Dimplex UK, a division of GDC Group, Millbrook House, Hedge End, Southampton, SO30 2DF
For further assistance please contact Dimplex Customer Services on 0844 879 3583 or go to www.dimplex.co.uk
Saving Energy with Storage Heating
This part of the guide is designed to help you minimise your electricity bills.
Further advice on reducing your energy bills can be found at:
Which Tariff Do I Have?
To save money with an off-peak tariff you need to know when the ’cheap’ rate electricity is available. Typically if you have storage heaters
you will have an E7 (Economy7) tariff and energy will be cheaper between midnight and 7am each day. Check your electricity bill or call
your utility company to check if you are unsure which tariff you are on.
On this tariff, the best way to minimise your bills is to time as much of your electrical requirements as possible to occur during this seven
hour ‘off-peak’ period. Energy will be around half the price of that used during the day (or ‘peak period’), so it is running electrical items
at these times wherever possible.
How Do I Reduce My Energy Use?
• Where it is safe to do so, use timers to bring on heavy-use appliances during the off-peak period.
• Dishwashers, tumble dryers and washing machines could be set to run at these times, providing substantial savings.
• Avoid tumble drying clothes wherever possible, as this is an expensive electrical appliances to run, and the alternative is free!
• Ensure you heat all of your hot water during the off-peak period, and avoid using any ‘boost’ functions to top up during the day.
• Minimise the use of extra heaters in the evening; turning up your storage heaters to take a slightly larger charge will be cheaper.
• Use the microwave rather than the oven for foods that can be cooked using either appliance, as microwaves are more efficient.
• Insulate your home well, and avoid opening windows and doors unnecessarily.
• Change your light bulbs to low-consumption, energy efficient replacements.
• Only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need.
• Do not leave products in ‘stand-by’ mode.