Fact Book
Table of Contents
General Information……………………………………………………………………. 2
Features and Benefits…………………………………………………………………. 3
Evensear Active Heat Cooking System (patent pending)
No Cold Spots
Easy Automatic Grilling
Safe Operation
Rotisserie Cooking (Model BPC-2007 only)
Just Plug It In
No Unwanted Fuel Fumes
Easy to Clean
Favourite Recipe Program (Model BPC-2007 only)
Automatic Power Saver
Safety Power-off
Sleep Mode
Voltage Compensation
Key Lock
Target Market...……………………………………………………………………….. 5
Operating Cost ………………………………………………………………………… 6
Legislation……………………………………………………………………………… 7
Frequently Asked Questions…………………………………………………………. 8
Specifications………………………………………………………………………….. 11
©2009 Dimplex North America Limited Canada

General Information
Introducing PowerChef, a revolutionary grill with the performance of gas and the
simplicity, safety and precision of electricity.
PowerChef sears and cooks food fast and easy with mouth-watering results. Use the
manual mode or let PowerChef’s automated program tell you exactly when it’s time to
flip and when to serve. PowerChef also eliminates the worries and hassles of gas grills
– no hot spots, empty tanks, broken ignitors or flare-ups. PowerChef takes the
guesswork out of grilling and lets you cook like a pro.
• Powerful and compact – ideal for almost any location including backyard decks
and patios.
• Perfect for apartment and condo balconies where gas grills are impractical or are
simply not allowed.
• All 216 square inches of grilling surface deliver powerful, even temperatures with
no hot spots or flare-ups.
• Large enough to evenly cook 8 large hamburgers.
• Eliminates inconveniences such as running out of propane or broken ignitors.
• The green choice: the PowerChef reduces your carbon footprint by producing a
fraction of the carbon dioxide per hour of a propane grill.
• Plugs into a standard 120V power outlet.
• Removable drip container for easy clean up.
Features available on Model BPC-2007 only:
• Restaurant-quality stainless steel construction for long-life and durability.
• Stainless Steel double-wall lid construction.
• Large heavy-duty powder-coated steel storage cabinet.
• Chrome plated upper warming rack perfect for vegetables, buns, etc.
• 6 convenient tool holders keep cooking area neat and tidy.
• Optional rotisserie kit.
©2009 Dimplex North America Limited Canada

Features and Benefits
EvenSear™ Active Heat Cooking System (patent pending)
The active dual element grill system sears while it cooks by heating food directly. The
upper searing element reaches 650°F to lock in flavor and juices by searing your food.
The lower cooking element simultaneously provides precise even heat. The EvenSear
cooking system applies energy through both grill layers and heats the entire grill area,
for even cooking and maximum space utilization.
No Cold Spots
Because there are no variations in temperature, the PowerChef provides 100% use of
its grill area. The full 216 square inch grill maintains a consistent even temperature,
even in the corners.
Easy Automatic Grilling
With a few easy steps the electronic controls produce perfect cooking results every time
without any guesswork. Program the type of food, thickness and the desired doneness
of the food. The control chimes when it’s time to flip and time to serve, and in case of
no response, it automatically reduces heat to low. Select manual mode to cook the oldfashioned way or create a custom program to simplify a favourite meal (custom program
is only available on model BPC-2007).
Safe Operation
The PowerChef is safe, with no open flame, combustion or volatile fuels. It can safely be
used in areas that other grills cannot, including apartment and condo balconies.
Using an electric grill instead of a propane grill can reduce your carbon footprint. A
40,000 BTU propane grill will produce up to 2.49 kg of carbon dioxide per hour. In
comparison, the PowerChef electric grill using electricity generated from an average mix
of sources will produce a maximum of 0.36 kg of carbon dioxide per hour. **
Rotisserie Cooking (Model BPC-2007 only)
Flip up the dual element to convert it to a rotisserie element. This feature eliminates
flare-ups and excessive smoking, meaning evenly cooked, juicy roasts every time.
** The US Environmental Protection Agency states 62.2 kg CO
propane. Environment Canada reports 220 g CO
National Inventory Report 1990-2005 Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada)
for every kilowatt-hour of electricity in 2005. (Source:
per hour for every million BTUs of
©2009 Dimplex North America Limited Canada