No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retri eval syst em , o r tran sl at ed int o any hu man or co mpu ter langu ag e wit h ou t the prio r wri tte n
permission of Digium, Inc.
Digium, Inc. has made every effort to ensure that the instructions contained in this document
are ade quate and erro r free. The m a nu facture r w i ll, if n ec es s ary , ex pl ai n issues w h ic h m ay
not be covered by this documentation. The manufacturer’s liability for any errors in the
docume nts is limi ted to the correctio n of errors and the aforementioned advis ory services.
This doc ument has been prepar ed for us e by profe ssiona l and pr operly tr ained personn el,
and the cus to m er as su m es full respon si bi lity when us in g it.
R-Serie s softwar e is bui lt using Fr eeRTOS under the t erms of G PL2 as s tated at http:// Digium will provide the FreeRTOS source code upon request.
Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks, and Acrobat Reader is a trademark of Adobe
Systems Incorporated.
Asterisk, Digium, Switchvox, and AsteriskNOW are registered trademarks and Asterisk
Business Edition, AsteriskGUI, and Asterisk Appliance are trademarks of Digium, Inc.
Any oth er tr a dem ark s m en ti oned i n t he do cu me nt ar e t he pr op ert y of t h ei r r es pe ctiv e ow ner s.
Note: Finland, Norway and Sweden require that equipment using this
product must be located in a Restric ted Access Location (RAL).
CE Mark (European Union)
2002/95/EC Restr ictions on Hazardous S ubst ances (Ro HS), 2005/ 747/EC
lead free exemption (Annex C)
47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B / 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B, Class A
EN55022:2010 IEC CISPR22:2009 Class A
IEC 61000
EN 61000-3-2:2006 +A1 & A2
EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 55024:2010
VCCI V-3 2010.04
Digium, Inc.Page 3
FCC Part 15
This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interferen ce, and (2) T h is dev ice mu s t accep t any in terference receiv ed,
including interf erence that may cause undesired operation.
Digium, Inc.Page 4
Introduction to R-Series Documentati on
This manual contains product inf ormation for the R-Series units. Be sure
to refer to any supplementary documents or release notes that were
shipped with your equipment. The manual is organized in the following
OverviewIdentifies the features of your unit.
Unit InstallationProvides instructions for installing the unit.
ConfigurationProvides instructions on how to confi gure the unit.
Troublesh ootingExplain s resolutions to common problems and
frequentl y as ked questions pertaining to unit
installation and usage.
State DescriptionsDescribes the states supported by the unit.
Pin AssignmentsLists the connectors and pin assignments .
License Agreeme ntDigium End-User Purchase and License Agreement
Glossary and
Defines terms related to this product.
Digium, Inc.Page 5
Symbol Definitions
Caution stat emen ts in dicate a c onditio n whe r e d amage to t he un it o r
its configuration could occur if operational procedures are not
followed. To reduce the risk of damage or injury, follow all steps or
procedures as instructed.
The ESD sym b o l in d i ca t es electrostat i c sen s i ti ve de vi ces. Observe
prec autions for handling devi ces. Wear a proper ly grounded
electrostatic discha rge (ESD) wrist strap while handling the device.
The Electrical Hazard Symbol indicates a possibility of electrical
shock when operat ing this unit in certain situations. To reduce the
risk of damage or injury, fol low all steps or proc edures as
Digium, Inc.Page 6
Important Safety Instructions
Do not attempt to servi ce this unit un less s pecif ic ally ins truc ted to do
so. Refer servicing to qualifie d se rv ice personnel.
Water and Moisture.
Do not spill liquids on this unit. Do not operate this equipment in a
wet environme nt.
Do not operate or store this product near heat sources such as
radiators, air ducts, areas subject to direct, intense sunli ght, or other
products that produce heat.
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger
telecommunication wiring for network connections.
Static Electricity.
To reduce the risk of damaging the unit or your equipment, do not
attempt to open the enclosur e or gain acc es s to areas where you ar e
not instructed to do so. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
The Digium Redundancy Series of products, R-Series, are versatile
devices used to facilitate physical layer switching of PSTN interfaces for
Asterisk based redundant PBX configurations. R-Series is among several
key technologies Digium is intr oducing to empower Asterisk integrators
to create advanced high-reliability failover solutions.
The basic application sequence shown below depicts the following:
1. While in a normal state, the R-Series unit r outes the input lines from
the PSTN to Server A (Primary).
2. After a failure of Server A, the R-Series unit routes the input lines
from the PSTN to Server B (Secondary).
3. After Server A re covers, the R-Serie s unit c ontin ues to route the in put
lines from the PSTN to Server B.
4. After a failure of Server B, the R-Series unit routes the input lines
from the PSTN to Server A.
