The MACSUB 615
is a very compact and innovative
that can ensure an
absolute sound quality in any use conditions.
It incorporates a powerful and reliable 600 Wrms power amplifier with MOS-FET technology
designed for making a dynamic and clear sound, along with a music quality without equal.
The dynamics of trasducer is maximized by the AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSOR and the
ELECTRONIC LIMITER and it at the same time protected from signal peaks and
distorsion wich could compromise its lenght.
Thanks to the trasducers quality, the high technological content of its incorporated power
amplifier, the
meet the strict demand of PA system as bass frequency
reinforcement system.
On the top of the cabinet there is a top hat on which insert a standard stand for acoustic
inputs are BALANCED 3 poles XLR CANNON type.
Balanced connection is studied to have a better rejection against the noise that wires (if very
long) takes from external interferences.
Most of professional audio equipment have balanced outputs, you can use however non
balanced connection with mono JACK (or 3 poles CANNON with pin 3 connected to pin 1)
the MACSUB 615 will work normally, but it will be more sensitive to external interferences.
LINK outputs are paralleled with inputs, so they are balanced/sbalanced like the inputs.
XOVER outputs are always BALANCED type.
Internal crossover can be utilized in STEREO mode; connecting the two inputs L - R and their
outputs, or in MONO mode; connecting only the R (MONO) input and its relative outputs (see
The crossover outputs can be LINK or XOVER types;
• LINK OUTPUT is nothing else that the paralleled input signal, it can be used to give the save
signal to another speaker system.
It can be used to have a reinforcement on bass frequency, the speaker system connected to
the LINK output will reproduce the full range of frequency. If the speaker system does not
can handle bass frequency or you hear dangerous distorsions, is preferred to use XOVER
• XOVER OUTPUT allows to exclude from the output signal all bass frequency range (< 125 Hz).
It can be used to have the best sound clearness and an higher sound pressure in the
mid/high frequency. The sound system connected to the XOVER ouput will reproduce only the
mid/high frequency range (> 125 Hz).
To have an higher sound pressure in bass frequency, is preferred to use LINK output.
Volume knob adjust the input level of the two inputs and control only the subwoofer level,
the volume of LINK and XOVER outputs are unchanged.
Is preferred to use this control to have the right compromise between the bass frequency
generated from subwoofer and the rest of sound system.
The sound level can vary, it depend of the type of sound systems and connections
(balanced/sbalanced - link/xover).
The internal electronic limiter will always protect the loudspeaker and the amplifier from
dangerous input signal levels.