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Revision 01, May 2005
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Revision 04, January 2008
Figure 1-1. ICS-3000 System for Dual-Analysis RFIC
The Dionex ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System offers a full range of Reagent-
™ IC (RFIC™) components. RFIC combines automated eluent generation
and self-regenerating suppression to make IC easier and more powerful than ever
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
before. It is no longer necessary to spend time preparing eluents and regenerants.
All you need is deionized water—the IC system automatically generates eluent in
the exact amount and concentration needed for your application, ensuring superior
analytical results.
The dual-analysis capabilities (both simultaneous and sequential) of the ICS-3000
system let you maximize efficiency and throughput and minimize downtime. The
modular system design lets you quickly configure and customize hardware.
1.1.1ICS-3000 System Components
The table below identifies modules in the ICS-3000 product line, as well
as additional products that can be added to an ICS-3000 system. Refer to
the page number indicated here for a brief product overview.
Product TypeProduct Name
Detector (inside DC)
Accessory (inside DC)
Detector (outside DC)
Thermal Compartment
Eluent Generator
Eluent Organizer
ICS-3000 Dual Pump (see page 3)
ICS-3000 Single Pump (see page 3
ICS-3000 Detector/Chromatography
Module (see page 3
ICS-3000 Conductivity Detector (see
page 4
ICS-3000 Electrochemical Detector (see
page 4
ICS-3000 Automation Manager (see
page 4
ICS-Series Photodiode Array Detector (see
page 7
ICS-Series Variable Wavelength Detector
(see page 7
ICS-3000 Thermal Compartment (see
page 4
ICS-3000 Eluent Generator (see page 5)
ICS-3000 Eluent Organizer (see page 5)
2 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1 • Introduction
Mass Spectrometer
ICS-3000 Dual Pump (DP) and ICS-3000 Single Pump (SP)
AS Autosampler (see page 6)
AS40 Automated Sampler (see page 7
MSQ Plus™ (see page 8)
With flow rates ranging from 0.001 to 10.0 mL/min and operating
pressures up to 35 MPa (5000 psi), the DP/SP is designed for both
standard bore and microbore applications. The pump’s patented isokinetic
pre-compression phase allows a precise, almost pulse-free flow.
The SP contains one isocratic pump or one gradient pump. The DP
contains two gradient pumps, two isocratic pumps, or one isocratic pump
and one gradient pump.
The isocratic pump delivers one eluent, while the gradient pump can
deliver gradient mixtures of up to four eluent components. The selected
eluent composition can be delivered as isocratic, isocratic proportioned,
linear ramp, step, curved, or any combination of these.
With a DP, the second pump can be operated as a second-channel
chromatography pump, an auxiliary dependent pump, or an auxiliary
independent pump.
ICS-3000 Detector/Chromatography Module (DC)
The DC provides a temperature-controlled environment for ICS-3000
chromatography components. The DC can accommodate components for
two channels, plumbed either serially or in parallel.
The following components may be installed in the DC:
•Conductivity detector
•Electrochemical detector
•Injection valves
•Switching valves
•Guard and separator columns
•ICS-3000 Automation Manager
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
ICS-3000 Conductivity Detector (CD)
The CD is a modular detector with integrated cell providing dual
detection capabilities (series or parallel). The CD has a signal range up to
The CD is installed in the upper compartment of the DC.
ICS-3000 Electrochemical Detector (ED)
The ED is a modular detector and cell with dual-detection capabilities
(series or parallel). The ED supports multiple waveforms, multiple
integration times, and post-analysis data manipulation. The ED is also
capable of providing 3D amperometry data. The ED cell can be
configured with gold, silver, platinum, or glassy carbon working
electrodes. The ED is installed in the upper compartment of the DC.
ICS-3000 Automation Manager (AM)
The AM consists of a component mounting panel on a base tray. The AM
provides mounting sites for sample preparation and post-column
application components: high-pressure (switching) valves, low-pressure
(solenoid) valves, reaction coils, etc. The AM is installed in the upper
compartment of the DC, above the detector.
μS and supports high background, nonsuppressed applications.
ICS-3000 Thermal Compartment (TC)
The TC provides a temperature-controlled environment for ICS-3000
chromatography components. The TC is intended for applications that do
not require conductivity or electrochemical detection.
