Dini Argeo MCW Safety And Maintenance Manual

Crane scales safety and maintenance manual
EN / DE / FR / IT
ENGLISH .................................................................... 2
DEUTSCH ................................................................. 18
FRANCAIS ................................................................ 34
ITALIANO ................................................................. 50
GENERAL SAFETY NORMS .................................................................... 3
Laws and national norms .......................................................................... 3
General warnings ...................................................................................... 3
Organisational measures of the user company ......................................... 6
Indications and warnings regarding the crane scale ................................. 7
Indications and bans for working in safe conditions .................................. 9
Environmental conditions ........................................................................ 10
MAINTENANCE AND CHECKS .............................................................. 11
Daily monitoring ....................................................................................... 11
Regular Maintenance .............................................................................. 12
Maintenance registry ............................................................................... 15
IMPORTANT NOTICE: before using this crane scale, you must read the following safety instructions and the user manual. Copy of the user manual is freely available for download at http://www.diniargeo.com.
The user must respect the manufacturer’s recommendations for the crane scale; one must respect the instructions requested by the manufacturer of the lifting device, and those highlighted in the safety data sheet of the product which must be weighed.
Laws and national norms
Before putting into service and while using it, the user must verify that all norms in force in the Country where the instrument is used in regards to “safety and prevention of casualties” and
“metrology” are respected.
It is also important to take into account and respect the laws and guidelines for the safety controls of the Country of use.
Carefully respect all the safety measures and maintenance
General warnings
The electronic crane scale is to be considered a scale, and therefore use must be limited only to weighing needs. The
crane scale is not designed for cargo handling and transportation. Once the load harnessing operation is done,
move away, and make sure that the load is well balanced lifting it up only a few centimetres from the ground and then lift the load down to the ground again. Remove the crane scale at the end of the weighing operations.
Do not stand or pass under a suspended load
DO NOT exceed the nominal capacity of the crane scale. (The illustration refers to the model 6t. Refer to the maximum capacity of the purchased instrument).
The nominal capacity of the electronic crane scale must not be lower than the maximum capacity of the lifting device.
DO NOT exceed the nominal capacity of any support element of the load if lower than the capacity of the crane scale.
Use the scale EXCLUSIVELY for the lifting and the weighing of suspended loads and for TENSION measurements. Suspended loads which may cause applied torsion stresses MUST be hung with flexible or swivelling bindings.
Carefully respect all the safety measurements established by the manufacturer of the electronic crane scale, which are shown in the instruction manual.
Entrust the installation, set-up, maintenance, operations only to trained personnel. Entrust the execution of maintenance operations only to trained personnel in security controls for lifting devices.
DO NOT spill liquid on the instrument. Respect the IP degree protection of the instrument. DO NOT use solvents or industrial chemicals for cleaning the instrument.
The crane scale is to be considered like a scale, and therefore it must be used only for weighing needs. The crane scale is not designed for cargo handling and transportation. Once the load harnessing operation is done, move away and make sure that the load is well balanced lifting it up only a few centimetres from the ground and then lift the load down to the ground again. Remove the crane scale at the end of the weighing operation. An improper or different use than what is foreseen in this manual, will release the Manufacturer from all responsibilities in case of damages caused to people or things.
Organisational measures of the user company
- Respect the safety measures established by the manufacturer of the electronic crane scale,
the manufacturer of the lifting device, and eventually of the safety board of the product to be weighed.
- The electronic crane scale must be used only for the foreseen purposes.
- Entrust the use of the instrument only to expert and trained people, also with experience in
using the lifting equipment.
- Entrust the execution of installation, putting into function, maintenance, and repair operations
only to specialised personnel
- Make sure that the user manual is always available where the scale is used.
- The nominal capacity of the scale must be equal or greater than the crane. If the nominal
capacity of the scale is greater than the maximum capacity of the crane, make sure that loads, which are greater than the maximum capacity of the crane or of any support element of the load, are lifted.
- Use only original spare parts.
- Do not remove or replace shackles and hooks supplied.
- All the indicator connections must be made respecting the norms applied in the installation
zone and environment.
- Periodic verification with registry.
- The electronic crane scale must be submitted to regular maintenance and repair
- File the test result and conserve it in the test register.
- When one notices anomalies while using the electronic crane scale, IMMEDIATELY stop all
operations and do not reuse the instrument until the instrument has been submitted to specific controls by specialised and authorised personnel.
Incorrect use, but reasonably foreseeable, by untrained people entails a non acceptable residual risk.
Indications and warnings regarding the crane scale
It is strictly FORBIDDEN for non authorised personnel to enter in the operating zone.
It is strictly FORBIDDEN to use the crane scale with other shackles and hooks than those supplied.
Monitor the lifting of the load. During lifting, pay attention to the movement of the load. The crane scale is not
designed for cargo handling and transportation.
