Dimplex LA 6 MI, LA 9 MI, LA 12 MI, LA 16 MI Installation & Technical Manual

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A division of GDC Group Ltd Millbr ook House Grange Drive Hedge End Sout hampton SO30 2DF ww w.d implex.co.uk
Registered No: 1313016 England VAT GB 287 1315 50004 EEE Producer Registration Numb er – WEE/ GE0057TS Paper f rom sustainabl e sources
LA 6 MI LA 9 MI LA 12 MI LA 16 MI
Inverter air to water heat pump for
outdoor installation
Technical planning manual
Page 2
Supporting documents
The following documents are available to aid in the planning, installation, operation and maintenance of the Air-eau heat pumps:
Technical manuals
Contains the necessary information required during the planning stages.
Air-eau inverter heat pumps packages (this document)  SmartRad
Installation instructions
Contains the necessary information required during the installation.
Air-eau inverter air-to water heat pump system packages  LA MI settings function & programming overview  EC-eau cylinders  SmartRad
User guides
Contains the necessary information for the user for operation and maintenance of the system
Air-eau heat pumps (Pack 1 and 2 – standard heating and DHW) for standard users  Air-eau heat pumps (Pack 1 and 2 – standard heating and DHW) for sheltered housing  Horstmann wall mounted room thermostat
The installation of an Air-eau heat pump should only be carried out by a suitably trained and competent person who is approved by Dimplex. All installations should be in accordance with this planning manual to ensure efficient operation.
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Supporting documents ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
What are the benefits of a heat pump? ................................................................................................................................ 6
How a heat pump works ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Intended Use ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Air as a heat source ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Advantages of inverter compressors .................................................................................................................................... 6
Advantages of fixed speed compressors .............................................................................................................................. 7
Heat pump labelling .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Comparison of the LA MS and LA MI ranges ....................................................................................................................... 7
Section 2: Selection and sizing of the heat pump ..................................................................................................................... 8
Process to select a heat pump ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Mono energy operation......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Accurately determining the building‟s heat loss .................................................................................................................... 8
Estimating the building‟s heat loss ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Dimplex design service......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Drying-out of buildings .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Sizing example 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Sizing example 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Section 3: System controls in a domestic setting .................................................................................................................... 11
Boiler inter lock ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Horstmann PRT thermostat ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Heat Pump Controller ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Weather compensation....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 4: Selection of heat emitters and flow temperatures .................................................................................................. 12
Minimising the flow temperature ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Considerations for fan convectors ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Section 5: DHW preparation with inverter heat pumps ........................................................................................................... 13
Dimplex EC-Eau cylinder range ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Dimplex ECS Combination DHW and Buffer Cylinders ...................................................................................................... 13
Heat pump power for hot water preparation ....................................................................................................................... 13
Selecting a DHW cylinder ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Cylinder volume and reheat ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Cylinder replacement ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Selecting and controlling the DHW temperature ................................................................................................................. 14
Sterilisation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Secondary circulation pipes ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Section 6: Installation considerations ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Physical location ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Fixing of the heat pump ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Wall mounting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Ventilation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Page 4
Minimum maintenance clearances ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Sound insulation measures ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Air quality ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Local planning regulation.................................................................................................................................................... 18
MCS Planning Standard ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Town and Country planning, England ................................................................................................................................ 18
Planning in Wales and Northern Ireland ............................................................................................................................. 19
Town and Country planning, Scotland ................................................................................................................................ 20
Section 7: Heating System Connection .................................................................................................................................. 21
External pipe work .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Minimum water volume....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Buffer tank .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Minimum heating water flow rate ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Taconova flow checker ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Plumbing connections ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Frost protection .................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Condensate ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Flushing the system ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Filter ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Filling the system ................................................................................................................................................................ 23
De-aeration ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Adjusting the water flow rate .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Expansion vessel sizing ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
2 port valves ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Controlling DHW temperature ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Section 8: Electrical Connection ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Routing of cables within the heat pump .............................................................................................................................. 25
Ducting cables .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Connection of the power supply to the Heat pump ............................................................................................................. 26
Main power supply cable .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Inline flow boiler .................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Domestic hot water immersion ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Controller cable .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Connection with the system ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Installation of the controller ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Section 9: System Health checks ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Heat pump .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Electrical ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Hydraulic ............................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Cylinder .............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Wall mounted thermostat.................................................................................................................................................... 31
Heat pump controller .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Section 10: Standard packages .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Package 1 and 2 ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Page 5
Package 1 and 2 – Plumbing Schematic ............................................................................................................................ 34
Package 1 and 2 – Micro wiring schematic (option 1 – immersion controlled direct) .......................................................... 35
Section 11: Technical specification of the LA MI range .......................................................................................................... 36
Approvals ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Performance Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Performance Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 38
CE declaration of conformity .............................................................................................................................................. 39
LA 6 MI performance .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
LA 9 MI performance .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
LA 9 MI performance (continued) ....................................................................................................................................... 43
LA 12 MI performance ........................................................................................................................................................ 44
LA 16 MI performance ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Product Dimensions LA 6 MI and LA 9 MI .......................................................................................................................... 48
Product Dimensions LA 12 MI and LA 16 MI ...................................................................................................................... 49
LA 6 MI and LA 9 MI Spare parts ....................................................................................................................................... 50
LA 12 MI and LA 16 MI Spare parts ................................................................................................................................... 55
Information for DHW cylinder with buffer - ECS125HP-580 .................................................................................................... 60
Information for DHW cylinder with buffer - ECS150HP/75-580 ............................................................................................... 61
Information for DHW cylinder with buffer - ECS210HP/75-580 ............................................................................................... 62
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Section 1: Introduction
What are the benefits of a heat pump?
