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DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
STREAMERH264 UserManual
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
Gent. Cliente, La ringraziamo per la preferenza accordataci e Le indichiamo alcuni piccoli suggerimenti per il Setup e l’installazione del suo nuovo STREAMERH264: Dopo aver estratto l’ apparecchio dalla sua confezione, lo posizioni in un posto areato evitando il posizionamento in armadi ecc. Colleghi la Camera Sony, se ha acquistato anche questo prodotto da noi, o la sua camera o sorgente video, successivamente colleghi l’ apparecchio in rete tramite apposito cavo RJ45, infine colleghi l’ alimentatore in dotazione, potrà se lo ritiene opportuno altresi collegare un monitor di controllo VideoComposito collegandolo al connettore BNC di uscita dello STREAMERH264. Una volta avviato l’ apparecchio, potrà accedervi via rete usando l’ utility “truemanager.exe” che troverà nel CD in dotazione o in mancanza di quest’ ultimo potra scaricarlo all’ indirizzo
questo file contiene le utility, i manuali ed i software per la gestione del suo STREAMERH264. In alternativa puo indirizzare l’ apparecchio con uno dei seguenti indirizzi di IP: “” oppure “” usando Internet Explorer e installando sulla sua interfaccia di rete una classe di ip che riconduca ad una delle due listate sopra, in qualunque caso lo user e la password impostate di default sono: username “admin” password “1234” esclusi gli apici, se dovesse trovare delle difficoltà ad eseguire queste operazioni La invitiamo ad inviare una mail a lab@digivision.it
avendo per oggetto la seguente riga
STREAMERH264 info sull’ installazione”.
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
ATTENZIONE nella funzione FULL DUPLEX.....
1) in Modalita’ full duplex : Maximum bitrate supportato 2 Mbps ( in Modalita’ Encoder Maximum bitrate supportato 4 Mbps )
2) Attenzione alcune combinazioni nel sistema in full duplex NON sono supportate !!
Duplex system 1 Duplex system 2 Supporto
Ntsc PAL Ntsc PAL
720x480 (720x576) 720x480 (720x576) No
720x480 (720x576) 352x240 (352x288) SI
720x240 (720x288) 720x240 (720x288) No
352x480 (352x576) 352x480 (352x576) SI 352x480 (352x576) 352x240 (352x288) SI 352x240 (352x288) 352x240 (352x288) SI
In caso di bisogno inviare una email a lab@digivision.it o telefonare allo 02 7600 7932 chiedendo del supporto tecnico per STREAMER H264
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
Safety Precaution
Make sure to turn off the power before installing STREAMERH264.
Do not install under the direct sunlight or in dusty areas.
Make sure to use the product within the temperature and humidity specified in t he
Do not operate the product in presence of vibrations or strong magnetic fields.
Do not put electrically conducting materials in the ventilation hole.
Do not open the top cover of the product. It may cause a failure or electric shock on
the components.
To prevent from overheating, make sure to keep the distance at least 10cm from the
ventilation hole.
Check for proper voltage before connecting the power.
We appreciate your purchasing StreamerH264 series. Before installing the product, please read the following with care.
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
Table of Content
Table of Content
1. Introduction
1. About User Manual
2. Feature
3. Product and Accessories
4. Part Names and Functions
5. System Modes and Connections
2. Installation
1. Connecting Video
2. Connecting Audio
3. Connecting Serial Ports
4. Connecting Sensor and Alarm
5. Connecting Power
6. Check if It Works
3. System Operation
1. LED Display
2. Remote Video Monitoring
3. Initialization of IP Address
4. Remote Configuration
1. Remote Configuration
2. Encoder Configuration
2.1 System Configuration
2.2 Video Configuration
2.3 Audio Configuration
2.4 Network Configuration
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
2.5 Serial Port Configuration
2.6 Event Configuration
2.7 Preset Configuration
2.8 Record Configuration
2.9 User Configuration
3. Decoder System
3.1 Network Configuration
3.2 Display Configuration
4. Duplex System
5. Trouble Shooting
Appendix A: Sensor and Alarm Port
1. Sensor Port
2. Alarm Port
Appendix B: Serial Port
1. RS-232 Port
2. RS-422/485 Port
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
1. Introduction
1. About User Manual
The User Manual is to provide information on operation of the high quality Video + Audio corporate communication system STREAMERH264. In this guide, information on installation, operation, configuration of STREAMERH264 is written as well as how to trouble shoot in case problems arise.
