Quick Start Guide
Rev Date: 02/16 Copyright © Dig ital Watchdog . All rights r eserve d. Specifi cations and p ricing are subj ect to change w ithout noti ce.
1. Open an Internet E xplorer web browser (other web browser s are supported but with limite d features).
2. Enter the Com pressor’s IP address in the address ba r.
3. Enter the Com pressor’s username and passwo rd.
Default values are username: admin | password: 123456
Power Source
Analog Camera 8
Analog Camera 1 Analog Camera 2 Analog Camera 3 Analog Camera 4 Analog Camera 5 Analog Camera 6 Analog Camera 7
Analog Camera 16Analog Camera 9 Analog Camera 10 Analog Camera 11 Analog Camera 12 Analog Camera 13 Analog Camera 14 Analog Camera 15
Network Switch
On Network wit h DHCP Server / Router (Aut omatic IP)
1. Connect the devic e and the PC within the same net work segment. Once connected, an IP ad dress will
be assigned to the Enco der.
2. Fin d the Encoder via Windows Ex plorer or IP Utility.
By Windows Explorer
a. Go to Star t > My Computer > Network.
b. Double-click on the device name.
By IP Utility
a. Downloa d IP Utility from our website
b. Run IP Utilit y to start searching for
network devices.
c. Click the IP a ddress of the Encoder.
3. T he Web Congurator appears with th e IP address of the Encoder on the URL b ar. Login to access the
On Network without DHCP Server (Default IP)
1. If necessar y, congure the IP set tings of your PC to match with the networ k segment of the Encoder.
2. Ope n a web browser and type 19 2.168. 0.100 on th e URL address bar. The Web Congurator appear s.
Login to access the Enco der.
NOTE: For full functi onality, it is recommended to use Micros oft Internet Explorer®. When using non-IE
browsers, free 3rd par ty software plug-ins ma y be required. Refer to the device Firmware
Manual for more information.
NOTE: The Compressor™ is fully compatible w ith Digital Watchdog’s DW Spectrum™ IPVMS.
4- and 16- channel recording li censes are sold separately.
Encoder Defaults
IP Address:
192.1 68. 0.10 0
IP Address:
192.1 68. 0. 99 or
192.1 68. 0.101 or
192.1 68. 0.102 and so on
PC can be assign ed with
How to congure the P C IP address?
Click Start > C ontrol Panel > Network an d Sharing Center > Chang e Adapter Settings.
Then follow the steps bel ow:
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