Large quantities of pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are released from gas or oil boilers used to heat our homes. A large percentage of our energy supply comes from fossil fuels which have a serious effect on our environment. Fuel security is also an issue as our oil and gas reserves are limited and often from volatile counties around the world. The way electrical energy is generated will change in the future to favour more renewable generation methods. A heat pump uses electrical power that could come from a variety of sources and it uses very efficiently.
How a heat pump works
A heat pump converts low grade heat from the environment to high grade heat for space and DHW heating using a refrigeration cycle. Surrounding air is drawn in by the fan and passed over the evaporator. The evaporator cools the air, i.e. it extracts heat from it. This extracted heat is then raised in temperature via the refrigeration cycle and then transferred to the condenser.
The heat is “pumped” to a higher temperature level by
increasing its pressure with the aid of an electrically driven compressor.
Because the energy extracted from the air is transferred to the heating water, this type of device is called an air-to­water heat pump. The air-to-water heat pump consists of the main components evaporator, fan and expansion valve, as well as the low noise compressor, condenser and electrical control system.
At low ambient temperatures, humidity accumulates on the evaporator in the form of frost reducing the transfer of heat. The evaporator is defrosted automatically by the heat pump as required.
The refrigerant circuit is hermetically sealed. It contains the Kyoto protocol approved refrigerant R410 with a GWP value of 1725. It is CFC-free, does not deplete ozone and is non-flammable.
Intended Use
This device is only intended for use as specified by Dimplex as detailed within this technical manual. The air­to-water heat pump is to be used exclusively for the heating of heating water in a closed circuit. Any other use beyond that intended by the manufacturer is prohibited.
Persons, especially children, who are not capable of operating the device safely due to their physical, sensory or mental abilities or due to their inexperience or lack of knowledge, must not operate this device without supervision or instruction by the person in charge.
Air as a heat source
The decision whether to install either an air source heat pump or a ground source heat pump depends on the following factors:
Investment costs:
In addition to the costs for the heat pump and the heat emitter system (radiators and circulation pump), the investment costs are heavily influenced by the costs of tapping the heat source. Air is the easiest heat source to tap as the heat pump is relatively easy to position outside. Tapping the ground as a heat source is more difficult. If the land area is available horizontal loops are the most cost effective way to install the ground collector. If boreholes are used, due to the cost of mobilising the plant, experience has shown that installations with less than 10 boreholes are not economical.
Operating costs:
The seasonal performance factors of the heat pump influences the operating cost. These are primarily affected by the type of heat pump, the average heat source temperature and the required heating flow temperatures. Ground source heat pumps have higher SPF‟s compared to air source heat pumps.
Advantages of inverter compressors
An inverter heat pump is able to modulate its‟ heat output over a set range. The inverter compressor modulates its output to keep the return temperature constant. If demand increases the output of the compressor can increase to keep the flow temperature constant. If the demand decreases beyond the minimum setting of the compressor it will turn off until the heating circuit temperature reduces.
A fix speed compressor will run at a constant speed until the set temperature is reached. When the set point is reached the compressor will turn off until the temperature in the heating circuit drops to a hysteresis value. When this value is reached the compressor will restart. The compressor will cycle on and off to maintain the correct temperature. If demand increases the fixed speed compressor will be on more often.
Even though an inverter compressor cycles less, to ensure optimum life expectancy an inverter compressor should always be installed with a buffer tank to increase run times and store energy for the defrost.
Correct selection of the heat pump, heat emitters and circulation system is essential for efficient operation of the entire system.
