Front Panel Display and Keypad
Keypad Functions:
Power ON - M key
U - Unit Select - ft-lb, in-lb or Nm
- Zero Angle (hold the key 3 Sec.)
- Zero Tare Torque (hold the key 3 Sec.)
- Print angle and torque to PC
M - Mode Select - TORQUE, ANGLE & PRINT (via USB)
- Manual power off, (hold the key 3 Sec.)
▲ - Increase TARGET TORQUE / ANGLE value
(Push and Hold the key for rapid scrolling)
▼ - Decrease TARGET TORQUE value
(Push and Hold the key for rapid scrolling)
Power OFF is automatic after 2 minutes of being idle
Rear Panel Input/Output
1. Setup:
a. P ower ON the Torque & Angle Meter by pushing
the M key.
Power OFF Push and Ho ld th e M key for m ore
than 3 seconds to power down.
b. Push the U key (Select En gi neer ing Uni ts )
Repeatedly push the U key to display the desired
Unit of measure, ft-lb, in-lb or Nm.
In Torque Mode:
1– Clear Torque Display ( Push the U key )
2– Zero tare ( Push and Hold the U key for 3 Sec.)
In Angle Mode:
1– Print torque and angle value to PC (Push the U
when device display “PRINT”)
2– Zero Angle ( Push and Hold the U key for 3 Sec.)
Make sure the device stays on flat surface and
is stationary.
C. Push the M key.( Select To rq ue o r An gl e Mod e. )
1 - Repeatedly push the M key to select Torque or
Angle Mode.
2 - Exit Print Mode (Hold M key 3 sec.). After each
angle measurement, users are presented with
“PRINT”. To clear the current data and go
on to the next angle measurem ent. Hold M key will
clear data and setup fo r t he n ew measur emen t.
Continued measurement can be done by applying
torque again.
D. Push the ▲ or ▼ key. (Increase or Decrease
Target Torque to the desired value.)
Torque Mode: Use these keys to i ncrease or
decrease the Torque Target.
Angle Mode: Use th ese keys to i ncrease or
decrease to the trigger torque. Trigger torque is the
minimum torque required for angle to calculate.
During loading in TORQUE and ANGLE modes, the
Torque and Angle Meter will display the applied
torque or Angle in real time. The yellow LEDs and
The internal buzzer begin pulsing at 80% of the
TARGET TORQUE, increasing as the TARGET
TORQUE value is approached.
2. Application:
a. With the power on, install the Torque and Angle Meter
between the driver and the socket.
b. Apply torque load to the fastener in either CW or CCW
directions. During loading, the Torque and Angle Meter will
display applied torque in real time.
c. When the applied torque is within 4% of the TARGET
TORQUE value in PEAK modes, the green LED, buzzer
and vibrator (optional) will alert continuously. Stop applying
torque, as the installation is complete.
TAU series is
The DTS Torque and Angle Meter USB provides Torque accuracy within ±1% of reading between 10% and 100% of full scale.
Angle accuracy ±1° of 90° rotation @ speeds between 2°/s to
400°/s. It is rugged enough to accept the output torque of nonimpacting: power tools, nut-runners or robotic spindles.
It may be used as an adaptor between any square drive hand
tool, such as a ratchet wrench or breaker bar, and common
fastener drive sockets
Because the Torque and Angle Meter is entirely self-contained,
there is no wrap up of interconnecting cables during use.
The display is user selectable for ft-lb, in-lb or Nm units of
How to transfer data to PC (via Microsoft Excel, Word, …)
1- After collecting data (Maximum data stored is 360 )
2- Connect the Micro USB cable to TAU unit
3- Connect the USB to PC
4- Run the program DTS_USB.EXE,
which is found on the
included CD
5- Make sure the Connection
Status Box is Green
If not, Click Check
Comm in the Tool bar
5- Open Microsoft
Excel program
6- Move the cursor to
any cell to receive the
NOTE: Movi ng th e
cursor to a different
document will cause
the data to begin
appearing on the new
7- Press U on TAU unit
to transfer all data to
the PC.
Important Safety Instructions
Operator Instructions
WARNING - Risk of flying particles.
Read this entire User’s Guide before using the
Torque and Angle meter. Always follow good
professional tool practices.
Wear Safety goggles.
Ensure that all equipment is in good working order
and that ratings of the Torque Meter, tools and
drives exceed the torque being applied.
Never use the Torque and Angle Meter with the
power off.
Never initiate ZeroTare with torque applied.
Save these instructions.