Dimplex LBW 300, LBW300LW Installation And Operating Manual

Installation and Operating Manual
Heat Pump Water Heater
LBW 300 / LBW300LW
451902.67.37 FD8408
2.1 Refrigeration Cycle 4
2.2 Water Circuit 5
2.3 Safety and Control Devices 6
3.1 General Requirements 7
4.1 Installation Site 7
4.2 Installation 8
5.1 Connection of Water Piping 9
5.2 Connection of Condensate Line 9
5.3 Electrical Connection 9
6.1 Hot Water Circuit 10
6.2 Operation of the Heat Pump Water Heater 10
7.1 Water Circuit / Condensate Drain 13
7.2 Air Circuit 14
7.3 Sacrificial Anode 14
11.1 Refrigeration Cycle with Legend 16
11.2 Hydraulic Plumbing Diagram 17
11.3 Connection Diagram of Heat Exchanger (Example: Thermal solar system) 18
11.4 Circuit Diagram 19
11.5 Technical Data 20 Warranty Certificate
Declaration of Conformity
abbreviation used in the following for
eat Pump Water Heater
Regulations / Safety Notices
This installation and operating manual must be read before the unit is started up!
The heat pump water heater (HPWH) is designed exclusively for the heating of domestic or potable water within the specified operating temperature limits! The heating of liquids other than drinking water is not permissible. The technical regulations for the drinking water installation (DIN 1988) must be adhered to.
The temperature of the exhaust air supplied to the unit should not fall below +15 °C (ice build-up on the evaporator). The energy-efficient operation of the heat pump decreases as the exhaust air temperature decreases.
In the design and construction of the HPWH, all relevant EC directives have been complied with
(see also EC Declaration of Conformity).
The qualified expert must ensure that prior to the commencement of any maintenance/repair
activities on refrigerant-carrying parts, the refrigerant has been removed to such an extent as necessary for the safe performance of this work. The refrigerant must be handled and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations and must not be released into the atmosphere! (Refrigerant R134a is CFC-free, non-flammable and has no ozone-depleting properties).
When working on the HPWH, the unit must always be disconnected from the power source (pull
the plug).
The electrical connection of the HPWH must be performed according to and conforming with all relevant VDE, EN and IEC standards. Beyond that, the technical connection requirements of the local utility companies have to be observed.
The following is not permitted:
- operation of the unit by means of exhaust air posing an explosion hazard or containing solvents
- use of exhaust waste air laden with grease, dust or sticking aerosols
- connection of exhauster hoods to the ventilation system
The operating of the unit is not permitted:
- with empty storage tank – during the construction phase
The unit must not be installed:
- outdoors
- in areas where there is a danger of freezing
- in wet rooms (e.g. bathrooms)
For the air-side connection of the HPWH the standards and directives in force
- DIN 1946 T1, T2, T6 Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- DIN 2088 Residential Ventilation Systems
- VDI 2087 Airducts, must be adhered to.
Any work on the hot water heat pump may only be performed by qualified persons! All relevant accident prevention regulations have to be observed!
2. Description
The HPWH is a heating appliance ready for connection and essentially consists of a domestic water tank, the components of the refrigeration, air and water circuits as well as all control, regulating and monitoring devices required for automatic operation. The desired fan speed (3 settings) can be selected via a wire-bound remote control.
The version with internal tubular heat exchanger is suited for connection to a supplementary heat source such as a boiler or solar system. The storage tank of this type is provided with a vertical sleeve (inside = 12 mm) designed to accommodate an external temperature sensor (tank temperature) for the control/regulation of the supplementary heat source. The HPWH uses electricity to extract the heat from the drawn-in air for the generation of hot water.
The air intake pipe of the unit can be connected to a central exhaust duct system (pipe socket 2x DN160 with lip seal). Via field-installed exhaust valves and the exhaust air duct system, stale air is removed, in a controlled manner, from high-moisture and –odour areas in the building and is then discharged to the outside via the outlet duct. The required fresh air (supply air) is (must be) supplied to the building via decentralised outside air valves. Air distribution systems (central exhaust air and decentralised outside air ducts) are offered as accessories.
In addition, the units are equipped with an electric immersion heater (1.5 kW) as standard.
The electric immersion heater fulfils three functions:
Supplemental heat
Activating the immersion heater (via "Immersion heater" switch, see section Operating Panel), in addition to the heat pump, approximately halves the heat-up time.
Higher water temperature
If the required hot water temperature is higher than the temperature that can be reached by the heat pump (approx. 58 °C), the temperature can be increased to max. 85 °C by the immersion heater (factory setting: 65°C).
With hot water temperatures
58 °C the heat pump is shut off, and water heating
is accomplished by the immersion heater only.