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An inverter compressor starts gently ramping up to its maximum speed over a couple of minutes meaning the current increase is very gradual. The fixed speed compressor has a larger starting current because it
doesn‟t turn on gradually. The starting current is smoothed
by an inbuilt soft-starter to keep it within acceptable limits. The starting current does not cause any problems because an in-built randomised time delay that ensures multiple heat pumps to not turn on at the same time.
An inverter heat pump is able to modulate down its output as the external temperature increases. A fixed speed heat pump will run at a constant speed meaning that its output increases with rising temperature. This means that an inverter compressor could achieve slightly higher cylinder temperatures for the same size coil although in practice both types of compressor can achieve suitable cylinder temperatures.
Advantages of fixed speed compressors
A fixed speed compressor is designed to work at the optimum performance level all of the time. An inverter compressor does not always work in the optimum zone because it modulates its output to match the heat demand. The „over-driving‟ of an inverter compressor causes it efficiency to drop.
Since the output of both the fixed and inverter compressors drop with decreasing temperature, there becomes a point when a secondary heat source is required to match the properties heat demand, known as the Bivalent point. At lower temperatures an inverter compressor and a fixed speed compressor are equally as efficient despite the inverter needing more immersion support.
Heat pump labelling
The product code for the inverter range of heat pumps
continues the same convention as the rest of Dimplex‟s
heat pump range.
Luft (German for air)
Aus (German for outside)
Nominal kW rating
Mono (German for single phase)
Table 1: Product coding convention
Comparison of the LA MS and LA MI ranges
The LA MI and LA MS range of heat pumps are ideal for providing DHW and space heating. In addition, the MS range of heat pumps also has a sophisticated controller capable of controlling more complicated systems.
MI range
MS range
Compressor speed
Heating only
Heating & DHW
Mixed heating circuits
Swimming pool
Solar Thermal
Boiler integration
Multiple heat pump
Table 2: Comparison of WPM and MI Range
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Section 2: Selection and sizing of the heat pump
Process to select a heat pump
1. Confirm the building is suitable for a heat pump installation as out lined in Section 6: Installation considerations.
2. Accurately determine the buildings heat loss to EN
3. Decide on the maximum flow temperature.
4. Select the model of heat pump using the output curves to EN14511
Mono energy operation
As the weather gets colder, the heat demand of the building increases and the output of the heat pump decreases. There becomes a tipping point where it is so cold outside the output of the heat pump is not able to heat the building alone. The LA MI range of heat pumps are monoenergy heating devices. i.e. in the event of very low external temperatures an electrically operated inline flow boiler will automatically be activated to provide additional heat and keep the building warm.
The heat pump should fully meet the heat consumption down to a certain external temperature as specified by the NHBC and summarised in Table 3. The MIS 3005 also standard states outside design temperatures for different locations in the UK. To comply with both pieces of advice the system should be designed to operate to the lower of the two design temperatures. If this is not the case, the electrical inline flow boiler will operate more frequently and increase the running costs.
England and Wales
Table 3: External design temperatures (bivalent point) stated
Bivalent operation is when an additional heat source other that electricity is used to supplement the heat load. Integration of another boiler such as gas, oil or LPG is not
possible with the LA MI but is possible with Dimplex‟s
WPM range.
Accurately determining the building’s heat loss
It is essential to accurately calculate the buildings heat loss to ensure the heat pump is correctly sized. The heat loss of a building is calculated using details of the buildings construction, individual room sizes, room temperatures and air change rates.
Dimplex recommend calculating the buildings heat loss to the standards defined in EN15316, this is also stipulated in
MIS 3005 which is required if the installation is going to be MCS approved.
The total heat loss is made of two components; the fabric losses and the ventilation heat losses. Fabric heat losses are due to the transmission of heat by conduction though the buildings structure such as windows, walls, roof and floor. Ventilation heat losses are due to warm air escaping the building and being replaced by cold air.
Total heat loss = Fabric losses + Ventilation losses
Fabric heat loss (W) = U x A x T
Where: U = U value (w/m2 C) A = Area of the wall, window, ceiling or floor (m2)
T = Temperature difference on either side of the insulation (C)
Typical U values
New build
Table 4: Example U values for Fabric heat loss calculation.
Further details can be found in Dom 8 - Design of total
heating systems.
Ventilation heat loss (W) = V x R x T x F
Where: V = Room volume (m3) R = Air change rate per hour T = Temperature difference of air in and out (C) F = Ventilation Factor (W / m3 C)
It is beyond the scope of this document to give all the necessary values to calculate the buildings total heat loss. This section intends to outline the process to remind the system designer to find the necessary information.
