© 2005 Directed Electronics, Vista, CA—all rights reserved
NCAN1 11-05
((CCoonnttrrooll AArreeaa NNeettwwoorrkk))
BBuuss IInntteerrffaaccee
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee
NOTE: This product is intended for installation by a professional installer only!
Any attempt to install this product by any person other than a trained professional
may result in severe damage to a vehicle’s electrical system and components.

Bitwriter®, Code Hopping®, Doubleguard®, ESP™, FailSafe®, Ghost Switch™, Learn Routine™,
, Nuisance Prevention®Circuitry, NPC®, Revenger®, Silent Mode™, Soft Chirp®,
, Valet®, Vehicle Recovery System®, VRS®, and Warn Away®are all Trademarks or Registered
Trademarks of Directed Electronics, Inc.
DDiirreeccttFFaaxx 880000--999999--11332299 TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt 880000--775533--00880000
These resources are for authorized Directed Dealer use only.