2. Feature
STREAMERH264 is a video and audio corporate communication system based on IP network through LAN, ADSL/VDSL, and Wireless LAN. The STREAMERH264 series operates as one of the three modes: Encoder, Decoder and Duplex. Encoder system compresses and transmits video data. Decoder receives and decompresses the video data. Duplex system provides bi-directional transmission of video data.
- High-quality compression algorithm, H.264
- Compression in various resolution: CIF, Half-D1, D1
- Wide range of video transmission rate: 32kbps ~ 4Mbps
- Various transmission mode: CBR, VBR
- Motion detection
- Multi-transmission mode: Uni-direction (Encoder -> Decoder, Decoder -> Encoder), Bi-direction
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
- Static IP and Dynamic IP(DHCP, PPPoE)
- One to one and one to many connection
- Multicasting
- Automatic transmit rate control according to network condition
Serial Data
- Two serial ports
- Various PTZ camera protocol
- Data pass-through mode: Serial data communication between Encoder –
Sensor and Alarm
- Connections to external sensor and alarm devices
- Event Alarm
- Connection to internal or external USB storage for remote access
User Interface
- System status display utilizing OSD(On Screen Display)
- System configuration using Internet Explorer
- Reliable embedded system
- System recovery utilizing dual watch-dog functions
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
3. Product and Accessories
STREAMERH264 System User Manual
Power adaptor and cable CMS S/W CD
Screws Brackets
<Picture 1> Product and Accessories
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
4. Part Names and Functions
Front View
Parts Function
n Power LED(PWR) Display power On/Off condition o Other LEDs Display system status p USB USB port for any USB device q RS-232C Serial communication port 1 (COM1) for PTZ control or
bi-directional command pass-through
r LAN(Ethernet) 100/10-base-T Ethernet interface
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
Connector Function
n POWER IN DC 12V power input o SENSOR Sensor input p ALARM Relay output q RS-422/485
Serial port 2 (COM2) for PTZ control and etc. Support RS-422 and RS-485 protocol
rVIDEO OUT Video output sVIDEO IN Video input tAUDIO OUT Audio output uAUDIO IN Audio input v RESET Reset button for network reset
5. System Modes and Connections
The STREAMERH264 system operates in one of three modes: Encoder, Decoder, Duplex. STREAMERH264 systems can be connected in either 1-to-1 fashion where one encoder is connected one decoder or 1-to-many fashion where one enc oder connected to many decoders. Also, it is possible to connect in duplex mode on both sides to have bi-directional transmission of video images. Following chart shows possible combinations of video, audio and serial data transmission.
t u v
p q
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
System Mode Video Audio Serial Data
Encoder Transmit Transmit/Receive Transmit/Receive Decoder Receive Transmit/Receive Transmit/Receive
Duplex Transmit/Receive Transmit/Receive Transmit/Receive
Therefore, the system modes are defined by the video communication and all s ystem modes are capable of bi-directional transmission of audio or serial data.
Generally, the encoder and the decoder are connected in 1-to-1 mode. To support specific situations, 1-to-many connection is also supported.
1:1 Connection (Unidirection)
Mostly used configuration is 1 to 1 connection. An encoder is installed at a site where video images can be transmitted and a decoder is installed at a center location to receive and view the video images on analog monitor. Audio and serial data are transferred in either direction.
1:1 Connection (Bi-direction)
Duplex Duplex
Remote Center
Encoder Decoder
Remote Center
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Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
It is another way to use 1 to 1 connection. In this type of connection, not only aud io but also video is transferred bi-directionally. The video capability (resolution/framerate/bitrate) in duplex mode connection is restricted than that in unidirectional connection.
1:N Connection (Unidirection)
In this configuration, a site can be monitored from many remote center locations. Although up to 64 decoders can be connected to on encoder, in the real network environment, network bandwidth can limit the maximum connections.
Functionally, the central monitoring system software can replace the decoder.
Multicast Mode
Within the network that supports multicasting, a large number of decoders can be used to receive video effectively from an encoder using a single streaming of vi deo and au dio.
Remote Center
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
In this arrangement, video and audio can be retransmitted from a center to another center. The arrangement is useful when the network bandwidth to the site is limited while there are more than one center wanting to monitor the site.