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Typical room
Air changes per hour
Living room
Dining room
1 ½
1 ½
Table 5: Example of values used in the ventilation heat loss
calculation. For full details see BS 5449:1990
Estimating the building’s heat loss
The existing boiler cannot be used as a guide to determine the actual heat consumption because boilers are often over sized.
However, an approximate estimate can be made on the basis of the existing energy consumption of the living space to be heated and the specific heat consumption.
For early budgeting purposes a buildings heat loss can be estimated based upon the floor area.
Estimated heat loss(W) = A x E
Where: A = Floor area (m2) E = Estimated heat loss (W/m2)
heat loss
per m2
High insulation new build
30 W/m2
New build (2002 regulations)
50 W/m2
80 W/m2
100 W/m2
Older than 1930‟s
120 W/m2
Older than 1930‟s with high
150 W/m2
Table 6: Typical building heat loss per m2 used to estimate a
buildings heat loss
Dimplex design service
Dimplex offer a free of charge service to calculate a buildings heat loss along with a full product and accessory specification. Providing we receive the information below, turnaround is usually 7-10 working days.
To request this service a form can be downloaded from our website that should be sent in with the following information:
Plan and elevation drawings [scale 1:50 or 1:100]  Construction U values  Type of scheme ie: domestic, commercial or
Internal and external design temperatures
Details of any special requirements or unusual
aspects to the building
Alternatively the form and CAD drawings can be
emailed to
Drying-out of buildings
When a house is being built, large quantities of water are normally used for mortar, rendering, plaster and wall paper, which only evaporates very slowly from the building. In addition, rain can decisively increase the humidity in the building's structure. This increased humidity in the entire structure causes an increase in the heat consumption of the house during the first two heating periods. For this reason, buildings should be dried out using specially designed dehumidifiers.
The heat pump is not designed for the increased heat consumption required when a building is being dried out. Some additional heat is available in the form of an inline flow preinstalled in the product. If a building is to be dried out in autumn or winter, we recommend installing an additional temporary heating.
For further information about our design service please visit:
http://www.dimplex.co.uk/products/renewable _solutions/heating_design_service
Rules of thumb and estimates are suitable for budget purposes but are not accurate enough to calculate the building‟s heat loss in order to select a heat pump.
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Sizing example 1
Design temperature
The property is in Manchester, England – NHBC recommend ­3C and CIBSE recommend -
2.2C. The design temperature is therefore -3C.
Building heat loss
The properties heat loss is calculated to be 4.5kW at the design temperature.
Flow temperature
Has been selected at 55C as radiators are going to be installed.
The heat pump is dimensioned on the heat consumption of the building at the design temperature as shown in green in Figure 1.
Step 1: The building's heat loss is plotted based upon the 0kW @ 21C and the building‟s calculated heat loss at the design temperature i.e. 4.5kW @ -3C as shown by the green line.
Step 2: At the point where the green line crosses the performance line of the heat pump the blue line can be drawn to show the external temperature that the heat pump will be able to match the heat load of the property which in Figure 1 is -9C.
Step 3: Below external temperatures of -9C the property will require additional heat. The factory fitted 3kW inline flow boiler in addition to the 6kW heat pump to gives 9kW which will support the properties heat load down to the operating limit of the heat pump which is -20C.
Figure 1: Example heat output curves to EN14511
for the LA 6 MI for a heat loss of 4.5kW at a design
temperature of -3
Sizing example 2
Design temperature
The property is in Birmingham, England – NHBC recommend 3C and MIS 3005 recommend -
3.4C. The design temperature is therefore -3.4C.
Building heat loss
The properties heat loss is calculated to be 5kW at the design temperature.
Flow temperature
Has been selected at 35C as under floor heating is going to be used.
The heat pump is dimensioned on the heat consumption of the building at the design temperature as shown in green in Figure 2.
Step 1: The building's heat loss is plotted based upon the 0kW @ 21C and the building‟s calculated heat loss at the design temperature i.e. 5kW @ -3.4C as shown by the green line.
Step 2: At the point where the green line crosses the performance line of the heat pump the blue line can be drawn to show the external temperature that the heat pump will be able to match the heat load of the property which is also 5.9kW at –8C.
Step 3: Below external temperatures of -8C the property will require additional heat. The factory fitted 3kW inline flow boiler in addition to the 6kW heat pump to gives 9kW which will support the properties heat load down to the operating limit of the heat pump which is -20C.
Figure 2: Example heat output curves for the LA 6 M for a
heat loss of 5.0kW at a design temperature of -1.8C and a the
building heat loading being met down to -15C.
