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permission of Digium, Inc.
Digium, Inc. has made every effort to ensure that the instructions contained in this document
are a de quat e an d er ro r fr ee . T he m a nu f a ctu r e r w i ll, if n ec es s ary , ex pl ai n issu es w h ic h may
not be covered by this documentation. The manufacturer’s liability for any errors in the
docu ments is limited to the correction of er rors and the afo rementioned advisory services.
This docume nt has be en prep ared for use by pro fessio nal and p roperl y train ed perso nnel,
and th e cus to mer assumes full resp on si bilit y whe n us ing it.
Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks, and Acrobat Reader is a trademark of Adobe
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Asterisk, Digium, Switchvox, and AsteriskNOW are registered trademarks and Asterisk
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Digium, Inc.Page 2
Safety Certi fication and Agency Approvals
Safety: US/CSA 60950
IEC 60950
EN 60950
CE Mark
2002/95/EC R estric tions on Haza rdous S ubstance s (Ro HS), 2005/ 747/EC
lead free exemption (Annex C)
FCC Part 68, ANSI/TIA-968-A, Including Amendment A1 and A2
Industry Canada IC-CS-03
Australi a S002 (POTS line) / S003 (POTS Extn)
FCC Part 15 Class A
EN55022/CISPR22 Class A
Digium, Inc.Page 3
Federal Communications Commission Part 68
This equipment complie s with Part 68 of the FCC rules and the
requireme nts adop ted by the AC TA. On the back of the Analog 410 Series
printed cir cuit board is a label that contains, among other infor mation, a
product identif ier in the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this
number must be provided to the tele phone company.
A plug and jack used to connect this equ ipment to the premises wiring
and telephone network must comply with the applicable FCC Part 68
rules and requirements adopted by the ACTA.
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that may be
connected to a telephone line. Excessiv e RENs on a telephone line may
result in the devi ces not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most
but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five (5.0). To be
certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact the local telephone company. For
products appr oved after July 23, 2001, the REN is part of the product
identif ier that has the format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digit s
represente d by ## are the REN without a decimal point (e.g., 03 i s a REN
of 0.3).
If your Ana log 410 Series card causes harm to the telephone network, the
telephone c ompany may notify you in advance that tem porary
discontinuance of se rvice may be required. B ut if advance notice is not
practic al, the telephone company will notify you as soon as possible.
Also, you will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if
you believe it is necessary.
Digium, Inc.Page 4
The telephone company may make changes in it s facilities, equ ipment,
operations or procedur es that could affect the operation of the equipment.
If this happens , the telephone company will provide adv ance notice in
order for you to m ake necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupte d
If you experience problems w ith your Analog 410 Series card, contact
Digium, Inc. at 1.877.DI GIUM.1 (1.877.344.4861) for repair and/or
warranty infor mation. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone
network, the telephone company may request tha t you disconnect the
equipment until the problem is resolved.
Connection to party line se rvice i s subj ect to sta te tar if fs. C ontact the state
public utility commission, public service commission, or corporation
commi ss ion for info rm at io n .
Federal Communications Commission Part 15
This device complie s with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subje ct to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interfer en ce, an d (2) Th is dev ic e mus t accept any in te rfer en ce rec ei ved ,
including inte rference that may cause undesired operation.
Industry Canada
This Class A digital app aratus meets all requirements of the Canadian
Interf erence-Cau si ng E quip m en t Reg u lat ion.
Cet appare il numeriq ue de la cla ss A re specte l es exi gences du Re glement
sur le Material Brouilleur du Canada.
Digium, Inc.Page 5
Introduction to Analog 410 Series Documentation
This manual contains pr oduct information for the Analog 410 Series
cards. Be sure to refer to any supplementary documents or release notes
that were shipped with your equipment. The manual is orga nized in the
following manne r:
OverviewIdent ifies the card and type of modules you received
with your Analog 410 Series card. This chapter
covers appl icat ion s and use s of the Anal og 41 0 S eri es
card in the re al wo r ld.
