Directed Electronics 556L User Manual

© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA N556L 05-05
556L General Motors
Passlock Interface Module
The 556L General Motors Passlock Interface Module is used when
installing remote start products in GM vehicles equipped with
easy interfacing while maintaining the integrity of the vehicle’s
anti-theft system. The 556L interfaces with the Passlock systems
by providing the proper Resistance Code (R-Code) at the appropri-
ate time. The 556L will also provide, when necessary, a negative
signal to the bulb check wire. The 556L has no effect on the
Passlock system when the remote start is not in use. The factory
Passlock anti-theft system will remain fully functional.
Before beginning the installation, make sure that you are connecting to the correct type of Passlock system (either Passlock I,Passlock II or alter­nate). You can determine which type of system is being used by referencing the
Vehicle Application Guide
section in this manual.
The GM Passlock System is a key-based, fuel shutdown, anti-theft
system. The Passlock system requires that the key cylinder be
mechanically turned using a key. When the key cylinder is properly
turned, it generates the R-Code, which is sent to the Instrument
Panel Cluster (IPC) in Passlock I systems or the Body Control
Module (BCM) in Passlock II systems. The IPC and the BCM both
house the Passlock decoder, which then interprets the signal.
Unlike the Passkey system, Passlock must detect the correct R-Code
at the correct time. The Passlock I system uses a bulb check wire
to activate the IPC module. This wire is not present in the Passlock
II system. In the Passlock I system, the bulb check wire is
switched to ground when the ignition switch is turned to the crank
position. This initiates a time window during which the IPC ana-
lyzes the R-Code. If the R-Code is valid and received in the proper
window of time, the IPC sends a code via data bus to the
Powertrain Control Module (PCM) to enable the fuel system. The
vehicle will then start and stay running. If the R-Code is incorrect,
the vehicle will start and run for a moment and then shut off.
Passlock II also uses an R-Code, but rather than going through the
IPC, the signal is sent directly to the BCM. The Passlock decoder,
built into the BCM, then interprets the signal.
See instructions for passlock system that
applies for harness 2.
Do not attempt to use the 556L before
learning the Resistance Code. (See
Learning the
Resistance Code
section of this manual.)
PPaasssslloocckk II WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraamm
HHaarrnneessss 11
1 GREEN/BLACK (+) Starter (from vehicle)
2 BLACK/WHITE Bulb check
3 BLACK Passlock ground input
4 PINK (+) Ignition (from vehicle)
5 BLUE (-) Status (from remote start system)
6 VIOLET (-) Starter (from remote start system)
7 RED (+) 12V (+ battery)
HHaarrnneessss 22
1 WHITE R-code
2 YELLOW R-code
3 WHITE/YELLOW R-code in
PPaasssslloocckk SSyysstteemm DDeettaaiillss
PPrroodduucctt DDeessccrriippttiioonn
© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
N556L 05-05
Not used for this application.
BBLLAACCKK//WWHHIITTEE ((--)) oouuttppuutt ttoo bbuullbb cchheecckk wwiirree::
Connect this wire to
the 20-gauge BLACK bulb check wire in the ignition switch power
harness. This wire will test (-) ground only when the ignition
switch is turned to the crank position. Do not connect to the black
wire in the three-wire Passlock cable.
BBLLAACCKK ((--)) PPaasssslloocckk ggrroouunndd iinnppuutt::
Connect this input to the
Passlock system’s ground reference wire.
PPIINNKK ((++)) iiggnniittiioonn iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the heavy gauge pos-
itive (+) PINK wire of the vehicle’s main ignition.
BBLLUUEE ((--)) ssttaattuuss iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the (-) status output
(BLUE/WHITE or BLUE) of the Directed remote start system.
VVIIOOLLEETT ((--)) iinnppuutt ffrroomm ssttaarrtteerr rreellaayy::
Connect this wire to the (-)
starter output of the remote start system. This is the VIOLET ribbon
harness wire of the pre-wired relay pack. To verify the correct wire,
test using a digital multimeter and verify that (-) chassis ground is
present on this wire while the remote start system is engaging the
starter motor.