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Section 3: System controls in a domestic setting
Boiler inter lock
The Domestic heating compliance guide sets out the best practise for preventing energy wastage by preventing unnecessary running of the circulation pump and heat pump.
Figure 3: Extract from Domestic Heating compliance guide,
V1 April 2006
Horstmann PRT thermostat
The LA MI range of heat pumps achieves boiler interlock using the PRT thermostat.
Supplied by Horstmann, the mains powered thermostat is designed to provide an economical but comfortable pattern of heating without the need for complex adjustments by the user. With built in minimum room temperature protection this thermostat is ideal for use with heat pumps because it maintains a base level of heat.
For day-to-day use only the 3 large buttons on the front of
the thermostat are required. The centre „WARM/COOL‟
button, complete with Braille markings, changes the temperature state and the „+‟ and „-„ buttons provide fine user adjustment as well as audible feedback. Each user adjustment is immediately reflected in changes to the bright red and blue LED display.
Using a variety of pre-installed heating profiles that can be easily set up by the installer, and a minimum cool setting
of 15C, the ThermoPlus aims to provide maximum comfort to the user and prevent hypothermia and keep a level of background heat. Under the flap the blue standby button will put the control into „frost protection‟ mode until reactivated.
Heat Pump Controller
The heat pump‟s safe and efficient operation is regulated
by the built in controller. The remote panel can be connected via the 15m cable meaning allowing the user to adjust the heat pump settings.
Weather compensation
The highest flow temperatures are only required during the coldest weather. As the external temperature increases, the heat loss of the build decreases which means that the heat emitters no longer have to work at their maximum output in order to keep the building at the correct temperature.
The LA MI is fitted with a weather compensation curve as shown in Figure 4. The curve can be adjusted depending on the system characteristics. By activating weather compensation it ensures the heat pump is always operating at the minimum flow temperature and therefore the maximum efficiency.
Figure 4: Weather compensation curve on the LA MI
Recommended controller settings can be found in the installation instructions. An explanation of how to set the controller can be found in the programming overview document.
External controls should include:
Room thermostat to regulate the space
temperature and interlocked with the heat pump unit operation.
Timer to optimise operation of the heat
An interlock is defined as “controls which are
wired so that when there is no demand for either space heating or hot water, the boiler and pump are switched off.
The use of Thermostatic radiator valves alone does not provide interlock.
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Section 4: Selection of heat emitters and flow temperatures
Minimising the flow temperature
In most oil and gas boiler systems the efficiency doesn‟t vary greatly with flow temperature, therefore the flow temperature is set to around 70°C to 75°C. The high temperatures are not always required as downstream regulator such as mixing and thermostat valves, prevent the building from overheating.
To design the most efficient heat pump system it is essential to minimise the flow temperature. When using low flow temperatures the choice of heat emitter is critical to ensure enough heat can be emitted into the room. A number of industry stakeholders have produced a guide to selecting the correct heat emitter, an extract of which is shown in Figure 5. The full guide is available for download from HHIC website. The guide shows that systems with lower flow temperature achieve the highest SPF‟s which would reduce running costs and carbon emissions.
Green areas show suitable heat emitters
Example: a domestic fan convector such as a SmartRad can be installed with a flow temperature of 45C.
Orange areas show that extra caution is advised
Example: standard radiators should not be installed with a flow temperature of 60C as a flow temperature of 50C would give the necessary output without causing the radiator to become excessively large.
Red areas show that this technology is not suitable
Example: under floor heating on a screed floor with a wood covering would not emit enough heat into the room with a flow temperature of 45C.
Figure 5: Extract from the HHIC's guide to heat emitter selection for a heat loss of 80W/m2
Considerations for fan convectors
The benefits of installing SmartRad with a heat pump system are well known and explained in the SmartRad planning manual. This selection deals with connecting SmartRad with the LA MI range of heat pumps.
When connecting the SmartRad the same principles should be followed as for any other heat emitter. The minimum flow rate for the heat pump should be observed.
The heating circuit should be designed in such away to maintain the flow to the heat pump even when the part of the circuit is shut off by motorised valves or the heating circulation pump is off.
For full details about connecting SmartRad to an inverter air source heat pump see the SmartRad planning manual.
The Heat Emitter Guide is widely available to download on the internet. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting the MarComs team at Dimplex.
As a rule of thumb, by lowering the flow temperature by one degree, the system performance will improve by 2%.