Card InstallationProvides instructions for installing the card in your
PC, acquiring correct driver s , and checking device
ConfigurationProvides examples for configuring dial plan options.
Troubles hootingExplain s resolutions to common pr oblems and
Describes the FXO (Foreign Exchange Office) and
FXS (Foreign Exchange Station) modules and their
freq uently ask ed questions pertaining to card
installation and usage.
Digium, Inc.Page 6
Pin AssignmentsLists the connectors and pin assignments.
SpecificationsDetails card specifications.
Glossary and
A list of terms and acronyms used throughou t t his
Symbol Definitions
Cauti on stat ements in dicate a condit io n whe r e damage to t he unit o r
its configuration could occur if operational procedures are not
followed. To reduce the risk of damage or injury, follow all steps or
proc edures as instructed.
The ES D s ym b o l ind i ca t es el ec tros t atic sensi ti ve devi ce s . Ob s erve
precauti ons for handling devices . Wear a prop er ly gr ounded
elect rostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap while handling the devic e.
The Elect rical Hazard Symbol indicate s a possibili ty of electri cal
shock when oper ating this unit in certain situat ions. To reduce the
risk of damage or injury, follow all steps or pr ocedures as
User Cautions
Important Safety Instructions
This card must be used with the PC lid s crewed down.
Te lecommunications network voltages exist inside the PC!
The PC must be shut dow n and telecommunications line connection
shall be removed before opening the PC.
Electrical Shock.
To reduce th e risk of injur y , damage to t he uni t or your equipment , do
not attempt to touch the modules while they are powered. The case
should be securely clo se d before power is applied to the unit.
Alarm Dialing Equipment.
If your home has specially wired alarm equipment connected to the
telephone line, ensure the installation of the Analog 410 Series does
not disable your alarm equipment. If you have ques tions, consult
your telephone company or a qualified installer.
Do not attempt to service this card unless specifically instructed to do
so. Do not attempt to remove the c ard from your equipment while
power is present. Refer servic ing to qualif ied service personnel.
Digium, Inc.Page 7
User Cautions
Water and Moisture.
Do not spill liquids on this unit. Do not operate this equipment in a
wet environment.
Do not operate or store this product near heat sources such as
radiators, air ducts , areas subject to di rect, inte nse sunlight, or other
products that pr oduce heat.
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger
telec ommunication wiring for networ k connections.
This card is not intended for home use. It must be used in restricted
access locations and installed in UL Listed I.T.E. only.
Static Electricity.
To reduce the risk of damaging the unit or your equipment, do not
attempt to open the enclosure or gain access to areas where you are
not instructed to do so. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Save these instructions for future reference.
Servic e Pe rs on ne l Ca uti ons
This card must be used with the PC lid s crewed down.
Te lecommunications network voltages exist inside the PC!
The PC must be shut dow n and telecommunications line connection
shall be removed before opening the PC.
Electrical Shock.
To reduce th e risk of injur y , damage to t he uni t or your equipment , do
not attempt to touch the modules while they are powered. The case
should be securely clo se d before power is applied to the unit.
Digium, Inc.Page 8
Servic e Pe rs on ne l Ca uti ons
Disconnect telecommunications network cable before opening the
cov er or removing the ca rd from th e m o th erboard.
For safety reasons, onl y connect equipment with a
Telecommunications Compliance label. This includes customer
equipment previously labe lled Permitted or Certified.
Only connec t re gulatory equipme nt (appr oved for use in yo ur specific
country ) to the telecommunications network voltage circuit ports.
This card is not intended for home use. It must be used in restricted
access locations and installed in UL Listed I.T.E. only.