RREEDD ((++)) 1122 vvoolltt iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to a source of constant
12 volts. This wire has a 5-amp fuse.
Not used for this application.
YYEELLLLOOWW RR--CCooddee,, iiggnniittiioonn sswwiittcchh::
Connect this wire to the ignition
switch side of the resistance wire in the three-wire Passlock cable
in the vehicle.
Not used for this application.
BBLLAACCKK//YYEELLLLOOWW RR--CCooddee,, oouuttppuutt tto
o vveehhiiccllee ssiiddee::
Connect this wire
to the side of the resistance wire facing away from the ignition
switch. This wire is located in the vehicle's three-wire Passlock
WWiirree CCoonnnneeccttiioonn GGuuiiddee ffoorr PPaasssslloocckk II
PPaasssslloocckk II WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraamm
The module must first be programmed before operation, use the
following procedure:
The vehicle must be started within 15 seconds or the module will automatically exit the learn routine.
1. Cycle the ignition On/Off 2 times.
2. Start the vehicle and keep it running for at least 10-seconds.
3. The LED on the module will flash 2-times.
4. Wait for the LED to flash once very quickly (within 5-seconds)
of ignition On. The R-code is learned.
3. Programming is now complete. Turn the vehicle’s ignition off
and test remote start at least twice.
Refer to the end of this document for
troubleshooting procedures.
10. Programming is now complete. Reconnect starter wire. Test remote start at least twice.
PPaasssslloocckk II PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg
GREEN/BLACK—(not used)
BLACK/WHITE—(-) bulb check
BLACK—Passlock ground
PINK—(+) ignition
BLUE—(-) status input
VIOLET—(-) crank input
RED—(+) 12V
WHITE—(not used)
YELLOW—key side resistance in
WHITE/YELLOW—(not used)
BLACK/YELLOW—vehicle side resistance out
© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA N556L 05-05
Not used for this application.
Not used for this application.
BBLLAACCKK ((--)) PPaasssslloocckk ggrroouunndd iinnppuutt::
Connect this input to the
Passlock system’s ground reference wire.
PPIINNKK ((++)) iiggnniittiioonn iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the heavy gauge pos-
itive (+) PINK wire of the vehicle’s main ignition.
BBLLUUEE ((--)) ssttaattuuss iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to the (-) status output
(BLUE/WHITE or BLUE) of the Directed remote start system.
Not used for this application.
RREEDD ((++)) 1122 vvoolltt iinnppuutt::
Connect this wire to a fused source of con-
stant 12 volts.
Not used for this application.
YYEELLLLOOWW RR--CCooddee,, iiggnniittiioonn sswwiittcchh::
Connect this wire to the ignition
switch side of the Passlock II system’s cut resistance wire.
No connection.
BBLLAACCKK//YYEELLLLOOWW RR--CCooddee,, oouuttppuutt ttoo vveehhiiccllee ssiiddee::
Connect this wire
to the side of the resistance wire facing away from the ignition
WWiirree CCoonnnneeccttiioonn GGuuiiddee ffoorr PPaasssslloocckk IIII
PPaasssslloocckk IIII WWiirriinngg DDiiaaggrraamm
The module must first be programmed before operation, use the
following procedure:
The vehicle must be started within 15 seconds or the module will automatically exit the learn routine.
1. Cycle the ignition On/Off 2 times.
2. Start the vehicle and keep it running for at least 10-seconds.
3. The LED on the module will flash 2-times.
4. Wait for the LED to flash once very quickly (within 5-seconds)
of ignition On. The R-code is learned.
3. Programming is now complete. Turn the vehicle’s ignition off
and test remote start at least twice.
Refer to the end of this document for
troubleshooting procedures.
PPaasssslloocckk IIII PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg
Refer to the end of this document for
troubleshooting procedures.
GREEN/BLACK—(not used)
BLACK/WHITE—(not used)
BLACK—Passlock ground
PINK—(+) ignition input
BLUE—(-) status input
VIOLET—(not used)
RED—(+) 12V
WHITE—(not used)
YELLOW—key side resistance in
WHITE/YELLOW—(not used)
BLACK/YELLOW—vehicle side resistance out
+ 5 hidden pages