Direct Flow S800 User Manual

Type of product
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01 Int roduct io n of-Direct F low
03 Components &
04 Cartridge filters
05 The p art s of
Selected filters
-Direct Fl ow
Tubing conn ection d iag ram
Ins talla tion diagr am
08 Change filters
Change membrane
Operation reg ula tion
Maintenan ce chec king list
S800- Direct Fl ow Rever se Osmos is Water Syst ems
Introduction of Direct Flow
-Direct Flow-Unlimited direct flow of fresh water
Enjoy a n un lim ite d flow of fre sh p uri fied water wit h the- Direct Flo w RO syst em. The- Direc t Flow wi th its aw ard -winning d esi gn and qu ali ty provides a maximu m direct flo w of fresh wat er.-Direct Fl ow system t hat has been carefully des ign ed with h eal th consciousness , eff ici ency, high performance and co nve nie nce in mi nd.
Unlimited direct flow of fresh wa ter Dir ect c ontinuous high quality pure wa ter Water purifier with h igh f low rat e and n o sto rag e tank A comp act u nder th e count er filtrat ion unit
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Maintenance ch ecking list
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Production: 40 0 GPD / 1512 LPD Wit h a high flow booster pump:
-In put in AC 110Volt, 220Volt o r 240 Volt ( 50/ 60Hz). Ope ration pressure: 1 0 -80 p si Dim ensions: (cm)47 (L) x 40( H) x 27 (W) Weight : 11.5 k g
S800- Direct Fl ow Rever se Osmos is Water Syst ems S800- Direct Fl ow Rever se Osmos is Water Syst ems
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The c lean lin es and graceful contours of t he br igh t white ca binet No need of tank. No bacteria breedi ng Complete 5 st age rev erse os mosis water filter system Eas y-o pen lid for e asi ly ca rtridge filters replaced Use t wist and quick-change c art rid ge de sig n makes filter changes fa st, c lean and e asy Ele ctr onic shut-off v alve Flo w restrictor, stainles s ste el ch eck v alve Eur opean de signer faucet Fee d water connector & deliv er va lve Dra in sa ddle valve Qui ck- conne ct fitting for easy installati on Completely assembled & wat er le aki ng te sti ng 100 % factory tested and sterili zed r ead y for i nstallation Hig h flow booster pump
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage 4th stage 5th stage 6th stage
Reverse osmosis was originally desi gne d to mak e s ea w ate r drinkable for the
nav y. It is ideal for a nyone on a low sodium die t. A n R .O. membr ane h as a pore
size m uch smaller than bac ter ia virus, or the c ryptosporidium pa ras ite . When
fun ctioning properly it wi ll re mov e all mic roo rgani sms f rom tap w ate r and p roduce
steril e wate r. Re ver se o smo sis is the r eversa l of the natural flow of o smo sis . In a
water pur ifi cation sy ste m, the go al is n ot to dilute th e salt so lut ion , but to
sep arate the pu re water from t he salt and o ther contaminants. W hen the natural
osm otic flow is reverse d, wa ter f rom t he sa lt solution i s for ced t o pass through the
mem brane i n the o pposi te directi on by a ppl ication of p res sure-t hus t he t erm
REV ERS E OSM OSI S. Throu gh thi s p roces s, we are a ble t o p rod uce pure wa ter
by sc reening out the sal ts an d other contaminants.
What is rev erse osmosis
Rever se Osmosis
Mem brane
Water flow
Q: How will the water affect mixed beverages?
Because reverse osmosis removes invisible contaminants that mask flavor, it allows the natural taste of your beverages to come through. You will be able to use less coffee an d still get the full flavor. Concentrated beverages like orange juice will taste tangier. You will probably be drinking a lot more water a s well, since many people drink soda, Kool- Aid, concentrated juices, and beer as an alternative to bad-tasting tap water. Also, eliminates most of th e lime build up on drip coffee makers, preventing the need for frequent cleaning. No longer will you find the white scum on the i nside of pans after boiling water.
Q: How much water does the system produce ?
Q: Don't people need minerals removed from the water ?
Q: What is the maintenance schedule for the System ?
Under ideal conditions, the RE1812-200 TFC membrane is rated at 400gallons of production per day (400gpd a t 80psi). Under the average conditions, the consumer can expect 70-9 5 gallon s of pro duct wa ter per day. But that's still a lot of water for the average household's drinking and cooking requirements.
Most of th e minerals that we receive are from the foods we eat. Only a very small percentage comes from the water we drink.
The three pre-filter cartridges shou ld be c hanged every 6 months. The 5 micron sediment cartridge filter is the first one; the second is a carbon cartridge filter, and the third one is a 1 micron sediment filters. (some sy stems comes with the Extruded carbon filter.) Failure to chang e the cartridge every 6 months may cause chlorine to destroy the membrane.
S800- Direct Fl ow Rever se Osmos is Water Syst ems S800- Direct Fl ow Rever se Osmos is Water Syst ems
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