SOL202TIP – SOL808TIP - Tile integrated roof kit manual
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0 Contents

SOL202TIP – SOL808TIP - Tile integrated roof kit manual
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1 Before you start
1.1 General
Thank you for choosing a Dimplex product. We ensure you that every effort has been
made at the design, manufacture and delivery stages to produce a product with superi-
or quality. We will provide you with the best possible support throughout the product’s
As part of on-going product development and improvement Dimplex reserves the right
to undertake changes to the product without prior notice. Great care has been taken to
ensure this manual was correct at the time of print. Should you however discover any
issues with the information contained therein please do not hesitate to contact your
We strongly recommend reading the whole contents of this manual before commencing
the work.
1.2 Competence
Dimplex products have been designed and manufactured to the current relevant standards and under stringent quality control procedures. It is therefore imperative that the
product is only installed by a:
- trained and
- competent
person as defined in the relevant regulations. Dimplex does not accept any liability for
damage done to persons or property resulting from undue handling and usage of this
All regulations current at the time of installation are to be considered alongside the content of this manual as they form the code of best practice.
The warranty of this product is linked to the ability to prove that the product was installed, commissioned and maintained:
- by a competent person
- in accordance with Dimplex instructions and the current relevant regulations and legislation
- the product being registered with Dimplex at the time of installation using the form in
the Dimplex On Site Guide
- records showing the date of maintenance in accordance with the maintenance schedule as detailed in the On Site Guide
1.3 Health and Safety
The installation of this product is subject to the Health and Safety at Work Act. It is
your responsibility to ensure that the transport, storage, installation and operation of
the product is carried out in a safe manner.
Dimplex will not accept any liability due to damage caused to people or property resulting from negligence or not adhering to the relevant Health and Safety practices.

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Figure 1: Safety information
The manufacturer hereby guarantees to take back
products identif ied with an eco-label and to recycle
the materials used. Only the heat transfer medi um
specifi ed may be used!
Wear a helmet when carrying out installation
Wear protective goggles whe n drilli ng and
handling coll ectors!
Wear cut-proof safety gloves when mounting
Wear safety shoes when carrying out install ation
1 m ................voltages up to 1000V
2 m ................voltages from 1000V to 11000V
3 m ................voltages from 11000V to 22000V
4 m ................voltages from 22000V to 38000V
> 5 m in case of unknown voltages
Whenever you are near live overhead el ectric cables
where contact is possible, only work if:
- it is ensured that they are voltage-free and this
is secured for the duration of work.
- the live parts are secured by covering them or
- the prescribed safe ty distances are maintained.
If non-personal fall protection or fall-arrest systems
are not provided, working without the use of
suitable safety harnesses may lead to falls from
heights and therefore cause serious or lethal
Only lean ladders against secure points. Secure
ladders in traffi c areas by suitable cordoning.
Ladders not properly secured against sinki ng in,
slidi ng or falling over may lead to dangerous falls!
Contact with live electric overhead cables can be
If non-personal fall protection or fall-arrest systems
cannot be installe d for technical reasons, all
personnel must be secured by means of suitable
safety harnesse s!
Never use damaged ladders (e.g., wooden ladders
with spli t runners or rungs, or bent or buckled
metal ladders). Never try to repair broken runners,
rungs or steps on wooden ladders!
Only use safe ty harnesses (safe ty belts, lanyards and
straps, shock absorbers, fall arresters) that were
tested and certifi ed by authorized testing bodies.
Ensure that ladders are put up safely. Observe the
correct leaning angle (68° - 75°). Prevent ladders
from slidi ng, falli ng over or sinking into the ground
(e.g. usi ng wider fee t, feet suited to the ground or
hooking devices).
Safety precautions: Bef ore commencing mounting
work on roofs, it must be ensured in all cases that the
non- personal fal l protection and fall-arrest systems
required by DIN 18338 (Roof Covering and Roof
Sealing Works) and DIN 18451 (Scaffolding Works) are
in place. See also Builders‘ Protection Ordinance
[Bauarbeiterschutzve rordnung], Federal Law Gazette
340/ 1994, paragraphs 7-10! Other country-specific
regulations must be observed!
Safety harnesses should be fixed above the use rs
whenever possible. Safety harnesses should only
be fastene d to sufficiently load-be aring structures
or fixing points!

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1.4 Risk assessment
The compilation of a risk assessment is strongly recommended before installing the
product. The following areas require particular consideration in addition to the information required by the Health and Safety at Work Act.
- scalding: where appropriate or required by law a thermostatic mixing valve is to be
fitted to the hot water outlet of the cylinder
- explosion: the unit is fully equipped with all relevant safety equipment to comply with
current regulations. The correct design and function has been verified by independent
third party testing. The correct application thereof is the responsibility of the competent installer.
- water borne organisms (i.e. Legionella): if applicable a risk assessment should be
carried out following the recommendations outlined in the Approved Code of Practice
- the user preference must be considered when commissioning the system, in particular
when adjusting the solar and auxiliary system temperature and timer settings.
1.5 Tools required
It is recommended that the below list of tools be used when installing the integrated
roof kit.
- 2 people required for installation
- Measuring tape
- Hammer
- Drill
- Adjustable pliers
- Angle grinder with stone disc
- TX 25 x 25mm torque bit
- Spirit level
- Plumb line
- Additional wood (as required)
- Pop-rivet gun
In addition to the above tools it may be required to wear suitable safety gloves upon
installation as the kit consists of sheet metal which may cause cuts if care is not taken
during handling of the product.
1.6 Earthing and Lightning Protection
If a lightning arrester is available, the collector frame should be connected to it. This
may be performed using the collector frame, because the slot for mounting on the reverse side of the collector is ideally suited for fixing a thick cable. If no arrester is available, the potential equalization is carried out using a connection of a cable at the
pipe(s) which are led into the building. Please consult local regulations to ensure adherence.
1.7 Pipe Work
The pipe work from the collector to the pump unit and from the pump unit to the cylinder is to be all metal. The joints have to be high temperature resistant (compression or
high temperature flat seal). For more information please see Technical Manual.