Central Monitoring System
CMS (Central Monitoring System) is a Windows based remote monitoring program to access multiple encoders for real-time monitoring or control of the encoders and connected cameras. Please refer to CMS User Manual for more information on CMS.
Encoder Decoder
Remote Center
Encoder Decoder
Center 1
Center 2
Remote Center
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
2. Installation
1. Connecting Video
Encoder System
- Connect camera video output line to the encoder (STREAMERH264) video input port.
Decoder System
- Connect monitor video input line to the decoder (STREAMERH264) video output port.
Duplex System
- Connect camera video output line to the encoder (STREAMERH264) video input port and connect monitor video input line to the decoder
(STREAMERH264) video output port.
2. Connecting Audio
Audio is bi-directional in any configuration regardless of the system mode. If necessary, it can be configured to be in transmit-only, receive -only or bi-directional mode.
- Connect audio input and output ports to audio devices accordingly.
- Audio signal is in line level, therefore, microphone or speaker with amplification
function should be used.
3. Connecting Serial Ports
For camera control, PTZ controller(keypboard) and receiver can be connected to serial
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
ports. Two corresponding serial ports in encoder and decoder which are connected in connected in 1-to-1 fashion works in pass-through mode. This means that commands at a local system’s COM1 port will be transparently passed to the remote system’s COM1 port. Also, a command at a local system COM2 port will pass to the remote system’s COM2 port.
4. Connecting Sensor and Alarm
Connect sensor and alarm devices to corresponding terminals accordingly.
5. Connecting Power
After confirming the power source, connect power adaptor and connect the 12VDC connector to the system. Soon the system will boot up to an operating mode.
6. Check if It Works
As soon as the power is supplied to the system, it will boot and, after about 30 seconds, the system will be ready for operation. Depending on the model of the system, the LED display may be different as the system is running.
Encoder LED Display
Above LED status display shows that neither camera is connected nor a decoder is connected. Once the encoder is connected to a decoder, color of link LED will light in
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
green color and the LED will blink as video or audio transmissions occur.
Decoder LED Display
Above LED status display shows that the encoder has started without connecting to a n encoder. Once an encoder is connected, the color of link LED will be changed to green and the LED will blink as video or audio data transmissions occur.
Duplex LED Display
Above LED status displays shows that duplex system has correct camera input but it is not connected to another duplex system. Once a duplex system is connected, the color of the link LED will change to green and the LED will blink as video or audio data transmissions occur.
www.digivision.it StreamerH264 User Manual
Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
3. System Operation
1. LED Display
Description of LEDs
System status can be monitored with LEDs.
LED State Description
Off No power
Red Power on Green blinking Normally operating Red System failure: Needs diagnostics Constant change of colors between Red and Green
NTSC/PAL setting does not match with input video signal
Red Blinking Failed to obtain IP address in
DHCP mode or PPPoE mode Constant change of colors between Green blinking 2 times and Red blinking once
Failed to register on DDNS server
Green blinking, Red blinks once every 5 seconds
Video loss in Encoder system
Orange blinking Improper resolution setting in
duplex mode Off No connection to remote system Green Connected to a remote system Red blinking Decoder only: trying to connect to
an Encoder
Orange Illegal connection (unsupported
combination of system modes) Green Data transmission in progress Red Data loss
Off No data transmission
2. Remote Video Monitoring
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Distributore per l’Italia : http://www.digivision.it
DIGIVISION srl - Viale Piave 3 - 20129 MILANO Italy telefono ++39 02 7600 7932 - fax ++39 02 7601 6305 Ufficio vendite e-mail : vendite@digivision.it
There are two ways to view the video once connections are made between the site and center system. In order for a proper operation, an IP address must be set accordingly and please refer to True Manager in Chapter 4 or Remote Setting in Chapter 5 for a further details.
Video Monitoring with Decoder System
Once the encoder IP address is set in the remote IP address section of the decoder, the decoder system will connect to the encoder system and start receiving the video images. Normally, a monitor connected to the decoder will display video images.
Video Monitoring using Internet Explorer
If an encoder’s IP address in entered on the Internet Explorer, the system will ask for confirmation to install Active-X control. Once authorized, the Internet Explorer will start to display video images from the encoder as shown below.
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