Emergency heat
The electric heating element (immersion heater) will maintain the hot water supply when the heat pump requires servicing.
Operating limit
Any time the temperature of the drawn-in air drops below 14°C, the electric heating element switches on automatically and heats the water until the factory-set maximum temperature of the heat pump of approx. 58°C is reached .
2.1 Refrigeration Cycle
(Heat Pump Principle of Function)
The refrigeration cycle is a closed system in which the refrigerant R134a circulates as an energy carrier
. In a
finned heat exchanger, heat is extracted from the drawn in air at a low
evaporation temperature and transferred to
the refrigerant. The vaporous refrigerant is drawn in by
a compressor and then compressed to a higher pressure/temperature level; it is passed to the condenser where the heat absorbed in the evaporator and part of the heat of the compressor motor is transferred to the water. Subsequently, the high condensing pressure is reduced by means of a throttling device (expansion valve) to the level of the evaporating pressure, and in the evaporator the refrigerant can again absorb heat from the drawn-in air.
2.2 Water Circuit
The water circuits of the HPWH are dependent on the specific type (with or without internal heat exchanger). They have to be field-installed.
The water connections (Fig. 1) are located at the rear of the unit.
Note !
Circulation line
From an energy-efficiency point of view, the provision of a circulation line should be dispensed with, if possible. If a circulation line for the hot water distribution system is connected, it must be fitted with a valve or similar
device enabling it to be shut off to avoid any unnecessary loss of energy. Enabling the circulation is effected as required (time or on-demand control).
Condensate drain
: note section "Connection of Condensate Line".
Fig. 1: Water connections (
unique to HPWH with internal tubular heat exchanger )
(Leitungseinführungen für Anschluß zweiter Wärmeerzeuger)
Warmwasserauslauf R1" Außengewinde
Kondesatschlauch- ausführung
Zirkulationsleitung R 3/4" Außengewinde
Heizwasservorlauf R1" Außengewinde
Heizwasserrücklauf R1" Außengewinde
Kaltwasserzulauf R1" Außengewinde
20 - 35
ca. 50
(Cable entries for connection of suppl. heat source)
Hot water outlet external thread R1”
Condensate hose leadthrough
Circulation line external thread R3/4”
Hot water flow external thread R1”
Hot water return external thread R1”
Cold water inlet external thread R1”
2.3 Safety and Control Devices
The HPWH is equipped with the following safety features:
2.3.1 High-pressure pressostat (HP)
The high-pressure pressostat protects the heat pump from excessive operating pressures in the refrigeration cycle. In the case of a malfunction, the pressostat switches off the heat pump. The heat pump is restarted automatically as soon as the pressure in the refrigeration cycle has dropped to an acceptable level.
2.3.2 Safety temperature limiter for immersion heater (STL)
The STL protects the hot water installation from excessive temperature increases. When the preset switching value (99 °C) is exceeded, the immersion heater is switched off. The immersion heater cannot be restarted unless the hot water temperature has fallen to 90 °C and the reset button (Fig. 2) on the STL has subsequently been pressed (may be performed by qualified personnel only!).
Fig 2: Resetting STL
2.3.3 Appliance fuse
For internal protection, the HPWH is provided with a separate fuse. This fine-wire fuse (1.25 A slow fuse) is housed within a "screw plug device" (can be unscrewed in the middle) on the side where the internal electrical connections (in the area adjacent to terminal strip X1) are located.
In addition, the HPWH is equipped with the following regulating and control devices:
2.3.4 Temperature controller for immersion heater (TR)
The temperature controller for the immersion heater regulates the water temperature in the immersion heater mode of heating. The maximum temperature of this controller is factory-set at 65 °C (the controller is installed in a common housing together with the STL). The temperature setting can be changed by means of a suitable tool (see Fig. 2). Any change of this setting may only be performed by qualified persons! In the automatic mode of operation (activation via air temperature sensor, see 2.3.6), the water is heated by the immersion heater up to the preset fixed heat pump setpoint (approx. 58°C). When the immersion heater is manually activated to operate in the continuous mode, the domestic water is heated until the preset maximum temperature of the immersion heater controller is reached. (The immersion heater – with appropriate additional wiring – may, as an option, also be designed for external activation – see section "Electrical connection“).
2.3.5 Electronic heat pump temperature controller
The temperature control inside the hot water storage tank and the control of the compressor operation is effected by an electronic controller. It senses the water temperature with the aid of a sensor and keeps the preset fixed setpoint at a nearly constant level.
2.3.6 Air temperature sensor
This electronic sensor senses the air inlet temperature of the HPWH (immediately at the evaporator inlet). If the air temperature drops below 14°C water heating is automatically switched from the heat pump mode to the immersion heater mode of operation.