The Analog 410 Series cards a re versatile devices used for connecting
your phone network to the PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)
world. This is accomplished through phone lines connected to the FXO
(Foreign Excha nge Office) ports and phones connected via the FXS
(Foreign Exchange Station) ports. The cards allow Asterisk to connect to
your phone network, creating an office type telephony environment.
There are a variet y of applic ations where the Analog 410 Series cards
(TDM410 or the AEX410) can prove useful. An example is provided in
the followin g figure.
Figure 1: Sample Card Application
Digi u m , In c . Page 14
Chapter 1: Overview
Users connecting the ir Analog 410 Series cards to the PSTN or other
devices are li kely to be placing calls that will result, at some point, in an
unbalance d 4-wire/2-wire hybrid. The result of this hybrid is the
reflection of a near -end echo to the calling party. Elimina tion of this echo
is the responsibility of echo cancel lation.
The Analog 410 Series cards, unless otherwise equipped, utilize Asterisk
to perform softwar e-based echo cancella tion. Asterisk maintains a
number of open source echo ca ncelers. Thes e open source echo cancelers
provide a moderate level of echo cancellation, but are not capable of
dealing with higher levels of, or more advanced, e choes.
Digium recommends that those use rs concerned about echo cancellation
purchase the VPMADT032 hardware echo canc ellation module . The
VPMADT032 may be combined with both the TDM410 and AEX410.
The VPMADT032 is de signed to h andle up to 128m s of ech o cance llati on
across all cha nnels and provides a G.168 echo cancellation solution.
Digium, Inc.Page 15
Chapter 1: Overview
What is Asterisk®?
Asterisk is the world’s leading open source telephony engine and tool kit.
Offer ing flexibil ity unhe ard of in the world of proprietary
communications, Asterisk empowers developers and integrators to create
advanced communication solutions.. .for free. Asterisk is released as open
source under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and it is avail abl e
for download free of charge. Asterisk is the most popular open sourc e
software available, with the Asteris k Community being the top influence r
in VoIP.
Asterisk as a Switch (PBX)
Asterisk can be configured as the core of an IP or hybrid PBX, switchin g
calls, managing routes, enab ling features, and connecting call ers with the
outside world over IP, analog (POTS), and digita l (T1/E1) connections.
Asterisk runs on a wide variety of operating systems including Linux,
Mac OS X, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and S un Solaris. It provides all of the
features you woul d expect f rom a PBX inclu ding many advanced f eatures
that are often associated with high end (and high cost) proprietary PBXs.
Asterisk 's architecture is designed for maximum flexibility and supports
Voice over IP in many protocols, and can interoperate with almost all
standards- based telephony equipment using relatively inexpensive
Asterisk as a Gateway
It can also be built out as the hear t of a media gate way, bridging the
legacy PSTN to the expanding world of IP telephony. Asterisk’s modular
archite cture allows it to co nvert betwee n a wide range of c ommunicat ions
protocols and media codecs.
Digium, Inc.Page 16
Chapter 1: Overview
Asterisk as a Feature/ Media Server
Need an IVR? Asterisk’s got you covered. How about a conference
bridge? Yep. It’s in there. What about an automated attendant? Asterisk
does that too. How about a replacement for your aging legacy voicemail
system? Can do. Unif ied messaging? No problem. Need a telephony
interfa ce for your web site? Ok.
Asterisk in the Call Center
Asterisk has been adopted by call centers around the world based on its
flexibility. Call ce nter and contact center developers have built complete
ACD systems based on Asterisk. Asterisk has also added new life to
existing c all center solutions by adding remote IP agent capabilities,
advanced skills-based routing, predictive and bulk dia ling, and more.
Asterisk in the Net work
Internet Telephony Servic e Providers (ITSPs), competitive local
excha nge carri er s (C LE CS ) and ev en fi rs t-tier incu m be n ts hav e
discovered the power of open source communications with Asterisk.
Feature se rvers, hosted services clusters, voicemail systems, pre-paid
calling solutions, all based on Asterisk have helped reduce costs and
enabled flexibility.