Digiu m, In c . Page 12
Chapter 1: Overview
Figure 1: Basic Application Sequence
There are a variety of applications where the R-Series units can prove
Digium, Inc.Page 13
Chapter 1: Overview
What is Asterisk®?
Asterisk is th e world’s leading open source t elephony engine and tool kit.
Offering fle xibility unheard of in the world of proprietar y
communications, Asterisk empowers developers and integr ators to create
advanced communication solutions...for free. Asterisk is r eleased as open
source under the GNU General Public License (GPL), and it is available
for download free of charge. Asterisk is the most popular open source
telephony software available, with the Asterisk Community being the top
influencer in VoIP.
Asterisk as a Phone Switch (PBX)
Asterisk can be configured as the core of an IP or hybrid PBX, switching
calls, managing routes, enabling features, and conne cting callers with the
outside world over IP, analog (POTS), and digital (T1/E1/J1/BRI)
Asterisk runs on a wide variety of opera ting systems including Linux,
Mac OS X, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Sun Solaris. It provides all of the
features you would exp ect from a PBX inclu ding many adva nced featu res
that are often associate d with high end (and high cost) proprietary PBXs.
Asterisk's archi tecture is designed for maximum flexibilit y and supports
Voice over IP in many protocols, and can interoperate with almost all
standards-base d telephony equipment using relatively ine xpensive
Asterisk as a Gateway
It can also be built out as the heart of a media gateway, bridging the
legacy PSTN to the expanding world of IP telephony. Asterisk’s modular
Digium, Inc.Page 14
Chapter 1: Overview
architecture a llows it to co nvert between a wide ran ge of communicat ions
protocols and media codecs.
Asterisk as a Feature/Media Server
Need an IVR? Asterisk’s got you covered. How about a conference
bridge? Yep. It’s in there. What about an autom ated attendant? Asterisk
does that too. How about a replacement for your agi ng legacy voicemail
system? Can do. Unified messaging? No problem. Need a telephony
interface for your web site? Okay.
Asterisk in the Call Center
Asterisk has been adopted by call centers around the world based on its
flexibility. Call center and contact center developers have built complete
ACD systems based on Asterisk. Asterisk has also added new life to
existing call center solutions by adding remote IP agent capabilities,
advanced skills-based routing, predictive and bulk dialing, and more.
Asterisk in the Network
Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs), Competitive Local
Exchange Ca rri ers (C LEC s ) an d eve n first -t ier incu m b en ts hav e
discovered the power of open source communications with Asterisk.
Feature servers, hosted services clusters, voicemail syste ms, and pre-paid
calling solution s, a ll based on Asterisk have helped reduce costs and
enabled flexibility.
Digium, Inc.Page 15
Chapter 1: Overview
Asterisk Everywhere
Asterisk has become the basis for thousands of communications
solutions. If you need to communicate, Asterisk is your answer. For more
information on Asteris k, visit or http://
Digium, Inc.Page 16
Chapter 2
Unit Installation
This chapter provides the following information:
Unpacking the Unit on page 18
Shipm en t Ins pec ti o n on page 19
Front Panel Identification on page 20
Unit Iden ti fica ti on on page 23
USB Requirements on page 24
Hardware Installation on page 25
Software Installation on page 30
Note: The R-Series unit ins t alla tion ins tru ct ions are wri t ten so that
they will apply to any model in the series. Examples and model
specific inf ormation are included as need ed .
Digiu m, In c .Page 17
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Unpacking the Unit
When you unpack your unit, carefully inspect it for any damage that m ay
have occurred in shipment. If damage is suspected, file a claim with the
carrier and contact the reseller from which the unit was purchased. If the
unit was purchased direct from Digium, c ontact Digium Te chnical
Support at +1.256.428.6161. Keep the original shipping container to use
for future shipment or proof of damage during shipment.
Note: Only qualified service personnel should install the unit. Users
should not attempt to perform thi s function themselves. The installer
must ensure that the equipment is reliably earth grounded in
accordance with the National Electrical Code.
This un i t is in t ended fo r in s t a ll ation in a Restricted Access
Location (RAL) only.
Digium, Inc.Page 18
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Shipment Inspection
The following items are includ ed in shipment of an R-Series unit:
R-Series unit
Two USB A-B cables
Rack mounting ears and four screws
Ground nut
Ground ring terminal
Warranty Statement
Quickstart Guide
Note: After inspecting the shipment, Digium highly recommends that
you register the unit for support eligibility. Please refer to Free Installation Support on page 104 for additiona l information on how
to obtain assistance from Digium Technical Support.
Digium, Inc.Page 19
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Alternate I nput
Device Status
Device ID
USB Console
Primary USB
Secondary USB
Primary Status
Secondary Status
Device ID
USB Console
Primary USB
Secondary USB
Primary Status
Secondary Status
Front Panel Identification
This section describes the components on the front panels of the various
R-Series models.