The TC is available in four configurations:
•With one 2-position, 6-port high-pressure injection valve
•With two 2-position, 6-port high-pressure injection valves
•With one 2-position, 6-port high-pressure injection valve and one 2-
position, 10-port high-pressure injection valve
•With no injection valves
An optional temperature stabilizer (standard bore, P/N 064548;
microbore, P/N 064650) can be installed inside the TC, if necessary. The
temperature stabilizer brings the eluent to the column temperature before
it enters the column.
4 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1 • Introduction
ICS-3000 Eluent Generator (EG)
The EG generates high purity acid or base eluents online from deionized
water. The EG can be configured for single- or dual-channel operation.
Each channel includes:
•A high precision programmable current source (power supply)
•A high pressure gas removal device that removes electrolysis gases
created during eluent generation
The following options must be ordered separately for installation inside
the EG:
•A disposable EluGen® cartridge to generate eluent. Each cartridge
contains 900 mL of the appropriate electrolyte concentrate solution.
•A Continuously Regenerated Trap Column (CR-TC) to remove any
extraneous contaminants from the deionized water source. The CRTC is electrolytically-regenerated, which allows it to operate for
extended periods without chemical regeneration.
ICS-3000 Eluent Organizer (EO)
The EO holds eluent reservoirs in a liner that contains spills and leaks. Up
to two EOs can be installed on top of the DC. Each EO accommodates up
to four 1-liter or 2-liter reservoirs or up to two 4-liter reservoirs. The EO
is typically ordered configured with four 2-liter reservoirs (P/N 062629).
All eluent reservoirs available for use with the DP/SP can be pressurized.
If you plan to pressurize the eluent reservoirs, the optional EO Regulator
Accessory and Stand (P/N 063493) is required.
The Regulator Accessory includes a pressure regulator and gauge
assembly with four outputs (for connections to four eluent reservoirs), as
well as the tubing and connection fitting required. If more reservoirs are
required, order a second regulator (P/N 064387).
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
AS Autosampler (AS)
The AS is a powerful, full-featured autosampler that precisely delivers
from 1.0 to 99.9 µL (in 0.1 µL increments) or 100 to 1000 µL (in 1 µL
increments) of sample to an injection valve. The autosampler can operate
in several modes:
•Concentrate—Sample is delivered to a single analytical system for
trace analysis and matrix elimination; a concentrator column is
installed on the injection valve in place of a loop.
•Simultaneous—Sample is delivered to two analytical systems
simultaneously; a sample loop is installed on each injection valve.
Sample is delivered equally to the two systems (50% of the volume to
each), allowing two complete, separate analyses to be performed with
just one sample.
•Sequential—Sample is delivered to two analytical systems in
sequence. This allows on-demand injection of two independent
samples to two applications, using one autosampler. While the first
system is being analyzed, the second system is being prepped and
loaded for sample analysis.
•Sequential Concentrate—Sample is delivered to two analytical
systems in sequence; a concentrator column is installed on the
injection valve in place of a loop.
•Reagent Prime (available in Concentrate mode only)—Primes the
lines with reagent. For example, implementing the Reagent Prime
mode during the matrix elimination step ensures that the appropriate
reagent is in line for matrix elimination and prevents crosscontamination between reagents.
•Reagent Flush (available in Concentrate mode only)—Flushes the
concentrator column with reagent (for example, a known source of
clean deionized water) to remove unwanted sample matrix.
6 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1 • Introduction
AS40 Automated Sampler (AS40)
The AS40 is a low-cost, metal-free, sample loading device designed for
ion chromatography applications. The AS40 is capable of delivering
between 0.2 and 5.0 mL of sample in set increments. The AS40 holds
between 66 and 88 vials, depending upon the vial size in use: 0.5 mL,
5.0 mL, or a combination of both sizes. Up to three injections can be
taken from each vial.
The AS40 holds up to 11 cassettes of six 5-mL vials or eight 0.5-mL vials.
Each sample is filtered during loading through a 20-µm filter in the vial
cap, so there is no need to prefilter samples. Samples can be loaded
against backpressures up to 690 kPa (100 psi) without an external
sampling pump, thus facilitating preconcentration work.
