Digital Equipment Installation And Configuration Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF
Installation and Configuration
Part Number: EK-DVNEF-IN. C01
September 1997
This manual describes how to install and configure the VNswitch 900EF.
Revision/Update Information:
This is a revised document.
Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner
described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions
contained in this pub lic atio n im p ly the g ra nti ng of lic en ses to mak e, use , o r se ll eq uip m ent o r soft ware in
accordance with the description.
Possession, use, or copying of the software describ ed in this publication is autho rized only pursuant to a valid written
license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicenso r.
DECconnect, DEChub, DIGITAL, and the DIGITAL logo.
All other trademarks and registered trad emarks are the property of their respective holders.
FCC Notice — Class A Computing Device:
This equipment generates, uses, and may emit radio frequency energy. The equipment has been type
tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of FCC rules,
which are designed to provide rea s onable protection against s uch radio frequency interference.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference in which case the user at his own
expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. Any
modifications to this device - unless expressly approved by the manufacturer - can void the user's
authority to operate this equipment under part 15 of the FCC rules.
VCCI Notice — Class 1 Computing Device:
This equipment is in the 1st Class category (information equipment to be used in commercial and/or
industrial areas) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Cont rol Council for Interference by
Data Processing Equipment and Electronic Office Machines aimed at pr eventing radio interference in
commercial and/or industrial areas. Consequently, when used in a residential area or in an adjacent area
thereto, radio interference may be caused to radios and TV receivers. Read th e in structions for correct
CE Notice — Class A Computing Device:
This is a Class A product. In a domest ic environ ment, this pro duct may cause radi o inte rference , in which
case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Dieses ist ein Gerät der Funkstörgrenzwertklasse A. In Wohnbereichen können bei Betrieb dieses Gerätes
Rundfunkstörungen auftreten, in welchen Fällen der Benutzer für entsprechende Gegenma
verantwortlich ist.
Cet appareil est un appareil de Classe A. Dans un environnement résidentiel cet appareil peut provoquer
des brouillages radioélectriques. Dans ce cas, il peut être demandé à l'utilisateur de prendre les mesures
This manual describes how to install and set up the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF
module and install a Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Modular Media In terface
(Mod-FDDI) card. It also provides problem solving, connector and adapter, and pin
assignment information.
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for use by personnel who will install and set up the VNswitch
900EF module.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1Provides an overview of the VNswitch 900EF module and
Chapter 2Provides instructions for installing the FDDI Mod ular Media
Chapter 3Provides instructions for installing the VNswitch 900EF
Chapter 4Provides instructions for connecting to the setup port on the
Chapter 5Provides information on how to configure the VNswitch
Chapter 6Provides information on how to configure the VNswitch
Chapter 7Provides information on how to remove the module from the
Appendix AProvides installation-specific problem solving information
Appendix BProvides information about connectors, adapters, and pin
Appendix CProvides product specifications for the VNswitch 900EF
describes its features.
Interface cards into the module.
module into a DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 (formerly DEChub
900 MultiSwitch).
DEChub ONE docking station and the DIGITAL
MultiSwitch 9 00 (formerly DEChub 900 MultiSwitch).
900EF in a DEChub ONE docking station.
900EF module in a DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 (formerly
DEChub 900 MultiSwitch).
DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 (formerly DEChub 900
using the LEDs.
assignments for the VNswitch 900EF.
Convention s an d Te rm s
This manual uses the following conventions:
NOTEContains information of special interest.
Conventions and Terms
Special Type
<Return>Indicates that you should press the Return key.
Terms Used in This Manual
This manual uses the following terms:
10BaseT10 Mb/s 802.3 Ethernet over standard unshielded twisted-
EthernetThe DIGITAL term for its product compatibility with ISO
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface, a set of industry standards
Mod-FDDIFDDI Modular Media Interface, front-insertable, hot-
ModPMDModular Physical Media-Dependent interface.