Figure 2: R800 Analog Unit
Digium, Inc.Page 20
Figure 3: R850 Digital Unit
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Alter nate I np ut (o pt ion a l) - Provides an alternate method for con-
necting input lines using an RJ21 interface and is available only on
some analog models.
Note: The Alternate Input and Input co nnectors should not have
lines connected to them at the same time.
Input - These ports are used for connecting input lines, such as those
coming from the PSTN. A cable can be connected from each of these
ports to an input line. Digital models use an RJ45 interface. Analog
models use an RJ11 interface.
Passt hroug h In pu t (opti o nal ) - Thes e ports are gene rally connected
to the primary PBX for the purpose of front-ending a lega cy PBX connected to secondary ports. A cable can be connected from each of
these ports to a separate port on the primary PBX. Digital models use
an RJ45 interface. Analog models use an RJ11 interface.
Note: The Passthrough Input is reserved for future use.
Primary - These ports are used for routing the input lines to the pri-
mary PBX. A cable can be connected from each of these por ts to a separate port on the primary PBX. Digital model s use an RJ45 interface.
Analog models use an RJ11 interface.
Secondary - These ports are used for routing the input lines to the
secondary PBX. A cable can be connected from each of these ports to
a separate port on the secondary PBX. Digita l models use an RJ45
interface. Analog models use an RJ11 interface.
Device Status - This LED corresponds to the status of the R-Series
unit. See Troubleshooting on page 81 for more information.
Device ID - This dial should be set to a number whic h is unique across
all R-Series units that co-exist in an installation. The Device ID
assignment for your first device should be 0, second device should be
1, third device should be 2, and so on.
Digium, Inc.Page 21
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
USB Console - This port can be used to access unit status, system
information, power the R-Series unit, and perform maintenance operations in ASCII Mode without disconnecting the Primary USB or Sec-ondary USB ports. A USB A-B cable may be connecte d from this port
to a USB port on a computer. See ASCII Mode on page 87 for more
Note: Any of the USB ports can be operated in ASCII Mode.
Primary Status - This LED corr es po nds to the status o f the Primary
connection made on Primary USB. See Troubleshooting on page 81
for more inform at i on.
Primary USB - This port is used for communicating with the Primary
PBX, powering the R - Se r i es unit, and accessing AS CII Mode. A USB
A-B cable should be connected from this por t to a USB port on the
Primary PBX. See ASCII Mode on page 87 for more information.
Secondary Status - This LED corresponds to the status of t he Second-
ary connection made on Secondary USB. See Troubleshooting on
page 81 for mor e information.
Secondary USB - This port is used for communicating with the Sec-
ondary PBX, powering the R-Series unit, and accessing AS CII Mode.
A USB A-B cable should be connect ed from this por t to a US B port on
the Secondary PBX. See ASCII Mode on page 87for more inform ation.
Digium, Inc.Page 22
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Unit Identification
The defining characteristic s of the R- Ser ie s models are whether t he uni t
supports analog or digit al lines, the number of ports supported, whether
the unit includes a Passthrough c onnector, and whether the unit supports
RJ21 for an alternate input method. See Table 1 for a list of the various
Table 1: R-Series Models
ModelTypePortsPassthrough RJ21 Input
R850T1/E1/BRI8YesNot Applicable
Note: Passthrough is reserved for future use.
Only qualified service personnel should continue with
hardware installation and confi guration of the R-Serie s unit.
Users should not at tempt to perf orm t hese f unct ions th emselve s.
Digium, Inc.Page 23
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
USB Requirements
The servers which connect to an R-Series unit using the USB Console,
Primary USB, and Secondary USB ports must support USB 1. 1 or greater
for compatibility. If either server does not support at least USB 1.1, an RSeri e s unit w ill not work .
Digium, Inc.Page 24
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Hardware Installat ion
This section describes how to properly install the hardware for an RSeries unit.
The R-Series unit must be properly grounded for safety reasons. If the
unit is not properly grounded, damage could arise to the R-Series unit
and/or other equipment connec ted to the R-Series unit. If an R-Series unit
is damaged while it is improperly grounded, the warranty on the R-Ser ies
unit is void.
A ground lug is located on the opposite side from the front panel of an RSeries unit. Attach an appropria te length and guage of wire to the ground
ring terminal. The wire length should be as short as possible, and guage
should be 18 AWG or greater . Stranded or solid wire is acceptable. Wire
is not provided with the R-S eries unit . Slide the ground ring term inal ove r
the ground lug. Then fasten the ground rin g terminal to the ground lug
using the groun d nut. The ground nut must be turned clockwise to tighten
it onto the ground lug. The opposite end of the wire that is connected to
the ground ring terminal should be secur ily fastened to an unpainted
metalic section of a properly grounded server rack. A connector for the
opposite end of the wire is not provided with the R-Series unit.