ICS-Series Photodiode Array Detector (PDA)
The PDA optical detector is capable of measuring the absorbance
spectrum from 190 to 800 nm. A deuterium lamp optimizes the UV range
(190 to 380 nm) and a tungsten lamp optimizes the visible range (380 to
800 nm).
The PDA enables you to collect up to five single wavelengths (2D
chromatograms) without being required to collect 3D data. Collecting
individual wavelengths instead of the spectra offers two advantages: it
eliminates the need to perform extractions for analyses that do not require
spectral data and it conserves disk space.
ICS-Series Variable Wavelength Detector (VWD)
The VWD is a dual-beam, variable wavelength photometer with one
measurement and one internal reference beam. Spectral capability from
190 to 900 nm is provided by two light sources: a deuterium lamp for
ultraviolet detection and a tungsten lamp for visible wavelength
operation. The four-channel detector measures at up to four wavelengths
simultaneously. The VWD contains a built-in holmium oxide filter for
wavelength verification. To suppress higher-order radiation, two optical
filters can be inserted (automatically) into the light path.
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
MSQ Plus Mass Spectrometer
The MSQ Plus is an advanced analytical instrument that includes an MS
detector, vacuum pumps, and data system. When integrated with an IC
system, the MSQ Plus provides the separation capability of an IC and the
detection capability of a single-quadrupole MS detector. This provides a
strong starting point for sample analysis by offering a quick and clear
mass identification for chromatographic peaks.
The MS detector contains an atmospheric pressure ionization (API)
source, advanced high efficiency transmission ion optics of a square
quadrupole RF lens and dual RF generators, a mass analyzer, and an ion
detection system. An optional cone wash pump is available for improved
performance when dealing with dirty matrices.
The MS detector is equipped with FastLock™ probes for two
complementary ionization techniques: atmospheric pressure chemical
ionization (APCI) and electrospray ionization (ESI). Both ionization
techniques can be run in either the positive or negative ion polarity mode.
The design of the interchangeable probes enables rapid switching of
ionization modes.
During a scan, ions of selected mass-to-charge ratios are sequentially
transmitted through a quadrupole mass filter analyzer. The MS detector
has fully automatic mass scale calibration (15 to 2000 m/z) and tuning
that makes optimization simple and direct. The MS detector can perform
both full-range scans and selected ion monitoring (SIM) scans. When
operating in conjunction with Chromeleon, the MSQ Plus can be set up to
vary the scan type, the ionization technique, and the ion polarity mode.
8 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1.1.2ICS-3000 System Control
The ICS-3000 system is controlled by a PC configured with Chromeleon
Chromatography Management System (version 6.7 or later) or
Chromeleon Xpress. The Chromeleon
System provides complete instrument control, data acquisition, and data
management. Chromeleon Xpress
monitoring of Dionex chromatography instruments, but does not
include data management capabilities.
Chromeleon and Chromeleon Xpress provide a panel tabset that replaces
and combines the module front panels into one centralized system control
panel. A convenient Home panel (see Figure 1-2
system status. Individual tabs provide quick access to module functions,
as well as detailed status and diagnostics.
Every effort has been made to provide complete and accurate user documentation
for the ICS-3000 system. The table below lists the primary sources of product
information and the formats in which information is available.
ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
Operator’s Manual
Installing the Chromeleon Chromatography
Management System with a Dionex Ion
Chromatograph (IC)
Chromeleon online HelpN/AN/AN/A
Ye sN o
All Adobe
® PDF files listed above are shipped on the Dionex Reference Library
CD-ROM (P/N 053891), which is included in the ship kit of each ICS-3000
system module. In addition, the software manuals are provided as PDF files on the
Chromeleon or Chromeleon Xpress CD-ROM.
A printed copy of the software installation instructions is provided in the software
ship kit.
Consumables documentation: For complete information about Dionex columns,
suppressors, EluGen cartridges, etc., refer to the appropriate product manual.
These manuals are provided on the Reference Library CD-ROM.
10 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1.3The ICS-3000 System Operator’s Manual
The electronic version (i.e., PDF file) of the ICS-3000 system operator’s
manual contains numerous hypertext links that can take you to other
locations within the file. These links include:
•Table of contents entries
•Index entries
•Cross-references (underlined in blue) to sections, figures, tables, etc.
