Dinel ULM-70N-10-I, ULM-70Xi-10-I, ULM-70N-02-I, ULM-70N-06-I, ULM-70Xi-02-I Instruction Manual

Read carefully the instructions published in this manual before the fi rst use of the level meters. Keep the manual
at a safe place. The manufacturer reserves the right to implement changes without prior notice.
Safety ...............................................................................................................................................3
Measuring principle ..........................................................................................................................3
Range of application ........................................................................................................................3
Features of variants .........................................................................................................................3
Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Basic settings .................................................................................................................................10
Advanced settings..........................................................................................................................13
Additional functions ........................................................................................................................15
HART communication protocol ......................................................................................................18
Order code .....................................................................................................................................18
Accessor ies....................................................................................................................................18
Safety, protection, compatibilit y and explosion proof ....................................................................19
Use, manipulation and maintenance .............................................................................................19
Marking of labels ............................................................................................................................20
Menu structure ...............................................................................................................................22
Technical specifi cations .................................................................................................................23
Area classifi cation ..........................................................................................................................24
Factory default ...............................................................................................................................24
TEL :+886-4-23729418 FAX:+886-4-23724011
All operatio ns described in this instr uction manual have to be carr ied out only by trained personn el or an accredited person. Warrant y and post warranty service must be exclusively c arried out by the manufacturer.
Improper use, in stallation or set-up of the leve l meter can result in crashes in the a pplication (over­ lling of the tank or damage of system components).
The manufacturer is not responsible for improper use, losses of work caused by either direct or indirect damage, and for expenses incurred during installation or use of the level meter.
ultrasonic leve l meters are compac t measurement device s including an elec troacoustic converter and a n electronic modu le. Using the electro acoustic conver ter, the level meters transmit the sequence of ultrasonic pulses that spread towards the surface level. The converter recuper­ates refl ected acoustic waves that are subsequently processed in the electronic module. The intelligent evaluation block fi lters out interfering signals, compares the cleaned received signal with the false refl e ction map (e.g. from mixers, ladder s, reinforcement etc.) and selects a s uitable refl ection (echo). Based on the period during which the individual pulses spread towards the surface level and back and based on the measured temperature in the tank, the instant distance to the surfac e level is calculated. According to the level height, the level meter output is set and the measured value is displayed on the display.
For continuous no n-contact level measu rement of liquids (water solutions, sewe rage water, etc.), mash and paste materials (sediments, sticks, resins etc.) in closed or open vessels, sumps, reservoirs and open channels. In case the level of bulk-solid materials is measured, the meas­urement range is reduced.
The level meters c an continuously measure level s of bulk-solid materials with a low c oncentration of dus
t particles. Consult the manufacturer on recommended use of the level meter for bulk-solid
ULM –70_ –02–I Measuring range from 0.15m to 2m, plastic PVDF transmitter, mechanical
ULM –70_–06–I Measuring range from 0.25m to 6m, plastic PVDF transmitter, mechanical
ULM –70_–10–I Measuring range from 0.4m to 10m, plastic PVDF transmitter, mechanical
ULM–70_–20–I Measuring range from 0.5m to 20m, plastic PVDF transmitter, mechanical
connection with thread G 1".
connection with thread G 1 ½".
connection with HDPE polyethylene fl ange (version "N") or aluminium alloy ange (version "Xi").
connection with aluminium alloy fl ange.
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Pg11 cable gland
Ground terminal
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Al alloy
Al alloy
Install the level meter in the vertic al positi on into the upper lid of the tank or reservoir using
a welding fl ange, a fastening nut or a fl ange so that the level meter axis can be perpendicular to the surface level of the measured liquid (Fig. 1).
The min. dimensional parameters to install the
level meter into a lid or a ceiling of a tank are given in Fig. 3.
When installing in an open channel (reservoir, drain
etc.), install the level meter onto a b racket as close as possible to the expected max. level.
In connection with the measurement principle, no
signals re ected in the area immediately under the level meter can be evaluated (dead zone). The dead zone (Fig. 2) determines the min. distance possible between the level meter and the highest surface lev­el. The min. distances to the medium are given in the chapter "Technical specifi cations" (p. 24).
