DirecTV DSA20MA Installation Manual

Installation Manual
DIRECTV Multi-Satellite Dish Antenna with
Integrated Triple LNB and Built-in Multi-Switch
Your DI R E CTV Multi-S atellite Dish antenna is designed for use with up to four independently operating DIR E CTV R eceivers. Along with your receiver U ser Manual, this guide will provide the information you’ll need to successfully install and operate your DIR ECTV S ystem. Throughout the manual, the DI R ECTV Multi-Satellite Dish antenna will be referred to as the “ antenna.”
For best results, we suggest you read carefully through these pages first before beginning installation. The guide is intended for an individual experienced in performing the various tasks described, including:
Determining an antenna location with a good southerly view of the satellites
Climbing a ladder and working on your roof
Observing safe working practices around heights and electrical hazards
Determining if there are water pipes, gas lines or wiring hidden near where you may drill
Using a power drill to drill holes into your house
Safety Information
Local building and electrical codes (NE C) require the antenna and the coaxial cables to be connected to a grounding electrode. I mproper installation may seriously damage the equipment or the building, as well as cause injury or death to you. For your own safety, follow these important safety rules or c ontact a licensed inspector or electrician in your area for assistance:
If you will be mounting your antenna in a location where it will be difficult or dangerous to view the attached bubble level (see page 6 ), use a small mirror or plumbing level instead. DO N OT risk falling
Perform as many functions as possible on the ground
Do not install the antenna on a rainy, snowy or windy day
Make sure there are no people, pets, etc. below when you are working on the roof
Watch out for power lines which may be overhead, underground and/or hidden behind walls, keeping safely clear of them with ladders, antenna and tools during installation
R outing coaxial cable(s) through foundation, wall, under-floor, attic or interior walls
S afely lifting and securing the 2 0-lb. antenna assembly
Grounding the antenna and cable(s) as recommended in the National E lectric Code (NEC)*
NOTE: If you don’t feel completely comfortable with these tasks, simply contact the store where you purchased the system for information on having your system installed by a local authorized DI R ECTV installer.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has ruled that
a local government or homeowner’s association may not prevent
the installation of satellite antennas one meter or smaller in
diameter, unless legitimate safety restrictions such as fire codes
are in effect. Call FCC tel: (202) 418-0163; FCC Web s ite at
http://www.fcc. gov/cgb/satellite.html or http://www.fcc. gov/mb/facts/otard.html for more information.
ACTIVATION OF PR OGR AMMING MAY B E S UB J E CT TO CR EDIT APPR OVAL AND R EQUIR E S VALID S ERVICE ADDR ESS , SOCIAL SE CU R ITY NUMB ER AND/OR MAJ OR CR EDIT CAR D. DEP OSIT OR PR EPAYMEN T MAY B E R E QUIR ED. P rogramming subject to change. You must be physically located in the U . S. to be an authorized DIR E CTV customer. DIR ECTV services not provided outside the U. S . DIR ECTV programming is sold separately and independently of DIR ECTV S ystem hardware. A valid programming subscription is required to operate DIR E CTV System hardware. Activate your DIR ECT V programming today at 1-800-DIR ECTV (1-80 0-347-3288).
*N EC is published by the N ational Fire Protection Association, 1 B atterymarch Park,
Quincy, Massachus etts, 022 69-9101 and may be available at your local public library.
DIRECTV Multi-Satellite Dish Antenna
Antenna Assembly Overview
Contents of Package
Dish Mounting Hardware Multi-Satellite Dish R eflector LNB Arm/Antenna B ack Assembly
Triple-head, Multi-S atellite LNB Mounting H ardware
LNB with B uilt-in Multi-S witch for
four Independent Outputs
Grounding S crew
E ZAL I GN™ Mast
Tools Required
Steps for Installation
7/16 " Nut Driver
Adjustable Wrench
S crewdriver (Phillips)
Magnetic Compass
E lectric Drill and B it
In the following pages, you’ll find step-by-step instructions for:
1 Determining Coordinates for Aiming Antenna .. .. . .. . page 4
2 Finding S uitable Antenna S ite ... . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . page 5
3 Installing E ZALIGN™ Mast. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .page 6
4 Assembling/Adjusting Antenna on Ground.. . .. . .. . . .. . .page 7
5 Attaching Antenna to Mast . . .. . ... . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. page 7
6 R outing R G 6 Cable(s) . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .page 8
7 Grounding Cable and Antenna . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . page 8
8 Attaching LNB to Antenna .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .page 9
9 Aiming and Fine-tuning Antenna.. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . page 9
Information Also Included:
Tr oubleshooting Check List for Initial I nstallation.. . ... . .. page 11
Optional Accessories
Typical installation kits (sold separately) include:
• Mast base mounting hardware
• R G 6 coaxial cable(s) with F connectors
• Grounding hardware, grounding wire, wire clips, etc.
• 6 " plumbing level
(not included)
Loss of S ignal/Rain Fade. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .page 1 2
Installation with L ong Cable R un
.. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .page 1 2
DIRECTV Multi-Satellite Dish Antenna
ZIP Code
Enter your ZIP code.
99 92 96 98 3
Azimuth: 152 Elevation: 50 Tilt: 102
Depending on your rec eiver model, your display may look different from shown. In this example, a Southern California ZIP code “ 92683” is entered and receiver outputs :
• Azimuth: 152
• E levation: 50
• Tilt: 102
Determining Coordinates
for Aiming Antenna
The coordinates (Azimuth, E levation and Tilt numbers) are based on your ZI P code and can be determined easily by using your receiver. You will need these numbers for site survey and antenna adjustments.
NOTE: The antenna does not need to be installed for this step.
Connect your receiver to the TV
Consulting your receiver manual, connect the receiver's video or Channel 3/4 outputs to the corresponding TV input. Turn on the TV and the receiver.
Set the antenna type
Navigate to the antenna installation screen menu. S elect installation as an “ oval 3 -sat” (some receiver brands may c all it: “ triple” , “ 3 sat location” , “ Sat 1 , 2, 3 ” or “ Sat A, B ,C” ).
Find your coordinates
Navigate to the antenna-pointing menu screen. E nter your ZI P code, then write down the numbers in space provided below.
(horizontal, side-side)
(vertical, up/down)
(dish reflector rotation)
__________ Your Azimuth
__________ Your Elevation
__________ Your Tilt
+ 8 hidden pages