Indicates system output in examples.
Indicates user input in examples.
pair cable.
8802-3/ANSI/IEEE 802.3 standards and the Ethernet
standards for CSMA/CD local area networks (LANs).
for high-speed, fiber-optic ring, local area networks.
swappable, single-slot option interface cards.
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol, an industry-
standard protocol for network management.
UTPUnshielded twisted-pair cable with no metal shielding
around the conductors.
Associated Documents
Associated Documents
The following documents pr ovide informat ion relat ing to the modul e. To order any of
the following documents, refer to the directions in How to Order Additional
Title and Order NumberDescription
DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900
Owner’s Manual
DEChub ONE Installation
DEChub ONE-MX Installation
clearVISN InstallationProvides pre- and post-installation
clearVISN OverviewProvides an overview of the clearVISN
clearVISN User’s GuideProvides information for starting and
Provides installation, use, security, and
troubleshooting information for the
DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900.
Provides installation and operation
guidelines for standalone module
configuration in a DEChub ONE docking
station, including mounting options and
Provides installation and operation
guidelines for standalone module
configuration a DEChub ONE-MX docking
station, including mounting options and
information, as well as actual installation
procedures for each application.
software, an explanation of each application,
and descriptions of all concepts necessary to
understand and use the application
configuring each application, and general use
VNswitch 900 S eries T echnical
VNswitch 900 Series Switch
Provides a technical overview of the
VNswitch 900 family of high-density
switching products.
Describes how to configure, monitor, and
manage a VNswitch 900 series module.
Title and Order NumberDescription
Associated Documents
OPEN DECconnect
Applications Guide
Provides information to help plan and install
networking systems based on the DIGITAL
OPEN DECconnect System and networking
Event Logging System
Messages Guide
Bridge and Extended
LAN Reference
Describes messages logged by the Event
Logging System.
Describes how bridges are used to create
extended local area networks (LANs). The
descriptions include the use of bridges in
extended LAN configurations, information
on LAN interconnections, overall bridge
operation, spanning tree, bridge
management, and solving bridge-related
problems in a network.
FDDI Modular Media
Interface Cards Installation
1. The title of this manua l re fle cts the product name chan ge from DEChub 900 MultiSwitc h to DIGITAL
MultiSwitch 900.
Explains how to install and verify the
operation of the FDDI modular media
interface cards.
Documentation Comments
If you have comments o r su gg est ions about this document, send t hem t o th e Ne two rk
Products Business Organization.
P.O. Box CS2008
Nashua, New Hampshire 03061
(Place prepaid orders from Puerto Rico with the local
DIGITAL subsidiary: 809-754-7575)
940 Belfast Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 4C2
Attn: A&SG Business Manager
A&SG Business Manager
c/o local DIGITAL subsidiary or approved distributor
8 Cotton Road
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
The cautions that must be observed for the hardware described in this manual are listed
in this section in English, German, French, and Spanish. Any warning or caution that
appears in this manual is defined as follows:.
WARNINGContains information to prevent personal injury.
CAUTIONContains information to prevent damage to
VORSICHTEnthält Informationen, die beachtet werden mü ssen
um den Benutzer vor Schaden zu bewahren.
ACHTUNGEnthält Informationen, die beachtet werden mü ssen
um die Gerate vor Schaden zu bewahren
DANGERSignale les informations destinées à prévenir les
accidents corporels.
ATTENTIONSignale les informations destinées à prévenir la
détérioration du matériel.
AVI SOContiene información para evitar daños personales.
PRECAUCIÓNContiene información para evitar daños al equipo.
WARNINGSome fiber-optic equipment can emit laser or infrared
light that can injure your eyes. Never look into an optical
fiber or connector port. Always assume the cable is
connected to a light source.
VORSICHTBestimmte Lichtleitergeräte können für die Augen
gefährliches Laser- oder Infrarotlicht abstrahlen.