It is necessary to install the level meter so that the
bin level cannot inter fere with the dead zone when lled up to the maximum. If the measured level in­terferes with the dead zone, the level meter will not work properly.
m – Dead zone
Fig. 1: Recommended installation
in the tank
ULM–70–02 ; 10
d > 1/12 c
(min. 200 mm)
d > 1/8 c
(min. 200 mm)
d > 1/10 c
(min. 200 mm)
d – Distance from the tank wall
c – Measurement range of the level meter
Fig. 2: Level meter dead zone
If the maximum surface level in the tank interferes with the dead zone, the level meter has • to be mounted into a higher inst allation neck. In this way, the tank can be fi lled nearly up to the maximum volume. The inner neck surface has to be even and smooth (without edges and welded joints); the inner edge should be rounded where the ultrasonic wave leaves the pipe. The neck diameter should be as large as possible but the neck height should be as low as possible. Recommended dimensions of the input neck are given in Fig. 4.
a – Neck height b – Neck width m – Dead zone
Fig. 4: Possible installation of the installation neck
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Fig. 3: Installation distance from the tank wall
ULM–70–02 ; 06
a < 3 b b > 100 mm
a < 1,5 b b > 100 mm
a < 1,5 b b > 150 mm
During fi lling, mixing and other processes, foam
can arise on the surface level of the measured liquid. The thick foam considerably absorbs the ultrasonic signal which might cause malfunction of the level meter (Fig. 5). For such cases, it is necessar y to set up "SENSITIVITY " mode (p. 14) to "high" or contact the manufacturer if need.
If the emitted ac oustic signal of the level meter
is affected by near objects (roughness on walls of the tank, various partitions, mixers etc.), it is necessar y to map false refl ections by activating the mode "TEACHING" (see p. 14). In case of in­stalled mixers, it is necessary to put the mixers to position under the level meter (direct the mixer blade to the ultrasonic signal beam).
Fig. 5: Thick fo am on the surface
Fig. 6: False echo from obstacles in
Do not install the level meter in or above the lling point (Fig. 8).
In case the level of bulk-solid materials is measured, the measurement range is reduced. We • recommend to c onsult the use with the manufacturer.
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the tank
Fig. 8: Level meter installation outside the infl uence of fi lling
Fig. 7: False echo from the mixer blade
The level meter must not be installed in places
with direct solar radiation and must be protected against weather effects.
If the installation in places with direct solar ra-
diation is inevitable, it is necessary to mount a shieldin g cover above the level meter.
It is suitable to run the cable under a cable bush-
ing (obliquely down in slack) according to Fig. 10 to prevent penetration of humidity. Then the rain and condensing water can fl ow off freely.
The cable bushing and connector have to be suf-
ciently tightened to prevent penetration of hu- midity.
To lower the minimum distance to the measured
medium, a re ection board made from solid, even and smooth material can be installed to the level meter. Then the tank can be fi lled nearly up to the maximum height. The solution is suitable for open tanks and reservoirs.
Scattering or attenuation of the ultrasonic signal
can result if the surface level has been moder- ately sti rred or rippled (by a mixer, coming liq­uid etc.). It can result in reduction of the meas­urement range or unreliable function of the level meter (Fig. 12).
Rotating mi xer blades c an cause that the sur-
face is stirred, which results in false refl ections of the ultrasonic signal from the surface level and unreliable operation of the level meter (Fig. 13).
Fig. 9: Solar radiation shielding cover
Fig. 10: Prevention to avoid
intrusion of humidity
H + L = Dead zone
Fig. 11: Refl ection board
Fig. 12: Moderately stirred surface
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Fig. 13: Intensely stirred surface
The ultrasoni c level meter is designed to be connec ted to supply unit or to controller through a cable with the outer diam eter of 6 ÷ 8 mm (recommend ed cross-section of c ores 0.5 ÷ 0.75 mm of bolted clips p laced under display module. C onnect the plus pole (+U) to the termin al (+), the minus pole to 0V to the terminal (-) and the shielding to the terminal ( ) (only for shielded cables).
Procedure t o connect t he cable t o the level meter:
Unscrew the nut of the upper transparent lid.1.
Take the upper edge of the displ ay module and 2.
take it out carefully by mild swinging up.
If you cannot grasp the module, you can use 3.
a small screwdriver. Insert it as far as the seam and use from several sides to slightly lift the module.
Release the cable bushing and thread the 4.
stripped supply cable in.
Connect the cable into the bolted clips according 5.
to the diagram in Fig. 14.
Assemble the level meter and connect the 6.
cable to the sequential unit.
Fig. 14: Connection diagram of the
level meter
Metal clip
Fig. 15: Internal view of terminal
Make the electric connection in voltage-free state!
The power supply can be a stabilized voltage supply unit of 18 ÷ 36V DC (version Xi - 30 V DC) that is included in evaluation or display unit.
Considering possible occurrence of electrostatic charge on non-conducting parts of the level me-
, it is necessary to ground all level meters intended for environments with
ter (ULM–70Xi–_ _–I). It will be done using a screw placed on the head of the level meter under the cable bushing.
Display uni t
risk of explosion
) by means
Term ina l
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