky.
Playing as five key members of the Underland Underground Resistance – the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and the Dormouse – it is up to you to help Alice save Underland from its dark fate by finding the famous Vorpal Sword and defeating the forces of evil.
Basic Controls
Actions Control
Main Menu
In the Main Menu, you will find three options:
New Game – Start a new single-player or 2-player game. Load Game – Load a saved game. The game will start at the previously saved
Options – Adjust sound levels, switch language and turn subtitles on or off. Saving the game: To save your game progress, approach a Saving Scroll and
press the B Button. When prompted, select one of the five available save slots.
+ 3 hidden pages