Vermeiden Sie es daher unter allen Umständen, dire kt in
ein Lichtleiterkabel oder einen Lichtleiteranschluß zu
schauen. Gehen Sie immer davon aus, daß
Lichtleiterkabel mit einer Lichtquelle verbunden sind.
DANGERCertains équipements à fibre optique p euvent émettre un
rayonnement laser ou in fra-rouge pouvant provoqu er des
troubles oculaires. Ne regardez jamais à l'intérieur d'une
fibre optique ou d'un port de connecteur. Considérez qu e
le câble est connecté en permanence à une source
AVISOCiertos equipos de fibras ópticas pu eden emitir luz
lasérica o infrarroja con riesgos de lesiones en los ojos.
No se debe nunca mirar en una fibra ó pti ca o un a puer t a
de conexión. Siempre hay que suponer que el cable está
conectado a una fuente luminosa.
WARNINGTo prevent personal injury or equipmen t damage, do
not insert telecommunications cabling into the
Optical Bypass Relay connector.
VORSICHTUm Personen oder Geräteschäden zu vermeiden,
dürfen Sie das Telefonkabel Auf Keinen Fall am
Anschluß des optischen By pass-Relais anschließen.
DANGERPour éviter tout risque d'accident corporel ou de
dommage matériel, Ne Branchez Pas de câble de
télécommunication sur le connecteur de relais
sélectif optique.
AVISOPara evitar daños personales o al equipo, No se debe
introducir cableado de telecomunicaciones en el
conector óptico de relés de derivación.
CAUTIONStatic electricity can damage modules and electronic
components. DIGITAL recommends using a grounded
antistatic wrist strap and a grounded work surface when
handling any modules.
ACHTUNGModule und elektronische Komponenten können durch
elektrostatische Entl adungen beschädigt werden. Benutzen
Sie immer eine antistatische Gelenkmanschette und eine
geerdete Arbeitsunterlage, wenn Sie am offenen Gerät
ATTENTIONLes charges excessives d'électricité statique peuvent
endommager les modules et les composants électroniques.
DIGITAL conseille l'utilisation d'un bracelet de masse et
d'un plan de travail mis à la terre lors de la manipulation
des modules.
PRECAUCIONLa electricidad estática puede dañar los componentes
electrónicos y los módulos. DIGITAL recomienda que se
utilicen cintas de pasadores y superficies de trabajo
conectadas a tierra al trabajar con cualquier módulo.
CAUTIONThis action deletes all configu red settings and
replaces them with factory default values. All
configuration settings will be lost.
ACHTUNGBei diesem Vorgang werden alle
Konfigurationseinstellungen gelöscht und die
Werkseinstellungen wieder eingesetzt. Alle
Konfigurationsdaten gehen verloren.
ATTENTIONCette action supprime tous les paramètres de
configuration et les remplace par des valeurs
prédéfinies. Tous les paramètres de configuration
seront perdus.
PRECAUCIÓNEsta intervención borrará todos los parámetros de
configuración y los sustituirá por valores por defecto
definidos de fábrica. Se perderán todos los
parámetros de configuración.
This chapter describes the features of the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF module.
For further technical information on the VNswitch 900EF, refer to VNswitch 900
Series Technical Overview and VNswitch 900 Series Switch Management.
In This Chapter
This chapter consists of the following topics:
What Is the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF?1-2
Chapter 1
Product Introduction
Product Introduction 1-1
What Is the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF?
What Is the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF?
The VNswitch 900EF (also referred to in this manual as the module) is a highthroughput, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) manageable, multiport
network switch for linking Ethernet LANs with other Ethernet LANs or a Fiber
Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) backbone. It provides switching for up to 12
Ethernet LANs and one high-speed FDDI network.
The module is available in two versions: DVNEF-MM and DVNEF-MX.
