7. To view the camera’s web viewer, click on ‘V iew Camera Website’.
8. To save the chan ges made to the camera’s settings, input th e ID and PW of
the camera for au thentication and click ‘Save’.
9. If th e camera needs to be rebooted af ter the setting s were changed, press
the ‘Reboot’ but ton. The camera will cycle power an d will appear back in the
search results once the reboot is complete.
6. The camera’s default network information is:
Use the DW IP Finder™ software to sca n the network and detect all MEGA pix®
cameras, set th e camera’s network settings or acce ss the camera’s web client.
Rev Date: 04/18
Copyright © D igital Watchdog. A ll rights reserv ed.
Specications and pricing are subject to change without notice.
Select DHC P if the internet servi ce is dynamic IP. This will allow the ca mera to
receive its IP a ddress from the DHCP se rver.
Select STATIC to manuall y enter the camera’s IP addre ss, subnet mask,
Gateway and DNS in formation.
Contact your network administrator for more information.
Default TCP/IP information
‘Port Forwa rding’ has to be set in your net work’s router for externa l access
to the camera .
Default ID / PW : ad min / admin
Network Setup
1. Go to: http://www.digital-watchdog.com
2. Se arch for ‘IP Finder’ on the quick se arch bar at the top of the page.
3. Th e latest IP Finder software wi ll appear in the search resul ts. Click on the
link to download the le to your computer.
4. Th e software will scan your net work for all supported cam eras and display
the results in the ta ble. Allow up to 5 seconds for the IP Fin der to nd the
camera on the network.
5. Se lect a camera from the list by dou ble-clicking on the came ra’s image
or clicking on t he ‘Click’ button under the IP Conf. col umn. The camera’s
network infor mation will appear. If necessar y, you can adjust the ca mera’s
network type.
Quick Start Guide
NOTE: Some Me nu options may not be available base d on the camera
model. See the fu ll manual for more information.
NOTE: For secu rity purposes, it is highl y recommended to change
the camera’s default pa ssword.
NOTE: This ca mera’s web client must b e accessed via Internet Ex plorer®
web browser only.
The GUI disp lay may differ by cam era models.
Once the came ra’s network setting s have been setup properly, you can acce ss
the camera’s web viewer us ing the DW IP Finder™ (see step 7 under STEP 4
IP Finder™), or directly via an In ternet Exp lorer® web browser.
To open the camera’s web viewer:
1. Open a web browser (Internet Explorer
8.0 or above).
2. Ente r the camera’s IP address and port in the a ddress bar. Example:
Please note that por t forwarding may be neces sary in order to access
the camera fro m a different network. Plea se contact your network
administrator for additional information.
3. Ente r the camera’s username and password (def ault are admin / admin).
4. If you a re accessing the camera for th e rst time, install the ActiveX player
for web les in orde r to view video from the camera.
Search for Devices
Device’s Network Settings
Devices Firmware Version
Select which Network to ScanCamera’s Live Thumbnail View
Show/Hide Thumbnail ViewFilter Search Results
Device Name, Model,
IP Address, and MAC Address
Firmware Upgrade