85° 30°
Reset button
3. Storage and Transport
3.1 General Requirements
As a rule, the HPWH is to be stored or transported in its shipping box in upright position and
without water
. For a transport over short distances, and provided due care is exercised, an inclination angle of up to 45°
is permitted. Both during transport and storage, ambient temperatures of -20 to +60 °C are permissible.
3.1.1 Transport using a forklift
(or lift truck)
When transported by a fork lift, the HPWH must remain mounted on the pallet. The lifting rate should be kept to a minimum. Due to its top-heaviness, the HPWH must be secured against tipping over. To prevent any damage, the HPWH must be placed on a level surface.
3.1.2 Manual transport
For the manual transport, the wooden pallet can be used for the bottom part. Using ropes or carrying straps (which can be placed around the jacket of the storage tank and secured to the water tube nipples), a second or third handling configuration is possible. With this type of handling (applies to the transport by hand truck as well), care must be taken that the
max. permissible inclination angle of 45°
is not exceeded (see Figure). If transport in an inclined position cannot be avoided, the HPWH ("heat pump" switch) should be taken into operation one hour after it has been moved into final position at the earliest.
Caution! Do not lift the unit by its cover
(the cover is not designed to withstand heavy weights ! The appliance cover must be relieved from the weight of the unit during transport by taking appropriate measures or using auxiliary aids)
4. Installation
4.1 Installation Site
The HPWH must be sited in a
dry and freeze-proof room
, the room air temperature and/or the air taken in
by the HPCDW must be within a temperature range of 15 °C to 35 °C (required for heat pump operation).
In addition, the unit
must not
be installed in areas where there is an explosion hazard due to gases, vapours
or dust.
Adequate thermal insulation of areas adjacent to living spaces is recommended.
A condensate drain (with siphon) must be provided.
The air drawn in must be not excessively contaminated or heavily laden with dust.
The floor surface must have adequate load bearing capability (the estimated HPWH weight is 410 kg when fully charged!).
For the performance of maintenance and repair work clearances of at least 0.6 m must be maintained all around the unit. If the HPWH is primarily operated as a hot water unit, rather than a ventilation unit, i.e.
without airducts
or airduct elbows
(➠"free-blowing“ installation), a minimum ceiling height of 2.5 m (see Fig. 4) is required (for efficient operation). The connection to the HPWH is effected (optionally) by means of insulated airducts (NW 160) which must not exceed a
length of 10 m.
Fig. 3: Transport of the unit
The notices below apply to the connection of the HPWH to exhaust air duct systems:
Standardised exhaust air systems: Standardised exhaust air distribution systems with decentralised outside air valves are offered for use with the
HPWH. The connection of these systems to the unit is accomplished via a flexible, sound and heat insulated airduct (DN 160). This airduct is employed for both exhaust air and outlet air. The mounting instructions of the individual exhaust air system must be observed. Where it can be expected that the operating noise of the system is transmitted into the rooms from which the odour- and moisture-laden air is to be removed (e.g. in the case of very short air duct runs) a suitable duct silencer (DN 160) is to be mounted on the exhaust-air side of the compact residential ventilation unit in addition.
Customised exhaust air systems: If the exhaust air system uses rigid ductwork (e.g. spiral-wound ducting, flat ducts), a flexible transition (e.g.
flexible tubing with a total length of approx. 1m) should be selected for vibration decoupling purposes between duct network and the exhaust air and outlet air pipe connectors of the unit). On the exhaust air side, a suitable duct silencer should be used in order to avoid any transmission of the operating noise of the ventilation unit.
Important notices:
- Suitable exhaust air filters should always be provided in the airduct system to prevent any contamination of the unit and the heat exchangers.
- The outside of the exhaust ducting network should always be provided with diffusion-resistant insulation to protect it from heat losses and the formation of condensation water if they ducts are routed through rooms (e.g. attic, basement, etc.) that are colder than the room from which the waste air was exhausted.
Fig. 4: Installation requirements
4.2 Installation
From the underside of the pallet, remove the three M12 bolts securing the pallet to the unit as a shipping
safety measure.
Remove the pallet and mount the three levelling feet (M12 bolts – contained in the polybag, secured to the
storage tank pipe nipple).
Site the HPWH and adjust the unit so that it is
by adjusting the levelling feet! Then tighten the
check nuts provided on the levelling feet.
( 0.6 m maintenance and service clearance spaces all around the unit )
( Wartungs- und Servicefreiraum allseitig um das Gerät )
ca. 2,0 m
0,6 m
Outlet air
Exhaust air
approx. 2.0 m
+ 16 hidden pages