The MM version provides factory-inst alled ANSI MIC connectors for FDDI over
Multimode Fiber (MMF). The MM version also includes an FDDI optical bypass
relay (OBR) port to provide temporary optical bypass around the module in the
case of a power outage.
The MX version provides optional modular media interface (Mod-FDDI) cards
that offer either MMF on SC-type connectors, Single-Mode Fiber (SMF) on SCtype connectors, or unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) con nectors.
Both modules provide 12 10BaseT Ethernet switched ports on the front panel.
The module is auto-configured to connect to the 400 Mb/s VNbus if the DIGITAL
MultiSwitch 900 Chassis Manager (for merly DEChub 900 MultiSwitch Hub
Manager) has autoconnect enabled. The VNbus provides interoperability across the
MultiSwitch 900 backplane with other VNswitch modules while maintaining front
panel connectivity. Additionally, each of the module’s ports (including the FDDI port)
can be individually redirected to a MultiSwitch 900 backplane LAN segment.
The module includes a large address table (approximately 8000 entries) and is fully
IEEE 802.1d standards-compliant, ensuring the high perf ormance and packet integrity
that are required in large switched networks.
The VNswitch 900EF module also offers nonvolatile flash memory for easy, nondisruptive upgrades of the device firmware using Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(TFTP) load protocol. This eliminates the need to replace or upgrade hardware in the
future, and avoids the associated costs and disruption to network users.
You can configure the module into the DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 (also referred to in
this manual as the MultiSwitch 9 00) or as a standalone unit into a DEChub ONE or
DEChub ONE-MX docking station (see the DEChub ONE Installation or DEChub ONE-MX Install ation manual). The module is fully interoperable with other modules
(including MultiSwitch 900 and DEChub 90 modules) when installed into a
MultiSwitch 900.
1-2 Product Introduction
What Is the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF?
With clearVISN management, the FDDI PHY ports can also be individually switched
to a MultiSwitch 900 backplane LAN. Also, Ethernet port 12 can be redirected to the
MultiSwitch 900 backplane LAN segment or to other backplane LANs.
When the VNswitch 900EF module is connected to a DEChub ONE docking station,
a user can configure either the DEChub ONE AUI port or the module’s front panel
port 11 as an active Ethernet interface.
Product Introduction 1-3
The following sections describe the features of the VNswitch 900EF switch. For
further information, refer to the VNswitch 900 Series Technical Overview.
Hot Swap
The DVNEF-MX module supports the hot-swap feature. With hot-swapping
capabilities, you can perform the following functions without turning off the power.
Install or remove the module from a DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900.
Install or remove the Mod-FDDI cards.
Configuration and Management
The following configuration and management options are available:
Auto-configuring at power- up.
Support for up to 256 internal addresses for management and other purposes.
Manageable via SNMP or Command Line Interface (CLI) management via
Telnet, an attached terminal device, or both.
Upgradeable device firmware (in nonvolatile flash memory) using TFTP with
clearVISN Flash Loader or in the DEChub One docking station through the setup
port with any TFTP server.
Built-in SNMP management agent. It supports a comp rehensive graphical user
interface (GUI), using the DIGITAL clearVISN MultiChassis Manager, that is
identical for both in-band and out-of-band management.
Support for approximately 8000 network addr ess es.
Support for a Load/Dump/Management (LDM) port that allow s do wnline loads
and upline dumps of operational images.
•User-configured rate limiting for broadcast and multicast packets by address and
specified protocol.
•Supports backplane LANs by allo wing all 10BaseT por ts and th e FDDI po rt to be
individually directed (through management software, such as the clearVISN
MultiChasis Manager) to the MultiSwitch 900 backplane.
•May be used with other VNswitch 900 modules to create various configurations
involving Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, FDDI, and ATM by connecting over the
400 Mb/s VNbus.
1-4 Product Introduction
The following bridging features and options are available:
High-speed, local traffic filtering and forwarding
Full line-rate bridge forwarding − up to 750,000 packets-per-second per module
Spanning tree loop detection protocol, IEEE 802.1d compliant
Support for multiple spanning trees with the ability to turn off the spanning tree
algorithm on an individual port
The following FDDI features are available:
Full-duplex FDDI.
