Directed Electronics 2102T Installation Manual

This product is intended for installation by a professional installer only! Attempts to install this product by a person other than a trained professional may result in severe damage to a vehicle’s electrical
system and components.
© 2012 Directed, Vista, CA
N2102T 2012-07
Directed Passive Keyless Entry (PKE)
Installation Guide
Antenna Mounting and Installation Points ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Vehicle Category Installation Specification ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Installation Type Selection �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6 Installation diagram ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Wiring connections ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
D2D port (H2), 4-pin black connector ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Feature Programming ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Entering feature programming routine ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Changing feature options ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Accessing another feature ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Exiting feature programming ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
Features and Options List ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 SmartLock feature ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Remote pairing ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Pairing the FOB to the PKE module: �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Pairing the PKE system to the remote starter module: �������������������������������������������������������������23 Factory reset ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Diagnostics �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
© 2012 Directed� All rights reserved�
Warning! safety first
The following safety warnings must be observed at all times: Due to the complexity of this system, installation of this product must only be performed by an authorized Directed dealer. When properly installed, this system can lock and unlock your doors and also arm and disarm your Directed security system when the key fob is in and out of range.
The following precautions are the sole responsibility of the user; however, authorized Directed dealers should: Never use a test light or logic probe when installing this unit. Always use a multimeter.
© 2012 Directed� All rights reserved�
Antenna Mounting and Installation Points
In order to maximize range, the following antenna mounting options should be discussed with the customer to better suit their needs.
• Do not directly mount the antenna on any metallic surface, this may significally decrease the range.
• To insure consistent operation, secure the antenna and make sure they will not move or dangle.
• Antennas are fragile, they can break easily. Make sure they are mounted on a solid (non flexible) part.
Recommended Antenna Mounting Locations
The recommended antenna mounting locations are for reference only. It is still required that you perform the actual range test when installing the antenna to ensure that the range is satisfactory. You may require to relocate the antennas to different areas around the recommended locations until maximum range is achieved.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Since this is a directional antenna, range will be aected by antenna placement/mounting
Horizontal rangeVertical range
Option 4
Note: An optionnal 12-foot antenna (part# SANT-PKE12) can be installed to increase the active zone coverage. When a third antenna is installed, feature 4, option 2 must be enable through the "Features and Options List" section on page 21.
Vehicle Category Installation Specification
Sub Compact, Compact & Sedan:
For optimal performance, install the 18-foot antenna in the headliner or below the rear deck.
Note: Installation in the trunk will greatly affect and reduce range and overall system performance.
Minivan & SUV:
To maximize range in the rear of the vehicle, install the 18-foot antenna in the headliner.
Pickup (with cab) & Cargo:
To maximize range in the rear of the vehicle, install the 18-foot antenna in the bumper, behind the license plate.
Pickup (without cab):
Suggested Installation: Option 3. Antennas should be mounted on the driver and passenger side since the tailgate does not require to be controlled.
Install 8-foot antenna in windshield pillar on driver side and the 18-feet antenna behind the rear seats.
Note: On vehicle with fiberglass bodies or convertibles, the range will be significantly increased.
© 2012 Directed� All rights reserved�
Installation Type Selection
Choosing the right installation type according to the device you install.