Lift the load without causing knocks using a low speed of the crane.
Use structures with single hitch elements which allow a correct alignment of the scale. Do not use structures with single hitch large-sized elements which could block the correct alignment near the hitch point.
It is FORBIDDEN to make oblique moves and rotations on the load.
Any maintenance, repair, or cleaning operations must be made with the electronic crane scale turned off.
Use the PPE prescribed by the manufacturer of the lifting system and eventually those highlighted in the safety data sheet of the weighing article (helmet, accident-prevention shoes, etc.).
The nominal capacity of the electronic crane scale must not be lower than the maximum capacity of the lifting device.
Indications and bans for working in safe conditions
It is FORBIDDEN pull or drag loads, apply only vertical stress DO NOT swing the load by pushing it or putting it beyond the work area of the lifting device.
DO NOT use multiple attachment points.
It is FORBIDDEN to make any changes to the scale.
Environmental conditions
DO NOT install in an area with risk of explosion.
DO NOT expose the instrument to direct sunlight or near sources of heat
DO NOT expose the instrument to strong magnetic or electrical fields.
It is FORBIDDEN to use the device for weighing radioactive materials or melted masses
DO NOT install the instrument in an environment at risk of corrosion.
It is FORBIDDEN to use the device beyond the temperature range from -10 ° C to +40 ° C.
The electronic crane scale and all lifting accessories must be regularly subjected to inspection and maintenance. For the prevention of accidents or damages, it is necessary that the maintenance is done according to the manufacturer's instructions. Maintenance must be performed only by persons who have acquired the necessary technical expertise. To ensure a safe operation, follow these instructions:
- carry out a continuous regular maintenance and cleaning.
- entrust the maintenance and repair operations only to trained and authorized personnel
- use only original spare parts.
- do not use the electronic crane scale where there is non-compliance with the safety
- any maintenance, repair or cleaning should be done away from danger areas and with the
electronic crane scale turned off.
Daily monitoring
Each time the operator starts a new work cycle with the electronic crane scale, one must:
- check all instrument parts;
- carry out a general visual inspection of the whole system;
- Check the integrity and efficiency of all parts of the weighing system like the safety lever of
the hooks, the locking nuts screwed well with the pin, the shackles, etc..
Regular Maintenance
Maintenance should be carried out only by persons who have acquired the necessary technical expertise and are specialized and trained for this purpose.
Every 3 months
- Check all dimensions of the parts which make up the
- Check the wear on the handle or the eyelet, by
checking if there are any plastic deformations, mechanical damages(irregular), cracks, corrosion, damage to threaded portions and the twists;
- Check the tightness of the splice plate on the hook,
and the presence of defects, and ensure its proper functioning;
- Make sure that the split pin and the shackle nuts are
- If other metrological and mechanical irregularities
are detected, have the electronic crane scale repaired by qualified personnel (authorized assistance service).
An incorrect measurement of weight may be a sign of a mechanical problem with the crane scale. If the crane scale weighs incorrectly, the crane scale must be repaired by skilled personnel (Authorized Service Center). Do not for any reason carry out the repair by yourself. In case of non-compliance turn immediately off the electronic crane scale. All repair operations and the parts used are classified and stored in the maintenance register.
Every 12 months
All of the elements that transmit the load, including the load cell, should be checked by specialised personnel qualified in inspection and maintenance of cranes and bridge cranes.
It is of utmost importance that all the maintenance and repair operations, and the used components are recorded and filed in the appropriate product maintenance registry.
For further information on regular checks, see the following table which refers to the standard UNI EN 13889:
Locking bolts
No slack allowed
Dmax – 5%
Wear Deformation
No sign or
deformation allowed
Cotter pin
Shape of the
Bmax +5%
Smax -5%
Surfaces of
hook and eye
No mechanical
damage allowed
Hook and
Dmax +5% Emax -10% Hmax -10%
It can not be twist
Opening the
Cmax +10%
Torsion > 10°
Slip on safety
No damage allowed
Load Cell
inspection (Radiography)
No defects in the material allowed
No mechanical damage allowed
Elongation Deformation
No elongation No deformation
Frequency of tests
Verify the presence of all components of the system
General visual inspection of the entire system
Control safety lever hook
Check cotter pin shackle
Cleaning and lubrification
Marking the presence of the instrument
Control of all the dimensions of the parts that make up the system
Checking the wear of hooks, shackles and bells
Checking of the Load Cell
User Specialized personnel
Form and structure of the shackle:
The shackles should be examined regularly by a qualified person. The time interval from one check to another depends on how much the instrument is used, but it is recommended to not exceed six months. Therefore, one must:
- always inspect the shackle before use;
- carry out regular visual inspections to look for nicks, cracks, wear or damaged areas,
damaged threads on the pivot and body; if it is necessary, carry out a magnetic test or non­destructive testing;
- keep a file in regards to the accessory sheet and keep track of the checks;
- the shackles which do not fully or partially satisfy the requirements, must be discarded.