If you are not familiar with how to navigate PDF files, refer to the Help
system for Adob
e® Acrobat® or Adobe Reader® for assistance.
1 • Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Getting Started
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
An overview of the ICS-3000 system; includes a
brief description of the ICS-3000 modules, the
software required for ICS-3000 operation, and the
ICS-3000 user manuals.
Detailed descriptions of ICS-3000 system
components and important operating features;
includes an introduction to Chromeleon and
Chromeleon Xpress software.
Detailed illustrations of component plumbing for
several different ICS-3000 system configurations.
Tasks to be performed before beginning operation
of the ICS-3000 system.
Instructions for routine operation of the ICS-3000
system with Chromeleon or Chromeleon Xpress
Short-term and long-term shutdown procedures
for the ICS-3000 system.
Routine preventive maintenance procedures for
the ICS-3000 system.
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
Chapter 8
Minor problems that may occur during operation
of the ICS-3000 system, with step-by-step
procedures for how to isolate and eliminate the
cause of each problem. Includes a list of
Chromeleon and Chromeleon Xpress Audit Trail
error messages, with an explanation of the
possible cause of each message and the corrective
action to take.
Chapter 9
Step-by-step instructions for routine service and
parts replacement procedures the user can
perform for the ICS-3000 system.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Specifications and installation site requirements
for the ICS-3000 modules.
Spare parts for the ICS-3000 modules.
1.3.2Safety Messages and Notes
This manual contains warnings and precautionary statements that can
prevent personal injury and/or damage to the ICS-3000 system when
properly followed. Safety messages appear in bold type and are
accompanied by icons, as shown below.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. Also used to identify a situation or
practice that may seriously damage the instrument, but will not cause
Indicates that the function or process of the instrument may be
impaired. Operation does not constitute a hazard.
12 Doc. 065031-04 1/08
1 • Introduction
Messages d'avertissement en français
Signale une situation de danger immédiat qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
entraînera des blessures graves à mortelles.
Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
pourrait entraîner des blessures graves à mortelles.
Signale une situation de danger potentiel qui, si elle n'est pas évitée,
pourrait entraîner des blessures mineures à modérées. Également
utilisé pour signaler une situation ou une pratique qui pourrait
gravement endommager l'instrument mais qui n'entraînera pas de
Warnhinweise in Deutsch
Bedeutet unmittelbare Gefahr. Mißachtung kann zum Tod oder
schwerwiegenden Verletzungen führen.
Bedeutet eine mögliche Gefährdung. Mißachtung kann zum Tod oder
schwerwiegenden Verletzungen führen.
Bedeutet eine mögliche Gefährdung. Mißachtung kann zu kleineren
oder mittelschweren Verletzungen führen. Wird auch verwendet, wenn
eine Situation zu schweren Schäden am Gerät führen kann, jedoch
keine Verletzungsgefahr besteht.
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ICS-3000 Ion Chromatography System
Informational messages also appear throughout this manual. These are
labeled NOTE and are in bold type:
NOTE NOTES call attention to certain information. They
alert you to an unexpected result of an action,
suggest how to optimize instrument performance,
1.4Safety and Regulatory Information
The ICS-3000 system is designed for IC (ion chromatography) and HPLC (highperformance liquid chromatography) applications and should not be used for any
other purpose. Operation of an ICS-3000 module in a manner not specified by
Dionex may result in personal injury.
1.4.1Safety Labels
The TUV GS, C, US Mark safety label and the CE Mark label on the ICS3000 modules indicate that they are in compliance with the following
EMC Susceptibility and Immunity
•(DC, EG, DP, SP) EN 61326 1997 including A1:1998 and A2:2001
•(TC) EN 61326 1997 including A1:1998, A2:2001, and A3:2003
•(DC, EG, DP, SP) EN 61010-1:2001, UL 61010-1:2004, CAN/CSA-
C22.2 61010-1:2004
•(TC) EN 61010-1:2001, UL 61010A:2002, CAN/CSA-C22.2 61010-
NOTE The TC does not carry the TUV GS Mark safety
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