Corresponding installation type according to what device you are installing Page
Type 1 - PKE Standalone
page 7
Type 2a - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + AutoStart or AstroStart or Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 4-pin antenna connector)
page 8
Type 2b - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 6-pin antenna connector)
page 9
Type 3a - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + DIRECTED SmartStart + Autostart or Astrostart Directed Remote Starter (with 4-pin antenna connector)
page 10
Type 3b - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + DIRECTED SmartStart + Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 6-pin antenna connector)
page 11
Type 3c - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + DIRECTED SmartStart + Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 4-pin antenna connector)
page 12
Type 4 - PKE + 4x10/5x10 page 13
Type 5 - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass page 14
Type 6 - PKE + DIRECTED SmartStart + 4x10/5x10 page 15
Type 7 - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass - Remote Start Ready (RSR) + DIRECTED SmartStart page 16
Type 8 - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass - Range Extender (RXT) + XL202 page 17
Type 9 - PKE + AutoStart or AstroStart or Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 4pin antenna connector)
page 18
© 2012 Directed� All rights reserved�
Installation diagram
Type 1 - PKE Standalone
6 Green 6 Black
4 Red2 Black
2 Black
2 Red10 Black
Prog. Button
(-) Unlock Output: Blue: 2
(-) Lock Output: Green: 1
(+) Door Sense Input: White/Purple: 4**
(-) Starter Kill Output: White/Black: 6
(-) Parking Light Output: White/Pink: 7
(-) Door Sense Input: Blue/White: 10**
(-) Unlock
(-) Lock
(+) Brake
(+) Starter
(+) Ignition
(-) Parking Light
(-) Door Sense**
Antenna (8 feet)
Antenna (18 feet)
86 85
(+) Brake Input: Purple/Black: 5
(+) Door Sense**
Starter Disable: This connection is optional and ad­ditional parts are sold separately.
Refer to the
Antenna Location and Installation Points
section on page 5 for more information.
(-) Horn Output: Red/White: 3
(-) Horn
This toggle switch will
bypass the starter disable.
(-) Ground: Black: 2
RX: Blue: 1
(+) 12v: Red: 4
Cut the 4-wire red connector of D2D Y-cable and connect
12v and Ground wires to the corresponding wires of the DIRECTED SmartStart
Not Used
Ground: Black
(+)12v: Red
Ground: Black
(+)12v: Red
*Sold separately. **Door sense: The polarity of the door sense in the vehicle will determine which wire to connect from the PKE to the DIRECTED Remote Starter.
2 White
Antenna (12 feet)*
(Part# SANT-PKE12)
© 2012 Directed� All rights reserved�
Type 2a - PKE + Xpresskit Bypass + AutoStart or AstroStart or Viper/Python/Clifford Directed Remote Starter (with 4-pin antenna connector)
Note: 8210 Antenna Universal Adapter is required and sold separately.
These wires are not required in D2D mode.
4 Red
(-) Door Status Output
(+) Brake Output
(+) Brake Input: Purple/Black: 5
(-) Starter Kill: White/Black: 6
(-) Door Sense Input: Blue/White: 10***
(+) Brake Input
(-) Door Sense Input***
8210 Main Universal Adaptor*:
Refer to the 8210 guide.
Regular Remote
Start Connections
To The Vehicle
4 White
(+) 12v: Red: 4
(-) Ground: Black: 2
RX: Green: 3
TX: Blue: 1
RX: Blue: 1
TX: Green: 3 (-) Ground: Black: 2
(+) 12v: Red: 4
(-) Ground: Black: 2
RX: Blue: 1
(+) 12v: Red: 4
Interface Module*
6 Green 6 Black
4 Red2 Black 2 Red10 Black
Prog. Button
Antenna Harness**
*Sold separately. **Antenna & Antenna harness are sold with your Remote Starter kit. *** Door sense: The polarity of the door sense in the vehicle will determine which wire to connect from the PKE to the DIRECTED Remote Starter.
D2D Port
D2D Port
(-) Horn Output: Red/White: 3
Antenna (8 feet)
Antenna (18 feet)
Refer to the
Antenna Location and Installation Points
section on page 5 for more information.
(+) Ignition Output
86 85
(+) Starter Wire
4 wires red
4 wires white
3 wires red connector
Starter Disable: This connection is optional and ad­ditional parts are sold separately.
This toggle switch will
bypass the starter disable.
(+) Door Sense Input: White/Purple: 4***
(+) Door Sense Input***
2 White
Antenna (12 feet)*
(Part# SANT-PKE12)
+ 16 hidden pages