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Section 5: DHW preparation with inverter heat pumps
Dimplex EC-Eau cylinder range
EC-Eau, the new range of unvented stainless steel cylinders from Dimplex can supply all the hot water required for the modern home, providing rapid fill baths and invigorating showers to en-suite bathrooms and other domestic appliances simultaneously. Offering low running costs, reliable hot water and fantastic flow rates, EC-Eau cylinders are available in a range of capacities, so there is size to suit even the most demanding household.
EC-Eau heat pump cylinders are specified with large, high surface area heat exchangers, specifically sized to match the requirements of Dimplex heat pumps, optimising heat pump efficiency and reducing running costs. The diameter of the EC-eau range has been specifically picked for the UK market with a diameter or 580mm unlike many other cylinders available.
Supplied with an external expansion vessel for improved reliability and reduced cylinder height, EC­Eau standard cylinders are flexible to site and easy to install.
Environmental sensitivity and efficient performance are key attributes across the EC-Eau range, which boasts 60mm of low GWP insulation foam and innovative measures such as recessed immersions and thermostats to reduce energy wastage. This combined with the use of 100% recyclable stainless steel inner components and a sleek black, hard wearing outer shell manufactured from completely recycled materials ensures the EC-Eau range looks as good as it performs.
Dimplex ECS Combination DHW and Buffer Cylinders
In addition to all the benefits of the standard cylinder Dimplex can also offer a combination cylinder with a DHW cylinder and buffer cylinder. This makes is easy to retrofit a heat pump as the new combination cylinder takes up the same space as the old cylinder.
The EC-eau range of combined buffer and DHW cylinders have the buffer cylinder on top which gives the following benefits:
The buffer acts as an excellent air separator,
and putting at the top of the cylinder means it is likely to be one of the highest points in the system allowing air to easily be removed.
The heat loss is reduced from the combination
cylinder because there is less of a temperature gradient between the cylinder/buffer compared to the cylinder/ambient air.
buffer and
Table 7: EC-eau cylinders for use with the LA MI range
Heat pump power for hot water preparation
In addition to the space heating, the demand placed on the heat pump for hot water production must be taken into account when selecting the heat pump.
To meet normal comfort requirements, a peak hot water consumption of approximately 60-70 litres per person, per day, should be allowed, based on a hot water temperature of 45°C.
Selecting a DHW cylinder
A standard DHW cylinder is not suitable for use with heat pumps due to the small coil size. A heat pump provides lower hot water temperatures compared to a boiler. For this reason a heat pump cylinder needs a larger coil to ensure that the heat can be transferred from the heat pump in to the water within cylinder as efficiently as possible.
For all heat pumps, the achievable cylinder temperature is affected by the maximum flow temperature and also the kW output of the heat pump. Since the kW heat output of an inverter air source heat pump does not rise with air temperature the LA MI heat pump can achieve 45°C in all of the cylinders shown in Table 8.
If a different cylinder temperature is required the following must be taken into account. For each of
Dimplex‟s heat pump cylinders, a graph of kW input vs
The sizing should be based on the worst day, with the coldest possible weather and the maximum possible number of persons using DHW. If this sizing method is not suitable because it causes over sizing of the heat pump, the end user should be made aware that they may sometimes need to use the immersion DHW boost which can be activated from the wall mountable heat pump controller.
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attainable cylinder is published. In conjunction with the published information of the minimum output at A25/W55 for each heat pump the attainable cylinder temperature can be found.
The flow rate though the cylinder coil is an important factor in determining the achievable cylinder temperature. The hydraulic resistance of the coil and connecting pipe work must be checked to ensure that the circulation pump pre-installed in the LA MI is able to achieve the necessary flow rate.
Heat Pump
Cylinder model
45C achievable with correct flow
(Flow rate 1.0m3/h)
(Flow rate 1.6m3/h)
LA 12 MI
(Flow rate 2.1m3/h)
LA 16 MI
(Flow rate 2.8m3/h)
Table 8: Cylinders suitable for use with the LA MI range
with an external temperature up to 25°C.
Cylinder volume and reheat
The amount of stored hot water should be adequate to meet the demands of the property. The installer should gauge the likely hot water use depending upon the type of showers, baths and taps installed within a short time and select an appropriately sized cylinder.
It should be noted that the cylinder reheat times will be longer with a heat pump compared to a typical gas boiler. This is because a gas boiler is often drastically oversized compared to the space heating requirement whereas a heat pump is sized much closer to the heat pump. For this reason, it may be necessary for a heat pump cylinder to be larger than a cylinder installed with a gas boiler.
Heat pump output
Table 9: Calculated cylinder reheat time with different heat
Cylinder replacement
In addition to the instructions supplied with the cylinder, when planning on replacing an old vented cylinder for a new unvented stainless steel cylinder it is important check the following:
The water main is capable of supply adequate
pressure and flow rate at all times of the day.