Note: Taking into consideration the requir ements of a ll equipment that
is connected to or sharing the rack, the server rack should be properly
grounded. Refer to the manufacturer of the rack for instructions on
how to properly ground the rack.
Digium, Inc.Page 25
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Place one of the rac k mounting ears on the right side of the R-Series unit.
Line up the hol es from the rack m ountings e ar to the t hreaded hole s o n the
side of the R-Series unit. Two screws should be inserted and turned
clockwise to fasten the rack mounting ear. Repeat these steps when
installing a rack mounting ear on the left side of the R-Series unit.
A typical equipment rack installation would have an R-Series unit
mounted on the opposite side of the rack as the servers. Use 2 screws on
each rack mounting ear to secure the R-Series unit to a rack.
Setting Dev ice I D Dial
The Device ID dial should be set to a number which is unique across all
R-Series units that co-exist in an installation. The Device ID assignment
for your first device should be 0, second device should be 1, third device
should be 2, and so on.
Connecting Ports (Powering the Unit)
A description of each of the front panel connectors on an R-Series unit is
available in the section titled Front Panel Identification on page 20.
Please refer to that section to determine what should be connected to each
Connections to an R-Series unit should be made in the following order.
1. Primary
2. Secondary
Digium, Inc.Page 26
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
3. Passthr ough Input (optional) - Reserved for future use.
4. Input or Alternate Input (n ot both)
5. Primary USB
6. Secondary USB
7. USB Console
An R-Series unit will receive powe r from any of the thre e USB
connections (USB Console, Primary USB, Secondary USB). No othe r
power source is required.
Note: You may have t o apply a decent amount of force to disconnect a
USB cable from an R-Series unit. This is normal. The USB connectors
used in the R-Series units are high-retenti on to help prevent accidental
General Recommendations
Using an R-Series unit in conjunction with a USB hub may have
undesirable resul ts.
Each server connected to an R-Series unit should be powered from a
different powe r source.
It is highly recommended that each server co nnected to an R-Series unit
be equipped with sufficient surge protection to reduce the risk of damage
to the server and R-Series unit.
It is recommended that e ach server whic h is connec ted to an R-Seri es unit
be equipped with an uninterruptible power supply that has sufficient
reserve capacity to power the server until electricity is restor ed. A
generator may also be use d as an alternate means of powering the se rvers
while mains power is out.
Digium, Inc.Page 27
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
This unit must be connected to the Teleco mmu nications
Network in your country using an approved line cord, e.g.: for
Australia use only line cords complying with ACA Technical
Standard TS008.
Connect only equipment approved for use in your specifi c
country to the telecommunications ne twork voltage circuit
Note: The following steps need to be performed on all Asterisk nod es
which are connected to an R-Series unit. In addition, all command-line
applications mentione d in this manual must be executed as the root
Log in and e xecute the following command to list the devices detected by
the USB controller:
# lsusb
Digium, Inc.Page 28
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Confirm that the output from lsusb lists a device with a USB vendor ID
of “10c4”. The screen output should be similar to the following:
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 10c4:<device identifier>
Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x Composite
In the USB device listing shown above, <de vice identifier> will be
populated with one of the identifiers listed in the table below.
Note: Unit identifiers are the same for all R-Series models.
Table 2: Unit Identifiers
A Digium R-Series (R800 / R850) unit identifier should be listed. If a
matching unit identifie r is not listed, then your machine is not USB 1.1 (or
higher), and the unit will not work with your motherboard.
Digium, Inc.Page 29
Chapter 2: Unit Installation
Softw a r e In s t al la t io n
While the R-Series units do not requi re DAHDI drivers in order to
function, DAHDI drivers and other libraries may need to be installed in
order for other Digium hardware products to function when connected to
an R-Series u nit.
Digium hardware which relies on DAHDI requires drivers and libraries
that are not integrate d with the Linux kernel. Digium hardware is only
supported under Linux. Digium recommends CentOS, Debian, Red Hat,
and Ubuntu distrib utions of Li nux. However, many other dis tributi ons a re
supported by Digium Technical Suppor t.
Digium’s software, including drivers and application software, may be
obtained from Digium’s download servers at :
For an introduction to Asterisk, Digium’s telephony software, including
additional infor mation on its configuration, setup, and fea tures, please
refer to:
For the latest information on se tting up and configuring DAHDI drivers
for your Digium hardware products, please refer to the latest release of
your products’ manuals which are available from the product-specific
documentation secti on at:
Digium, Inc.Page 30
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