Directed Electronics 556U User Manual

© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. N556U 09/04
The 556U immobilizer interface module is used when installing remote start products in vehicles equipped with
an RF (Radio Frequency) based immobilizer system. This type of system uses a small chip imbedded in the igni-
tion key, called a transponder, to transmit a very low powered RF signal. This signal is picked up through an
antenna (or coil) around the ignition switch which is then sent to the immobilizer’s transceiver. Once the correct
signal is received, the immobilizer will enable the ignition and/or fuel systems. If an attempt is made to start
the vehicle and the transceiver does not receive a valid code, the ignition and sometimes the fuel systems are
system only while the remote start is in use, maintaining the factory system’s integrity. When the remote start
system is not in use the factory immobilizer remains fully functional.
RREEDD ((++)) 1122 VVoolltt IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to a fused source of constant 12V.
BBLLUUEE ((--)) SSttaattuuss IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the remote start negative (-) status output.
PPIINNKK ((++)) IIggnniittiioonn IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the vehicle’s true ignition output. (Refer to
Latching Input
, page 7.)
BBLLAACCKK ((--)) CChhaassssiiss GGrroouunndd IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the vehicle’s chassis ground.
VVIIOOLLEETT ((++)) KKeeyysseennssee IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the vehicle’s positive keysense output wire. (Refer to
Key Sense
, page 7.)
GGRREEEENN ((--)) KKeeyysseennssee IInnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the vehicle’s negative keysense output wire. (Refer to
Key Sense
, page 7.)
Both of these are antenna ring wires.
Refer to alternate wiring diagram.
33--PPiinn HHaarrnneessss
66--PPiinn HHaarrnneessss
PPrroodduucctt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
556U Immobilizer Interface
Please note that the instructions outlined in the
Standard Immobilizer Interface
section describe an immobilizer
interface that will work with the majority of vehicles; however, some vehicle immobilizer systems may require an
alternate interface due to mounting issues, cosmetic differences, or RF loss when coupling the factory key RF
with the 556U to the factory transponder ring. (See
Alternate Immobilizer Interface
Before beginning the installation inform the customer that one of the vehicle’s coded keys must be used in the installation and installed permanently in the unit. If a new key is being purchased through the dealer, make sure to code the new key to the factory immobi­lizer or have the dealer do this. In many vehicles, the new key must be coded at the dealer.
It is also the installer's responsibility to notify customers of the following: If they wish to have additional keys programmed to the vehicle's immobilizer system in the future, certain vehicle manufacturers require that all programmed keys be reprogrammed at the time that the keys being added to the system are programmed. In this case, it would be necessary to remove the already programmed key from the 556U module to reprogram it. (If the customer plans on having additional keys programmed to the vehicle in the future, the shaft of the key should not be altered.)
IImmmmoobbiilliizzeerr IInntteerrffaaccee IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. N556U 09/04
1. Open the control module and place the vehicle’s coded key through the center of the black receiver ring as shown.
2. Reassemble the control module. This will secure the key inside.
When using the ring method of installing the 556U, the ring from the 556U MUST be in front of the factory receiver ring. It CAN NOT be on top of, or behind the factory receiver ring. See illustration below.
3. Disassemble the steering column shroud and place the antenna ring around the vehicle’s ignition switch as
shown, and plug into the control module.
4. Plug the 6-pin power plug into the control module.
5. Connect the BLACK wire to chassis (ground).
6. Connect the red wire to a fused source of constant 12V.
7. Connect the blue wire to the status output (blue wire) of the remote start system that provides a latched
negative (-) ground while the remote start is active.
8. Test unit before reassembling the steering column.
9. Reassemble the steering column shroud.
SSttaannddaarrdd IImmmmoobbiilliizzeerr IInntteerrffaaccee
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. N556U 09/04
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