DirecTV nomand, nomad Quick Start Manual

DIRECTV services not available outside the U.S. DIRECTV programming is available separately and independently of DIRECTV equipment. A valid programming sub­scription is required to operate DIRECTV equipment. Activate your DIRECTV programming today at 1.800.DIRECTV (1.800.347.3288). Nomad service requires the fol­lowing: a DIRECTV subscription, DIRECTV HD DVR with DVR service, Mobile DVR service, high-speed Internet connection and compatible mobile device. Only avail­able on certain devices from certain providers. Visit for a list of compatible devices and more information. Additional data charges may apply. Blackout rules and local programming, if available, are based on customer’s service address. Must register account at to use feature. Connections vary. © 2011 DIRECTV, Inc. DIRECTV and the Cyclone Design logo, DIRECTV Plus and nomad are trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc. 30034-10
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Your favorite shows go with you, anywhere you go.
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Verify that all three lights are blue on the nomad
Download and install the nomad™ application on your computer or mobile device
If all connections in Steps 1, 2 & 3 have been made correctly, all 3 lights on the front of the nomad will be blue.
Note: The status light on the nomad will display an Amber color and start blinking if new firmware
is available. The update will happen automatically and the light will return to blue when finished. Please allow up to 10 minutes for the process to complete.
Status light will be blue
Network light will be blue
Activity light will be blue
Status Activity
If any of the lights displays a different color than blue, recheck all connections made or consult the “Troubleshooting” section in the manual.
Enable Wi-Fi on your computer or mobile device and connect to your wireless router.
Visit to download and install the computer application or to get
information on how to access the available mobile applications.
Follow the on-screen instructions to activate your nomad and register your application.
Use of the nomad application is licensed under DIRECTV’s current End User License Agreement. Use of this application is also subject to DIRECTV’s privacy policy and other legal policies, including DIRECTV’s Customer Agreement for users who are DIRECTV customers.
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Confirm that your HD DVR is connected to the Internet Connect your nomad™ to your wireless router Power up your nomad
5 Easy steps to get you started
Getting Started
An Instructional Video is also available at to guide you through the setup and use of your nomad.
1. Confirm that your HD DVR is connected to the Internet.
2. Connect your nomad to your wireless router.
3. Power up your nomad.
4. Verify that all three lights are blue on the nomad.
5. Download and install the nomad application on your computer or mobile device.
For a list of system and service requirements to use the nomad or if you have questions, please refer to the manual or go to for more information.
Press the right arrow on your remote control.
- If you see the pop-up message below, your receiver is NOT connected to the Internet. Visit for more information on how to connect your HD DVR to the Internet.
- If you do not see the above message, your HD DVR is connected, so proceed to Step 2.
No network connection detected. Please check your connection and try again. (9)
More Info
Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the back of the nomad.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into your wireless router.
Ethernet Cable
Plug the power adapter into the nomad.
Plug the other end of the power adapter into an electrical outlet.
Note: The green light confirms a proper connection.
Plug Pronged End of Cord
into Electrical Outlet
Green Power Light