User’s Manual
Thank you for choosing DIO RA . We are happy you share our passio for pursuit of
quality and ideal”. Designed using the latest technology, these speakers continue
DIOR A’s per fectionist believes, developing products with high power handing, and
unrivalled sound quality. To obtain the best results from this product, we recommend
that you follow carefully all the information contained in this user ’s manual. If not correctly followed, any fault observed may not be covered by the guarantee.
Continuous listening at high sound level (above 110dB) can dura bly damage your
Listening above 130dB c an damage your hear ing permanently.
Important recommendations
Before attemptingany installation work, it is very important to verify how much space
is available to t the speakers into the vehicle.
Key points
– For direct replacement of original speakers, please check there is enough space
for your new DIORA speakers and grilles.
– En sure the sp eake r is c lean from debri s and meta llic par tic les t hat m aybe att ache d
(especially after drilling?
Choice of installation and positioning of speakers
To achieve the b est results for your installation, please follow these simple
- Speakers must be positioned in the far front of the c ar for a correct sound stage.
You can also install DIORA c oaxial speakers at t he rear of the vehicle (rear parcel
shelf or left and right quarters). In that case, the left and right speakers should always
be positioned far apart from each other, and in the front of the parcel shelf (close to
the rear seats). If installed in the rear parcel shelf, the speakers must be xed rigidly
in place. If holes are to be cut into the parcel shelf, ensure it is still strong enough to
ac cept the s peaker s. The pa nel m ust r emai n str ong, rig id an d fre e fro m any vibr ation s.
If t he p arce l she lf is exib le, a p oss ible aco usti c sho rt- cir cuit may o ccu r and dras tic ally
decrease the speaker performance.
car speakers
Wyłączny dystrybutor:
Manta Multimedia Sp. z o.o.
ul. Matuszewska 14, 03-876 Warszawa