The fittings such as taps and valves are
suitable for the new higher pressure system.
Selecting and controlling the DHW temperature
The heat pump controller monitors the temperature in the DHW cylinder via a sensor and decides when to work in hot water mode. The user can set the time of DHW production and also the temperature of DHW product using the wall mountable controller.
It is important that the customer understands that the maximum flow temperature out of the heat pump is higher than the maximum attainable temperature in the cylinder.
If a heat pump is being installed on to an existing property it is likely that the old hot water cylinder will have to be replaced with a new one with a larger coil.
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For efficient operation the DHW temperature should be set to 45°C. Experience has found that this is more than hot enough for showering and bathing.
If required, the hot water temperature can be set up to 75ºC although this will utilise the immersion heater for some of the heating period. By raising the storage temperature, the volume of usable water is increased which is useful is properties where a larger cylinder can‟t physically be fitted.
The maximum temperature that the compressor can achieve before the immersion needs to finish the demand is variable based upon a number of factors. In practice the LA MI heat pump is able to reduce its kW output using the inverter compressor and can also maintain its output above 55ºC for a short period of time.
It is therefore, not uncommon for the LA MI to achieve cylinder temperatures of 50ºC using only the compressor. It should however be noted that other factors within the system can reduce the attainable cylinder temperature so the customer expectation should be managed to expect their hot water to be stored at 45ºC.
The adjustable dial on the cylinder thermostat is not wired in or used because the temperature of the cylinder is controlled by a sensor. A notice such as that shown in Figure 6 should be attached next to the cylinder thermostat.
Figure 6: Notice to be fixed next to cylinder thermostat
Note that the manually resettable high temperature cut­out in the cylinder thermostat is wired back to the heat pump for G3 protection.
For Domestic properties there is no official guidance on the correct storage temperature or if thermal sterilisation is required. There is a theoretical risk of legionella growth, although no cases have yet been reported in a domestic hot water system.
There is a trade off between maximising system efficiency by reducing energy consumption and minimising the theoretical risk of legionella growth. The risk of legionella growth can be minimised by ensuring that the cylinder does not remain stagnant for long period of time. If the property is not occupied for a long period, upon reoccupation, it would be prudent to raise the cylinder temperature to 60°C and open the water outlets to allow the connecting pipe work and outlets to be sterilised.
For private domestic properties, Dimplex recommend that the cylinder is raised to 60°C once per week although the ultimate decision lies with the householder to weight up the risk with the energy saving benefits.
For commercial properties the legislation requires for the water to be stored at 60C.
Secondary circulation pipes
A secondary circulation pipes is used to continuously pump hot water around a closed loop, so that there is not a long period of time from the taps opening to the hot water being available. All of the EC-eau range of cylinders larger than 210L feature a boss for connection of a secondary return.
Heat consumption for a circulation pipe can be considerable. The increase in consumption depends on both the length of the circulation line and the quality of the pipe insulation and on a large system should be taken into account to ensure the heat pump is suitably sized.
To maximise the efficiency of the system, if a circulation system cannot be dispensed with because of long pipe runs, the circulation pump should operate on a timed basis.
The water drawn off immediately after sterilisation will be much hotter than usual. Consideration should be given to installing a temperature limiting device at the outlets to prevent scolding.
The schedule for sterilisation should be determined by the installer to comply with the necessary regulations.
The temperature of the hot water in this cylinder is set using the wall mounted heat pump controller. The setting shown on this thermostat does not affect the hot water temperature.
Setting the hot water temperature higher than the heat pump alone can do with the compressor would cause the immersion to
It is important to explain to an end user about the correct cylinder temperature for economic operation of the heat pump. They may have previously been used to scolding hot temperature that they mixed with cold water.
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Section 6: Installation considerations
When deciding the location to install the heat pump the items contained within this chapter should be considered.
Physical location
The heat pump is for outdoor installation only. It should also be installed in a place where:
The condensate can easily be drained away.  Hydraulic connections can easily be made to the
heating system and the DHW cylinder.
There is no risk of a flammable gas leak or any
outlets vents from any other system.
The wiring lengths come within reasonable
ranges particularly taking note of the 15m controller cable.
Fixing of the heat pump
The heat pump should be fixed on two flat, horizontal and solid hard surfaces such as concrete pads that are
capable of taking the unit‟s weight and draining the
To prevent tipping, the heat pump must be suitably fixed. The fixing should be strong enough to prevent the unit from tipping over if the base becomes unlevel over time.
Suggested dimensions of concrete pads as shown in
Figure 7.