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The connections of a mounted solar collector/collector array may become excessively
hot so care must be taken to avoid burns when working around collectors that are exposed to the rays of the sun.
2 Scope of delivery
Please check the contents and the condition of your delivery before signing the delivery
documentation against the content shown in Table 1 and mark as appropriate. Contact
your supplier immediately for any missing or damaged parts. Claims for missing or
damaged parts after signing for the delivery documentation will not be accepted.
Table 1: Overview of flashing components part 1
These mounting instructions
only apply to the installation of
the in roof flashing and the
fixation of the collectors!
Useable from 20° roof pitch!
Part No. Spare No. Description
P31 74011 left front part
P32 74012 centre front part
P33 74013 right front part
P34 74220 lateral fixation bracket
P35 74222 centre fixation bracket
P36 74111 left lateral part
P37 74113 right lateral part
P38 74001 left collector cover
P39 74002 centre collector cover
P40 74003 right collector cover
P41 74230 connection strip
P42 74090 wooden wedge 600 mm
P43 74091 wooden wedge 1200 mm
P44 74061 left back part
P45 74062 centre back part
P46 74063 right back part
P47 74070 back part connection

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Table 2: Overview of flashing components part 2
Useable from 20° roof pitch!
Part No. Spare No. Description
P48 74014 front part single collector
P34 74220 lateral fixation bracket
P36 74111 left lateral part
P37 74113 right lateral part
P49 74004 single collector cover
P43 74091 wooden wedge 1200 mm
P50 74064 back part single collector

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Table 3: Scope of components
# Letters D to K are for the On-Roof Installation
A 1 2 3 4
B 1 1 1 1
P02 22mm stop end x2
C 0 1 2 3
P03 22mm x 22mm straight compression x2
#L 1 0 0 0
P48 front par t single colle ctor
P34 lateral fixation bracket
P49 single collector cover
P36 left latera l part
P37 right latera l part
P43 wooden wedge 1200m m
P50 back part single collector
M 0 1 1 1
P31 left front pa rt
P33 right front part
P34 lateral fixation bracket
P35 centre fixation bracket
P38 left collector cov er
P40 right collector cov er
P36 left latera l part
P37 right latera l part
P41 connection strip
P42 wooden wedge 600m m
P43 wooden wedge 1200m m
P44 left back part
P46 right back part
P47 back part conne ction
N 0 0 1 2
P32 centre front part
P35 centre fixation bracket
P39 centre collector cover
P41 connection strip
P43 wooden wedge 1200m m
P45 centre back part
P47 back part conne ction
Hydr aulic inte rco nnec tion s et
Tile inte gra ted s et 2.02m²
Tile inte gra ted s et 4.02m²
Tile inte gra ted s et e xte nsion
Sola r flat plate colle ctor 2.02m ²
Hydr aulic co nnec tion s et

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Table 4: Images of components part 1

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Table 5: Images of components part 2

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3 Product features and descriptions
The Dimplex Tile Integrated Roof kit offers a unique solution for mounting solar thermal
collectors to the roof of a building. The concept of the product is to make the installation of the collectors a quick and simple process.
The Tile Integrated Roof Kit can cater for 2m² up to 8m² of collector area and comes in
four variations, 2m² kit, 4m² kit, 6m² kit and 8m² kit.
The product consists of various aluminium flashings and fixings that seal the collector
against the roof covering in an aesthetically pleasing way. The collector is an integral
part of the assembly and forms part of the weather tightness of the roof.
4 Collector connections
Due to its four connections, the collector offers a wide choice of connection options.
Ensure that no part of the collector array or collector in the array is short circuited by
following these instructions.
When planning the collector array, the position of the various connection parts must be
in accordance with the diagrams, also pay attention to the position of the highlighted
sensor pocket.
Table 6 illustrates the components required to make all the collector connections.
Table 6: Collector connection components
4.1 Single collector portrait connection
When installing a single collector installation, there is one connection option available.
The sensor must always be installed at the top of the collector and on the connection
where the heat transfer fluid leaves the collector.
Figure 2 illustrates the left hand side connection option that is applicable only to a single portrait collector connection.
Part No Image Description
P01 22mm x 90° elbow
P02 22mm stop end
P03 22mm x 22mm straight compression

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Figure 2: Left hand side connection option for single collector only
4.2 Multiple collector portrait connection
When installing multiple collectors, (2 up to 4), component P03 is used to connect one
collector to the next.
Figure 3: Multiple collector portrait connection
The sensor must always be installed at the top of the collector on the connection flow of
the system.

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5 Installation
NB: Ensure all the laths / roof battens under the area of the installation are in good
condition. Replace any damaged, week or broken laths and double nail or screw to the
Figure 4: Mounted dimensions

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For the stabilisation of the front
parts mount an additional roof batten as shown in Step 1 and 2.

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Place the left front part on
the roof batten and fix it
with 12 sealing screws
(Step 4 and 5).

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Place the centre front part on the
roof batten and plug it together with
the left front part (Step 7).
In the case of a 2-collector installation please continue with Step 10.