Provides translation between FDDI and 802.3 Ethernet frame formats for direct
transparent connections, translation of AppleTalk 1 and 2 AARP packets, and
handling of Novell IPX raw 802.3 packets.
Supports operation in either an FDDI tree or dual ring configuration.
— FDDI port A/M can be switched to emulate an M port of a concentrator. Th is
action causes FDDI port B/S to automatically switch to emulate an S port.
— Allows attachment to concentrators by allowing both FDDI ports to be
directed to the MultiSwitch 900 backplane.
Product Introduction 1-5
The following Ethernet features are available:
Twelve 10BaseT Ethernet switched ports on the front panel that can b e redirected
to a MultiSwitch 900 backplane LAN through clearVISN Mu ltiChassis Manager.
When the module is installed into a DEChub ONE or DEChub ONE-MX docking
station (DEHUA or DEF1H), a user can assign the module’s front panel port 11
to the DEChub ONE docking station’s AUI port.
Half- and full-duplex Ethernet operation over all ports.
The VNswitch 900EF has a built-in SNMP agent and manageability using any generic
SNMP management application that supports the MIBs listed below:
— MIB II (RFC 1213)
— Interfaces Group of MIB II (RFC 1573)
— Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)
— Draft of IETF 802.3 MAU MIB
— DIGITAL/Proteon Comet MIB
— DEChub 900 Public Common MIB
— DEChub Internal Common MIB
— Ethernet (RFC 1643)
— FDDI (RFC 1512)
•SNMP support for GETs and for the following standard traps, along with many
proprietary traps:
— linkUp
— linkDown
1-6 Product Introduction
VLAN Secure Domains
The VLAN secure domains (VSD) support has the following features:
Ability to group ports into VS Ds.
Ability to join VSDs in different VNswitch modules acro ss the VNbus.
Support of port groups within a MultiSwitch 900 to create larger distributed
multicast domains.
Support as many as 63 port-based VSDs across each VNbus.
Support for independ ent spanning trees per module (one s pann ing t ree per VSD).
For further information on VLANs, refer to the clearVISN User’s Guide and the clearVISN Overview.
Product Introduction 1-7
Chapter 2
Installing Modular Media Interface Cards
This chapter explains how to install FDDI Modular Media Interface (Mod-FDDI)
cards into the MX version of the DIGITAL VNswitch 900EF modu le.
For detailed information on the available cards, refer to the FDDI Modular Media Interface Cards Installation manual.
In This Chapter
Installation Preparation2-2
Removing the Slot Cover2-3
Installing the Card2-4
Removing the Card 2-6
Installing Modular Media Interface Cards 2-1
Installation Preparation
Installation Prep ar at ion
To prepare to install the card into the host module, complete the followin g s teps:
Required Tools
Digital Equipment Corporation recommends the use of, but does not supply, the
following tools to install the cards:
Remove the contents from the box and be sure to keep all original
packing materials. The card comes packed in protective antistatic
material. You should not remove the card from the material until you are
ready to install the card.
Check the shipment for damage and missing parts. In case of damaged
or missing parts, contact your delivery agent and your DIGITAL sales
Make sure you have the proper Modular Media Interface (MMI) card for
your module. ATM modPHY, Fast Ethernet MM-100, and Mod-FDDI
cards are not interchangeable.
Check the VNswitch 900 Series release notes shipped with the module
for important information not included in th is manual.
Phillips-head screwdriver
Antistatic grounding strap and grounded work surface
Static electricity can damage modules and electronic components. DIGITAL
recommends using a grounded antistatic wrist strap and a grounded work surface
when handling any modules.
2-2 Installing Modular Media Inter face Cards
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