152 B 1002
356 E 400 F 520 G 400
When installing the product in a place where it will be affected by strong wind such as wind blowing between buildings or on a rooftop an overturn prevention wire supplied by the installer may be necessary.
Wall mounting
If the heat pump is to be wall mounted a condensate collection tray (supplied by the installer) should be fixed under the heat pump. The pipe from the tray to a suitable
drain should be heated so that it can‟t freeze and become
The installation of an air source heat pump should be carried out by a Dimplex Accredited installer.
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Figure 7: Top view of two concrete mounting blocks that allow the condensate to drain away via a gravel soak away.
The installation site must be an open location clear of any obstacles which may cause a short circuiting of the discharged air or increased resistance due to blocking of the inlet or outlet. This includes walls and fences as well as locations prone to blocking debris such as leaves or snow.
Avoid installing the heat pump in a location where suction side of the fan may be exposed directly to wind. If the location is in open ground, the heat pump should be set up so that the air outlet direction of the fan is perpendicular to the main wind direction to allow unrestricted defrosting of the evaporator.
Figure 8: Minimum distances to objects to ensure adequate
Minimum maintenance clearances
It must be possible to carry out maintenance work without hindrance the displayed in Figure 9 should be observed. For example if the unit is installed on a balcony there must be a space measuring 1000mm in front of the unit of maintenance.
Figure 9: Minimum clearances for maintenance (not
including clearance for air circulation)
Sound insulation measures
The installation may also have to comply with the MCS 020 standard as detailed in the section on the next page. Furthermore, the heat pumps should be installed in a location considering the following:
the occupant‟s enjoyment of the garden and
outside spaces.
any windows that open close to the heat pump.  The effect on neighbouring properties.
The lowest noise emissions are achieved if an area of 3­5m surrounding the heat pump does not have any hard surfaces that can reverberate the sound. Additionally, the foundation can be covered up to the level of sledge on the heat pump with sound-absorbing material such as bark, plants or grass. These must not affect the air flow or and care must be taken so they don‟t get sucked into the fan.
If the heat pump is installed above inhabited rooms, measures to prevent solid-borne sound should be considered.
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Air quality
If heat pump is subject to any of the following substances in the air its‟ life span will be shortened and the guarantee may not be valid. If the air contains any of the following, please contact Dimplex for further information:
Sulphur i.e. Near a busy congested road.  Oil i.e. a workshop.  Ammonia i.e. animal stables  Salt i.e. near the sea.
The above conditions will affect all the exposed components within the heat pump, but especially the evaporator. Dimplex offer an extra service to coat the evaporator with a protective coating. This additional service adds a week to the delivery times. For more details contact the Dimplex technical team.
Local planning regulation
MCS Planning Standard
The MCS planning standard sets out the method by which to calculate if the installation would meet the noise limit of 42bB. If the assessed noise level is greater than 42dB the installation may only still go ahead if planning permission is granted by the local authority. The value of the noise level at the assessment position is affected by:
The A weighted sound power level of the heat
pump as given in the technical information
The directivity Q factor as determined by the
number of walls as shown in Figure 10.
The effect of solid barriers between the heat
pump and the assessment position.
The back ground noise level.
Figure 10: Q factors for different surfaces within 1 meter of
the LA MI.
Table 10 and Table 11 show the minimum distance to achieve the 42bB at the assessment position in the MCS 020 calculation.
A weighted
sound power
61.5 dB(A)
LA 12 MI
LA 16 MI
Table 10: Minimum distances to achieve 42dB if there is a
wall between the heat pump and assessment position
A weighted
sound power
61.5 dB(A)
LA 12 MI
LA 16 MI
Table 11: Minimum distances to achieve 42dB if there is NOT
a wall between the heat pump and assessment position
Compliance with the MCS Planning Standard on its own does not bestow permitted development rights – there are a number of other conditions and limitations which must be complied with for an installation to be permitted development, some of which are detailed below.
Town and Country planning, England
The following is a summary of the main points for an Air source heat pump under the Town and country planning act. The installer should consult the original document for further clarification and a full list of points. The act states that planning permission would be required if the:
Installation doesn‟t comply with the MCS
planning standard.
Installation would result in more than one air
source heat pump on or within the grounds of the building.
Site already has a wind turbine.
For further information see the MCS document 020, “MCS Planning Standards For permitted
development installations of wind turbines and
air source heat pumps on domestic premises.”
Every effort has been made to give accurate advice on local planning regulations for England, Wales and Scotland. The following information is provided with the intension of making the installer aware that such regulations exist rather than a definitive guide.
It is essential that the installer verifies the regulations with the local planning office before proceeding with the installation.
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