Maintenance registry
In order to cope with problems like the wear of the mechanic and electronic components, and the grip load devices, it is necessary that one carries out a regular and systematic maintenance. The maintenance and respective time intervals must take place according to the indications of the manufacturer shown in the instructions manual of the instrument. The maintenance interventions must be made only by specialised and qualified personnel. The maintenance person must have attended training courses and must know the safety norms in the use of crane scales and concretely apply them. In this booklet the user must document in chronological order all the maintenance interventions carried out on the crane scale (inspection/control, revision, repair), as well as any fact or particular event which might have influenced safety matters. Upon receipt of the crane scale, or at least before the commissioning of the instrument, record all dimensions of the hooks and shackles in the service manual. All subsequent dimensional checks specified in the plan check and maintenance, will be compared with the first measurements and the tolerance limits given in the above table, refer to the actual size detected in the first inspection.
In the following pages of this booklet there is a “maintenance registry” in which all ordinary and
extraordinary maintenance interventions on your instrument, should be reported. All information is very important and can invalidate the validity of the warranty in the case that it’s not reported in detail and accurately. It is also advisable to make sure that:
- the internal responsible person carries out the quarterly verification and regularly records it on this booklet;
- the authorised personnel stamps the appropriate box at the end of each annual maintenance intervention.
Maximum tolerance allowed /
Verication criteria
Reference measurement, to perform
before putting into service
Regular checks
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
18 months
21 months
24 months
Upper cricket
B (mm) +/- 5%
D (mm) +/- 5%
S (mm) +/- 5%
Must be
Nut and cotter
Present xed
Lower cricket
B (mm) +/- 5%
D (mm) +/- 5%
S (mm) +/- 5%
Must be
Nut and cotter
Present xed
C (mm) +/- 10%
D (mm) +/- 5%
E (mm) +/- 10%
H (mm) +/- 10%
Must be
Safety lever
Present and
in good
Serial number:
Date of the rst checking (*):
Controller: Signature:
Regular checks
27 months
30 months
33 months
36 months
39 months
42 months
45 months
48 months
51 months
54 months
57 months
60 months
GENERELLE SICHERHEITSVORSCHRIFTEN ..................................... 19
Nationale Gesetze und Normen .............................................................. 19
Generelle Hinweise ................................................................................. 19
Organisatorische Maßnahmen des Unternehmens ................................ 22
Mit der Kranwaage zusammenhängende Hinweise und Verbote ........... 23
Hinweise und Verbote, um unter sicheren Bedingungen zu arbeiten. .... 25
Umweltbedingungen ................................................................................ 26
WARTUNG UND ÜBERPRÜFUNG ........................................................ 27
Tägliche Kontrolle .................................................................................... 27
Regelmäßige Wartung ............................................................................ 28
WARTUNGSREGISTRIERUNG ............................................................. 31
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: bevor Sie diese Kranwaage nutzen müssen Sie die folgenden Sicherheitshinweise und das Bedienungshandbuch sorgfältig lesen. Das Bedienungs­handbuch steht zum kostenlosen Download auf http://www.diniargeo.com frei verfügbar.
Der Benutzer sollte sich an alle Vorschriften des Kranwaagenherstellers halten; außerdem sind die Vorschriften des Hebeinstrument-Herstellers zu beachten sowie auch die Sicherheitshinweise des Produktes, welches gewogen werden soll.
Nationale Gesetze und Normen
Vor dem Betriebsbeginn und während der Verwendung ist der Benutzer dazu verpflichtet sich zu vergewissern, dass alle im jeweiligen Land geltenden Richtlinien bezüglich der Sicherheit ­und Unfallverhütung sowie der Metrologie eingehalten werden. Es ist auch wichtig die Gesetze und Richtlinien für Sicherheitskontrollen des jeweiligen Landes zu berücksichtigen.
Sorgfältig alle Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und Wartung beachten
Generelle Hinweise
Die elektronische Kranwaage ist als eine Waage konstruiert, und deshalb muss die Verwendung nur auf Gewichtserfassung beschränkt werden. Die Kranwaage ist nicht für den Güterumschlag und Transport konzipiert. Sobald der Ladevorgang eingeleitet wird gehen Sie weg und stellen sicher, dass die Last gut ausbalanciert nur wenige Zentimeter vom Boden angehoben gewogen wird und setzen Sie danach die Last wieder auf den Boden. Entfernen Sie die Kranwaage am Ende der Wiegevorgänge.
Stehen oder fahren Sie Sie nicht unter einer angehobenen Last.
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