29 | Chapter 1 : DVR User Manual
triggered during dwell time. The system will also send a “sensor event” message to the Pivot Client Software
over the network. If “SENSOR” is disabled in the “DEVICE” menu, and recording mdoe is set to “CONT +
SENS”, the system will record with continuous recording even when a sensor is triggered.
Pink - “Motion” + “Sensor”-The system records only when motion is detected AND when a sensor is triggered at
the same time. If ‘MOTION’ and ‘SENSOR’ are both disabled in the “DEVICE” menu, the system will not
record nor notify the Pivot Client Software when motion occurs or a sensor is activated.
Purple- “Continuous” + “Motion” + “Sensor”- The system records continuously and will switch to ‘MOTION’ or
‘SENSOR’ recording mode if motion is detected in the motion area, or if a sensor is triggered during dwell
4. To view video from the selected time, follow one of the options below:
a. Use the manual hour option to view specific hours of the day .
b. Using the table, click on the hour you would like to view in playback.
5. Press the ‘Play’ butt on at the bottom fo t he window. The system will display all channels in playback mode,
corresponding to the selected date and time.
Dark Blue Color- The data recorded during DST (Daylight Saving Time) will be indicated in Dark Blue
color in the Intelli-Search Bar on playback mode.
3.10.2 Event Log
1. T o open Event Log Search, perform one of the following options:
a. Click quick menu button, select SearchÆ Event Log
b. Right-click anywhere on the screen ans select SearchÆ Event Log.
2. Select the date you would like to search.
3. Select which events should be included i n the log rep ort. Select from: Sensor, Motion, Video Loss, Panic Recording,
HDD Full, or All.
4. Press ‘Se arc h’. T he s yst em w il l dis pla y all s earc h r esul ts i n t he t abl e, st arti ng w ith t he l ate st ev ent s.
5. Use the buttons on the bottom of the window to move between the l og report’ s pages.
6. If necessary , export this l og report to a USB
memory device in text file format.
a. Attach a USB memory stick to the
USB port
b. Press “SCAN” to detect the USB
c. Press “EXPORT” to copy the log
information to the media.
7. Click play icon to play back the selected
event data.
If an alarm or event do not appear in the envent log, check the alarm settings, and connection port at the
DVR’s rear panel.