Asterisk Everywhere
Asterisk has become the basi s for thousands of communications
solution s. I f you need to communicate, Asterisk is your answer. For more
informati on on Asterisk, visit or http://
Digium, Inc.Page 17
Chapter 2
Card Installation
This chapter provide s the following information:
Unpacking the Card on page 19
Shipm en t In spection on page 20
Module Identi fication on page 20
Port Iden ti fi cati on on page 21
Card Identification on page 24
FXS and FXO Connection on page 26
Slot Compatibility on page 26
Hardware Ins tallation on page 28
Software Installat ion on page 31
Installi ng Asterisk on page 35
Digi u m , In c .Pag e 18
Cha p te r 2: C ar d In st a lla t io n
Unpacking the Card
When you unpa ck your card, carefully inspect it fo r any damage that may
have occurred in shipm ent. If damage is suspected, file a claim with the
carrier and contact the reseller from which the card was purchased, or
contact Digium Technical Support at 1.256.428.6161. Keep the original
shipping conta iner to use for future shipment or proof of damage during
Note: Only qualified service personnel should install the card. Users
should not atte mpt to perform this function themselves. The installe r
must ensure that the equipment is permanently connected equipment,
pluggable type B or connecte d to a socke t-outlet t hat has bee n checked
to ensure that it is reliably earthed in accordance with the National
Electri ca l Cod e.
Thi s ca rd is in t ended fo r in s t a ll a tion in a Rest ricte d Access
Location (RAL) only.
Digium, Inc.Page 19
Cha p te r 2: C ar d In st a lla t io n
Shipment Inspection
The following it ems are included in shipment of an Analog 410 Series
Analog 410 S eries card (TDM410 or AEX410)
FXO and/or F XS module(s) (depending on c onfiguration)
Module Identification
The Analog 410 Series card ships with FXO and/or FXS modules in
place. These are ide ntified by their color. Take a moment to identify
which modules were ship ped with your card.
FXO (Foreign Exchange Office) modules a re Red
FXS (Foreign Exchange S tation) modules are Green
See Figure 2 on page 22 for an example of the TDM410 card shown with
two of each single module.
See Figure 3 on page 23 for an example of the AEX410 card shown with
two of each single module.
The Analog 410 Series cards may als o be combined with Digium’s
hardware- based echo canceler, model VPMADT032. See Figure 2 on
page 22 for an example of the TDM410 card shown with one of each
analog module and the echo can cella tion module.
Digium, Inc.Page 20
Cha p te r 2: C ar d In st a lla t io n
Port Identification
Each card consists of four RJ11 ports located on the PCI bracket. Each
port cor relat es to a sing le mo dul e (con t ain in g eit her FX O or FX S
modules). The ports are numbered in sequence from one to four. The top
port is Port 1 and the bottom port is Port 4. See Figure 2 on page 22 for
appropria te identification of these ports. The port identification is the
same for all cards in this series.
A status LED accompanies each port on the PCI bracket. Illumination of
this LED indicates tha t a module is installed for the port located directly
below it on the PCI bracket.
It is im portant to identify the type and location of your Analog 410 Series
modules. You will need this information during the configuration of
The port s availa ble f or use on the Analog 410 Se ries c ards are conti nuous.
The cards can accept 4 sing le mo dules , for a total of 4 ports . Th e sing le
module po rts ar e ide ntifi ed on the c ard a nd their c orr esponding RJ1 1 ports
are identified below. The RJ11 port availa ble for use will be the port
correspo nding to the location of the module on the card. The following
ports corr espond to the single module ports as shown in Fig ure 2 on pa ge
RJ11 Port 1 is used by Single Module Port 1
RJ11 Port 2 is used by Single Module Port 2
RJ11 Port 3 is used by Single Module Port 3
RJ11 Port 4 is used by Single Module Port 4
Digium, Inc.Page 21
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