Arming and Disarming XTL User’s Guide 9
Arming and Disarming
How Your System Operates
Your system has been programmed to operate in one of three
modes: Area, All/Perimeter or Home/Sleep/Away.
• All/Perimeter — Your burglary protection is divided into two
areas: Interior and Perimeter.
Perimeter arming is for when you are staying inside but want
the comfort of knowing the exterior doors and windows are
armed. Perimeter arming allows you to move freely about
inside without setting off any interior alarms.
All arms both the Perimeter and the Interior of the system. You
want to arm both of these areas when leaving the building and
no one is left inside.
• Home/Sleep/Away — Your burglary protection is divided into
two or three areas: Perimeter, Interior, and Bedrooms.
Home (Perimeter) arming is for when you are staying inside but
want the comfort of knowing the exterior doors and windows are
Sleep (Perimeter and Interior) arms all areas except those near
bedrooms and nighttime areas.
Away (Perimeter, Interior, and Bedrooms) arms all three areas
for when you leave the building and no one is left inside.
• Area — Your burglary protection is divided into up to six
areas. Each area can have a custom name, be turned on or
off independently of other areas, and limit access to only those
users with proper authority.
Regardless of which mode is programmed, much of the operation
is similar. Throughout this guide, any differences between the
systems are noted for your convenience.
Arming Functions
and other protection devices to be armed are in normal condition.
If everything is normal, the system arms. If there is a problem on
one or more burglary zones, the keypad displays the problem and
allows you to correct the problem or bypass those zones.
If the problem can be corrected by closing a door or window, do
not bypass the zone. Instead, correct the problem and try arming
again. If the problem cannot be corrected, you can bypass the zone
or wait until the zone can be repaired by a service technician. A
bypassed zone is ignored by the system during the armed period.
In some cases the keypad might display FRONT DOOR - FAULT.
The keypad may then display PRIORITY ZONE, which is a zone that
cannot be bypassed. The problem on the zone must be corrected
before the system can be armed.
After making your arming selection, the keypad displays any zones
that are currently bypassed. These zones remain bypassed until
the system is armed and then disarmed. Any 24-hour zones in a
faulted condition also display.
Armed Message: After completing all bypasses or correcting zone
faults, the areas selected are armed.
For All/Perimeter systems the keypad displays ALL SYSTEM ON if all
areas in the system are arming or PERIMETER ON if only selected
areas are arming.
For Home/Away or Home/Sleep/Away systems the keypad displays
ALL SYSTEM ON if all areas in the system are arming, HOME SYSTEM
ON or SLEEP SYSTEM ON if only selected areas are arming.
For an Area System the keypad displays SYSTEM ON if at least one
area in the system is armed, followed by the area numbers that
were armed. The keypad displays ALL SYSTEM ON if all areas in the
system are armed.